Most Deserving Rugby RED CARDS in 2022

Most Deserving Rugby RED CARDS in 2022

Rugby Clan

1 год назад

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@bok500 - 30.11.2023 20:14

Any reason why you repeat PSDT red card a fu c k in g thousand times asshole

@justgold4113 - 20.11.2023 05:06

How the F does Aki think thats acceptable?

@jackwicks215 - 09.11.2023 01:27

I never understsnd how you cam be sent off for an accidental clash of heads

@AfricanSouthernCross - 02.11.2023 11:21

Even though it’s a tremendously tough sport you need players to be protected.

@richardmarshall750 - 31.10.2023 12:44

Notice that a lot of the European sides tend to do the Soccer reaction to get attention to the hit. The French front rower held his head like he had been stabbed in the head. Then the player who fell off of Bismarcks back deserves an Oscar.

@Sapper127 - 26.10.2023 16:58

I thought DuPont's red was harsh you could see he was looking up at the ball.

@jorgevazquezacevedo2322 - 28.09.2023 13:58

New to rugby, and there is something I dont understand.
What are the rules regarding jumping receivers? That is, the moment the ball is flying in the air, and two players of opposing teams are running towards it with the intention of getting the ball without looking at each other. Who has the priority? The jumping player? The offensive player?

@joshuabarnett7354 - 25.09.2023 14:36

It's red it has to be red he used his shoulder on the england player not his arms.

@joshuabarnett7354 - 25.09.2023 14:34

That is a definite red card for that dengerous high tackel on the ulster player.

@dedewunjo426 - 14.09.2023 19:06

Wait Dupont gets a red card ? How ? He is looking at the ball going to catch it when the other fucking terrorist jumps full speed knees first to his head !

@ThatGirlWithTheCoffee - 10.09.2023 11:58

Thank you for including women's rugby examples as well- just because they're girls, doesn't mean card behaviour and tackles don't occur.

@GrainneCarney - 08.09.2023 12:01

have to say, I've always disagreed with the dupont card about 5 mins in. He is the receiving player under the ball, the bok jumps into the air between Dupont and the ball, surely its on the Bok player to prioritise the safety of the player in postion to recieve the ball and not jump in a way that is essentially a kung fu kick to Duponts face.

@patrickdowdle5121 - 05.09.2023 00:52

The dirtiest team in the game today is South Africa . They constantly come in with the head , shoulder and forearm to take out an opposition player . Lets hope the refs take action against any player who does it at the World Cup

@malcolmwilkins2495 - 27.08.2023 00:45

too think...we used to play this as kids from 9 y.o. at school ,in the army, cricket in later life,now nearly 60 am knackered,lol. Spirit is willing but the body,sadly lacks.

@Mike_Netic - 26.08.2023 09:54

The retards who made this video is clearly a SA hater... he repeats the red cards from south African players way too many times

@janhendrikdykman3262 - 15.08.2023 18:56

That one with pieter steph kwagga pushed him from behind he was never in control. Was it reckless yes was it accidental yes.

@lewiskx20 - 04.07.2023 12:11

Some of those were absolute genuine collisions

@cristianmcmerty - 03.07.2023 10:28

2 players accident both hit pain fell hurts

@davidhanson1849 - 11.06.2023 06:52

Love the reaction of the first red card player agreed with the decision and made sure he apologized to the opponent and shook his hand

@MoDeegroes - 26.05.2023 11:17

As a new fan to this sport (union) rugby - i really appreciate how the official explains why player is being tossed. So many dumb ir questionable calls in american sports get zero explantion. But it also lets player learn how to approach future situations

@sapaingrouge6925 - 11.05.2023 16:02

Dupont's red card is not really deserved since Kolbe jumps intentionnally and dive, he does it every time in Top14 ... Of course there's a card but I would give yellow to accidents, especially when the attacker put himself in danger (diving, kamikaze jumps etc...)

@stephanedajtlich - 09.05.2023 15:54

SA and NZ are animals

@oujgorod - 01.05.2023 21:29

Some red cards are just red, light red... And other cards are bright red, geranium, peony red...

@Trajan2401 - 10.04.2023 09:57

Soon rugby will be like soccer the way theyre going and these clown refs say there was no change of direction so they expect you to change direction within a split second?,they need to use common sense instead of cards sometimes

@fakerickastley8935 - 29.03.2023 15:40

- bicepping
- headbutting
- shouldering
- kicking
- charging/bumping/nudging/crashing/launching
- hip checking
- kneeing
- throwing/slamming

@kevinpillay6103 - 07.02.2023 11:59

Du Pont was never a red so not deserving. Completely accidental. I get that protection of players is important but in a game like Rugby with so much contact you will have accidental issues.

@mattiamolinari1984 - 03.02.2023 16:27

7.40 one Probably barnes’ worst mistake in his career

@rodger8549 - 14.01.2023 15:13

I played in the late 60s through into the 70s and only a few of these would have resulted in a penalty. Having said that I still carry the results of some of the injuries which I sustained as a prop. It is right that we protect today's players, particularly from head and neck injuries, but at the end of the day it is a contact sport which comes with risk. The balance between maintaining the physicality of the game and safety is incredibly difficult, but I hope that some common sense will prevail.

@aotearoaidol - 09.01.2023 10:11

I'm sorry but some of these are outrageous. First things first as far as I'm concerned if a player wants to go and jump in the air to catch a ball and an opposing player is running towards it to try and catch and is looking at the ball the whole time he should not be punished for any contact, the player jumping in the air is putting themselves at risk, soon we will get to a point where opposing players will not bother even going for the ball and will ruin the game. That has to change. Also this bullsh** surrounding shoulders to the head needs to change in regards to the mitigating factors thing because they miss these factors almost 50% of the time. If a player is falling or drops their hear to initiate the contact then sorry but your own fault. You see it in this video instead of staying upright they put their head down looking for the contact it's cheating.

@SuperGoodison - 09.01.2023 06:37

The dirtiest player in all off rugby, in my opinion, is Eben etzebeth. HE reminds me of that slew kneeling SOB Brad Marchand of the bruins.

@iseriver3982 - 08.01.2023 02:05

Ah man, don't bring up the red roses. The most depressing game of rugby in english history.

@kenbakie4590 - 06.01.2023 18:06

I doubt if any of these would have resulted in a penalty when I was playing in the 1970s, never mind a red card. I know that the governing bodies are worried about class action claims coming from former players, but surely bumps and bashes are all part of the game?

@kaisahfx1246 - 06.01.2023 02:25

some of these are definitely unintentional what is a defender meant to do in these situations? we can't mitigate some of these

@paulcadden4967 - 05.01.2023 02:19

No one looks for a head on head accidentals, I don't think those should be reds, yellows yes but not reds. Intentional and shoulders certainly should be reds

@mollywoodcock5444 - 05.01.2023 00:12

I do wonder how some of these happen so high up in the professional game, one of the first things you learn is that you don't contact the head

@bics-tc8vr - 04.01.2023 23:50

I get what the refs are trying to do but I still think it's only the internationals and matches with a camera that this is picked up. What about the armatures where there no television? How do we protect those players and also it's gone a bit too soft as well.
We want collisions and we want an entertaining game. I want to deter dirty play but you have to allow for accidents. Sometimes it's just an unfortunate collision.
I'm happy to chat about this as I don't know what's right or wrong.
I want a hard game with collisions. I also want everybody to walk away healthy.

@brianchester4218 - 04.01.2023 23:40

Players safety important but the one i disagree with is the France no 9 at 5.01 he never took his eyes off the ball and was trying to catch it himself but because of how it looked he got sent off, in mitigating circumstances the BOK player lept in and over him with his leg raised bearing in mind the number 9 is a small player this one to me was a pure accident, please dont shoot me but it is how i see it

@anroappi99 - 04.01.2023 16:07

Accidental head clashes should not be red cards.. they’re accidental

@rugbykliniek - 03.01.2023 21:22

Of all the PSDT red was bullshit

@lincslegend6936 - 03.01.2023 18:02

Some of these are so weak, and I like how some of the rugby players are beginning to exaggerate their "injury" with face holds etc.
