All work and no play make Jack a dull boy - The Shining (1980) 1/2

All work and no play make Jack a dull boy - The Shining (1980) 1/2


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@LoveHandle4890 - 12.01.2023 10:30

This film never ceases to amaze me.

@strangerthingshorrorfanbas6977 - 02.05.2023 01:13

What makes this scene really scary is that Jack was saying that he was very focused on doing his work throughout the movie but he was just writing the same sentence over and over again! That’s also a perfect reveal to the viewer realizing everything Jack has been doing all along! The hotel really did drive him insane

@wedgeromewedgerome - 14.05.2023 04:16

Revelation "To Reveal Something"
Firstly, I am convinced that insanity, ghosts, possession, all begin when a person realizes they have been ignorant their whole lives and make their first breakthroughs. Hey. The truth destroys empires, mostly because they are filled with blind idiots. America is slowly discovering it was an ignorant hick. It was a deadly combination of the Occult, scientific discovery, invention, failed war, and constant political advice that led to the downfall of medieval Prussia. This is a combination much like what exists today. It was the ushering in of these truths that did it. This is not to mention the rise of paper money and the revealing of the math system's actual truths. If one wants to know how to crash an entire empire, this would be the formula. Next thing they know there's an inquisition, etc. Ha ha ha ha. I can only laugh. What goes around seems to come around, huh? We should have the political right to spank Americans for just existing. Move in the real books, not your old Waldenbooks (R) choice? Information (yes, books) are literally the way to both conquer and destroy the world. Some Americans were literally starved for real books and waiting for antiquity and dark ages history like a pinata that never showed up.
Note* I'm not going to show you what is what by getting a better job. I know that tactic they use.

@crazystemlady - 07.06.2023 06:20

my notes are quite similar on my inability to sleep or stop picking my head so i was very curious on what the rest of the pages say and i cant seem to relax until im able to look through the rest of that lovely neat stack of freshly written pages.

@LoveHandle4890 - 09.06.2023 10:28

All living and no new answers makes Based a dull boy.

@LoveHandle4890 - 26.06.2023 01:11

“All food and no knife makes Jack a dull blade.” -Hunger can be a real monster sometimes.

@bigmad6454 - 26.06.2023 06:57

No tv and no beer makes homer something something

@LoveHandle4890 - 29.06.2023 21:38

All work and no new videos makes Based a dull boy.

@lever.theeyeofthesource - 19.07.2023 02:59

Splitting Phi into Circles and Squares "Skulls or Projects in a Meeting Without Free Cake"
Gratian, Napoleon, Socrates, Caesar? Let me show you the truth about legality. Villainy happens as a result of a failed domestication and a slew of struggles where one sucks down characters from the media in order bite into the daily accord. It is a slow process and may begin with a gateway apparatus like drugs or music where one is proffered criminality by friendship. After decades the differences in society begin to show and it may become a shocking affair. Sometimes there are failed friendships that turn into rivalries because of disputes. Next two sides begin to form and good and evil begin their processes. Some may call evil a failure to run or to grasp the realities of the world. Some may call good a betrayal or a coward. In higher society or religion these are only factors of splits in ideologies thus, both are really an aspect of good because they embrace society as a whole but one is always more apparently evil. Overtly social people tend more toward evil while those who develop skills across a lifetime tend more towards good. In social situations, thus, it may become an aspect of survival where one needs to attempt to make the best of a given situation. It is here one begins to develop their sense of social proof. Try and bring a project if anticipating a social situation that way you can get the best of both worlds and can run off with something of value. A useful simple test to ground a person's situation is to ask oneself, 1. Does the person seems overtly social or do they seem project oriented. Then from there, 2. Do they have a reason to lie to cover up friendships, or 3. May they have a situation in their past that provokes them to return to an overtly social time.
To Faraday, who sought an amiable life in sciences instead of the trades, and to all marketing reps in sales outfits who pretend to be informed about Area 51.

@Baseds_Backup_Account - 29.07.2023 21:26

If only the whole world could understand the power of this.

@Baseds_Backup_Account - 07.08.2023 11:42

"The utter meaninglessness of life forces man to create his own meaning." In a nutshell.

@Baseds_Backup_Account - 09.08.2023 10:03

A true masterpiece that has stood the test of time and always will, forever and ever and ever.

@Baseds_Backup_Account - 11.08.2023 10:25

There's no greater motivation like that of a madman's.

@Baseds_Backup_Account - 11.08.2023 10:26

All living and the same old work makes Based a dull boy.

@frankiselby1234 - 29.08.2023 20:59

No TV and no beer makes Homer go crazy

@Baseds_Backup_Account - 01.09.2023 03:34

All work and no pizza makes Based a bad boy.

@Baseds_Backup_Account - 03.09.2023 09:58

"Everything's a copy of a copy of a copy." In that sense.

@Baseds_Backup_Account - 03.09.2023 09:59

All minor details and no main idea makes writing essentially useless.

@Baseds_Backup_Account - 03.09.2023 09:59

God that paper style is so atrocious but the work is so good.

@Baseds_Backup_Account - 03.09.2023 23:44

"Endless" would be the title in my opinion.

@Baseds_Backup_Account - 05.09.2023 18:23

Sometimes there isn't anything else to do besides just lose your shit really.

@Baseds_Backup_Account - 05.09.2023 18:24

This masterpiece never gets old, just like the brilliancy of Jack's wonderful novel.

@Baseds_Backup_Account - 05.09.2023 18:25

The same old ideas of mankind that never change or ever will anytime soon.

@Baseds_Backup_Account - 06.09.2023 22:16


@Baseds_Backup_Account - 06.09.2023 22:17

It's an emporium of madness that place is.

@Baseds_Backup_Account - 17.09.2023 09:06

Beautiful just beautiful.

@Baseds_Backup_Account - 17.09.2023 09:11

Essentially the majority of us during quarantine of 2020 and counting for that matter.

@LiirThropp2687 - 25.09.2023 06:13

There's an innocence to Shelley that makes it easy to feel sympathy for her. A lot of people hate her performance in this role. It is very different from the book version of Wendy. But Shelley was just playing the role as it was written. It wasn't her fault in the slightest. Not to mention how Kubrick was treating her off camera. Everyone knows THAT story.

@lakobause - 26.10.2023 06:48

Can we give some recognition to the soundtrack here? The oily violin chords. The insectile string plucking. Whoever composed the music for this movie is a genius.

@jdnm797 - 30.10.2023 22:05

I know this is based on The Simpsons episode, but I definitely prefer this version. “All work and no play makes Jack a dull bit” is more menacing than “No TV and no beer make Homer go crazy”.

@NoName-jq7tj - 05.11.2023 22:16

I would have started a wide shot on the typewriter and sheet of paper then done a sudden zoom close up revealing the text on the paper to the audience. Stanley Kubrick uses 2 extremely fast zooms to make a point in this picture.

@DaveDoesNotPay - 16.11.2023 19:36

Stephen King hated this movie. Let's face it: He was upset that the film adaptation was far better than his novel. You want to whine about how it was adapted, don't exchange the film rights for cash. If you sell it, it's not yours anymore. If he could understand basic concepts like buying/selling maybe he would be almost half as good a writer as Kubrick was a filmmaker.

@vandrosia - 23.11.2023 06:39

The fact that a person or persons actually took time to type out all these pages with the same phrase is really amazing.

@robgabriel8900 - 23.11.2023 06:52

was the book ever published?

@alicegraham1571 - 26.11.2023 20:03

Jack: "how do you like it?"
Wendy: "Little repetitive but still has more lyrics than an early Panic at the disco song."

@unita39hse - 25.12.2023 19:14

This is the bit that’s the most chilling she realises he’s nuts !!!!!!

@palmereldritch7777 - 10.01.2024 22:56

Shelley Duvall is great. Jack Nicholson, nahh, he's just doing his shtick. Joker/Witches from Eastwick - alas not the Jack Nicholson from Chinatown.
He's just smirky here, not scary. The pages are scary, but that's all due to Shelley Duvall, who could give Bambi a run for it's money.

@warshipsatin8764 - 05.06.2024 22:39

"dull bog"

@Langkowski - 24.06.2024 04:00

Jack started writing "All work and no play make Jack a dull boy" more or less on his first day as the off-season caretaker. Maybe he even started when he was still living in their real home. So he was obviously crazy from the start, and only got worse over time.

@Someone_wrf - 12.07.2024 02:21

The emptiness of the hotel filled him up with such dull and empty, mindless rage, unfortunately.

@WilliamReeseJr - 12.07.2024 17:49

The man left too long in the confines of the delusions of the mind

@MagnusLeeAmerica - 13.07.2024 04:05

The Pentacle of the Pentagon
The awful truth is that the media, television, fiction, religion, the radio, and most of computing are one gigantic pentacle meant to keep underachievers away and distracted from politically sensitive areas and people. Lengths 1.618. Hahahaha. This goes all the way back to Caesar cyphers and Solomon mines. Aw. You should’ve paid attention to the Holy Grail. It helps against bad dates. I don’t care. I’ve been through so much with people already I’m on a permanent vacation. There are massive amounts of competitive immaturity in the world. Aw. I’ll just own the proofs and become a god, instead of contributing. (The Journey of Pythagoras from Egypt). Bombing the world with information is fun! Darwin was correct. Pbbbbbt. F’ing apes, man. Oh. There’s more. WTF?

@omarbaba9892 - 25.08.2024 05:18

Tbh this is probably one of the most well done horror moments ever
