Making Candid Portraits in Street Photography (feat. Dawn Eagleton)

Making Candid Portraits in Street Photography (feat. Dawn Eagleton)

Sean Tucker

1 год назад

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Andrew Croft
Andrew Croft - 16.09.2023 01:47

Great video Sean, It's a fantastic insight into Dawn's work, and she touched on the subject in this interview. As a male photographer, I feel that it's a hell of a lot harder to get the same candid pictures as a woman photographer could ever achieve. I believe this to be fact not just an opinion.

Shawn Shoptaugh
Shawn Shoptaugh - 16.08.2023 05:16

The idea that a person cannot just take pictures of strangers because they are men is very true, I think. There is that stereotype that men photographing strangers is creepy and they are looking for women or children to prey upon. That is what has kept me from trying to take candid shots of people on the street. Would they see me as a creep, would I be reported and have to deal with police? It is intimidating, certainly. Even when asking some women I know if they would let me photograph them for portraits, I feel like they are getting the wrong idea of my request. Of course, I could be overthinking that as well, and they could just be shy or feel they wouldn't look good. Either way, it hinders me from wanting to really explore shooting more than landscapes.

MillBayBobski - 10.08.2023 04:00

In my opinion . . many interesting looking people have usually spent some time creating their interesting “look” . . and the experience of someone wanting to capture their look in an image is not new to them, and a high percentage simply take the process in stride . . and many appreciate your recognition of their uniqueness. I did event photography for years and this was the most common reaction I got from subjects.

ravenrockspaper - 09.08.2023 20:22

So nice, great attitude, approach—it is a gift to take the image and be there to receive it. Thanks Sean. As ever, an inspiration, yourself.🥰

Ben Quick
Ben Quick - 10.07.2023 15:48

She is just awesome. What a great teacher.

13 Moons Over Mayhem
13 Moons Over Mayhem - 04.07.2023 04:00

I've just begun experimenting with street photography and I feel much the same as she does, about being fascinated with peoples stories. But so far, I only experiment with street photography at public events where there is some expectation of photography happening. And I use a quality zoom lens so I don't have to intrude too close to the subjects. I don't feel the need to have the eye contact. Its nice to get shots with eye contact, but I have not yet gotten over that feeling of being "caught" doing something I shouldn't if someone sees me taking their photo.

I avoid photographing children without permission, especially if I do not know the family. Partly because they are not necessarily consenting to being in a public place and dont have the same understanding/expectation of the lack of privacy like adults do, and partially because the way we share photography today is mainly online, and I don't want to inadvertently cause a child to become a victim of less than virtuous people. It is a shame, though, since children rarely have the filters that adults do and are almost always authentically themselves in every moment. Whatever emotion they have, it is true and pure, and demonstrative of the human condition.

Thanks for sharing this.

danz - 14.06.2023 13:53

I'm a subscriber because of your storytelling...

Elkanan Avilev
Elkanan Avilev - 04.06.2023 12:43

When I take photos through a window, I'm always bothered by my own reflection. Dawns reflection is in some of her photos.
If I take a photo of a shop owner or someone working in one of the open air markets, I will often later make a print and give it to the subject. I get just as much satisfaction from giving them that gift as I do from snapping the shutter.

Agent Smith
Agent Smith - 27.05.2023 10:53

Hmm..As a parent I would seriously advise against taking photos of someone's kids unless they ask you to. If I'd see a stranger coming out of nowhere, and they start taking pictures of my kid, that would really set off the alarm, and I would most certainly confront them. Male or female.

Adlantian - 25.05.2023 17:57

No disrespect to Dawn or her beautiful, well-crafted photos. As much as candid photos have inspired me over the years, more and more candid photos make me really uncomfortable. They always seem skirt a razor line of legality, ethics, and consent, and are especially bad from male photographers who only ever take photos of attractive women, sometimes of just barely legal age. Dawn acknowledges the subject after, which is more respectful than most. In my opinion, identifiable portraits should always have prior consent. While candid street photos have a rich history, in the internet age when published photos are immediately available to intense scrutiny and rapid identification by a global hive mind, we must hold ourselves to a higher standard than in days gone by. Ultimately, living an ethical life is more important than getting the shot.

Edit: just to be clear, I am glad that Sean made this video, as it is an extremely important conversation to have. I realize that my personal ethical lines may not be the same as others and that having a different view does not inherently make them an unethical person. However, I still stand by my previous statements, especially in regards to sexually attractive, often very young women being photographed without prior knowledge and having that image be published on the internet.

Erin Anderson
Erin Anderson - 23.05.2023 03:53

Thank you. Great information and beautiful photographs.

samgod - 22.05.2023 07:54

The gender discrepancy seems understated. My very first digital camera was an Fujifilm Axia Eyeplate digital camera back in 2002. I went crazy shooting everything and everyone on the street. I couldn't shoot enough people with no consent or permission. Guys never seemed to care, but in time, women started growing weary and then objecting to having been shot.

In the 20 years since, our culture has grown more prone to call anything creepy and stalking, and I can no longer do that. But maybe I should just bite the bullet and go out on Melrose one day.

sj - 19.05.2023 21:51

The photos are beautiful and I love the story of how she got into street portrait photography. I feel conflicted though because of the lack of consent from the subjects, I feel like instead of just a nod and walking away, maybe you should take your photo and then go up to them and ask if it is ok. Maybe offer to provide them a copy. That way you still get your candid shot, but without disrespecting the subject in a way. Not everyone likes or wants to be photographed and you can argue it is a public space but many people just want to go about their day without some rando walking up to them and taking photos. That is my opinion anyway.

death bystereo
death bystereo - 30.04.2023 12:33

Just clicked on this and straight away realised my home city, Exeter. Awesome

mattd59 - 21.04.2023 09:01

This was a really great video. I felt so connected to Dawn’s beautiful images and it was so inspiring for my own work. It was also great that it was filmed in Exeter… my home city. 👍👍👍

Brett Senders
Brett Senders - 19.04.2023 10:25

I have to say that I really like that you build anticipation by not showing the images until the end.

Al x
Al x - 18.04.2023 22:15

Hey Sean, totally digging' your vids, fam. Your view to the world is epic. Based on your vision, and Samuel's, I just ordered a Gr3x. Had enough of lugging my FF around for street. Goin' mobile....!

Kevin Christopher
Kevin Christopher - 04.04.2023 23:38

I like that she still uses an Xt1. Even an 'older' model digital camera can produce fantastic images.

Graham Marshall  DIY - Projects - Tech
Graham Marshall DIY - Projects - Tech - 03.04.2023 21:27

What an amazing video and story Sean and Dawn your an inspiration to me and you given me a lot to think about. Regards Graham ❤

Chris - 01.04.2023 20:57

Loved this. Good that it highlights how hard it is for men as oppossed to women and the inequality that men have to deal with. I would say, just be subtle, polite and personable then whatever sex you are you should be able to get great shots of anyone.

Stephen Harrison
Stephen Harrison - 29.03.2023 00:51

How do you manage with GDPR?

Sara Rice
Sara Rice - 27.03.2023 20:21

Really enjoyed this video. As always the pace of your videos are wonderful as well as the structure leans one to enjoy the entire program. Thank you.

chumleyok - 27.03.2023 02:35

Imagine a guy taking pictures of all those kids.

Martyn Smith
Martyn Smith - 26.03.2023 01:08

A great video as ever. But I’m a little confused by the title of street photographer. I’m hoping someone can clarify this for me. I understand wedding, commercial and portrait photographer etc. But surely you can’t make money from this as you would need model releases for your shots. Or do people just mean that they take street photos as a hobby? I can’t imagine a company thinking we need to hire a street photographer.
I would never be able to do this, whether or not it was for money, but I am interested if others do make a living out of it.

Sharon Loudon
Sharon Loudon - 24.03.2023 18:52

Finally got around to watching this wonderful video. Dawn, your work is so beautiful. Such great tips and philosophy here. (Even for us older women, ahem...) ;-) Thank you for bringing so much great work to our attention through your videos, Sean. Really, really love these. Your talent as a videographer is so appreciated in a time when most videos feature loud noises, images popping one after another...enough to make one's head spin. Your music, intentionality, slowing down, deep dives - balm to the soul. Bravo all around.

Vasanth M.V
Vasanth M.V - 23.03.2023 09:44

great inspiration. Thank You Sean for this Documentary.

Matt Gibson
Matt Gibson - 22.03.2023 21:37

What a beautiful film ❤

Mariusz Malinowski
Mariusz Malinowski - 22.03.2023 16:43

it has definitely inspired me, I am going out to the streets asap! thank you for this interview!

34136TS - 19.03.2023 17:23

The Xf35mm 1.4 - I'm not surprised at all, it's my go-to as well. Natural first reactions are defensive, so many of the first moment expressions are hostile in the eyes so when I view back I sense this and can't connect. The secret is the eyes, if eyes connect with warmth then that's the keeper. Agreed, easier as a woman as men are more likely to be open, women too if a male photographer is visually interesting to them. For the rest of us there's the street girls or street cats as both have an optimistic incentive to respond warmly... I enjoy the elderly and discovering the stories behind the creases on a withered face. Lovely stuff Sean as always.

Changing Conversations
Changing Conversations - 19.03.2023 15:51

Beautiful case study. Loved hearing about her process. Wonderful portraits.

Charles Hodge
Charles Hodge - 19.03.2023 09:16

Three things, she is lovely - so thoughtful and self aware. Secondly you were right about 'story first then images at then end', don't listen otherwise. Her photos are extraordinary, not just one, or even two, but all of them. Master of timing.

John Jacob
John Jacob - 16.03.2023 20:53

Inspiring.. thanks for sharing 🙏🏽

Carlos Fonseca
Carlos Fonseca - 14.03.2023 20:37

Lisbon, Portugal. DAWN started nice shots. Go ahead and my congrats.

mtk - 13.03.2023 21:32

I really enjoyed listening to Ms. Eagleton's insights as well as seeing her excellent work, but was a little put off by her dismissal of the male photographer's remark about it being more difficult as a male. Obviously no one is saying that creating in these situations does not take effort and skill from anyone, but to pretend that society-wide prejudices that serve as very real barriers are inconsequential, is absurd. Saying that "equally men and women can be intimidating" is disingenuous at best.

ne14makingart - 12.03.2023 22:42

Question on the ethics of street when it comes to photography like this which I think is fascinating and dawns work is awesome but if people are in private spaces like offices or bars or establishments and not on the street in public spaces can we take portraits like this and publish without consent? New to street abs trying to get a handle on what is allowed or works or not especially for portrait style streets. Thanks all and thanks Sean for the great vids!!

Jennie Blythe
Jennie Blythe - 12.03.2023 11:53

Bravo Dawn

9000 Beats / Evig Poesi
9000 Beats / Evig Poesi - 11.03.2023 00:09

I loved this. Thank you both!

dave bloggs
dave bloggs - 09.03.2023 22:55

Great pictures. and you are right sometimes it is harder for guys to get good street photos especially if the subject is a woman. so many stereo types for sure, but after a lifetime of taking pictures, you are spot on with the what i call instant real moments, they make the best shots, A posed shot is never quite the same. Dawn does great work, very nice indeed.

Jennifer Williams
Jennifer Williams - 09.03.2023 00:17

Thanks Sean for featuring Dawn and her wonderful work. Very inspiring. Just followed her on IG.

ruffdraft - 06.03.2023 21:08

I follow this lady on Instagram. I am glad that you did a piece on her. Been following her for a couple of years

CNHphoto - 05.03.2023 19:21

I really appreciate all of her experience and wisdom. That said, I WOULD NEVER attempt the style of photography that she does. I've already gotten random accusation when I'm shooting LANDSCAPES about people not wishing to have their picture taken. It would take just one false accusation of something heinous for me to never want to touch my camera again. Again, she's a master at what she does but I don't think she truly gets the fear that some men like me feel.

Francis Lee
Francis Lee - 04.03.2023 23:27

Wow, those were some beautiful powerful images. Every image told a story. I hope to some day try potrait street photography. Definitely, there were important tips provided but there is always this sense of fear..someone reacting angrily.

PLANET WATERMELON - 03.03.2023 08:15

Not sure how much she would get away with photographing people like that in Los Angeles. 🤷🏻‍♂

Katarzyna Pracuch
Katarzyna Pracuch - 02.03.2023 23:15

What a brilliant content, thank you

John Smith
John Smith - 01.03.2023 19:56

Is it just me or are almost all the subjects who realize they are being photographed are not looking pleased by it? I understand you don't have an expectation of privacy in a public place, but the fact she is so close makes me uncomfortable with the ethics.

dungbeetle - 27.02.2023 04:28

Wonderful portraits with so much character. More character even than many 'formal' portraits I've seen.
Pictures of strangers in every day situations are rarely as interesting and engaging as these.
I have to admit that while I thought the thumbnail image was great picture, I assumed that it was probably a one-off. How wrong I was.

Magnum Madureira
Magnum Madureira - 27.02.2023 01:25

Nice to see something else than an white dude with a Leica.
