老外說drive home不是「開車送你回家」!

老外說drive home不是「開車送你回家」!

早安英文Morning English

54 года назад

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|早安英文|podcast|podcast english|英语口语|英语发音|英语对话|英语听力|日常英文|国外生活必备|双语脱口秀|中英雙語


Notes 笔记

Backseat driver - A person who gives unwanted advice to the driver or someone who interferes in affairs without having the authority and knowledge to do so. 后座司机,指手画脚的人

Daisy is such a backseat driver, and she needs to stop interfering when I drive. No one asked for her advice.
黛西太爱指手骂脚了,我开车的时候她不能再干涉我了,而且也没有人征求她的 意见。

Jake tries to sound like an authority on the subject but he's actually a backseat driver.
杰克试图让自己在这个问题上听起来像个权威,但实际上他是个爱指手画脚的 人。

To be in the driving seat - To be in control of a situation. 掌握主权

During negotiations, he felt he was in the driving seat.

Teachers should be in the driving seat, otherwise students will do whatever they like.

To be a driving force (behind sb) - Someone or something that motivates

and directs someone or something. 成为(某人)背后的驱动力

His wife was the real driving force behind his success.

Money wasn't the driving force behind me. It was the love of my business.

Dive (sth) home/ Drive home (sth) - To say something clearly and with force so people understand. 把某件事情反复解释得非常清楚

To drive home his point he repeated the sentence.

My dad drove it home when he said I need to finish school or I will have to leave home.

Drive sb crazy - To annoy or irritates someone. 激怒某人

My neighbour's dog barking is driving me crazy.

It drives me crazy when you leave dirty dishes in the sink.

That boring movie drove me crazy.

What are you driving at? - What do you really mean? 你到底想说什么

Just what are you driving at?

You said, "He's not the right person for the job." What were you driving at?

Drive up / down the price - force the price up or down. 抬高/降低价格

The high demand for this product has driven the price up.

The new airport in the city is so noisy, so it's driven down house prices in the area.


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