Fuji X-T5 is NOT the camera you want? | Dave Tries This Full Review

Fuji X-T5 is NOT the camera you want? | Dave Tries This Full Review

Dave Tries This

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@Powerland56 - 23.12.2022 19:16

What are your settings in Boost, Release or Focuspriority and AF+MF ON or OUT?

@PaulVersailles - 23.12.2022 21:53

As an X-T3 user, I'm disappointed with the lack of details in this video. I can't tell whether you actually had a focus issue without knowing if your camera was set to "release priority" or "focus priority." From what I understand, the default setting for continuous AF is release priority. Release priority tells the camera you'd rather miss focus than miss the moment. So a normal and expected side effect of release priority in continuous AF is missing focus here and there; that's why you shoot bursts with it. If you're going to scrutinize individual shots or you want every shot in a row to be in focus, you need to be shooting in focus priority, and you need to tell us that.

@woofinu - 23.12.2022 22:37

Sent over by Mark Smith. I am a fan of Fuji cameras. What would you recommend for under $1000 (including standard lenses)?

@johnarizona3820 - 23.12.2022 23:40

Hey Dave, I was referred over by Mark Smith@MarkSmithphotography. Blessings!

@bguerrero0410 - 24.12.2022 03:16

I went from Fuji to Sony and back to Fuji. I had missed the film simulations. However, I regret going back to Fujifilm. The focusing on my A7riii was far superior to the X-T4 I own now. I will eventually be going back to Sony as I miss too many shots with the Fuji even though I have shot with Fuji since the X-Pro1 was released and I am used to it's quirks.

@Pelos_daSilva - 24.12.2022 05:55

Mark Smith brought me here✌🏿. Subbed!

@tekguyphoto - 24.12.2022 06:05

Hello , Mark sent me here. Lets go 1k.

@jaegerschtulmann - 25.12.2022 15:28

Your complain regarding the dials moving from place is entirely your fault! who didn't remember to lock them? YOU DID MR.! I shoot on both an a74 and this new Fuji xt5 (my first fuji camera), while the AFC on Fuji is certainly not on the level of my a74 (especially on video), the xt5 gets you there 85% of the way. All you need to do is change the AF setting from release to focus and disable manual focus+AF function. Once you do that the camera's AF improves dramatically.

@impulsesystems - 26.12.2022 04:01

You had the XT5 set to Donut-priority focus?

This was a surprising change from so many positive reviews of this camera. Thanks for keeping it real!

@a97b18b - 26.12.2022 07:38

i was going to trade in my xt3 and 100-400 and pick up the xt5...i think I'll wait. maybe i'll sell the lens and pick up a new prime or something. I also have my canon r6 which i use for birds, but the crop sensor would get me more reach. the hit rate on the canon is amazing so I always leave my fuji at home for that type of photography. fuji will stay as my family and some street camera

@michaelj7069 - 27.12.2022 15:20

How in the F do you even shoot? If I came home with this crap I’d give up photography.

@piratidisogni6907 - 29.12.2022 18:32


@locker1964 - 30.12.2022 11:36

Thanks for this video, i have the XT-2 and I think to upgrade - but the most problem for me was, i have only lenses that are not recoment for the XT-5. I am not a hybrid shooter mostly landscape so the autofokus was ok for me.

@josecolon8143 - 31.12.2022 02:37

Outstanding video! I would really like to see a comparison of the Fuji 100-400 with the teleconverter against the Fuji 150-600 without teleconverter!

@DmitryBrodsky007 - 31.12.2022 03:23

as a long time owner/user of pretty much every Fuji X camera from X100/XE1, your review is right on point. Fuji are described as 'fun cameras.' And that's it - it is a fun camera. Ive traveled all over the world with Fuji cameras, but I don't get paid for my shots. I would have never in my wildest dreams brought a Fuji camera to a paid gig. I know some people do and do it successfully. But why, when any Sony or Canon RF camera will nail autofocus each and every time to the point you dont have to even think about it? Fuji makes a great 2d or 3d system. That is not to say Fuji is really bad. I've tracked things in low light with Fuji XT2 and XT20 and XT30 even with third party lenses like Viltrox and nailed series of shots. But then at other times I did not. It is inconsistency as you amply demonstrate here, that causes many people who only rely on Fuji X system frustration. Sony and Canon are past it. Even Olympus with OM1 is on the same level with Sony/Canon kids. Fuji is still better than Panasonic when it comes to AF tracking..... so not all is lost. I do believe Fuji will finally make it work, perhaps in next generation of cameras.

@Jeffw02 - 31.12.2022 03:38

The Fuji's colors of the lemurs sure are nicer than the Sony's. Were both out-of-camera jpg's? Both AWB?

@LeicaCat - 01.01.2023 05:14

It’s a shame that Time Magazine, National Geographic, Sports Illustrated and many others were never able to get in-focus pictures until Sony came along with their autofocus cameras.

@Tbonyandsteak - 01.01.2023 22:14

Every camera AF performs in poor light, even the overrated Sony. In good light No problem AT ALL. Proffesionel dont whines at all, is that not funny. It is those that dont know about settings, Exposure triangle. Sorry but to be a photographer takes more than just to push the shutter button. My fuji nails the AF everytime, becourse I know about settings and what it can and dont can. I would never shoot proffesional job in low light and expect perfect takened images, the correct light are set, no waaay those image are pro images. A pro would know this, an amateur not.

Another funny those that critic Fuji usually mentioning Sony's AF performance. What I think?
Sony owner really hates and abhor, that you can get a camera for 1800$, when they payed 5000$ for their own camera. Why? IT SHOWS!!!

@momchilyordanov8190 - 09.01.2023 09:27

Useful information. And also - your video is too dark. It doesn't look "cinematic" or "artistic". It looks dark.

@Happy_Snapper - 15.01.2023 11:44

Decent review, well done.

@karlbratby4349 - 16.01.2023 14:37

with respect I'm not sure your copy is a good one or your setup is a good one either, now I'm not a huge fan of excuses Fuji has made for years and I'm at present a Sony A9ll shooter but having trialed the XH2 and Xh2s for two weeks I will say hand on heart that the speed of the AF of both is faster and more sensitive in low light than my A9ll, i tried some C-AF and messed with settings and was super sticky. would be interested to know the setting you used on the XT5, which focus setup was giving the problems. Now it might not have been the XT5 but as far as I'm aware it shares the AF from the XH2 and also believe it has a tally light on the front when recording video. OH to add just checked the XT5 manual and I was correct page 199 tally light setup, maybe other aspects of your review were not quite as accurate as you thought and maybe the AF is more accurate than you think. I also read the switch off MF + AF helps along with setting the AF priority to focus not leaving it on the out-of-factory setting which is release. OR simply go old school and just use a focus point and move it to the eye and dont use it like a computer letting it take the pictures for you

@mrdough123 - 25.01.2023 00:48

I gave up on Fuji’s auto focus, and regret having invested in expensive primes, when all that money could have being spent in canon glass. Fuji focus stinks.

@NBPT428 - 27.01.2023 23:57

I just bought an X-T5 and have owned an X-T3 for three years. The autofocus on the X-T3 would sometimes hunt and focus tracking did have misses. Manual focus is there for a reason and the problem goes away. So far with the X-T5 I haven't seen those issues but I don't disagree with that concern/comment I'm scratching my head on the complaint about the dials changing position when you pull the camera out of the bag. The dials are pretty tight, I'm not the most gentle person with my gear and I've yet to experience that.

@jonesnax - 28.01.2023 17:33

A lot of channels have highlighted this. It's disappointing. I'm sticking with my X-T3 for now. Weirdly, I have been recently window shopping at older Sony's....maybe??

@nickdual - 30.01.2023 10:50

Your son looks like a girl?

@SkylarkFields - 30.01.2023 22:20

I've just watched this video and I have to say that most of what you said is correct as far as I am concerned. I wanted to love my new Fuji X-T5. I got mine here in the UK the day after it was released. I have since been wondering whether I have a bad copy. It just really is so disappointing. Yes, the dials DO turn themselves - I don't use a camera bag so it's not from putting it in one of those. I have found I am videoing instead of taking pictures because that dial has somehow got flipped across, maybe while I was altering the shutter speed dial? I found I was in bracket mode (I NEVER use bracket mode) - the lower part of the dial had moved itself when I altered the ISO. The worst thing of all is, I can not get a sharp picture unless the subject is really close - I couldn't make out whether it was my brand new 70-300mm lens or whether it is the camera. Image stabilisation doesn't always seem to work. Animals or birds have a sharp edged outline, but not tack sharp feathers or fur. I tried my 100-400mm lens - a much better quality lens than the 300mm - no great improvement. I was thinking my camera and the lenses must all be faulty!! It is all very hit and miss with the focus and I do get better sharp eyes on my subject by turning OFF eye detect. I do like the PreShotES, which I had on my X-T4, but I so wanted the eye detect. Silly me - spent all that money to get that and it doesn't work. I didn't want the 40mp but had to have it to get a Fuji camera that I could afford with eye detect. I think the lenses I have aren't great for this camera? I'm a total amateur so can't understand the technicalities that everyone will be wanting to shoot me down with if they read this. But all I know is that the camera is not as wonderful as it is made out to be and I feel I have wasted a lot of money. This camera takes AGES to obtain focus, in photos and video. Absolutely no use for a wildlife photographer and I had been led to believe it would be great for that - especially seeing as one of its features is bird and animal eye detect! I wonder if it is too late to send it back as not fit for purpose?!

@structongraphic7773 - 03.02.2023 17:22

Dave, i love you... very stupid photgrapher....

@kurtlwrr - 18.02.2023 04:48

as someone who shoots Fuji cameras exclusively covering a wide array of events and situations including NHL, WNBA, concerts, event coverage, lifestyle, food and more in both photo and video...I can tell you I have zero issues with the autofocus on Fuji cameras. Never sure whether to chalk up all these 'Sony's autofocus is so good while Fuji is horrible' videos to user error, bias towards Sony and just wanting the outcome to be what you want, or what. Oh, and I also have a Sony A1 and gotta say the autofocus on that isn't the tip of the spear people make it out to be.

@1cookgs - 18.02.2023 05:12

Yes, I would enjoy seeing the lens reviews for the new Fujifilm lenses.

@ghas4151 - 18.02.2023 12:11

If Fuji want to survive long term they really need to invest big in the team that creates the AF algorithm. The X-H2S isn’t far off Sony and Canon due to the stacked sensor, but the X-T5 is way off right now.

This is purely an algorithm issue and has nothing to do with hardware.

@mytravellinfo - 21.02.2023 08:10

bringing out of the bag and focus changed to manual! That is a tactile button on your left and would require some real press to change / switch focus.

@birjub9647 - 22.02.2023 03:55

Hopefully fuji fixes the Af with the firmwae soon. I moved from xt3 to xt5 - fount the af much better :) Also try using other af modes like zone and wide tracking. I also find single point very acccutate - you can reduces the size if the box and its great in C or S.

Fuji has record lights front and back that turns on when recording , the front lights are off by default you can trun them on in the settings.

@MichaelMoore-bx6st - 22.02.2023 05:54

I have an XH2, and kind of want an XT5. I came back from a trip with about 600 photos taken with the 16-80, and a few with the new 23mm.. I don't think I noticed any of them out of focus. I mainly used AFC tracking. I also have an a7IV. I'm not saying my Fuji is as good, but for personal travel photos I can't tell the difference in AF. I did give my friend the camera for a few, and some of here were out though.. I suspect user error.

@tslaces - 28.02.2023 22:23

It makes you wonder how people nailed focus before AF was available.

@bneil4059 - 03.03.2023 19:16

Hey Dave, what lens did your son take on his A7C?

@eliaspap8708 - 05.03.2023 07:22

Interesting video, im definitely not getting these issues. My hit rate is at least 90%
Im assuming you were on Continuous AF, with focus priority release and using the appropriate Animal or bird detect in relation to subject? Can u tell us what AF-C custom setting u used? I normally use number 2, ignore obstacles and continue to track subjects

@MrGohunter - 28.03.2023 01:25

1) I really don't get the obsession with so many people with autofocus. I learned photography in the days of 35mm and was brought up in an era before autofocus even existed. So for me, waiting even a second or so for autofocus, is WAY quicker than I could ever achieve with manual focus and yes, I got a HUGE number of excellent photos with manual focus and winding film on by hand between each shot. In short, SLOW DOWN. You'll get far better framed, focused and generally better composed photos by doing so. Learn to use pre-focus instead and selecting the best depth of field instead of just shooting a whole lot of photos willy nilly and expecting the camera to do everything for you. The photos you get are only as good as the skill of person behind the camera.

2) Why not blame the dials for your own forgetfulness in locking them! Get to know the tools that you are using. Get to know them inside out and you will be a much better photographer.

What's that old saying? "A bad workman always blames his tools!"

@Jgheiler - 16.04.2023 17:09

Hi there, it seems that the xt5 is lacking in AF confidence. For shooting moving toddlers do you think the XH2s will be at least 80% better?

@LastSoldier1 - 21.04.2023 17:06

Is the fuji XH2 auto focusing more reliable than the XT5? And is the XT3 the most reliable out of the XT line out of the box?

@Chrispitchwildlife - 29.04.2023 07:25

Excellent video! I hear you well i understand you well even though you speak quite fast. And the brightness is perfect for my weak eyes. 👍

@parmanduke - 31.05.2023 09:43

Was camera set to release priority or focus priority. Mine is set to focus priority and I’m probably 99% hit rate. Why release shutter when something is not in focus. Makes huge difference. Factory default is release priority

@hejakma4682 - 03.07.2023 14:04

The X-T5 has a tally light so why you don't know if you're recording? The A7C doesn't use the same AF of the A7III, its greatly improved. Much wrong information here, sorry.

@chris.fitzgerald - 04.07.2023 18:16

Will you do an update with the new firmware? Also failing to lock your dials is not a camera issue, but operator error.

@martinphilipps8678 - 23.07.2023 08:09

i wonder how tightly you pack your bag, that those dials are always turned 😂

@mostlymessingabout - 25.10.2023 07:11

"Claw detect AF" 🤪🤪🤪

@NetvoTV - 27.11.2023 18:54

If I will get Panasonic HC-X1500 camcorder for video, I want a photo camera and I think to get A7RV with 16-35mm F4 PZ and maybe 70-200mm F4 macro in future, I thought to get full size or go actual pocketable camera like RX100 because the camera in between doesn't get pocketable yet doesn't have good handling, 4 ways screen and EVF like the A7RV, I do like the Fuji tactile control dials but I don't like Fuji try to make the shadow like completely darkness, looks too emo and moody, not sure if it's the camera or the Fuji users culture, I love Yellow color hence like Panasonic Ns Nikon menu aesthetic, should I still stick to A7RV or XT5? Is there a way to make A7RV and XT5 SOOC looks like Hasselblad Natural Color Science, HNCS, I will mainly shoot JPG / HEIF, just for personal project and fun, if I able to have gig then will do, is Leica M11 and Hasselblad X2D worth it? Lens selection is limited tho

@zbigniewvolkov7952 - 07.12.2023 17:25

Great video, Dave!

I have a Lumix S5, but thinking about going to XT5 instead, due to the smaller size and film simulations. I also enjoy the physical dials. However, the autofocus is currently stopping me.

I've read that Fujifilm came out with updates that fixed/improved the AF on the XT5. Have you tried it? Any improvement? Since I mostly shoot family stuff, with toddlers running around, AF would be good to have. Even if I am used to the crappy AF that S5 has.

Your insights would be greatly appreciated :)

@TheBucsAnthem - 27.12.2023 21:48

I just tried the XT5 with a multitude of native Fujifilm lenses and shot 4KHQ HLG and when I went to go review the footage, I wasn't blown away by it. I checked all my settings and there was nothing wrong. So then I pulled out my GH5 and put on some native Panny Leica lenses and picked the same format and HLG......and to my UTTER SHOCK, the quality of the video that came out of my almost 7 year old GH5 looked better than this brand new Fujifilm XT5. I had re-review both camera footages twice to confirm that I wasn't loosing my mind but it is true. I don't.....I really don't understand how this could be. Furthermore, just as you said in the video, Fuji's autofocus gave me ALOT of out of focus shots or blur or focusing on the wrong points or areas; and once again I double checked ALL of my settings and they were fine. I've been shooting photography forever and I was very disappointed in the results. The Fujifilm simulations and when the camera does nail the shot, the photos look amazing but this camera doesn't inspire any kinda confidence in me nailing shots now......and I do also hate how easy it is to move the dials in the camera too.
