How do you become a successful flipper.
⚠️Like anything else in your business you got to have a system down. Know each stages of the process, the people involved, and how to streamline the entire process with little of your involvement.
⚠️I actually don't ever see some of the homes we flip from start to finish. I know the process is delegated with a good system in place and we have reliable people we trust getting things done.
⚠️Systemize everything that you do so that things can start to become predictable. Things will always pop up but the more you can have things get resolved without your involvement the better your system is.
⚠️If you'd like to get a step by step guide on how to fund, renovate, and sell your next deal shoot me a DM and lets connect !
⚠️As always send me any mobile home deals or trailer parks you guys have available here in Arizona !
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