Weekly Home Fragrance Roundup (with Alf) - You MUST try this  candle!

Weekly Home Fragrance Roundup (with Alf) - You MUST try this candle!


55 лет назад

2,209 Просмотров

Hey friends, happy Saturday! Let's chat wax! What were you burning and or melting? Subscribe if you are new!

Check out my Bath & Body Works Candle haul here: https://youtu.be/DiboRYvSuSs
Check out my Scentsy haul here: https://youtu.be/juf1Bc9C_P0

Check out Candle Crock & Candle Lamp 101 here: https://youtu.be/2edjdPlizbU
Here are two great neutral options - The white option - https://go.magik.ly/ml/23a82/
Ivory option - https://go.magik.ly/ml/1kam3/
Here are two awesome candle lamp options (the second one has an adjustable arm which is an awesome feature if you melt a wide variety of jar heights): https://amzn.to/3QGH7Cz and https://amzn.to/3sTK5KJ
Check out my candle fixing video here: https://youtu.be/bfp6ewnnYQQ
Check out a couple of ideas of what to do with your leftover wax here - https://youtu.be/9AIRPDaCTX8
Check out my Candle Hurricane 101 video here: https://youtu.be/1_PA9yiZHaM

Find Threshold Studio McGee Cypress & Juniper here - https://go.magik.ly/ml/25dmy/

Kringle and Country Candles - (30% off select Fall candles. Also be sure to check out the clearance tab as there is quite a bit there for some great prices! Use code MELANIE15 on everything else at checkout to save 15% off your order!) - https://kringlecandle.com/mrkongsmom

Find HomeWorx candles here:
At HomeWorx.Shop - ($21.99 Sale. You can use my discount code MELANIEP to save 15% an additional off your order with this one but you can try.) - https://homeworx.shop/melaniep
At QVC - https://go.magik.ly/ml/1ldhn/
At Ulta - https://go.magik.ly/ml/1vltd/

Bath and Body Works Candles ($13.95 3 wicks) - https://go.magik.ly/ml/1lwkr/

Scentsy: I don't sell it but... check out my bestie Lisa if you don't have a consultant, she is WONDERFUL! - https://lisarowberry.scents

#candlereview #candlechat #kringlecandle #bathandbodyworks #homeworx

Discount Codes (These would be considered affiliate discount codes.):
Rakuten - Get PAID to shop online! No strings attached:

MitoPro Red Light Panel -
Use code MrKongsMom to save 5%

Save 15% at Homeworx.Shop with code MELANIEP in your cart - https://homeworx.shop/melaniep

Save 15% at Kringle Candle with code MELANIE15 - https://kringlecandle.com/mrkongsmom

TriPollar Devices - https://mytripollar.com/?ref=VbPHaDh0gmMQBk
Use code MRKONGSMOM20 to save 20%

If you'd like to save 20% on anything from Farmacy Beauty you can use this link to save 20%: https://www.farmacybeauty.com/discount/MRKONGSMOM20?oid=1&affid=34

Save on 20% on DRMTLGY Skincare by using this link (or use code J3833 at checkout): https://www.drmtlgy.com/?rfsn=4330074.d9c1e9

Save 25% off your Skinstore order by using code MrKongsMom at checkout: https://go.magik.ly/ml/12r75/

Save 15% at City Beauty with code MRKONGSMOM at check out - https://get.aspr.app/SHFdN

Find me on Instagram: MrKongsMom
Please read:
In case you are curious, the vast majority of what I feature on my channel is purchased by me. Occasionally, I will agree to partner with certain companies who will provide me with their product for consideration. I will ALWAYS mention in the video if a product is provided to me for review. I also make sure that the company I am working with knows that I only share my honest review of their products. If I love it, I will share that. If I dislike it, I will share that as well. I will also always tell you why I love or hate a product. Also, I utilize Magiclinks to link my products for you. These are affiliate links which means if you use the link to make a purchase, I will receive a small commission from the sale. I also feature affiliate discount codes. Using these will provide me with a small commission. I always appreciate you using my links to shop!

Thank you as always for watching and take care!


#mrkongsmom #hauls #haul #review #reviews #home_fragrance #candle #candles #mr_kongs_mom #cruelty_free_beauty #bath_and_body_works_candles #mrkongsmom_homeworx #weekly_wax_chat #weekly_home_fragrance_roundup #threshold_studio_mcgee_candles #fall_candles #scentsy #kringle_candle #kringle_candle_reviews #homeworx_candle_reviews #bath_and_body_works_candle_reviews #kringle_reserve_candles #kringle_reserve #candle_reviews #homeworx_candles
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