How to prepare your AI-generated art for sale.

How to prepare your AI-generated art for sale.

Vladimir Chopine [GeekatPlay]

1 год назад

41,327 Просмотров

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Dead Grandma
Dead Grandma - 25.06.2023 22:07

Your A.I. art is pillow!!

my relaxing meditation sounds
my relaxing meditation sounds - 30.04.2023 00:49

this is so helpful, thank you

Egyptian brother
Egyptian brother - 21.04.2023 05:58

What is the name of the program he used to scale the image.

evacuatedspace - 08.04.2023 18:47

Thanks for that, do you know how to add different pictures for one picture for sale on Etsy, so as to advertise different styles of the same picture on one page, or even different canvases?

PDWorld - 30.03.2023 06:15

It's impossible to decrease the value of ai art. It is worthless from the beginning.

Endika Zulaika
Endika Zulaika - 28.03.2023 00:14

You do a very good job, keep it up. One question, I have not seen how you prepare the color with photoshop. Do you work with the adobe rgb space and then when exporting you pass it to cmyk? Or do you directly work the file with the cmyk space? midjourney images if viewed with cmyk, change a bit, especially more magenta. Thank you.

Ricky Victome
Ricky Victome - 16.03.2023 00:08

How to prepare AI "art" for sale? right click the image file and delete it.

Adam Deaton
Adam Deaton - 09.03.2023 23:23

He said "your art" lul

Jeff Boerst
Jeff Boerst - 05.03.2023 18:47

Why not upscale in PS, since you do other post processing there?

CodeHorror - 01.03.2023 19:17

And this is called art? If your goal is to make as much as possible sure, but as an artist I don't see how this even qualifies as art. The art space is now full of junk like this.

siva - 19.02.2023 20:43

It is that much easy. Cuz everyone knows about AI. If so, why do you put this video explaining everything? You sell and earn. Leave this channel.

eurossocial - 17.02.2023 01:55

Wow! Thank you for this video. Very helpful. I was searching for such a video, for some days now. Almost all the videos I've watched, about selling their Ai images, people are uploading their photos at 72 dpi resolution! Because No Ai-generator will ever provide us with 300dpi images. And I was wondering, Do these stock photos websites accept images that are not at 300 dpi Ready-for-print resolution? As I know it is a must for printing or for selling, right?. At least Adobe Stock should demand the 300dpi for the Ai generated images... By the way, don't, drag, enlarge or reduce your pictures like that in Photoshop, it will lose its pixels quality. You should firstly convert them into "Smart objects" Instead, and after do all the editing. Photoshop has to learn from its counterpart "Affinity photo" on this (for the pictures not to lose their quality when we drag-and-drop them... Anyway have you created a video on how to prepare our images for the Stock-photos websites?

purrpleX - 11.02.2023 23:37

Thanks this Video was very useful and exactly one I was "searching" for :) fortunately I got it recommended! Thank you :)

purrpleX - 11.02.2023 23:24

Topaz Gigapixel is such a dream 🧡❤💛💚💙💜🤎🤍

adrew bateman
adrew bateman - 06.02.2023 01:37

Hello sir ! Love your channel ! Would love an updated video on this now that mid journey had an update and added a bunch of new Aspect ratios ..what each one is good for and the best setting if we are going to be sell our creations ! Thank you !
One more question…what about watermarks .? I notice most ppl on Etsy don’t have any watermarks should I or shouldn’t I add one to my listings .?

abcdefg - 03.02.2023 10:19

Marketplaces will get flooded with AI art

Emma Preston
Emma Preston - 27.01.2023 08:26

This is something I have been looking for, so thank you for all the time and energy you have put into making this video. Quick question? After you have edited your photos in photoshop, what type of file do you download to your computer from photoshop to sell? PNG, PDF, PSD, JPEG, or TIFF?

BabyFox - 22.01.2023 21:05

All this rant, for "make sure to upscale" ? Just wasted 20 minutes of my life on this 😂

Paul - 16.01.2023 17:19

I was going to sub.. But I already have lol.. I did like tho. Thanks for video.. useful information.

Jessica Kemp
Jessica Kemp - 09.01.2023 02:58

Makes me SICK & PISSED off that some people are scummy & lazy enough to where they can't even bother creating their own AI art, but have to steal stuff others have created. That's the lowest of the effing low right there. Total wastes of space. There are absolutly zero excuses for that crap.

Steger 13
Steger 13 - 18.12.2022 17:44

Who buy those art when you can make it your self? Make no sense you can make your own and make it even better then those.

Amon - 16.12.2022 11:21

Why would anyone buy ai art when you yourself can do it in seconds

openInfographie - 13.12.2022 23:37


TurboButton - 13.12.2022 00:47

Why should I pay for "your art" when I can just make my own using the same tools? silly..

JAC - 09.12.2022 03:08

Great vid. How are you providing both portrait and landscape files? A zip file? Or do you have two different listings, or some other way.. thanks!

New Adventure
New Adventure - 02.12.2022 16:13

This is exactly what I’ve been looking for, thank you!

Riyad Jaamour
Riyad Jaamour - 01.12.2022 23:06

I came across this channel while just browsing and this is THE ONLY subject nobody talks about as they should so thank you truly!

wanted to ask, u mentioned the ability to do the art as a letter (almost 8*11 inches) which is required alot when printed on canvases or mattes, the question to be is that if u want to have all the options available for the customer, u would have to prepare prints of sizes as big as 24*30 inches, would that be a possple thing to do with the AI scaler?

Eos Love
Eos Love - 27.11.2022 23:59

There will be a tsunami of Ai 'art' on sale everywhere as this fad takes hold; unfortunately, the quality will be diluted and the work of 'real' creators will be subject to downward price pressures.

Apostolis A
Apostolis A - 25.11.2022 22:11

Just have one question. How do you export the 2 different sizes? Meaning what dimensions, what type of image? Essentially what to select in the export screen. Thank you in advance!

Jimmy Slim
Jimmy Slim - 24.11.2022 19:20

I got a picture of a toilet with a hand coming out of it if anybody is interested in buying it. $4.99

Big Man
Big Man - 22.11.2022 20:51

I may be a mere malding artist, but I usually consider most (not all) AI art to be stolen/unethical. Some people are basically using machines to steal without giving credit to the original artist(s). I think you are doing very well with this method. Using some kind of human touch to adapt, improve, and most importantly create value is good for AI art. Otherwise it will become over done and totally worthless. As a digital artist, I find Ai very useful for references and inspiration. I also like it for texture work and patterns. I still try to avoid using AI for textures because some of it could've been trained with real photographer's work and it's hard to trace an origin for credits. Ill often see artists I follow on social media talking about how people trained AI with their art and sold that art either with the artists name or as their own artwork. Some even have the gall to steal from smaller artists and claim to be the original creator of a certain style. Make sure you call out those things when you see them.

We will eventually be able to realistically assign value to AI art and I hope people understand a quality piece from rubbish. The amount of value comes from your creativity and skill with prompts (people will eventually find out if you are copying that), and how much work you put in after generating the image.

Deena Berton
Deena Berton - 20.11.2022 17:35

Thank you. Would love to see a video on taking AI art into Procreate and working on it further to customize while keeping the style and aesthetic. Fixing features and adding patterns, etc, without losing the overall feel. Some of the MJ art is textured. So matching textures, for example. Thanks for sharing!

Gabriel - 17.11.2022 11:50

thank you again Vladimir.Great Video!!

Cudda Brown
Cudda Brown - 17.11.2022 06:43

Thanks Mr Geek... youre a life saver.

Snackward - 17.11.2022 05:43

Be careful using mockups. Etsy's policy requires photos of the actual print. Using the method shown in this video will get your shop shut down.

Zimnel Redoran
Zimnel Redoran - 17.11.2022 00:27

Thanks for this :)) Top notch content!

Kim - 16.11.2022 23:25

🥱 intresting stuff.... jk - good video

Simon Jelenic
Simon Jelenic - 16.11.2022 21:05

I love your videos. Can you make a tutorial for KDP covers with AI? I have really hard time to make one!

ShadoWolf - 16.11.2022 20:25

Etsy and Fiverr are bad at promoting your work, I put a lot of effort into the art but it doesnt get anywhere.

devnull - 16.11.2022 17:56

I've noticed that most of the AI art on these sites is sold without declaring it as such. Bad move. I see one guy from eastern Europe, selling 4000+ images tagged among other things only as "3d rendering" or something along those lines... most people buying stock art may not recognize AI generated looks, those images have tell tale signs / people may feel cheated and it at least is very dishonest. I also saw another guy pump out hundreds if not 1000+ cyborgs or such, very generic "AI art" look... not a wise idea to flood sites in hopes of quick cash.

Carl BT
Carl BT - 16.11.2022 17:42

Thank you Vladimir! This is very helpful.

Ciprian Andrus
Ciprian Andrus - 16.11.2022 17:35

Hello, did you upload some of your AI images on shutterstock?

Louis Gedo
Louis Gedo - 16.11.2022 16:53


Ai Digital Dreams
Ai Digital Dreams - 16.11.2022 16:39

The aspect ratio in MJ V4 is something I hope they add soon. It is ok to scale and adjust to portrait or landscape but unfortunately, it is difficult to do this with faces or something that cannot be moved around. Abstracts are easy but specific subjects are not so. Great content as always.

Prohodaction - 16.11.2022 16:16

epic joob! see u around!broth.=)

Victor Multanen
Victor Multanen - 16.11.2022 15:48

thank you for very needed educational content on AI art industry topic.
