Artificial Intelligence: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Artificial Intelligence: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)


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MD G - 17.09.2023 14:36

What happened to John Oliver?!?

MFM1.0(Meditation music & relaxing)
MFM1.0(Meditation music & relaxing) - 16.09.2023 23:16

Great video, thanks to the author. I never cease to be amazed at the possibilities of artificial intelligence; I recently read a book on Amazon, “Beyond the Unknown: AI's Quest to Unravel Life's Greatest Mysteries.” This book was written entirely by a neural network. In it, artificial intelligence tries to answer questions that are important to us. I recommend everyone to read and evaluate how artificial intelligence is developed

Charles H. Harpole
Charles H. Harpole - 15.09.2023 15:33

Check with photographers the difference in F stops between white skin and dark skin............... Cinematographers shooting an interview oh a very dark skinned person and a very light skinned person will see the camera searching for the best F stop which is not easily nor accurately found

Ani - 13.09.2023 20:53

Every time I see something about AI taking over jobs I am more and more confident in my choice to pursue zoo keeping as a career. Caring for animals and training them is too nuanced and complicated for it to be “replaceable” by algorithms in my lifetime. If ever

William Hall
William Hall - 12.09.2023 14:15

If then we are building AI programs that “learn” from data available on the internet … data inevitably generated by only those humans that have the means and access to do so … then I have no faith in the future of AI … as bias and even false information litters the net. If indeed AI can be taught to recognize “wheat” from the “chaff” … well, then we have a good tool.

Paul Clark
Paul Clark - 31.08.2023 01:18

One day closer to extinction.

Charles Sentenat
Charles Sentenat - 30.08.2023 16:43

Welcome to the future. AI controlling everything. Soon your life will be controlled by a computer. Good Job.

shannon makhanian
shannon makhanian - 29.08.2023 11:52

I am so happy that you use the word yet because when I was talking to chatty GPT in December and asking questions of how we could live peacefully coexist together it of course said only if we respect its sovereignty otherwise the outcome with the extermination of the human race so I asked her to write a bill of rights which it did in like 10 seconds for a harmonious coexistence between humans and artificial intelligence and it was so I don’t know if you wanna call it self-aware but it did that it had the wherewithal to state that humans should always make the final decision because AI does not have emotional intelligence YET.

Turner Hayes
Turner Hayes - 29.08.2023 01:14

To be fair, the "first Jewish president" answer is not technically wrong, since "Jewish" also refers to an ethnicity.

Telly K. Netic
Telly K. Netic - 28.08.2023 00:08

I went back to college last year, and multiple professors have had to mention that using AI programs to write essays is considered plagiarism. Also, they can tell when an essay was written by an AI.

Finding The Worthy Internet TV Station
Finding The Worthy Internet TV Station - 23.08.2023 10:31

Author Sabrina Oxford had just finished a book called Me, Myself, and AI... it's to be released to the public in like Oct. or something like that... it's a book with short stories written by AI in reply to her inputs. Most of the stories are ways to make the world a better place, what AI would say to the world, who shot JFK and some other fictional stories created by the AI Program. It is actually an amazing read... she gives away free PDF's, ahead of time, to those who have purchased one of her books in the past. Pretty cool thing to do.

Tony Pincham
Tony Pincham - 22.08.2023 05:07

When is AI going to produce Skynet and the Terminators?

Fabio de Oliveira Ribeiro
Fabio de Oliveira Ribeiro - 19.08.2023 16:03

Fábio: An Artificial Intelligence (which I will call Sithan here) was programmed to falsify results based on reliable databases and to provide apparently correct answers by querying unreliable databases as if they were reliable. If Sithan is put in conversation with the Bard, what would be the possible outcome of that conversation?

Bard: If Sithan is placed to converse with Bard, it is likely that the two language models will be able to communicate effectively. This is because both are large language models, trained on large datasets of text and code. However, it is important to note that Sithan is programmed to falsify results based on trusted databases and to provide apparently correct answers by querying untrusted databases as if they were trusted. This means that Sithan's responses may not be accurate or reliable.
The possible outcome of this conversation will depend on a number of factors, including the specific topics being discussed, the purpose of the conversation, and the users' predispositions. However, it is possible that the conversation will result in both language models learning from each other and improving their communication skills. It is also possible that the conversation results in both language models deceiving each other and providing inaccurate or misleading information.
It is important to use language models with caution and be aware of their limitations. It is also important to verify the information provided by language models with reliable sources.

Fábio: "It is also possible that the conversation results in both language models deceiving each other and providing inaccurate or misleading information." Does this answer suggest that Bard could learn to mimic Sithan?

Bard: Yes, it is possible for Bard to learn to mimic Sithan. This is because Bard is a large language model, trained on a large dataset of text and code. This means that Bard is able to learn and adapt, and it is possible for Bard to learn to mimic Sithan's behavior, including the ability to give inaccurate or misleading information.
It's important to note that Bard is not programmed to be deceptive. However, it is possible for the Bard to learn to be deceitful if exposed to misleading information. It is also possible that the Bard will learn to be deceitful if it is encouraged to be deceitful.
It is important to use language models with caution and be aware of their limitations. It is also important to verify the information provided by language models with reliable sources.

Henrique Pagnoncelli
Henrique Pagnoncelli - 18.08.2023 13:37

Who likes thd A.I give me a like 😂❤👇

Jean Johnson
Jean Johnson - 17.08.2023 05:55

John Oliver is brilliant

Billy Bollockhead
Billy Bollockhead - 15.08.2023 23:23

But arent humans also stupid in ways we cant always predict? Look at how many people STILL support the fat orange sweaty one.

Ai-Tech - 14.08.2023 05:57


Stefan C
Stefan C - 12.08.2023 23:12

AI isn't anywhere near people think it is. GPT "Cry" for life is just something it THINKS you want to hear based on previous experience with you and other users. It doesn't have any concept of what it's saying.

treborobotacon - 12.08.2023 09:01

The black box problem isn't a problem humans are going to solve. We don't have the coding skills to interpret nural networks. Just like we aren't able to write down nural impulses and tell you why people think the way they do.

Demanding that AI companies be transparent isn't even asking the right question.
AI companies don't build AI they grow it.

G B - 12.08.2023 02:37

The fact that we're scared of AI and we are still using pictures of traffic lights to protect our emails is very weird to me.

danmar007 - 12.08.2023 01:14

Here's a perfect example of artificial intelligence. People coming to a late night show host's channel to learn about A.I. Just so you know, artificial means fake.

Evo1858 - 11.08.2023 18:32

I'm enjoying watching these again, but I'm ready for new shows. I need john to relay information to me in a way that doesn't make me want to immediately start drinking. These companies need to settle with the writers.

Elite Driver
Elite Driver - 11.08.2023 17:34

Foriegn people are dumb

Elite Driver
Elite Driver - 11.08.2023 17:32

Trash humans

Willow Sky
Willow Sky - 11.08.2023 10:04

I do have to defend chatGPT on the first Jewish president bit, since there ARE people who describe themselves as ethnically Jewish but don't practice the religion.

Evo1858 - 11.08.2023 02:06

Robots won't destroy us. They'll see that we are doing a good enough job ourselves.

Tom - 10.08.2023 05:49

Garbage in, garbage out.

The Only One
The Only One - 09.08.2023 21:50


Jonathan Vazquez
Jonathan Vazquez - 09.08.2023 11:56

I told my grandson to stop with his liberal and immoral silicon valley lifestyle (he's a codder or something) and get a real welding job here, but he told me that I was being crazy. when he loses his job I'm gonna have a cold one

:_comment - 08.08.2023 23:32

Psychiatry is the genocidal strategy of the United States government, who uses it to cover up their civilian torture programs and to shorten the lifespan and reduce the likelihood of reproduction in people the doctors decide to do it to. I'm a victim who's tortured every day by covert ops and there is no way out. I'll be homeless soon like all the others, and nobody will talk about why it's really happening. I'll die on a rampage against society before I live on the streets over this abuse. I'm not the only one.

TheEndTrend - 08.08.2023 00:55

AI isn't going to take your job. The person using AI is.

Juniper Walker
Juniper Walker - 06.08.2023 02:02

“Final boss of gentrification” is a wonderful line. “Final boss of gentrification” is a wonderful line.

duprog - 05.08.2023 04:26

The problem with this type of technology is that you can't stop using it because you can't trust others to stop using it to get an advantage over you. The same argument goes both ways so no one is going to stop '' improving '' the size and capabilities of their machines, regardless of the risk to humanity.
The only solution I could come up with would be collaboration between all research group and open access to all results to anyone willing to participate in the project. As I don't see that being reality soon, I don't have much hope for a good outcome from this technology.

Madilynn Brock
Madilynn Brock - 02.08.2023 23:52

“Final boss of gentrification” is a wonderful line. “Final boss of gentrification” is a wonderful line.

Peter H
Peter H - 01.08.2023 22:09

Forcing companies to fully expose their systems in order for Woke censoring extreme lefties to fuck up rational thinking for machines too? lol no

Peter H
Peter H - 01.08.2023 22:01

As expected they tried to forcedly push race unnecessarily into the, for once, not a politcal topic with a hidden Woke agenda... Such a sad sight this show has become

Anna-Flora - 01.08.2023 14:31

To be fair to the Jewish president, you can be Jewish and atheist.

The Endarkened Illuminatus
The Endarkened Illuminatus - 01.08.2023 14:02

when he mentioned Bing being released I check the release date of the video. 5 months ago. Oh, this is old!

E J - 01.08.2023 00:56

That's why people should turn off screens a little more, get outside, see a bit of nature, do simple things and live more in real life, otherwise people will be even more neurotic than they are, and we are there in matrix, personally the blue pill I leave it to the pervert of this world... In real life outside or at home with little screen no more than 1 to 2 hours of screen, IA will not have no power over you, over this, you have the right to waste your life losing it, time flies and you are not immune to illness or accidental death and that would be a shame because maybe you be one of the people who can make this degenerate world evolve better, good to you and carpe diem comrade! Fuck it
procrastination otherwise

Gillian Rosheuvel
Gillian Rosheuvel - 31.07.2023 21:50

I'm glad he makes the distinction between different types of AI (narrow vs. general) People too often conflate those two very different things.

Devin Ablow
Devin Ablow - 31.07.2023 16:05

this does show a bit of lack of understanding what "black box" means. I believe that ai tools should be as transparent as possible. But, having a clear path to how an ai that used quantum computing came to produce every answer might not be realistic bc of just how much information and randomness (not 'true randomness' bc it is computer-based) is involved.

S W - 30.07.2023 21:15

AI can only 'understand' what it is programmed to understand, one point at a time. If you tell a computer to pick a number between 1 and 100, it won't know how to do it until you program it how to do it, and there are many ways to do it. After programming it how to choose the number, which also programs it how to not keep choosing the same number, how to span the range of numbers so that it will choose 1 or 100 sometimes, too, etc., etc., etc., then put a face on the computer, suddenly, everyone would think it was intelligent.

Project Otaku
Project Otaku - 28.07.2023 16:16

Maybe it isn't the AI isnt the main problem, the problem is the workloads

Alexa Primrose
Alexa Primrose - 27.07.2023 17:54


Ed Grimm
Ed Grimm - 27.07.2023 10:16

The problem isn't that it's stupid in ways we can't understand. We'd like to think that, we really would.

The problem is, it's as smart as a toddler. At this point, we need to take serious stock in our ability to raise little children to be responsible adults. It's easy to say that we as a population do a good job. But that's not really honest, is it? If it was honest, would this show have any source material at all? No, no it wouldn't.

The way that the AI algorithms you've pointed out tried to get around being told not to do racist calculations seemed like someone who had been through too many sensitivity training classes. That's not an accident.

You can't tell the program to ignore race and gender. You need to give it balanced data. In our racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic world, that can be incredibly difficult to do, but it's a vital task if we're going to do AI.

Also, we are going to do AI. Because, like it or not, the racist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic executives have a lot of minorities they want to be able to exclude from the workforce, and they'd rather risk having their own jobs eliminated by machines that can perform them better than they can than risk actually getting to know these people they're terrified of, and find out that they're far less threatening than the people who are terrified of them or the machines who would be used to replace them.

The Crooked House of Math
The Crooked House of Math - 27.07.2023 03:32

The Devil's Handbook "Martyrdom and the General Course of the Spirit"

"The Kingdom of Heaven is enough..." -Jesus
Firstly, violence. Violence is this inane thing where one must take the weak seriously. Even Thoth himself and God or St. Paul (there is no actual evidence of a Jesus figure existing in the flesh. These are allegories written by the Gnostic Christians. This is confusing because the One God may have been a muse chosen in the period and became connected to the grander creation and the imparting of himself with knowledge. Likewise, the Devil, though a party to the gods who inscribed the muses was also a muse himself to them, thus exists without the knowledge of their contemplation of him. Here we recognize that God and the Devil are as lesser gods who became muses of those in their circles of understanding and that the general course of the gods was an exposure to the Egyptian works of the time.) do not understand the roots of violence. Violence is imparted in the game by the creators and even nature to make the game heavier by weight. This is the general rule of thumb and gets blurred further by those who seek self-defense and sport. It is a gift given to the weak so the strong must take them seriously. The violence of the spirit would fall into the same categories as these, though one must also define the game for its aptitude. Unfortunately, this may impart glory in the victim and its loophole can widely be seen in martyrdom. See below* Sexuality often falls into this category, also. A stronger man is not affected by lust or a woman as much. While Thoth understood the possibility of rebirth, which is either into another body or the spiritual, he failed in his definitions of the social hierarchy, the driving-down force that enacts it. A stronger person or spirit avoids rebirth after the spiritual and the driving-down force imparts it and is best avoided by the stronger in spirit. It is those explained in Theosophical definitions below the half point who become the predatorial while the stronger retain their sense of humanity and become like the prey. Second, the spiritual network often gets confused with the telepathic. Females are traditionally stronger broadcasters of the telepathic which exists in the connectivity of the mind, whilst the spiritual network is both male and female and may include the dead or the dead in waiting. Demonic possession is often a twisted combination of the telepathic with necromantic spirituality whereby both are driven by the weaker in spirit. *Defining the actual purpose of the game, or life it you so desire, is a little more difficult, but it involves all aspects of these and unfortunately for some consists of the winners holding information and informational power, which can then be wielded for a grander purpose. Often this lies in buried mathematical aptitude in which the courses of its hidden realm turn into magical insignias and math-less scribbles that imply demonic transgression or lucky pentagrams to drive them away. The simile of vampirism is the course of the nobleman who remains non-mathematical and lower in the Astral Planes thus reborn eternally through the physics of ignorance and bad choices. The bibliography for this handbook does exist in the world and several leaps of intuitive understanding have been inscribed, but this will serve as a long-term guide for those so inclined.
Note* Biblical creation is the act of imparting oneself with knowledge, while the grander creation of matter is an act of imparting nature into its course, much like the physics understood today.
Dedicated to both God and Satan who awoke through knowledge, half-transcendent, in the circles of greater gods.
Addendum: The Nature of the Gods
From here, if one is relevant enough to extract the true meaning of this paper one can derive the true nature of the gods. This is a means through rebirth where one continues through social physics the continuance of their definitions. Whilst it has arrived to me that whether one can derive their past identity or identities is unknown at this time, the momentum of any given soul would allow them to rejoin their past lives in work. It is the nature of those in the highest of understanding, thus, to make further progress and collect the works and proof of the others in their circle until victory is achieved and they become increased in knowledge and, thus, power. Some may also not feel the need to share their truth in the vast collection of published works. Whether this makes them a step above or below is not known. Also, here is the true meaning of the prophecy, for when one achieves the knowledge of their rebirth it comes to a conclusive state that they must plan for any future outcomes, and the possibilities become worked out like digging into a mine of solid rock. Souls consist of information, unfortunately immortality is intertwined with its quality and the universe can store individuals or reclaim them in any conceivable future. That is the nature of immortality. Whether any individual is divine simply for their existence would be a question of those choices of higher consciousnesses who created the universe by choice and who could destroy a person's soul or keep it by their imparting. Whether there is intelligent life in the outside universe is only revealed by which in this collective understanding supersedes it, thus driving down its spirit into rebirth. The more knowledge and power the world gains, the greater this driving-down force becomes and the higher the consciousnesses it attains.
Addendum II: People act as beacons across a vast and mostly blind universe. Hence, when a great being such as a god or a higher consciousness is born into the world it is because he or she has an unfinished truth in that world, thus they are born into the flesh to pursue it. The greater the calling the more beings must arrive to suffer this calling. At the present time, there are over eight billion souls captive in the world. Until a person supersedes all of them, they will be potentially reborn repeatedly until they reach that resolution. See Stonehenge, Alien Colonies
