Atari 8-bit Computer Games that You MUST PLAY

Atari 8-bit Computer Games that You MUST PLAY

John Hancock

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@ThaMizphit74 - 18.01.2024 22:17

I got the Atari XEGS for Xmas '87. My parents got it for me instead of the NES which was sold out everywhere. Didn't want it because I felt at the time that there weren't a lot of games for it that I really wanted to play or own. Turned out that I had a classmate that had a bunch of carts for the 800. I borrowed a couple just to see if they would work on the XEGS, I had no idea. They did, and my friend said he was moving on to the NES and I could have all of his Atari 800 carts. I still have them today.

@d.aardent9382 - 18.01.2024 03:37

My uncle had a 400 and he had this really cool game that was like that Zepplin game and helicopter game but it was submarines instead.
It had all these amazing detail of underwater caverns ya could enter and ya had to destroy force field generators and/or walls and knock out enemy power plants and weapon installations,but there were surface ships dropping depth charges and torpedos and enemy subs patrolling.
Ya had your own home base also ala Capt.Nemo where ya could repair or refuel your sub i think.
There was another aspect to it underlying your actions,like some other mission ongoing ya had to accomplish but i cant remember exactly.
It was one of my favorite games as the physics of it was very "realistic" it gave you the feeling of actual underwater motion because the sub had momentum and ya had to be careful when you lessened forward speed or to stop, the sub kept moving like it had actual mass. Same for moving up and down.
Maybe im recalling it wrong, or embellishing it in my nostalgic mind. Lol
Anyone know what it was called? Ive been trying to find it again for emulation onto another device, like maybe the GSP.

@winstonsmith478 - 17.01.2024 23:15

I really liked Nebulus. IMO, the best joystick for the Atari 8-bit PCs was the microswitch-based, bat-handled Wico Command Control Joystick.

@garybrockie6327 - 17.01.2024 16:57

Star Raiders

@shelbysolomon2444 - 17.01.2024 16:46

I recently inherited a 130xe from a co-worker, and I had never heard of Atari’s computer line before then. I totally fell in love with the pick up and play nature of the games. It’s now become one of my go to gaming machines—endless hours of fun.

@jimyoung9262 - 17.01.2024 16:15

Man I had one of those back in the day. I worked all summer to buy a disk drive for like $400.

@operationshutdown155 - 17.01.2024 15:04

That version of Donkey Kong might be my favorite version to play on any platform! 🔥

@tomevil6 - 17.01.2024 05:04

Yoomp is an awesome game, it can also be found on the Atari 50 Anniversary Celebration.

@kenwheeler3637 - 17.01.2024 03:40

Nice choices. The Bosconian homebrew looks amazing.

@fozie43430 - 17.01.2024 01:16

The Atari 400 Mini is cute, but like all the mini computers coming out are only legal emulators and roms. I have my original 1200XL, that got me through college in the 1980s. It's been "fixed" and upgraded but is still my favorite. I also picked up a 130XE, a few years ago, heap, just for fun.

@robbieadams9837 - 16.01.2024 19:29

And where is the Amico? 🤔😂

@genblob - 16.01.2024 19:11

I got a 600XL a few weeks ago and upgraded the ram to 64k. I'm finding so many weird and cool games for it that it's starting to become my favorite 8-bit computer.

@samusvikerness661 - 16.01.2024 18:26

I want one so bad man. I’m actually looking to buy a 5200 or 7800. I’m just so discouraged about the controller situation regarding the 5200. Is there really no affordable solution? Those custom controllers cost more than the system.

@DTM-Books - 16.01.2024 17:36

It’s great to see a video on the Atari 8-bit. I could go on raving about this great computer for hours. As always, I’ll strongly recommend MULE, Seven Cities of Gold and Ballblazer, just for starters. Donkey Kong is also excellent, and as we can see, the indie/homebrew scene has kept Atari alive all these years. Thank God for the diehard Atarians in Poland.

Oh, and have you seen Space Harrier? Holy buckets, that was an achievement. But I believe that required the 1MB RAM expansion, so it’s probably only playable via emulator for most fans.

@vagabondarts - 16.01.2024 07:41

I’ve never played games from this computer but I’m excited to check them out

@pierregareau5812 - 16.01.2024 06:00

With the Atari 400 mini , this video come handy, thanks John !

@yvesrn - 16.01.2024 02:13

It would be helpful if you provided links to the various games you profile. I can't find any sign of Tempest Elite (For example).

@johneygd - 16.01.2024 00:48

Mind blowing stuff😁

@retrovisions_ - 15.01.2024 22:12

Well done video sir. Blue Max was my favorite growing up. Must play for sure. As I collect for the console Super Zaxxon is another outstanding game .

@mortimore4030 - 15.01.2024 22:05

Must haves: Dropzone, Archon, Rescue on Fractalus, The Eidolon, Mercenary, Elektra Glide, Pharaohs Curse, Pole Position, Star Raiders, Star Raiders II, Montezuma's Revenge.

@jamesajones1979 - 15.01.2024 20:34

Are these available as roms to load on the system?

@perinoid - 15.01.2024 20:22

Did you check the aftermarket port of the Prince of Persia for an Atari? If not - just do it. Another one to check is Crownland - a very colorful and really impressive platformer. Or a newer one, Albert. If you like Atari Blast!, you must have a look at The Last Squadron. If you're into FPS type of games, you must check the Atari Doom (ADoom) port (not completly finished yet but playable and almost done), that's been also recently created. Flob, Adam Is Me, ... many more magnifficent productions appeared, especially during recent years.

@ladegaillerie41 - 15.01.2024 20:02

I'll be playing Shamus non-stop as soon as the A400 arrives. It's available for several platforms, but was born on the Atari 8-bit platforms and the Atari version is the best.

@christopherwoods5150 - 15.01.2024 18:22

My favorite was Star Raiders, and an IBM game that required a floppy disc to load the compiler, Archon, a chess/fighting game.
Does it have a USB port for a keyboard?
My whole family competed for Centipede high scores (mom won), and all but mom competed for Missile Command (me). We had a 400, and dad went cheap on the touchpad keyboard, so no desire to code Basic for me, but when they took us to play cards with their friends, the younger couple had a 800XL with all the extras.

@flygarfpv3496 - 15.01.2024 17:30

The thing is, in the era of easily accessible emulation, why would you go back for "near arcade quality" ports when you can just play the actual arcade version? The Atari 8-bit had a number of pretty good arcade ports, but I never find myself going back for them. I'm far more likely to go back for things that were unique to the platform (or at least unique to the platforms of the era) like M.U.L.E. or Bruce Lee or Mr. Robot, etc. It's the titles where it's the pinnacle gaming experience that make it worth firing up the emulator (or running on the real hardware if you have it.)

@sherekhangamedev - 15.01.2024 17:28

I really enjoyed my time with my first very own Atari XE at my 6, but not enough. I was mad when 6 years later my mom gift it to an employ of the family business because I had a modern 486 PC.

@Bootyhunter1971 - 15.01.2024 15:18

Lol "play these great atari 800 games" shows hacks and "unofficial" games.

@arcadesunday4592 - 15.01.2024 15:09

Some very cool games showcased here !

@michaeljordan6008 - 15.01.2024 11:07

Is Popeye available?

@funkydmunky1 - 15.01.2024 09:50

FOUR player MULE for the WIN!!!
Best party game ever. I have never had so many screaming friends in any other game. Atari downfall was cutting it to TWO joysticks for the XL/XE line. Stupid mistake.

@funkydmunky1 - 15.01.2024 09:43

Hey thanks bro for giving the HIGHLY underrated A8-bit some love. Always enjoy your channel. Thanks for the hard work and looking forward to your content in the new year!

@joshuascholar3220 - 15.01.2024 09:30

I worked at Synapse. I wrote Lode Runner's Rescue too. These new games look a bit better than many of the games of the day did. Programmers have learned a few more tricks than we knew back then and have better tools than we had, though by say 1985 people who used to work for Synapse had built tools like an assembler and remote debugger than ran on a PC even if the program ran on a Commodore 64 (not sure if we made an Atari version of that).

@davinadavina1331 - 15.01.2024 09:16

the atari XEGS is better. more ram bigger games

@d4qatoa - 15.01.2024 08:55

You r list is solid. I would add Beef drop, excellent burger time port and RGB.

@paulweiss3818 - 15.01.2024 07:34

I absolutely loved my Atari 800. Back in 1980 Star Raiders sold me on Atari rather than Apple and I NEVER regretted it!

@paulkelly5035 - 15.01.2024 07:32

Gauntletak is an under-rated gem. I think it should have been the pack-in for the XEGS.

@kevinstrade2752 - 15.01.2024 06:08

My first computer was my Atari 65XE back in the mid 80's. I still have it and have acquired a 400,800 and XEGS since. I learned very very basic programming from it. I have other 8 but computers, they are cool.

@treyslay753 - 15.01.2024 06:05

Thanks for the recommendations. I haven't ever played an Atari computer game before. I do know the Atari computers are very capable gaming machines. Pretty amazing they were released way back in 79. I've heard the Atari 400 Mini will also play 5200 roms. Anyone know if the controller has extra buttons for these games?

@darcyska - 15.01.2024 05:52

Thanks for featuring such cool games - certainly a console and line I've never gotten into, so it's fun to see some of the library on display in videos like this.

@buckeyechad1 - 15.01.2024 05:42

Thanks so much John. Blue Max was great! I forgot about Fort Apocalypse and Zeppelin, reason I watch. See games lost to my memory. C-64 guy but played them on 800 first.

@kjhoskins - 15.01.2024 05:39

SOme of these games take me back. Thanks for the video, John.

@lancelange9377 - 15.01.2024 05:32

Fort Apocalypse is legendary and had so much in it for the time.

@jeffro9252 - 15.01.2024 04:16

Bro. These homebrew, and non official ports don’t count. Come on now.

@waynerowlinson6177 - 15.01.2024 03:50

I've owned just about every common 8 bit computer ever made with the exception of Atari. I always wanted one, but never did get one. I've bid a few times on online auctions but never won. I played Zeppelin a lot on my C64, and Bosconian a bit after "discovering" it on a Plug and Play game I got a few years ago. My wife had a 130xe growing up, and thought it was still in her parent's attic, but alas it was not.
If I can get a 400 mini for a non-scalper price I might get one, but otherwise will stick to the emulators I already have at my disposal.
As usual, thanks for the video!

@DonDonnieDon - 15.01.2024 03:48


@Trialwolf - 15.01.2024 03:48

My picks would be Moon Patrol ( I love this game), B.C Quest for Tires is another good one. the Atari computer version of E.T. is rather interesting, haven't played it much but it is a lot more in depth than the 2600 version.

@mfs62789 - 15.01.2024 03:31

One game that should get an honorable mention is gauntlet. It was like an indie game of the time, but it was very ahead of his time. If you can find this one that is an awesome game not to be confused with the gauntlet arcade game. This was a space game that you had a ship that had a lot of different weapons and strategy was involved

@OswaldoVonSchnoobenstein - 15.01.2024 03:21

I still have my Atari 400 upgraded with 64k bank select! It still works. My dad got it for me in 1977-78. I'm going to be 57 this month and it's one of my most cherished possessions. I still have my C-64 and Amiga 500 that also still work fine. Those were the days man. Temple of Aphshi Trilogy, and a free Saturday to do nothing were some good times.

@kevinfisher5492 - 15.01.2024 03:20

Zeppelin was an incredible game. I only played it on the C64, but it was amazing.

@igorperuchi2114 - 15.01.2024 03:02

Great recommendations, I need to play that Zeppelin game, I knew nothing about it until now! Also, I would kindly suggest the Robbo games from Poland, they are quite popular on the A8 platform. Thanks for the video!
