Meet Cameraman Brian -ETCG1

Meet Cameraman Brian -ETCG1


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@im2crafty - 14.06.2015 04:38

brian looks like actor Micheal J. Pollard

@emmawebber9438 - 14.06.2015 06:48

It's Wayne and Garth :-)

@jcharles1470 - 14.06.2015 19:22

Please Eric!, Congratulate him from part me, thanks to him you do amazing videos!!

@martygonazga8732 - 17.06.2015 05:40

keep up all that great work   from martin whittier ca

@jalford383 - 20.06.2015 05:47

you da man Brian, stay to be out the way!!!!!!

@hansturbo77 - 29.06.2015 04:07

Brian is really Mike Mills from REM? Looks just like him!

@PaulDerekJohnson - 03.07.2015 21:40

Fabulous,as simple as that.  It's about time these chaps were on British TV.  :-)

@bigfella6629 - 05.07.2015 09:03

Still waiting for the blooper reel :)

@brucemackenzie4082 - 06.07.2015 05:43

"The Les Stroud of auto repair", what a great analogy!  Love both those guys even though only one's Canadian.

@HUBBABUBBADOOPYDOOP - 10.07.2015 23:44

Hey, Guys!
                             I think it'd be a great idea to mic up Brian- and hear his questions and input- when Eric is performing certain tasks. Sort of a "Second Banana" or a "Sidekick" of the team. Not really a "running conversation", but more like a "Sounding Board" to Erics' work.

                             Keep up the great work, Gentlemen!

@merlyn59 - 02.08.2015 23:43

Brian is a great addition and does a superb job! Welcome Brian! I look forward to every ETCG video.

@Bostonguy222 - 03.08.2015 09:48

Fred Norris?

@mitchjessen6465 - 16.09.2015 13:05

19 years

@robtrauth4518 - 29.09.2015 04:40

Wow. This video goes on for way to long. I guess where running out of things to fix.

@jamesdean787 - 01.10.2015 15:04

Mullet guy...
That's badass...

@SalvadorVazquezJr - 03.11.2015 10:46

You have to put out a blooper video out from all the videos you have done that would be a good vlog to watch.

@SirDeanosity - 08.11.2015 03:20

I turned 60 in September. Between Eric's explanations and Brain's camera work my fear of working on braking systems in cars went away in a few hours of your guyses videos!

@SirDeanosity - 08.11.2015 03:32

The Red Wrench. LOL! That has been found necessary in some of my repairs.

@CowboyFrankHarrell - 09.11.2015 02:14

I'm glad you did this interview. Just found your channel today and within the first 3 minutes I said to myself, he''s got a real professional for a camera person. I'm have to do all my own camera and editing. I love the camera work but not so much the editing part. Great job guys.

@smileyrod11 - 14.11.2015 13:55

tell brian his video are awsome

@wyattoneable - 20.11.2015 05:36

Nice to meet you Brian. And I am a (nearly) first time viewer on this channel so explanations matter. I'm enjoying the diagnostics and repairs.

@dwoodog - 11.12.2015 03:29

Cant say enough about the quality of these videos. Brian is doing a awesome job.

@AnglingAndrew-p6o - 07.02.2016 05:45


You're just the best. It makes me happy that you can expand and bring on awesome folks like Brian to help you make more and better videos to help people like me. Thank you for all your work, you've helped me learn so much and I know I'm not alone.

@lambition - 22.02.2016 23:54

I thought he would be much younger. Early 20s. LOL.

@alexoneal1029 - 23.02.2016 02:20

Brian seems like a good egg ...

@michaelmullin1990 - 26.02.2016 19:37

Hey Bryan!!!!!! It is very nice to finally put a face to the name!!! I have to say I am a DIYer and I have been following Eric now for a little over 2 years and before you came along I would be yelling at the screen WHY ARE YOU DOING THAT ERIC!!!!!! Its really nice to have someone like you to reign Eric in sometimes because as awesome as he was before you, you guys make an amazing combo now! because you ask the questions and now he is able to answer them on camera and maybe even show you better which is amazing! You guys rock and I will be always be a fan!!! keep up the great work!

@klowny1969 - 11.03.2016 03:43

My cameragirl....i camera man is also called brian..what a coinkidink!

@harveysmith100 - 11.03.2016 15:57

Brian is cool

@Brendonsanya - 31.03.2016 22:11

Brian You do an unbeliveably good job with the camera. Eric is awesome and cars rock :)

@daveogarf - 13.04.2016 23:03

Great to meet you, Brian!  Your camera work is impeccable, and I speak from a background that's somewhat similar to yours (lots of live news).  Your shots are steady and well-framed, and well-illustrate what Eric is trying to convey to us, the "Greetings, viewers"!

@daveogarf - 13.04.2016 23:21

(PS - I'm SO with you on the stifling atmosphere of the "Corporate World"!  I don't know how people stand being boxed in like that, year after year!
FIE UPON THEE, CORPORATE WORLD!  May a POX fall upon thy corporate house!)

@HorseFromHell - 10.05.2016 04:46

What editing software do you use?

@seanroose6074 - 24.05.2016 09:57

Les stroud haha

@jayyoutube8790 - 26.06.2016 17:37

You both are good at what you do. Keep up the great work..
Being new to the channel, I've noticed some great camera work that someone just holding the camera wouldn't do or shoot..

@chrisdiana3525 - 11.07.2016 01:32

You guys put out such quality videos. Thanks Eric and Brian!

@sonofmaniam - 24.07.2016 20:07

Thanks for doing this video. Enjoyed.

@NPurvis7622 - 22.08.2016 03:00

I'm searching for a camera for recording my car work, and though I didn't get a camera recommendation from this video, I just have to say, I love you both and thank you for all you do. The videos before were great for any DIYer, and the addition of Brian has really branched that out. The ad video mentioning Chris Fix, and you mentioning briansmobile, you guys are all amazing, talented individuals and I really appreciate you giving all of this information to us. I hope to meet you all in the future.

@88perestroika - 24.09.2016 05:56

I would love to see you two switch jobs for one video just to see what happens...

@lewbear6738 - 29.09.2016 10:31

i guess you could say, lets meet the "kast"


@daisymouri2302 - 02.01.2017 20:37

Brian is the coolest guy ever!! A great creative team. Beats most stuff on TV and cable!

@vijayantgovender2045 - 14.04.2017 09:30

You are always wishing everyone happy birthday so with that when is your birthday Eric and brain please let us know thanx

@sibirty - 31.01.2018 04:11

Just a crazy idea but maybe for a day get a second camera operator to record Brian doing his job!

@glynwatkins9968 - 12.11.2018 00:27

welcome Brian

@glynwatkins9968 - 12.11.2018 00:39

please not block out contempt/anger of Eric as we wont learn as such

@glynwatkins9968 - 12.11.2018 00:43

The Machine Is Erics Bitch lolz

@mystupidfacebook - 14.11.2018 01:13

Camera-pod tripod is behind the camera for this video...

Next video "meet camerapod tripod"

@marcosmota1094 - 27.04.2020 17:07

I know old friends from the midwest, but you two are my favorite dudes right now. Your screen presence is awesome, and thanks for sharing all your hard work. MM

@Kiddomike - 22.08.2020 17:30

Great team!
