Why are humans so different from other animals?

Why are humans so different from other animals?


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Rhodes Boyson
Rhodes Boyson - 14.09.2023 03:22

They're not really very different to other animals.

Helm - 10.09.2023 07:41

It all boils down to weapons. It takes some brains to invent the weapons we have used down through time. I dont really see that any other animal did this. If any did, we had the better weapons.

•ᏦᎯᎢᏆNᎯ• ᏣᏞᎯᎡK• - 08.09.2023 09:20

How is it? We survived as long as we have ? Even tho our vital organs are so very exposed.
It seems that , this is a huge weakness and would be a huge disadvantage, to animals that actually evolved on this planet .
Somehow here we are at the top of the food chain? Strange .
No matter how smart one is . When you Look into the past , population numbers were a lot higher , when it comes to predators like Tigers and bears and wolves , and many other animals like these.
To animals like these , I imagine, we would be food ! And a easy meal at that! given that our vital organs are so exposed as they are !

Theatre of Oil
Theatre of Oil - 05.09.2023 00:09

We are so different to the point we study ourselves 😂😂😂

Peter B
Peter B - 03.09.2023 12:45

Animals are prettier than humans, and they are completely innocent and whole. They only do what they are evolved to do, and ALWAYS do their best. Humans just mess around, driven by desire and corruption, and are often a disappointment. Humans are great occasionally. Animals are always great, but the least of humans think they are better than animals. Maybe it is because they can talk to one another, while not understanding what the animals are saying. If they did not consider themselves at least better than animals, humans would be too depressed to carry on.

Luba Luba
Luba Luba - 31.08.2023 22:25

If men keep chasing money the human race will all die.

Luba Luba
Luba Luba - 31.08.2023 22:21

Are you saying that animals never created tools ??

Lil Hazey
Lil Hazey - 24.08.2023 18:55

Depends on opinion. Imo God gave us dominion over other beings as we’re made in his image and as is written. I get thats not everyones cuppa tea. No judgement from me i get it trust me, i respect you regardless of your opinion.

Krish - 11.08.2023 20:17

Okay, but I want to know that why are humans so different from one another by weight, height and other physical features while animals all look same in size and facial features. But no one seems to have an answer to this? 🤔

G☥d is (') Woman
G☥d is (') Woman - 30.07.2023 01:30

Humans are Animals don't forget

joenette pelingon
joenette pelingon - 27.07.2023 04:36

PhD scientists and philosophers stephen Meyer, James tour, David Berlinski, Michael Behe destroyed evolution

dimsim875 - 23.07.2023 17:34

I wonder why we evolved to have longer childhoods?

Elot Karloketh
Elot Karloketh - 02.07.2023 20:21

Many human are similar to animals

Carol Ames
Carol Ames - 02.07.2023 00:31

John A. Livingston, One Cosmic Instant – Man’s Fleeting Supremacy (1973) - - -HIERARCHY

A strong case may be made for Reason as an overspecialization. Reason gave us the technology which is killing other species of animals and plants, killing us, and killing planet Earth. Reason allowed us to rationalize the divine mission to subdue. REASON GAVE US THE CONCEPT OF SPECIES HIERARCHIES AND SPECIES DOMINANCE, A PERVERSION OF THE NATURAL SOCIAL DOMINANCE OF OTHER PRIMATES.

MAN IS OBSESSIVELY PREOCCUPIED WITH RANK. Verticality is inherent and essential; man is man, and after man there are all the “lower” species. All things must be classified, and all must be labeled. All must be given their appropriate position in file, whether by God or by man, in an immutable hierarchy. We have never learned to think in more than two dimensions. Robert Ardrey relates OUR PREOCCUPATION WITH HIERARCHICAL STRUCTURES and our constant and life-long battle with inferiority to THE STRUGGLE FOR DOMINANCE, THE JUGGLING AND JOCKEYING FOR POSITION AND STATUS.

We know that other primate societies have dominance hierarchies. Such structures are necessary for societal survival. There is no difficulty in accepting that hierarchical thinking is an integral part of our primate heritage, and that nothing in our makeup is more natural than to attempt to dominate other members of our society. BUT MAN EXTENDS THIS DRIVE NOT ONLY TO INDIVIDUALS OF HIS OWN SPECIES, BUT TO OTHER SPECIES, A PHENOMENON UNHEARD OF IN NATURE. IF WE ARE TO ACKNOWLEDGE, AS WE MUST, THAT THERE ARE ALPHA INDIVIDUALS, THEN IT SEEMS LOGICAL TO OUR ILLOGICAL MINDS THAT THERE MUST BE ALPHA SPECIES ALSO. Human thought is riddled with this type of syllogistic reasoning. Thus intraspecific individual power struggle becomes Reasonable man’s picture of interspecific dominance hierarchies, which is a false and unnatural one.

Mr Mafla
Mr Mafla - 20.06.2023 10:01

Send me the alien version . Thanks !!

Flame of the Phoenix
Flame of the Phoenix - 16.06.2023 22:50

Because we're lucky. Although not really, since that just means nature is toying with us for a bit, chances are she'll wipe us out soon enough, then she'll have her fun with worms or some crud like that.

Blank41 - 15.06.2023 05:22

This information is honestly mind blowing... I can thank culture for that!

Latif Oriky
Latif Oriky - 15.06.2023 01:27

no humans were not animals
allah created adam and hawaa first

Rockardo_ - 11.06.2023 07:38

He sounds like Giorgio Morodor

Andreas - 08.06.2023 23:21


Artist Unknown
Artist Unknown - 30.05.2023 16:43

I always wondered why humans collect vitamin D from the sun, like birds and reptiles, but other mammals get it from their diet.

Danpaz94 - 29.05.2023 06:14

I think that in someway we can be biased that we consider ourselves completely different from animals, some forget that it took millions of years to evolve into the current species of Humanity, they use the excuse of the technology, artitecture, scientific acheivements and what we have done progressively to diffentiate us from animals like Wolves, Rabbits and Chimps, while I agree that its impressive, we mostly forget that not everything is perfect or like a utopia that people like to claim, we can act irritationally, the smartest we have to offer are only a minority, even the most average intelligent people can make irritational mistakes, we are still constrained to our primitive instincts; Reproducing regardless of how horrible the living standards people are in and self preservation regardless if a situation is actually dangerous or not. If we remained neutral and not 100% certain about something in a biased manner, than most people would at least treat non-humans with dignity (I know that there are people who care about animals, myself included, its probably because some have a caring personality, even for completely different species, not to the point of doing... unsual things that we would consider immoral or disgusting, that doesn't represent the majority, if anything, they're just following the law because they don't want to get introuble or they may actually care about animals, but regardless, there are people who still mistreat animals as if we're somehow not animals to a different capacity.)

Stephanie Lopez
Stephanie Lopez - 23.05.2023 03:03

What if other animals evolve into human-like creatures

Sony Jean
Sony Jean - 21.05.2023 05:30


Mr. Ditkovich
Mr. Ditkovich - 20.05.2023 04:16

Have you asked yourself, maybe because we are not animals? Sure we share similarities to mammals, but many creatures are similar to each other in some way. For example, spiders have eyes and humans do too. Does that mean we are related? It's insulting to be compared to animals when we have superior intelligence and a moral compass. The only humans you can call "animals" are those who believe we are animals (Atheists, Evolutionists...etc) and those who act like animals (Engage in all kinds of vices and lust and commit the most heinous crimes like murder, rape, incest...etc)

chummy mcgee2
chummy mcgee2 - 14.05.2023 07:25

i believe in Jesus Christ.

Anonymous Anon
Anonymous Anon - 10.05.2023 16:50

How can rationality come from non rational, blind physical processes?

Dan Man
Dan Man - 09.05.2023 04:12

There were at least 9 human species walking this planet 300,000 years ago, and they were all different from each other as well.

Joseph Johnson
Joseph Johnson - 06.05.2023 02:00

Were in God's image. Tainted but still.
Evolution was how we got there.

Taryn Taryn
Taryn Taryn - 03.05.2023 13:27

Humans are THE MOST destructive animal on the planet. We kill and destroy EVERYTHING. How is that intelligent?????????? I choose animals, every time.

TheDarkReddit - 02.05.2023 23:24

Wondering why there isn't any other animal in thr comment section... Maybe there will be in few million years hmmm

gaming pop 555
gaming pop 555 - 29.04.2023 18:53

Humans are aliens crossed breed (Rh factor)

Jayme Guinn
Jayme Guinn - 26.04.2023 19:52

Even Darwin doesn't believe in Darwinism.😅

Jayme Guinn
Jayme Guinn - 26.04.2023 19:51

I like it all, until, human evolution. First rule of quantum physics is, life, cannot come from non-life. There is a creator.🤨

Laser_x5proo - 20.04.2023 12:12

Humans classify themselves as above animals.
Biologically we are 100% animals.
This is your answer no complications this is true no 1000+ words essays
this is 2 lines and that's all just don't overcomplicate

Ziba Ajami
Ziba Ajami - 16.04.2023 23:59

Human himself find himself unique and precious among other animals👎👎 oh yes, we can drive a car but a chimpanzee can not.. so we are unique but no one asks if it was a goal for a chimpanzee to drive a car? Did a champansee want to drive a car like us but he could not or he didnt want it at all ???

Cyber Kid
Cyber Kid - 15.04.2023 13:54

we are aliens

Winston Montgomery
Winston Montgomery - 14.04.2023 22:22

Monkeys stayed in the jungle so they didn't need to evolve any further to survive in the jungle.😊 other monkeys lived in a part of the jungle that dried up under their feet so they had to adapt to the slowly vanishing jungle.

Patrick Moore
Patrick Moore - 12.04.2023 01:56

Childhood is a longer? This really explains the reason that we are the only mammal that walks on 2 feet? That we are the only animal that doesn’t retain some sort of balance within its environment? We are the only sentient life that we currently know of? Pfft

Scott Herford
Scott Herford - 11.04.2023 11:36

Because we ain’t animals.

Dark vortex
Dark vortex - 08.04.2023 07:38

Humans are literal controlled chaos.

dasbof - 07.04.2023 11:01

MEAT - What did we do with those "tools"? With those sharp stone pieces? We cut off chunks of scavenged meat and our brains grew from dense animal nutrition. Our brain sized grew and grew. We became the ultimate hunters of meat. Then when we started cooking our meat we leaped forward again. Tools, culture, meat, fire. These things set us apart. When we became non-nomadic and started farming/agricultural based out brains have shrunk the last 10,000 years.

Bankioluwa Osobajo
Bankioluwa Osobajo - 05.04.2023 21:41

big black men

Sean Straub
Sean Straub - 30.03.2023 13:01


Monipulator3216 - 29.03.2023 14:19

I'm sure that if Homo-Sapiens didn't kill off the other species of Humans, we'd have a vastly different present, and a drastically different conversation. I bet religion wouldn't be a thing. I'm sure we'd likely have more technological advancements (if the other species brains could keep up). Only thing, much more racism/speciesism would happen as is natural for US humans to do (not all bla bla bla bla). I'm tryin to see what the cross-species offspring would look like. Would it impact how that hybrid's brain develops? Would it be better, would it be worse? Would we count them as a new species of human? Many questions that will never be answered, and that bugs me.

דנה הבננה
דנה הבננה - 26.03.2023 15:34

you didn't answer the question. why dod humans develop a more rich culture if them and chimps had the same amount of time?

Jordan Straessle
Jordan Straessle - 25.03.2023 06:54

Monkeys can't drive cars because their childhood isn't long enough? Anything except a higher power right? That would be ridiculous.

Timothy Tjung Agnie
Timothy Tjung Agnie - 23.03.2023 00:25

We are made in the image of God we are given the authority to rule above all living things on this earth

Morten Robinson
Morten Robinson - 18.03.2023 11:10

Because all animals are very different from other animals. An elephant is very different from a fly. A pig is very different from a bird. And a human is very different from a squirrel. I would expect different animals to be different.
