Stop This Exercise Is Making Your Pain Worse

Stop This Exercise Is Making Your Pain Worse

Back In Shape Program

3 недели назад

241 Просмотров

🔴 *Why The Dead Bug Exercise Is Making Your Sciatica Worse*🔴 Learn to get it right now with these simple adjustments to your technique.
👉 *Need Help With Your Back Pain?* Check this full video out now "Fixing Back Pain Master Class"

📚 *Resources:*

Struggling with sciatica? Whether it's caused by a lumbar disc herniation or stenosis, the deadbug exercise might be making things worse if done incorrectly. This video will show you a common mistake and a simple fix to ensure you perform the deadbug correctly, helping to alleviate your sciatica instead of aggravating it.

🚫 *Common Mistake: Improper Spine Control*
Many people unknowingly let their spine move into extension or flatten before starting the deadbug. This lack of control can worsen sciatica. Learn how to maintain a neutral spine to prevent this!

⚠️ *Uncontrolled Arching*
As you move your legs, losing core control can cause your lower back to arch, pinching the sciatic nerve and causing sharp pain.

⚠️ *Subconscious Flattening*
Often seen in those with a Pilates or yoga background, flattening the spine to the floor stretches the disc, potentially causing soreness after exercising.

🛠️ *How to Fix It:*
-*Maintain Neutral Spine:* The root issue is failing to control and maintain a neutral spine. Using a small rolled towel placed under your lower back can help you monitor and maintain this neutral position.

✅ *Step-by-Step Fix:*
-Lie on your back with a natural arch in your lower back.
-Place a rolled towel in the hollow between your lower back and the floor.
-Engage your core without flattening your spine or arching your back.
-Perform the deadbug while ensuring the towel provides constant feedback.

🔧 *Additional Tips:*
If you struggle to engage your core without tilting your pelvis, check out the “Candle Drill for Core Engagement” tutorial.

💪 *Dead Bug for Sciatica Rehabilitation*
Mastering the deadbug is crucial for developing spine control and preparing for weight-bearing rehab exercises. This technique will help you perform the exercise correctly, reducing pain and aiding in your recovery.

📹 For an in-depth tutorial on the deadbug exercise and more tips on back rehabilitation, watch the video now! If you need more guidance, explore our “Fixing Back Pain Masterclass” or join the Back In Shape Program for personalized support.

#DeadBugExercise #SciaticaRelief #BackPain #ExerciseTips #backinshape

0:00 Introduction
0:30 Main Mistake
1:41 How To Use It
2:44 Demonstration: Deadbug
4:41 Extra Tips


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