FAA 101

FAA 101

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jksynth - 12.09.2023 17:00

Very interesting

Irene Imanil
Irene Imanil - 18.11.2022 01:54

Nov 17, 2022 This is Irene Imanil with nevi (real, King Philip, II and Gaudencio Laca bloodline) calling from Waikiki Public Library @ 1235 hour to inform you to restore my stolen US Passport since May, 2021 in HI so my brother and I can travel out of the state for my and my brother's survival.

We want to live and not be in the hand of euthanizer Gloria Casupang Calimlim who has become expert in euthanasia under a latched door of hospital room or a house. I call her retarded why she's a medical doctor un schooled. Her belief is she is King Philip, so she only kills, but failed to realize that she's being killed in the Philippines, GU, and CA. Her cousin in the Philippines is dead, her mother, sister, brother, children, cousins, aunt in GU are either severely, seriously physically disabled or dead. He evil act of euthanasia is paid in kind in other places where there are Casupang and Calimlim.

Gloria severely berated Norma and Jonathan before showing off that she can take them down. Gloria shot a girl before named Ai Imanil and she thinks she can do it again. She is so obsessed with Imanil last name that is causing her serious retardation and mental illness. Her reasoning is we are not the only Imanil, so in her mind she can and is also Imanil and made her sons named Jonathan Imanil Loscocco, Jonathan Imanil Lau, that is how obsessed Gloria Casupang Calimlim with the last name Imanil. She ought to be killed for her acts of euthanasia. Thus far, she has euthanized close to a dozen of growing young men and women born in HI without wrongdoings and sins.

Gloria has a gun supplier who is her step son and she carries gun in the hospital and where ever she goes, yet my brother and I don't carry guns.

Martin - 04.05.2022 10:31

Your bureaucracy with SpaceX is really showing your department's incompetence.

ABS Travel Indonesia
ABS Travel Indonesia - 31.03.2022 16:10

Greeting from bali island, we're indonesian volcano & nationalpark tour organiser 🌅

IPOOPEDIA  The Next destination of Ipo
IPOOPEDIA The Next destination of Ipo - 15.03.2022 13:17

How to started and building our own aviation industry such likes airbus, boeing and many more to go. Tell me

IPOOPEDIA  The Next destination of Ipo
IPOOPEDIA The Next destination of Ipo - 15.03.2022 13:14

Hi iam from india i am likes your videos and channel too

R. greer
R. greer - 04.03.2022 18:39

Dr. S for the win!!!

Guru Srini
Guru Srini - 17.02.2022 19:01

Started watching

Kofi Rey
Kofi Rey - 20.01.2022 17:26


Videomastermindful - 15.01.2022 13:33

SpaceX doesn't need your oversight.

Rodrigo Millan
Rodrigo Millan - 08.01.2022 16:23

Unlike your polland asian re, I did not google the 711 year , or what my other grampa did in 1066. I just know this .

Rodrigo Millan
Rodrigo Millan - 08.01.2022 16:19

Wat I C is a asian-poland re, wat u c is the West, in 711 the your AR found out the wrong way , once you approched my Celticbarina People, the red asian-polland boizzz left Spain in WW2 and never return , Polland-Asian pulled people out of many country never Spain.

Rodrigo Millan
Rodrigo Millan - 08.01.2022 16:10

I think it is funny your tat stupid to think I am buying your bs joe c story , this is y u have issues after issues all around , you got bs in your head, while the solid people left , and your hatting it .

Rodrigo Millan
Rodrigo Millan - 08.01.2022 15:15

this is the biggets p of s u can get involved with , everything I do they are agents, I drive a truck they hate, now I am studying IT , and they are still hatting , I am going to have a 100 meter plus another 100 meter ethernet , with a repeater , to stop them from hating that I am working remote, they got their polland trash license back and still mad, their worthless haters are not going to stop me from getting my IT on . p of s burger king pollland trash , they got their asian pollan pretty b boiii and mad about it.

Henry Hatfield
Henry Hatfield - 01.11.2021 08:14

How close can a helicopter fly by an occupied house without permission to land ?

Chad Snow
Chad Snow - 27.10.2021 18:17

The FAA is preventing humanity from becoming multiplanetary by holding back SpaceX why they study noise on the spotted snail. Even know it may be the end of all human existence by preventing SpaceX making life multiplanetary and giving time for China and Russia to gain technological and military advantage over the US. This gives the FAA a terrible but well deserved image. This "feel good" video does not justify 45,000+ employees you need for your big government jobs program. That nearly one FAA employee for one airlines employee. SpaceX has build the worlds largest and most powerful rocket that is fully reusable, an advanced launch tower that has never been seen before. Even know a private company can do these amazing things, the FAA cannot finish filling out their forms.

Axiil Inc
Axiil Inc - 12.10.2021 17:33

I think we should keep the satellites on the ground. I don’t think they know what they are doing up there!! Lmao

Axiil Inc
Axiil Inc - 12.10.2021 17:31

AVS is a cruel joke

Axiil Inc
Axiil Inc - 12.10.2021 17:30

Haha they said ARP

belom asmelash Gebremariam Gebrzabher
belom asmelash Gebremariam Gebrzabher - 07.09.2021 06:26

Kemey dia

Spirit Aka Rabbit
Spirit Aka Rabbit - 28.05.2021 06:05

Ok cool stuff. Although I think we are collectively getting to a point where all this other extra stuff won't be needed.

Read up on some history of the air commerce act of 1926...but I will say always keep in mind that the same spirit of freedom that drove the same ancient and modern flight that caused faa to come together for a responsibility, that same spirit gotta be respected everywhere and just trust lifes abundance...dont be so controlling...remember where it all started...well in many places...anyways...I like this video im amazed that supposedly theres so many flights going on

Eymen ags HD
Eymen ags HD - 17.04.2021 03:13


Marlowe Barnes
Marlowe Barnes - 25.03.2021 23:51

There are only 21 ARTCCs located in CONUS and Alaska. TRACONs handle traffic above 10.000'. There are a few that go generally up to FL180/230.

Rob n/a
Rob n/a - 02.02.2021 02:56

Very informative thank you!

Tony Rosa
Tony Rosa - 28.01.2021 17:26

Thank you FAA again for an outstanding informative Video. As a low time student pilot airspace is one of the most confusing parts of flying. It would be great if you did a tutorial from hangar to destination. Explain Ground, tower, Departure, tracon/center then Arrival to Tower back to Ground. This would be especially helpful for us CTAF bug smashers who only talk to each other.

osnapitzgabisasmr - 11.11.2020 17:13

Is this a hard job?

Mustafa Gürsoy
Mustafa Gürsoy - 29.09.2020 00:50

Fenerbahçe Ananın Amı

victor paul
victor paul - 24.09.2020 21:22

🇮🇳💐💐⚘♥️ i love federal aviation administration 💐💐🇮🇳

nephtali rivera
nephtali rivera - 03.06.2020 11:04

Trying to get back into flying as a private pilot, after my retirement from the Florida Highway Patrol.

Kyle Randle
Kyle Randle - 02.06.2020 01:28

Sounds like Bill Hader did the narration for this.

bsbs Hbjvcgkb
bsbs Hbjvcgkb - 27.05.2020 01:07

Es mamada eso

Randy Anderson
Randy Anderson - 28.12.2019 07:37

The FAA are liars. Oh we just want to encourage safe flying and dont want to harm the drone industry. You guys want to stomp out hobbiest by creating mass regulations in favor of commercial drones. Sticking us on little AMA reservations. Assholes.

uweakminded twit
uweakminded twit - 24.03.2018 20:36

Air Disasters- Tragedy on the Potomac
Why can't the computers in planes turn the de-icing equipment on automatically in case the pilots forget to turn it on themselves?

SupaEMT134 - 01.03.2018 01:23

