Live, Real Time Personal Psychic Readings With Susan Lynn & Donna Norris

Live, Real Time Personal Psychic Readings With Susan Lynn & Donna Norris

Susan Lynn-Spirit Navigator

4 месяца назад

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@nurseolivo2 - 10.11.2024 00:30

I have a series of health problems. I have RA and Osteoarthritis and they want me to have two hip replacements. What do you see?

@AntoniettaSweeney - 10.11.2024 00:33

Hi Donna!., my dog Jack past in Sept. Need to know if he suffred before he past.😢

@francisdimora3730 - 10.11.2024 00:36

I put tRump s name, in heave black letters and placed it between two mirrors. This will reflect his evil rite back to me. Steven Miller is in there with him.

@DonnaCarroll-w2s - 10.11.2024 00:40

Maybe someone was sending a message because 2 strays should up at my house on Thursday 2am. Tracked owner all day Thursday before returning them to their home that evening.

@sherryBLUE735 - 10.11.2024 00:42

Why is our current government not stopping this nightmare take over? Too many are going to suffer. The cheating was out there for all to see.

@Waterlily1055 - 10.11.2024 00:51

Hi ladies, I'm new here. with very broken 💔 for years 😔

@maighstirtarot5385 - 10.11.2024 01:01

Great Q&A - as usual - those of us that already leant the "lesson" and have shifted to the other side, have to wait for those who aren't there yet ... it's going to be hard, frustrating, joyful and tearful but we who are awake (woke) need to accept them into our ranks as they lift the wool from their eyes ... xx

@AngelaBaker-vl5dy - 10.11.2024 01:05

hello everyone

@KarenSmith-nc4no - 10.11.2024 01:07

My daughter and her chocolate lab lives with us. His name is Rowan. Is he ok

@jns0913 - 10.11.2024 01:08

Algorithm boost 🇺🇸 😁

@4chg - 10.11.2024 01:17

All that's going on and the questions being asked.

@mtclaud1962 - 10.11.2024 01:23

What is happening with your videos @Susan Lynn? I just got a notification about a new video and I click on it and it's seconds. It was about surviving what may happen. Seems important. So WHAT HAPPENED!!??!?!?!!??

@4chg - 10.11.2024 01:29

Is it worth moving to a blue state from a red state.😊

@macunz111 - 10.11.2024 01:31

Good afternoon amazing peeps😊❤

@sandra-ub3qg - 10.11.2024 01:41

I love Donnas teardrop mirror! Where did she find it?

@gaillouis4289 - 10.11.2024 01:42

Good Evening Ladies.

@jennykid2086 - 10.11.2024 01:50

Hello...I would like to know if my partner and I will experience financial freedom soon

@harriethowell5444 - 10.11.2024 01:53

Is our English Cream white retriever ready to pass? He is 11 with extreme arthritis.

@charlotteschaefers5129 - 10.11.2024 01:54

Thank you!

@joybird5495 - 10.11.2024 01:56

To the person selling property, get a realtor, a good one. A realtor got me $30,000 more for my house than I thought possible.

@pinupgirl1949 - 10.11.2024 01:57

Thank you so much❤❤❤

@sandra-ub3qg - 10.11.2024 02:00

My son had a cat, Mr, Whiskers, he lived to be 23 yrs. old ! And he died in his arms looking up at my son. It was heartwrenshing!

@lwiscovitch - 10.11.2024 02:05

How's "his" health?

@sandra-ub3qg - 10.11.2024 02:05

I am so stressed after all this election cheating! I started cooking, I made a big pot of veg-beef soup and some cinnamon cookies. I will have to freeze some of the soup. It is a big pot!!! There is only my son and me.

@jameyk5430 - 10.11.2024 02:06

Love you !

@pinupgirl1949 - 10.11.2024 02:09

I wish i didn't miss this live! 💓 Hopefully you will do another one like this. My Chihuahua Miles on the other side i would have loved to talk to❤

@GdHr-oz5ph - 10.11.2024 02:14

Great show, my friends. ❤❤

@vincentjones5970 - 10.11.2024 02:16

Voters have found out they voted down the ticket all blue.But for Harris vote went to trump!!!!!!!

@joannrose6842 - 10.11.2024 02:18

Thank you so much for all you do. I was the one that asked if Cindy Mapes had a message. She passed this summer. Just as a validation I’ve had sinus headaches for the last two months.

@RoxanneM- - 10.11.2024 02:22

Thank you so much.

@llllll25038 - 10.11.2024 02:34

Susan, I just hope DT or JDV are only in for 4 years and not forever. Ideally, I hope they dont get in at all.

@janeulness2119 - 10.11.2024 02:41

We need to sell and downsize soon. When would be the best time.

@lareeriverola3637 - 10.11.2024 02:43

it is already getting terrible company's are already moving out of the US and people are saying that in there jobs they are being told they won't be getting there bonus'es and vacation pay anymore just a lot more happening

@joannrose6842 - 10.11.2024 02:48

After listening again, Cindy Mapes was also validating the ice cream. I ate too much ice cream one night and my sugar spiked and crashed and I went into a coma. Wow!

@campbellsusan - 10.11.2024 02:52

Susan-to find a name in the chat--press CTRL F and then type the name in the text box. you can use the down arrow in the text box to go to where the name appears.

@campbellsusan - 10.11.2024 02:55

Do we see our dogs who have passed when we die?

@lareeriverola3637 - 10.11.2024 02:58

i have already been though that with my sweet little furkid he let me know when he was 16 and a half that something was wrong he was my special needs boy had to take care of him every time he had a flare up but i still got to have him for that long he was my heart and he will always be every day i miss him and talk to him and for along time after he passed he let me know that he was still around until i got my girl then he stopped

@patc1764 - 10.11.2024 03:01

Lovely session.. great advice for everyone and I cook feel
the loving, uplifting energy
Susan and Donna…Thank you both !

@Sharon-dm1oj - 10.11.2024 03:02

Could I get a reading? I just want to know if I will come together with my current Love interest.

@Lisa_P73 - 10.11.2024 03:18

I'm watching your readings later, and if Roni looks at these comments if she likes teaching, think about starting a business being a tudor online. Kids REALLY could use that help.

@janistramel65 - 10.11.2024 03:36

Disappointed To see your latest video What if. How about focusing on when she is in 👍🏽

@foxmulder-t5w - 10.11.2024 03:41

Giggling girls drunk

@JoannaK-j1o - 10.11.2024 04:12

That k you! 😍

@zephmarie55 - 10.11.2024 04:48

Wasn't here live, but just listened now. Thanks Susan and Donna. That was so interesting and helpful.

I will act as if Trump is not going to be the next president, and I thank our collective protective guides for this blessing and protection.

@jeannie.k6976 - 10.11.2024 08:12

You both are Awesome Ladies ❤, sending Positive energy for you ❤️

@christinesuddarth7740 - 10.11.2024 09:05

Thank you Susan & Donna this helped a lot ❤

@margaretreganlevine7250 - 10.11.2024 10:59

Hi Ladies! Would Donna do Reiki on my fur crew? Is Beatrix with me she passed 11-14-2009.

@The7AcreWood - 10.11.2024 14:54

Journey of Souls changed my entire outlook on so many levels. It has in the last month helped me forgive my father, whom i hated with a passion and an unhealthy dose of anger. It all just melted away. It has removed my judgemental attitudes towards others. I feel kinder, cleaner of spirit, and shocked at the huge shift in my perspective across all fields of my consciousness. I feel so much love now and so much forgiveness. I look at everything in my life so differently. Please, please read this book. It will change your heart. ❤❤❤❤❤

@FranceneShed - 13.11.2024 17:27

Thank you all! I have really benefitted from listening ❤

@sandrasauve7691 - 08.12.2024 15:43

Hi there As a Canadian on Social Security , will I have a loss of income??? And I’m on Medicare. My physicians are American. Will this work
