The Worst Economy to Ever Exist: Zimbabwe

The Worst Economy to Ever Exist: Zimbabwe

Casual Scholar

9 месяцев назад

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@blackmanfromtheislands6460 - 28.01.2024 13:48

Anytime you make an analysis of an oppressed people, in any aspect of their life, and you leave out the enemy, you will never come to a correct analysis. On the contrary, you will blame the oppressed .

@mikemuponda1781 - 28.01.2024 04:33

As Zimbabweans we deserve free therapy because living there is like living in a lunatic asylum were you end up accepting eternal suffering as a natural part of life. We experienced wartime type of stagnacy without actually actually being at war.

@mikemuponda1781 - 28.01.2024 04:19

My Zimbabwe, we're the one country that is etched in history books for all the wrong reasons. Whether its inflation, corruption, mismanagement, political chaos amongst a long list of unacceptable issues.

@marlonstallings5229 - 27.01.2024 17:24

Watching these types of videos and reading stories about governments mismanaging economies is proof enough that presidents/kings/dictators/leaders of nations should never be given the keys to the economic Engine; 99% of their ideas are going to harm/hurt/destroy the economy of that nation. All there ideas have been tried,tested, & failed way before they tried n failed at it too. I don’t understand how people can keep falling for the same bullshit promises /lies politicians tell people everytime they want to win an election.

@user-tp6xk3uu5y - 27.01.2024 02:53

A personal opinion..part of my family was kicked out of Kenya.....the reason was they had exploited the country because they were uncle used a little money after WWII to buy land ....the same white blaming is evident here.... reclaiming to give it to government gangster...l am not protecting colonial past mistakes but my uncle built a farm from nothing... arriving in London in the 50s with just the shit on his back...l don't know exactly what the British Government did for him but he started over again in New Zealand

@cjb5003 - 26.01.2024 11:55

They all live in South Africa doing the same.

@stevetonnesen3666 - 26.01.2024 06:01

The locals screwed it all up

@99somerville - 25.01.2024 21:52

Is this Zimbabwe or California we are talking about?

@munyaradzimutetwa5308 - 25.01.2024 07:47

Nice narration but most pictures in this video are not from Zimbabwe!

@mikedennington8856 - 25.01.2024 03:32

When it was Rhodesia under white rule t was one of the bread baskets of Africa. Since black rule due to corruption it has been destroyed.

@user-lh7xw4cz6f - 24.01.2024 12:47

Some video clips of motorcycles and boda bodas and people in torn clothes are not even from Zimbabwe why do you mix images with those from ultra poor countries, thats the same reason that makes Mugabe hate whites, they dont use the reality, they add their own imaginations and sensational claims to make their vvideos lookable and fit their narrative...i see the images imposed and it makes me hate the white kind of reporting...whites do it deliberately and blacks keep quiet and they feel good about falsehoods...this is dishonest and just evil journalism ...are you representing the first Liar the Devil?

@ruvanefriebus-cv6td - 24.01.2024 11:54

You mean South Africa?

@NoRadBlog - 24.01.2024 09:09

Very nice video but I think your summary and conclusion at the end, are wrong.
I drew several conclusions from this case:
1. a terrorist movement, so called "freedom fighters" will most likely continue their way of thinking once in power.
2. a movement supported by non democratic nations, will most likely become non democratic government them self.
3. Over all, 40 years after the turning of Rhodesia to Zimbabwe, under "a black government" blacks (and whites alike) in this land are not free, not feed, have no real future, and their condition is worsen, that is if they are still alive.

@manngoth1084 - 23.01.2024 22:16

why should we care about this?

@linenmasaire1228 - 23.01.2024 09:51

This document is not telling the truth. Zimbabwe is in bad state bcz of sanctions. Bt even though if you go in Zimbabwe now life is normal.

@kindnesskhupe2133 - 23.01.2024 02:56


@kindnesskhupe2133 - 23.01.2024 02:52

Zimbabwe is not that poor,that is west africa

@theromanemperorfisheater - 23.01.2024 01:55

Argentina but worse

@DavidVushe-qn9sg - 22.01.2024 23:14

The ugly pictures are not from Zimbabwe

@user-nb5cw2dh3y - 22.01.2024 18:03

1.99 a month here

@GrahamMason - 22.01.2024 15:11

Us white guys fought a civil war for 8 years to stop this happening. And we were condemned by the world. UN Sanctions an Chinese arms.

@nicholaskiwanuka4496 - 22.01.2024 01:58

South Africa should learn from this. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Don't kick out your farmers cause you will not replace them. Just tax them and use it to teach locals technical, and agricultural skills to become competitive too. Don't print, borrow money. Increase your manufacturing output. Restrict importation. In 10 years you'll have spiraled a continuous growth for all. Include everyone in this project. Now is the time. It is for you to win or lose it. S.A. please DO NOT LOSE IT.

@nicholaskiwanuka4496 - 22.01.2024 01:43

In Uganda Idi Amin did similar. After chasing the Indians away for being successful experts, the professionals ran away, and even the power-generating company went off for a very long time coz there was nobody who knew how to make it work. The farms, and factories dried up to date. Inflation went through the roof and has never stabilized 40 years later.

@derektaylor6389 - 21.01.2024 23:19

it is rhodisia

@barrysmith5830 - 21.01.2024 18:20

Everyone knows the issue, but nobody eants to say it.

@davidanderson8469 - 21.01.2024 05:48

The whites got kicked out and everything went hell.

@blesinx - 19.01.2024 15:38

i love how you focus on the way Zim people gt to here they are but can not tell about the economic sanctions that zim can not go to the world bank or imf to borrow money and that any country that deals with Zimbabwe will be punished

@isacharles239 - 19.01.2024 14:34

Lots of misinformation, what a shame, you not helping make things better...

@the420xtc - 19.01.2024 00:38

Democrats do voter intimidation nonstop.

@JohannStrumpher - 18.01.2024 06:15

A very well done doc. I do take issue with the creators assertion near the end that the cause of these despots wreaking havoc with once prosperous countries and economies is due to them, ‘mimicking their colonial rulers’.
Seems a bit too easy to just blame it on that when it’s clear in Zimbabwe as well as South Africa that when you have an uneducated populous that are easily swayed and love to prop up and worship certain leaders and do not have the requisite forethought and intelligence to know what that will lead to that that is anything but a failure all on their own.

@cornecloete69 - 17.01.2024 20:34

South Africa video coming soon ...

@leleittosang1809 - 16.01.2024 22:11

African leaders under the influence of the foreigners have destroyed African. Examples: Ronald Reagan helped Mobutu Sese Seko to destroy DRC.He also sponsored warlord Jonas Savimbi and apartheid SA to destroy Angola and destabilize south African countries. Earlier, western governments instigated coups in Ghana, DRC and Uganda in their supposed war against socialism. Minority oppressive apartheid regime in SA was able to stay in power for so long because it had unequivocal support from western democracies! Ruthless dictators served them so well! The worst is yet to come.China is in the house!!!

@deeq150 - 16.01.2024 17:13

حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل

@jrt818 - 15.01.2024 21:30

I read it as 89 septillion 700 sextillion percent.

@BellaCroyda - 15.01.2024 11:39

The native people are and were NEVER capable of running a economy and societal structure that's western. They just cant. With the exodus of the white population and the natives totally taking over, the nation collapse.

@williamanderson6006 - 15.01.2024 06:37

show me a prosperous black run country

@jzotto7971 - 15.01.2024 02:48

South Africa accuses Israel of genocide but forgets what happened to white farmers in Zimbabwe.

@user-dy7ob7gh2n - 14.01.2024 22:43

This video makes the argument that Zimbabwe does not prove that African countries can't be successful post-colonialism and that the issue was the Mugabe simply copied the errors of colonialism of minority rule. However, Mugabe did not have the success of Rhodesia -- so his errors were copies of what happened before -- it was far underperforming of it -- Rhodesia deindustrialized. Mugabe degraded what had been build up before by the previous government -- and the previous government never ruined the currency. So its difficult to see how there is any equivalence.

@joaosabino2909 - 13.01.2024 21:04

Don't worry, South Africa is catching up! or melting down!

@user-oc9fz9ox5w - 12.01.2024 21:02

Worse than Chicago?

@anthonyhavens6536 - 12.01.2024 18:35

Casual Scholar is well-named. He presents the creation of Rhodesia as a brutal full-scale military invasion using Maxim guns to simply mow down thousands of "innocent" Africans. He omits to mention the "minor detail" that the early white settlement was peaceful, but just a couple of years after signing a treaty with Rhodes, Lobengula broke the treaty and in a sneak attack murdered several hundred whites and their families - about one third of the white population. (an almost carbon copy of his ancestor Dingaan's similar treachery in 1838). Only after that were BSA troops used to suppress the revolt. This amounts to lying by omission. Other "facts" he parrots are so maliciously (or lazily) slanted they sound to be direct from the mouth of Mugabe. Given that, none of what this presenter has to say can be trusted.

@at-maringatech9363 - 12.01.2024 16:58

Most visuals in your video are not actuallyfrom Zimbabwe

@valkry007 - 11.01.2024 17:29

It used to be the breadbasket of Africa, now they can't even feed themselves.

@catfootball592 - 11.01.2024 17:17

HA HA HA HA blaming white people again!

@dexterspeights3484 - 11.01.2024 08:05

Reason #1 for BAD ECONOMY in Zimbabwe: ECONOMIC SANCTIONS by US and UK which destroyed the country's currency + economy!

@innomagege - 09.01.2024 21:30

Some of the video clips used in this documentary are not from Zimbabwe, it's probably east or west Africa.... Zim might not be doing well but we ain't as bad as those videos portray.... Those videos show countries way too backwards....

@djundar8ed237 - 09.01.2024 18:13

The audacity of buying and selling land that didnt even belong to them.the evil spirits of europe

@swedemartyrsonswade - 08.01.2024 18:30

I have Zimbabwean friends, and I heard them saying that when Mugabe was still in power, everything was much better than the current situation. when in fact Mugabe was the reason for this all. Actually, there is an ongoing massive exodus of people in their country.
