Don't worry guys I'm not just a magicians dòrk, I'm a dòrk for many things. Touch of the tízzy
ОтветитьMaybe I'm half retarted but wouldn't a 3d tetrahedron have 8 points? 4 from each pyramid? I'm probably focusing too much on the symbols and not enough on their meaning lol but if it is 9 can someone explain it to me?
Edit: also I am so grateful for this channel. I really get happy when people can discuss these topics not being held back by a certain dogma that causes them to think all things occult are evil instead of just hidden. My friends and x girlfriend that I would talk about this stuff with died from overdose. (I was addicted to heroin) I'm slowly introducing my cousin to this stuff but I'm at the stage where I need to learn. not to teach quite yet. I'm happy I found someone that seems stable and educated on the matter as another source of gnosis. You're changing the world. Keep doing what you're doing homie 💚
Omg I am dying laughing that was the first thing I thought about when you said the name Alan Watts
ОтветитьI haven’t seen anyone here mention The Law Of One materials. (The Ra channelings)
Explains all of the things he’s trying to elucidate here much better then Alan watts was able imo
nice clip at the end with the rare ass book lol, your channel popped outa knowhere in my recomendations, your thumbnails are very unioque so I clicked, glad I did sub earned!
ОтветитьGod is Consciousness...
ОтветитьFBI Memo sixty seven fifty one, dated nineteen hundred and fourty five (A cache of documents, specifically the Brahmanical treatise) explains the situation completely. The "ET's" are Tala plane (more material) and not Loka plane (more spiritual). If they could be more spiritual they would be, but they are not able to be. Therefore they are fortune hunting. Literally taking, embezzling, parasitic, predator's, vampires, win at all costs, the ends justify the means, many types do not even have permanent akashic records at all, archonic, genetic miscreates, abominations, considered down in the dirt, down below the floorboards, ant farmers, this is what they have to do, they burrow, and cannot see the "matrix mainframe" only their own selfish goals and purposes. They lie, plagiarize, perverse technological techniques, Asuras, Ahriman, if an akashic record can be found it states NOT HONORABLE (no truth), average FIVE code reversals (materialists), 94 percent "negative karma". Male/Female balance at 89 percent Male axis. I go locate them. Always TALA planes and at very low "real estate". Low potential indeed. Supernatural DNA no. This is their "just desserts". Impeccable records are being kept. The land you see is your inheritance. The Memo explains that there are 7 "Earths" all nested, interpenetrating, comingled. OBE/NDE have seen 9, there are 12 in truth. On each end of the spectrum. 7 Tala, 7 Loka, really 12 but who gets there ??? LOL. These races, type, are "Earth" 1,2,3. Tala 2 through 7. All about the bass, no treble.
ОтветитьI wonder if every breed of man we have come across thus far from the very beginning are the experiments of different breeds of humans that is said the anninaki made before making modern man. I do mean homo erectus, Neanderthal and all. It makes sense.
ОтветитьI briefly saw this video weeks ago and was very intrigued but then I forgot the book and had to look through all your videos to find it again, glad I was able to, fascinating work!
ОтветитьThat was a very interesting set of 6 video's thanks for that.
Ответить3 6 9
ОтветитьI think a lot of aspects of humanity were "programmed" into us...the "worship" gene, the seemingly inherent disbelief in ufos, the seeming need to be submissive and to accept the needless poverty and mistreatment of 99% of humanity.
ОтветитьI love this dude… great vids
ОтветитьIm absolutely with you on that brother..
ОтветитьFuckin A dude--- sharted a damn download in my face,.... Again that I was utterly not prepared for.... You fuckin kick ass, dude your ori-ginal music, thoughts, and content has no duplicate
ОтветитьI love your channel 😊 yes sir . Thank you for your contribution.
ОтветитьI took a massive hit of dmt and got in the shower like a weirdo snd i couldn't feel the water but i could hear it and when i closed my eyes i seen that weird looking Mobius strip going from my heart to my head
ОтветитьHow the f*ck have I never came across this channel!!
Ответитьtrumps rep just tried to pass a bill giving him the ability to investigate and shut down and label any news orgs, non profit, or or gov watch groups, this is insanity, 204 rep voted yes and 52 dems say 7, this is insane
ОтветитьYou should have the balls to look into the crater earth theory
ОтветитьThe deep robot voice is kinda annoying man. Can you do like buzz light year type voice ?
ОтветитьDoing LSD as a child (kinda to early) i visualised one of those optical illusions, the one where the water flows down a square wooden thing and ends back up at the top to flow back down. Anyway, i understood how it worked. Got it. Could see the trick. But being sober, i havent a clue
Ответитьlike saggy old nutsacks some things fall out of view but still remain.
ОтветитьI learned to.make dmt on my own and smoked it i will never be the same i can make it any time but i did it once and lets say that was all i needed lol i met the ones that called themselves the polarized ones so much i learned lil momisa hositlls lie naptha a cold freezer and a Pyrex bowl and a turkey baser thank me later know thy self
Ответитьtake your meds lil bro
ОтветитьWhat an amazing channel! 😍👏
ОтветитьWrong's a council of "THREE-FOLD" = "Nine" .
"Father" = MIND ( Infinite, Ineffable, Incomprehensible, Invisible, Pure and Perfect Divine MIND )
"Mother" = THOUGHT ( Holy (set apart) Spirit, Mother of All Life, Giving 'Birth" to ALL Things )
"Son" (Child) = CONSCIOUSNESS ( The Conception of the Union of Mind and Thought,
The "Word" (Revealed Thought) of The Father/Mother,
The "Creator" of All Concepts of Life and Being )
This is the TRUE "Holy Trinity" or One "Spirit" (MIND) that is "GOD".....
and the created "human" (humus (dirt) man) 'family' is a carbon copy.......LITERALLY !
Read the Nag Hammadi library. Especially The Origin of the World that is in the second codex. ❤ It fills in so many gaps for me personally.
ОтветитьInteresting I found The only planet of choice on Amazon for $24
ОтветитьNn DMT break through was the most profound thing I've ever experienced 🤙✌️
ОтветитьThe universe cannot be only expanding. For you to know so much about stars you quit looking at it from the modern look. See see this place as it is the way it is the way our ancestors seen it. One thing that's provable repeatable we got the exact same Stars last 10,000 years and the universe does contract too. Just like we're self-healing self working we can fix ourselves as above so below
ОтветитьOff topic....but if your reading this is implore you to look into "The TelepathyTapes"
ОтветитьHe began by revealing your source you are a fucking king bro
Ответитьit is a rare ass book when even the internet archive makes you create an account to only read it online, no downloads available hahahaha they do NOT want people to know about it xD
ОтветитьThank you
Ответитьdang dawg i hit newest comments to see if youd respond and youre currently responding to comments- hi! it's 2am in the uk, i should roll up and get into bed, but im drawn into your channel like a moth to a flame.
just wanted to ask- is the version of that book (only planet of choice) on amazon an edited/revised bersion, hence its price? just wondering if i buy it am i buying the same information that Jade has... thank you for everything you do man, youre a legend ❤
Bless your consciousness ascended master 🙏
ОтветитьI've had that experience mentioned at the start many a time 😅