The Only 5 Rums You Need | Beginner Tiki: 101 - Rum | Easy Tiki Mai Tai

The Only 5 Rums You Need | Beginner Tiki: 101 - Rum | Easy Tiki Mai Tai

Mixing Up Tiki

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@MrChickster12 - 17.01.2023 23:07

Great video 🎉

@fvb3624 - 18.01.2023 00:22

uh... I'm excited about this one!

@icemancantcook - 18.01.2023 00:34

In the past year, I've made some really amazing Tiki cocktails, and I have a lot of these, but a 101 is still relevant to me. I like to see what other people are using and just copy from them. I have too many bottles of things I just don't love and I'm not brave enough to randomly make a purchase at the store. Seeing these labels will remind me that they are "safe". I think my 2023 goal is to use a lot of bottles I don't love, just to get rid of them. I was just at the store and was going to try Bacardi 8, but totally forgot... Was looking at the OFTD too and decided I'll do it another time... I purcahed Lemon Hart 151 and I don't know if I want so many over proofs open as I might not go through them as fast... I did get a new bottle of Smith & Cross though! Love that stuff and that's a high turnover bottle along with plantation dark/white for me.

@TheHomeBartenderwithAnn - 18.01.2023 04:08

Check, check and check..I have all of these except for the tiki lovers white and the El Dorado 5! And most of these are my fav's! I concur my friend! 🙌🏻

@stephane.foisy.186 - 18.01.2023 06:16

We’ll explain train of thought to pick some rums.

@AngryCocktails - 18.01.2023 09:05

I like to get a few local rums

@TheSpiritoftheCocktail - 19.01.2023 00:26

ANDY!! This was awesome!!! I'm def a rum fan, so I took notes and everything!!! GOTTA love OFTD!!!! CHEERS!!!!

@theaussiebartender - 19.01.2023 17:25

Awesome suggestions and info Andy. Well done mate!

@carl_busch - 25.01.2023 09:28

Great list.

@jayz2751 - 25.03.2023 00:04

Overproof rum is actually closer to 60%+ not 50. In the 50% range would be cask strength rums.

@rockbblues - 31.03.2023 16:52

As someone just exploring rum and tiki, this was immensely helpful. Looking forward to the 200 level rum suggestions.

@Helliconia54 - 18.04.2023 11:51

What is your opinion about Australia's Bunderberg rum?

@Arooroo - 20.04.2023 09:51

This video was just what i needed to sort out and help understanding the rums. Also, to find suitable replacments. Thumbs up and thanks!

@gilberthernandez3936 - 09.05.2023 04:27

Awesome video!

@Helliconia54 - 23.05.2023 12:30

could i get away with using the rums from ONE brand,(say, Plantation) to mix all my tiki cocktails,? Looking at starting out in Tiki, but finding the vast range too confusing, plus Alcohol is NOT cheap here in OZ,

@bobsbottomshelf - 17.06.2023 07:18

The Only Demerara Rum I can find near me was Hamilton 151. I have never seen El Dorado and only found Hamilton 86 once. My go to is typically Pussers since it's readily available and a blend of 5 rums including Demerara Rum, the flavor is very close and fine to use if it's all you can find. The guy at the Liquor store told me a lot of Rum is allocated, not once have I ever seen Havana Club either. Great Video! I came to about the same conclusion narrowing it down to 5 using minimalist Tiki as a guide.

@Jopes17 - 19.06.2023 02:43

I think you could simplify even further, to a Jamaican, lightly aged puerto rican and a dark rum. I haven't found many tiki drinks that I can't make with just Appleton 8, Havana Club/Bacardi 8 and a Goslings or Hamilton dark rum. There are probably better rums you could buy in those categories but I live in Canada and I can't get things like O.F.T.D

@Colincardsfan - 20.06.2023 03:19

Great video, I would love an explanation of when to use each. Which category is for sipping for example?

@HootOwl513 - 01.07.2023 08:42

I have also streamlined my Vic's style MaiTai:
1 oz Lime
1/2 oz Orgeat
1/2 oz Grand Marnier
1 oz Dark Rum [usually Bajan]
1 oz Light Rum [usuallt Puerto Rican]
8 ox smashed ice.

@HootOwl513 - 01.07.2023 13:34

I ran out of Hamilton 86. (It tends to disappear rapidly. Evaporation?) I'm tending to prefer rums of Barbados. I've been there. Never been to jamaica.
Ol Brigand's Black Label is a good dark Bajan rum [86 PF].
The whites are: Rhum Barbancourt* [ 86Pf Haitian agricole], J Wray & Nephew O/P White* [63ABV], Havana Club [80Pf], and Cane Run [80Pf]* All my *whites are about 3 or 4 fingers left. A Cruzan Blakstrap was too much a burnt molasses. It will be the last to go. Long gone was Lamb's Navy rum. My British contact retired from the airlines and could no longer bring it in Duty Free. On his last run, maybe 10 years ago, he brought Cap'n Morgan, who had usurped Lambs' Spot in the Heathrow kiosks. No thanks. Lambs was smoother and deeper than Pusser's, but same concept.

@jellybyun9411 - 01.07.2023 16:49

4 out of 5 aren’t imported here 😢

@markmywordsreviewchannel3860 - 14.07.2023 19:36

Nice video. I went down this Rum Rabbit Hole a few months ago and its a fun but dizzying experience.

@norochmusic - 25.08.2023 17:44

A demerara rum for people - Skipper, likely a lot cheaper too - great video

@lrvogt1257 - 28.08.2023 20:06

There are lot of great options. I have settled on three for now. Plantation 3 Stars for light rum cocktails. For dark rum cocktails, I usually do a 50/50 mix of Appleton Estate 12 and Pusser's Gunpowder Proof which gives a lot of complexity without bitterness. Xaymaca and Smith & Cross are too bitter for my tastes but I understand why some may like them.

@Joshdr99 - 11.09.2023 06:45

I recently came across this channel and I like it a lot. Although I like this video I think you took a lot for granted and went too fast. I don't see a 200 series on this one to see if more was given later but let me say this as help if you really want to help new tiki drink makers. If you went to a tiki bar or saw a video or however you got into tiki drinks and you bought a book or two and looked at recipes you would see many rums as ingredients. Off the top of my head...light rum, gold rum, dark rum, over proofed rum, demerara rum, Puerto Rican rum, Barbados rum, Martinique rum, 151 rum, Jamaican rum. Even as obvious a Puerto Rican rum may seem...there are many variations. also you say OFTD and other things that may not be as clear. To REALLY help a beginner I would look at popular recopies by Don and Vic and Berry for sure and if only addressing the rum, explain the meanings a bit more. I mean when are dark rum and black rum interchangeable or are they? I guarantee if you made that video it would help a lot of people. I post this perhaps over winded comment not to criticize but because I feel it is needed and I than you not only could do it, but do it very well and would help many navigate the rum isle with more confidence and enthusiasm than ever before.

@JustPeople - 20.09.2023 15:12

Good listen👍. Keep up the good work!

@hietanbs - 22.09.2023 03:02

Great series! Would love another list of the next 5 to buy on top of these!

@jimklemens5018 - 02.10.2023 22:23

There is no reason to have an overproof rum in a beginner bar.

@Edward135i - 26.10.2023 01:31

I started my Tiki Bar finding a drink I really like (a zombie in my case) and buying Hamilton rums. His blends like the Zombie blend and Navy Grog Blend are a great start for beginners even has the recipes for the drinks on the back of the bottles.

@DerDrako - 12.12.2023 16:36

Those silly amaricans cannot use Cuban rum, because of their stupid ideology. How funny.

@Helliconia54 - 28.02.2024 10:15

what is the difference between a liquor and a liqueur?

@patriciaaturner289 - 28.05.2024 01:52

I love the Gilligan’s Island font for the title slide.

@andresbarajas5851 - 03.06.2024 05:19

excellent lineup and category breakdown.....aged demerara often overlooked as a distinct category, but very necessary for specific tiki/caribbean cocktails, and an overproof is essential for the heavy-hitters... wanna get fancy add a french agricole rum but really five types is all you need to start out.

@erickhines4121 - 07.06.2024 16:28

Probitas is 🔥🔥

@juxbuxmadafaka - 19.06.2024 20:52

No Hamilton or Smith&Cross in Europe:/

@batfinksdad - 14.07.2024 14:35

Is this beginner video ? 😂

@rperry70 - 04.09.2024 00:47

One of the big problems is availability. I have settled on 4-5. I can't get anything Hamilton. But I use Plantation , Appleton, Goslings 151 or Plantation OFT. I have an Eldorado 3 I like to use in Mai tais . My drink of choice is the zombie and jet pilot. The cocktail you want to make most often really determines what you want to chase down.

@andrewParker-p1s - 31.10.2024 18:20

El dorado 12 year old vs ron santiago 11 what's your choice

@rallaa941 - 02.01.2025 08:45

Recently got a Bacardi 8yr rye cask finish. It was awesome.
