A Road Trip to Chinh Ly with Vietnam’s Duck Master

A Road Trip to Chinh Ly with Vietnam’s Duck Master

OTR Food & History

5 месяцев назад

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@cryisfree510 - 10.10.2024 11:13

Downing at least 12 cans of beer, thuoc lao, and cheap cigarettes 😂 i wouldve felt terrible too

@hellsfro - 10.10.2024 12:24

Loved this OTR episode. ❤️

@Lostboy811 - 10.10.2024 12:25

The highest honor in the food world sorry don't believe it most places that earn a star actually suck the food is alawful, appearance they do make beautiful plates and when they actually have good food the portion is so small it is not food but a snack

@gerardhatton9035 - 10.10.2024 13:14

This is my favourite restaurant in Hanoi. I've always been amazed by both the food and the hospitality of the owner, Kiem. So happy to see him getting some recognition.

@ArnoldMercado-h2h - 10.10.2024 15:31

Inspiring story❤

@dondobbs9302 - 10.10.2024 16:15

So great and fun!! Great people! Love it! The feast loos amazing! The food at Don Duck looks awesome too!! Only been to Hanoi, not out to the country though. If I ever get back, Don Duck is at the top of the list! My (thai) wife grew up similar to this, not as lean as that but, she was working at 6. Folk In S.E.A. are tough but so sweet!

@Silen_471 - 10.10.2024 19:46

Great video, I dont have anything interesting to say only that I would love to visit Vietnam for it’s incredible food culture

@thirtysixverts - 10.10.2024 21:47

This video feels like an amazing inflection point in your work and style. Like you've truly found your own voice, your own way. Absolutely love all your videos, and looking forward to more and seeing you grow and evolve.

@Ginrinotsuba - 11.10.2024 00:06

Totally appreciate the cultural aspect of cigs. Not something to be proud of, but very real and a coping mechanism some turn to.

@0super - 11.10.2024 06:31

you guys tell such great stories. thank you so much.

@chrismcdermott4536 - 11.10.2024 08:28

I went to Don Duck last year on a whim. I had an amazing dinner. I sat out front and Kiem ,another patron and myself had a great time talking and joking about stuff. Great video. Thank you!

@kmusicology - 11.10.2024 11:58

What a story. Incredible episode, probably the best to date. Thank you

@sirris4330 - 11.10.2024 12:03

Simply Beautiful

@JayKughan - 11.10.2024 12:52

What a story! What a legend!

@davehardy718 - 11.10.2024 14:18

Awesome story, great video👍

@hungphamgia9690 - 11.10.2024 16:39

This is one of the most realistic Vietnam vibes I have ever seen in a western media page. I really appreciated your take of delivering the context of Vietnam in the Renovation era, that adds a whole depth for the story. One thing I have to say is that the number of people like Kiem is not so rare in Vietnam. We are hard-working people that never give up, embrace all the opportunity that come across and always treat tourists and enthusiasts with the kindest hospitality. The rise of Kiem is the rise of the Vietnam image nowadays. Thanks a lot for the story.

@katieluv8422 - 11.10.2024 19:53

What amazes me is the story is very similar to any of my relatives that started Chinese restauranbs in the US and the joy of returning to see family and eat good food at the lunar New Year is shared across Asian cultures.

@horizontalmedia - 11.10.2024 22:45

His story would be a great Netflix movie, go pitch them up ! Always great to see someone who has this kind of story, like me coming from the middle of the jungle and now lives comfortably in Finland. Lot's of story.

@juliandco - 12.10.2024 00:44

I love how you tell stories--and let your guests shine by telling their own stories. This was another great one!

@scottyg9167 - 12.10.2024 06:44

Such a heart-warming, fun, eye-opening story! Just goes to show ya how your passion can lift you to the skies. I’m so inspired, so humbled, so impressed by Kiem’s story!

@nocancelcultureaccepted9316 - 12.10.2024 10:20

Vietnam and its food would be more enjoyable if the people didn’t throw garbage everywhere and practiced hygiene.

@ChineseKiwi - 12.10.2024 12:48

Absolute amazing heartfelt story.

@241cars - 12.10.2024 14:10

I have been to don duck. Very good food. Great documentary 👏 well done! ☆Chào Bạn!

@mb9948 - 12.10.2024 21:29

Well done, Adam.

@nirat2782 - 12.10.2024 22:57

Great job as always congrats

@dutchsmith7375 - 13.10.2024 16:10

That guy is 50? Wow!

@toxo6678 - 15.10.2024 18:08

keep up the wonderful work!

@daviddao8328 - 20.10.2024 15:39

Great work with this one. I remember first watching Anthony Bourdain’s Vietnam Episode of No Reservations.
Absolutely fell in love with the commentary style & personal feel of the show.

This definitely felt like a love letter in how it was shot.
Keep up the good work! 😊

@jonnywas2665 - 31.10.2024 01:16

WOW! Bourdain's gone, so sadly, but you three have picked up the mantle! Awesome documentary!

@michaelcooksey7232 - 01.11.2024 03:16

This was wonderful and inspiring. Thank you.

@Oakyman - 06.11.2024 16:22

Another great piece, made me wanna try his ducks!!

@khiemtran6272 - 07.11.2024 02:37

Great episode! it was cool to see KOTO mentioned. I was one of the many Australian donors back in the day, so it was nice to see it made a difference.

@DroneBeeStrike - 15.11.2024 03:05

What we dont get to hear your karaoke ? Boooo 🤣

@khanhnly - 18.11.2024 01:13

Adam, thank you so much for this video. I left VN when I was 18, 5 years after the fall of Saigon. This story stirred so much feeling buried deep in me until this day. Let me tell you this, there wasn't a dried eye in my family while watching this, including my 2 kids who were born here in CA. There is so much to tell about VN, please keep up the great work that you've done. Thank you.

@nicholasmatuza728 - 20.11.2024 00:31

I love the heck out of this story. I wish Don and his family a very successful future.

@TheThailightZone - 20.11.2024 14:11

Excellent documentary as usual.
What an inspirational story of success out of the depths of real poverty and limited opportunities. And not a word of complaint or bitterness about his circumstances.
Quite refreshing after the previous video I watched (on another channel) which featured some self-entitled fortunate Westerner complaining about some relatively insignificant third world drama.

@welfaredubz9050 - 05.12.2024 23:15

Best restaurant in Hà Nội, incredible food and hosting, and it has been like that since day 1 in the original restaurant. I'm so happy to see the Don and family getting the credit they deserve!!!

@BoondocksHuey - 14.12.2024 18:22

What a great episode. Thank you for the awesome video

@jhosk - 17.12.2024 20:29

Observation. The health and longevity of the people who you show is far greater than here in the US, no doubt in my mind it's their perfect diet. And I'm sure they don't know their diets are perfect.

@seanoneillsongs - 19.12.2024 23:55

What a lovely guy and a great story. I'm newish to your channel and really enjoy your relaxed, non patronising willingness to learn from the people you meet. I'll be visiting Hanoi in a couple of months - my third visit to Vietnam but my first to this city. I hope they're as receptive to an old Irishman playing guitar and singing on the streets and the people in S|aigon have been. Cam on.

@foxyeventsmedia - 20.12.2024 20:28

I forget mentioning even the blood of the duck, we also cook it
Even duck's feathers are used in shutter cocks, for badminton, Shuttlecock Kicking or clothes. ^^

@patrickbuder3571 - 21.12.2024 16:11

Brings up fond memories considering lived and worked in Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi mid 90ties total 8 years, lot of changes since then

@elmontevisioncare9030 - 22.12.2024 23:13

Thank you for this. Very inspiring and heartwarming. People are so kind in Vietnam.

@randysousie5272 - 23.12.2024 02:13

Don Duck keep up with your dreams..

@Spanishfutbol2010 - 16.01.2025 22:30

What an amazing story. Thank you so much for sharing this.

@jamesbrisendine - 03.02.2025 09:18

What a wholesome dude!

@SanJacintoArtGuild - 23.02.2025 06:27

Great story!

@andy-kai-chan - 03.03.2025 09:07

Just ate there. Was as advertised. Delicious
