Practice THIS To Start Winning More Fights in Tarkov... - Beyond The Grave

Practice THIS To Start Winning More Fights in Tarkov... - Beyond The Grave


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@JesseKazam - 01.02.2024 22:51

Have you been feeling more or less confident in pvp in Tarkov this wipe?

@Xxchickenbros13xX - 08.02.2024 02:37

So you've played this game for how many hours??? And you still peek like a braindead timbo. sad

@DonWolo_ - 07.02.2024 17:50

If you kill a pmc while they are in the process of throwing a grenade, does it still drop and explode or no?

@filipeborralho8003 - 07.02.2024 15:57

Hey amazing video and your content has helped me a lot, I was wondering if you could do a video or direct to a video or post that explains how to play around sound in tarkov as I feel like no matter how quiet I am people know exactly where I am. I would appreciate any tips on when to aim or throw nades and stuff.

@heathreynolds611 - 07.02.2024 01:45

Have a hard time with consistency in this game. Only play solo and some raids I can take out an entire squad. Then the very next raid I can’t even kill another solo that I get the jump on.

@dabinhaler1337 - 06.02.2024 20:27

all those hours in Ironforge wasda'ing in circles coming in clutch with the inertia system

@xJarlaxle - 06.02.2024 19:51

Hell yea, thanks for this Jesse. I had begun figuring this out this wipe and your video just drove it home.

@ElidanVideos - 06.02.2024 14:51

Yes, Stop playing tarkov. It's not worth your time.

@joshualuttrell7269 - 06.02.2024 12:26

A tip that follows the theme of the video: The furthest person from the angle of engagement has an advantage because they will see the other player first. When holding an angle, you almost want to be far from it, and if you have to peek an angle from up close there is a bigger benefit to sprint past for information because though you may be bigger on their screen, you also move faster.

@_--__--___.3 - 06.02.2024 06:35

i always gotta remind myself to take deep breaths before engaging so im less likely to make those little mistakes like over extending. pvp has for the most part been a lot better this wipe

@teufelhownd6340 - 06.02.2024 00:26

It's been a while since we've seen a Beyond The Grave! I'm happy to see one from you again. Keep up the great content, good sir!

@andrewnerozzi4085 - 05.02.2024 15:13

Love the content. I think one thing that would help you that helped me a lot as a solo player. Every time I get into a fight I assume that it as I am fighting two people at all times. You don’t run into many solos in tarkov.

@HaychD - 05.02.2024 10:54

The one thing that has improved my pvp is prolonging the fight.. if initial engagement isnt in my favor, ill fall back and reset if possible. Try to create another opportunity where i have the upper hand. there are so many engagements where my target is still holding the same angle and not watching a flank or just not ready for an angle i re peek from.

@jellet7596 - 05.02.2024 08:46

Love your vids! Pvp has been getting noticeably worse/harder as I admittedly can feel the age progress, but you have so many awesome and usefull tips!

@weazelwizard873 - 04.02.2024 23:09

two words: check corners

@nevenz3441 - 04.02.2024 16:20

tell me jesse, how is lvndmark so good ?

@passiontech1254 - 04.02.2024 13:35

great video

@4mp3d - 03.02.2024 19:11

I love it when you do analysis on your fights.

@gametube2554 - 03.02.2024 03:35

Maaaan im watchin this video waiting to go to game and learning from you as i go and used some of the tips and won 3v1 thx thx thx (1.8 mil raid)

@tzav - 03.02.2024 01:01

TBH on the first clip I don't think that over-peeking was that big of a mistake since you DID hear a grenade pin - meaning there is probably a grenade being thrown into that hallway you just came from. You couldn't have known that this was a fake until you saw those guys. I believe that subconsciously you over-peeked because you knew that this grenade will probably land behind you if you will push them hard. You know this is a mistake only retroactively since you learned it was a fake after you pushed them, but if it was a real grenade and you didn't over-peek you would have been dead also.

@coryearnest9464 - 03.02.2024 00:33

jesse always looks geeked out of his mind lmfao

@schrimp6113 - 02.02.2024 22:28

Hey Jesse can you please tell me what in ears you use? THX

@5crufft3ch95 - 02.02.2024 22:11

Little things really CAN make a difference. Like making sure you're on full auto to start XD (just died because of this.) I find 9 times out of 10 you're better off starting in full auto because if you run into someone face to face and you're in semi. Unless you're lasered onto their head, you're dead! If you run into someone at a distance and you're in full auto you will most likely have more time to switch over. Not to mention you have a better chance at taking cover to make that switch.

@Chumppi - 02.02.2024 21:28

I don't really agree with the first clip conclusions. Nobody's a mind reader but your idea probably was to push hard because of the nade being thrown. Had the nade landed in the hallway you'd be dead without pressing W.

@vogelpapafinn8156 - 02.02.2024 20:17

What you really have to stop: Playing on the weekend.

@jakerulesgaming1124 - 02.02.2024 19:56

This wipe has been the best wipe PVP for me. A lot has to do with your videos and such. Thanks man

@Frank-Horrigan-US_SS - 02.02.2024 19:38

Earlier in the wipe was very fun, and PVP was amazing.

@kikamania7 - 02.02.2024 18:00

I've felt more confident. Especially because arena gives me the practice in the just pvp zone. Nothing else to focus on

@BeaverB0nes - 02.02.2024 17:18

“One little mistake completely ruined a million good mistakes” Dunno if that was intentional but a million good mistakes is a great way to summarize how I play Tarkov

@slyderace - 02.02.2024 16:11

That 2-man kill at Fortress was really great!

@eikotehgrowingmouse - 02.02.2024 15:57

since vaulting has been added, finding elevation has helped a lot . won 2 interchange fights in koshan by using the box piles to peek over the shelves after engaging from the sides.

@mackieincsouthsea - 02.02.2024 14:50

Would enjoy another reacts vid where you analyse community clips, those were really funny but also interesting!

@ubsesd56 - 02.02.2024 14:14

This would be a sweet weekly series

@vile1636 - 02.02.2024 13:59

Lol, if you're watchin a streamer, and wonderin why you're not that good, look at your hours played, then look at theirs.
Experience, map knowledge, situational awareness, every skill that matters the most in tarkov takes aloooooot of time and alot of actual gameplay to develop.

@dupree_ox4791 - 02.02.2024 11:49

Another banger

@thereallambofgod - 02.02.2024 09:53

It would be cool if you took some viewer clips for beyond the grave episodes as well. I think it would help out some community members

@crsk2 - 02.02.2024 09:41

I was kicking myself last night for my poor wide peeks. Your vid helps drive it home

@tuckernewman7162 - 02.02.2024 09:29

all streamers just be hacking

@winder1549 - 02.02.2024 09:17

Ok, so as old tarkov player after watching this video I can say there is more value in corner checking than just going in full armored chad style as back in the days. I am much more of a "Raccoon" myself, I just walk inside buildings with uncovering myself fully when I push but I check every corner. I only do this when I dont suspect someone is around or I have a sound cue and certainity where enemy is "If he is in vulnerable spot". Otherwise I will try to make enemy push by backing off. To be honest it worked really well for me last wipe. When I watch this video I am experiencing pvp chad POV from my perspective(third clip). A type of player that I am scared of most of the time and I can see myself dying to. These guys peeked for you so you took em out. When I was in a place of these guys I would try to stay silent/ back off and "push" bait or peek from weird spot. Alternatively coordinate voiceline baiting as a duo to eliminate threat. I am just analyzing a video from my perspective. This video showed me that I am not really doing something wrong but I dont use tactics pvp chads do. So I can die much more easily to a one :)

@mikkess - 02.02.2024 09:16

NoGenerals being given a shout! Hell yea. Dude is incredible at tarkov, always found it odd most people have never heard of him

@Irowed - 02.02.2024 08:53

I feel great about pvp until I have to do setup lol

@TheBookerDeWitt - 02.02.2024 08:49

W NoGenerals shoutout, that dude is VERY good and knows his shit.

@DunkSkunk - 02.02.2024 08:34

Also i dislike the random ass horizontal recoil we get now, i far prefer it being controllable but difficult to do, rather than random bs

@Rokostifredi - 02.02.2024 08:00

if u guys use a 1080p TN screen panel and a RTX card, try to use DSR factor on 1.78 (in ur Nvidia control panel) and enable ur DLSS on quality (in game). Huge visual improvements and not a single FPS drop, more work but only for the graphic card that usually sleep when we play EFT. Give it a try every system is different for performance but holy shit visuals are so cleaner.

@TheeDanIslander - 02.02.2024 07:39

My problem is I legit keep getting one shot from miles away on way to extract etc…. 7/10 raids I’m dead from who knows where ….legit everytime I make a good gun class I die in some wack way where I had zero chance …

@nomadicVisage - 02.02.2024 07:38

You talk about head height a lot. What about armpit height?

I'm really guilty of doing this when playing. I find myself doing this a ton when I'm solo. Great video!

@godmodegfx2071 - 02.02.2024 07:37

You can get coaching from Nogenerals. He can improve your skill at reserve as he is reserve main. It would be a great video to watch.

@chrishesotian1654 - 02.02.2024 07:29

dude, my eyes are just not good enough to see that guy in the 2nd clip. theres no way in the world, no way on EARTH, that i could push a fight like that in a building. even outside during the day, my astigmatism blends all those edges together.

@BuckScrotumn - 02.02.2024 07:17

I just hit over a thousand hours in Tarkov and to this day I have still never peeked an angle in a gunfight. The only chance I have of winning is if the other person doesn’t see me, so if it’s a fair encounter where we both spot each other at the same time I literally turn around and run away. By the time you expect me to re-peek the angle you’re holding I’m already halfway down the street hauling ass in the opposite direction. I have a good survival rate and k/d, and I always have tons of rubles. I’m one of the only people you’ll meet who can afford to run an Altyn and two kitted guns every raid but will still die to a Timmy with a 50% durability SKS. 😂

The game is much more enjoyable when you treat it like a survival game and not a shooter. My mindset is essentially “I’ll never beat you in a gunfight, but I’m a hell of a lot more patient than you.” Haven’t heard anything in 20 minutes and you think the coast is clear? Think again buddy I’m sitting perfectly still hiding in the same bush I was 20 minutes ago waiting for you. You’re gonna have to come out eventually.

I guess my point is to play to your strengths. There’s no way I’m ever gonna be able to compete with these kids who get better with every generation, so I use their short attention spans and my endless free time against them. 😂
