Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty by dlimes13 in 1:11:52 - Summer Games Done Quick 2022

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty by dlimes13 in 1:11:52 - Summer Games Done Quick 2022

Games Done Quick

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Iceyy - 19.07.2023 12:07

Limes, Glen, Joe and Apache make a very good team. Not only did i enjoy watching the run, i also enjoyed listening to them

José Wemerson da Silva
José Wemerson da Silva - 18.07.2023 16:06

Good one

david fortuin
david fortuin - 09.05.2023 14:24

I owned this this game during the ps2 era and I even got my Big Boss rank. I still have nightmares about that one.

DiscoCokkroach - 05.05.2023 11:17

Just want to say that I've been playing through MGS2 on Hard and Extreme recently, trying to get all of the dog tags for the achievement, and the boss strategies that are demonstrated in this run are super helpful! Thank you, dlimes!

ChewedSausage - 15.03.2023 01:28

How have we improved hardware yet hardly any games have this level of little mechanics and details. Don't even start on mgs3! Amazing memories with these games too!

Iulian Borcean
Iulian Borcean - 13.03.2023 16:02

i see you playing this game when i got the one that needs to be eyed on the scanner after i got what button do i have to press to press to get him to eye the mug because i can't at all it doesn't work like splinter warm horse sound, do you understand what game we are talking about, I will leave it as it is, it doesn't work like you come to Ana with your back with the enemy taken by the head and put him alone on the scanner, the job is pressed on a button, after that I grabbed from behind what button to press because I don't know, it's not dreaming, it's very annoying

James Reed
James Reed - 28.01.2023 22:18

How do you play this on pc?

Dom Dicenso
Dom Dicenso - 13.12.2022 00:33

I just love how a community of dorks knows more about the game than the friggin DEVELOPERS of the game. Mgs2 was one of my favs growing up thanks for breaking it to pieces dlimes

a guy
a guy - 30.11.2022 17:19

I wish MGS2 and MGS3 would go back onto stores. I really think Konami just isn't bothered anymore

ISmellMopWho - 31.10.2022 20:47

I watched “This is how you don’t play MGS2” before this video and the difference is staggering. I wish DSP could watch this video before complaining that everything is the games fault.

Mx - 21.10.2022 11:58

What a legend! Great couch commentary as well.

a guy
a guy - 24.09.2022 17:43

I can't remember what console but when I was 7 during the twilight sniper part if u use coolant u can glitch out of bounds and u can fast forward to a vamp fight by running to the cutscrnr area urself but u need to use first person to navigate the camera won't follow u. Again I cannot remember what console maybe ps2 but I definitely did it. I'm not intrested in the money

Vintage Jeff GAYmin
Vintage Jeff GAYmin - 19.09.2022 13:57

you're pretty good 👈👈

Ediaz 3
Ediaz 3 - 10.09.2022 18:39

You're pretty good

DemiGod_Scrub - 09.09.2022 01:04

So nice to see the box being useful

SateenkaariLammas - 23.08.2022 23:53

That Ray bossfight was beautiful

FairyRat - 09.08.2022 09:13

Absolutely breathtaking run. Legendary.
