20 BEST TIPS to RANK UP in Season 12 - Champion Tricks for ALL ROLES - LoL Guide

20 BEST TIPS to RANK UP in Season 12 - Champion Tricks for ALL ROLES - LoL Guide

GameLeap LoL Challenger Guides

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andria gazaevi
andria gazaevi - 27.08.2023 00:46

4 champions xd

stebbi gunn
stebbi gunn - 12.06.2023 16:06

Depends on if you are snowballing or not if you go help youre team. I enjoy xerath suppirt and I always help jungler when I can. I sometimes even inisiate invaids just to get my jungler ahead.

spylikeme 123
spylikeme 123 - 10.11.2022 09:27

Okay so question: If i plat 4 champs, neeko, vex, azir and veigar in 10 games, they have the same playstyle more or less, is that bad?

Hello Castor
Hello Castor - 02.06.2022 04:09

Thank you for Tip no. 1

Muupels - 28.04.2022 10:57

What does the enemy team not want you to do? Because that's what you do. Ha that's easy. The enemy team does not want me to win, so I'll just win . ^^ GG EZ

Pavsy - 15.04.2022 08:49

plates are amazing lol

pedrojfs - 12.02.2022 16:29

almost 20 tips can be summarized by: Split the hell out of the enemy team

Fluffer Nutt
Fluffer Nutt - 11.02.2022 19:16

gets blue, ganks top gets top a kill, ganks mid gets mid flash and they have to b lvl 2, gank bot and get ad 1 kill, finally get another camp done wow good job me, youre really pushing the team to victory! :D

kills enemy jung at his blue as he was kayn and it was spawning, I was udyr ez fight
counter ganks the shen ult on my mid laner

starts feelin pre good bout the game despite knowing how this shit ends

goes to get dragon as this happened in a short period, kayn still dead

Bot lane shoves to enemy tower as enemy bot is half dead and theyre full hp currently, kayn also dead so no fear

me pings drake
my bot lane starts masturbating furiously whilst farming minions under enemy tower because they watched your shit and took it as "turn your brain off and never help"
their bot lane walks up through the tri brush whilst my bot lane watches

"surely they come, I have proven to be a valuable asset to the team."
my bot lane doesnt move and theirs is dangerously close
stops drag

kayn respawns

enemy bot and kayn get first drag
and second
and third
My adc in all chat: Team too heavy, no dragons gg jg gap
adc does least damage in game - less than nami

then we surrendered. Kinda makes it much more obvious that this specific tip - is best left to the people that atleast made it to gold. People in elos lower than that dont need to hear it. Far too many of my games go similar. Tons of ganks, tons of kills early - loses every drake because my botlane watched these vids, after their botlane realises mine wont rotate they begin to sit in my jungle over and over again starting around 12 minutes in various brushes including on other side of map then rotate bot with the jungler and kill my bot lane.

PSA if youre jungler is tearing shit up and the enemy jung is 0-4 in the first 15 minutes FUCKING ROTATE TO HELP

Yall aint good enough at the game for it to be worth it being selfish all the time. I know it so you should too. I notice my mid laner going really well but has mana issues? I give my blue and gank nice and early,, also do my best to predict ganks for the counter.

The mid lane usually spreads the love and tears shit up bot too, works well.

Now attempt this with the adc and it's a different story, that motherfucker would gut your mother infront of you for one caster minion.

ninjabunny - 03.02.2022 02:03

Gonna have to watch this 10 times

Константин Андреев
Константин Андреев - 30.01.2022 23:15

if smb cant understand most of those basic things, so he couldnt climb anyway

Jamal - 30.01.2022 01:53

he talks too fast imo

JaneZki - 30.01.2022 01:23

Tip number 9?

Shikikan KillZone
Shikikan KillZone - 30.01.2022 00:21

Me and the ADC: *Kill enemy botlane and proceed to get 3 plates
Enemy jungler: *is spotted topside
My jungler: *Gets outsmited by an Orianna W that just returned to lane
Also my jungler: "Report botlane trolling"

DSA - 29.01.2022 23:48

Tipe nombre 1: pick master yi

Nino Petersen
Nino Petersen - 29.01.2022 17:47

A stupid question but is they’re anyway else I can learn more of this thing to rank up without spending money because I can’t pay

oHzdes - 29.01.2022 09:10


CjBigSmoke - 28.01.2022 23:41

tip nr9: do tip nr9 next time

JC - 28.01.2022 22:54

junglers in low elo literally always ping you to go help with dragon lmao rarely do i see junglers solo dragons

Nikos - 28.01.2022 20:13

being best shaco in the world? and i keep watching your videos... what a clown!

Michael Meixner
Michael Meixner - 28.01.2022 19:20

How to Counter ARAM ? 1-3-1 doesnt work in silver

Chad Rattington
Chad Rattington - 28.01.2022 17:39

Counter picks shouldn’t even really be thought about until high gold/low plat. Anything below it doesn’t matter. The enemy will make enough mistakes to let you come back

Aggressive Agitated Gif
Aggressive Agitated Gif - 28.01.2022 14:12

Just buy a monoblock chair it will win you more games

Simarker ,
Simarker , - 28.01.2022 13:07

Enjoy the game... you can't climb if you are burnt out and tired.

Andrew Perkins
Andrew Perkins - 28.01.2022 13:05

Play for yourself, got it, split constantly.

Kamil Skierski
Kamil Skierski - 28.01.2022 12:11

Dragon Tip was trash, always help your jungler!

Hylian Rover
Hylian Rover - 28.01.2022 11:17

Diamond+ tips...

Nick Marble
Nick Marble - 28.01.2022 07:02

Tip number one /mute all

Must Build Guinsoo
Must Build Guinsoo - 28.01.2022 06:47

eh, Apex ?

but If you see me, check my channel, i edit EXE

Matt Gerry
Matt Gerry - 28.01.2022 06:15

That's apex legends not league 😅
