The Man Who Modernized China

The Man Who Modernized China

Patrick Boyle

8 месяцев назад

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Albert Chi
Albert Chi - 25.11.2023 23:41

If Xi adopt Deng Xiaoping's strategy, US will be destroyed in three decades with technologies supply by US.

R W - 25.11.2023 22:44

TQM was demonstrated on a grand scale by Japanese industry through the intervention of W. Edwards Deming—who, in consequence, and thanks to his missionary labors in the U.S. and across the world, has come to be viewed as the "father" of quality control, quality circles, and the quality movement generally. He was laughed out of America... then the Asians moved in.

F Liu
F Liu - 25.11.2023 22:33

Lol, I saw through this video's agenda from the first 5 mins. And predictably, at the end of the video, it tries to falsely claim Xi has been turning backward to Mao era's policies. But no, sorry to disappoint all these Western neo-liberalist economists, China is never going to open itself completely up for Western unfettered capitalistic exploitations. Instead, Xi's policy has been correct, China has been actively decoupling from the US/Western economy and engaging with others from the Global South for opportunities as the Western economic model is proven to have been failing to bring prosperity to the working class. This is the fundamental difference between China and the West. The Western economic model will ultimately always serve the 1%.

F Liu
F Liu - 25.11.2023 20:47

The Chinese are pragmatic, this is one of the most important reasons why China has been successful, and of course had/has wise leaders who implemented smart policies suiting China's needs at different periods of time. But if the West thinks somehow China will one day embrace a full on Western style of economic and political system, they are wrong. China hasn't forgotten what the West has been all about: the powers that tried to carve up and colonise its country and subjugate its people. And for anyone who is trying to hint that Xi is turning back to Mao era's policies, you know this is completely false, and the agenda is trying to demonise him and ultimately destabilise China (leading to political chaos and loss of stability/prosperity), which the Chinese people will NEVER allow this to happen.

F Liu
F Liu - 25.11.2023 20:33

It is the CPC (Communist Party of China), not CCP. CCP is mostly used by Western anti China forces. Used to confuse people with CCCP, an attempt to incite anti Communist sentiment.

moi paslui
moi paslui - 25.11.2023 19:26

Fun fact, Montargis, a small town in the middle of France has a Deng Xiao Ping square, the mayor of the town has also been called to come see Deng in China because he worked there in his youth and has fond memories. Thanks to that, the French-Chinese bond in Montargis might be one of the strongest in France with multiple associations regularly exchanging students and a local high school teaching Mandarin.

CasinoMaster - 25.11.2023 18:12


Keith Ng
Keith Ng - 25.11.2023 11:51

How can you forget about Deng's visit to Singapore in 1978 which arguably was even more important than the Japanese one!

Smith Stanek
Smith Stanek - 25.11.2023 11:42

Thanks bud for keepin us financially Educated! Regardless of how bad it gets on the economy, I still make over $24,500 every single week..

Kevin C.
Kevin C. - 25.11.2023 10:53

excellent video. thanks.

73BigMC - 25.11.2023 10:51

Deng the great pragmatist. A shame the reformist wing has lost its way and the bungling Maoist Chairman Pooh has his hands firmly on the tiller.

Ludovic Migneault
Ludovic Migneault - 25.11.2023 10:20

🌹I’m 50 years old living in Canada Albert, I’m willing retired at 55 if things keep going the way I planned  bought my first house last month and i can’t be more proud that I’m now I’m glad I made a very good productive decisions that has changed my financial status for forever

MrWeed - 25.11.2023 08:48

And I’d assume y’all are adults given the author.

MrWeed - 25.11.2023 08:47

It’s baffling to me how lazy the viewers are on this awesome channel. 200k views and only 800 likes is disgusting. Patrick is awesome and his videos are top tier. It’s like his viewers are entitled and too good to take the 1 second it takes to click on the stupid thumbs up or whatever. What evvveerrr

Electric Man
Electric Man - 25.11.2023 03:41

Hong Kong country 🐼🐼🐼🐼

Clare Zhao
Clare Zhao - 25.11.2023 00:47


Michael G F Yau
Michael G F Yau - 24.11.2023 23:40

As usual. Western professor or specialist never understand the real China if you don't study China from shi wang di, which is qin dynasty till today. Not just to study what had happen but also to study the culture together to understand the civilization of monarchy of each dynasty. if not. You never ever really understand what is china.

Jamal - 24.11.2023 23:22

It doesn't matter whether you called capitalism or socialism as long as you maintain economy growth, if you can't achieve to contribute peoples livelihood than populism will rise look what happened last ten years in US occupied Wall Street and Trumps election, every system it will be question if it doesn't meet People's expectation, simple

Mangold Kelz
Mangold Kelz - 24.11.2023 17:26

Excellent analysis

张天弟 - 24.11.2023 15:26

I actually learned something I didn't know.

Oppo A17k
Oppo A17k - 24.11.2023 14:16

A very interesting and enlightening talk on China under Communism and Deng Xiao Peng's brilliant Opening Up China policies.

KULIROT TV - 24.11.2023 14:02

Whos correct you or the Chinese???😂😂

The Troll Hunter
The Troll Hunter - 24.11.2023 13:40

How can someone like you not know the difference between CCP (Chinese Communist Party) vs CPC (Communist Party OF China)?? This is a legit question. It's all about "Legal Representation", guess which one doesn't have it?

Ong Sengkee
Ong Sengkee - 24.11.2023 12:28


John Dew
John Dew - 24.11.2023 12:03

How much money you took from corrupt fake communist officials. Deng massacred students in Tiananmen square. Xi is the modernizer of China. You shit!

Jay Tso
Jay Tso - 24.11.2023 11:57

Liberalism leads to decadence and decline ..... as democracy decays into plutocracy

peng LIU
peng LIU - 24.11.2023 11:27

China is still like an empire: if you have a good emperor, future is bright, if a bad one, you are fucxxxxd.

無名 - 24.11.2023 08:21

I think is mao

Ngan Lang Chai
Ngan Lang Chai - 24.11.2023 05:22

Thank you,Patrick for a detailed analysis of China in early days.
At hind sight,many agreed that if 1989 unrest went on,China would be fragmented,it will never be what it is today,not forgetting it is a vast country with many ethnic groups and cultural differences,an iron hand at that point of time was the only option,n there is no looking back.

Sandy Bottom
Sandy Bottom - 24.11.2023 04:21

An excellent video!!! These days China seems to be backsliding massively. They haven't learnt all of the lessons of the capitalist west.

dkaoboy - 24.11.2023 03:01

f*ck Mao. his portrait should be replaced with Deng Xiao Ping's. But the one child policy was also enacted under DXP's leadership.

Julian2311 - 24.11.2023 01:17

YOUR voice-cadence-delivery is Amazing, not a single unnecessary utterance.
I thought I would Skim through to the spoiler, instead I was immediately intrigued, even sat thru the ad.
I’m subscribing.

Patriots man
Patriots man - 24.11.2023 00:40

Mao made modern china

-w-w- - 24.11.2023 00:03

And now they decide to revert back to Mao's era. Look at Iran, that's China's future. (It may sounds radiculitis, but a number of Chinese advocate the return to Mao's Policy. Globalisation helped them out of extrem poverty, but 50% of the population is in extrem relativ poverty, kind of a modern slavery. So they advocate Mao's Policy, which is actually to "destroy the rich and get a share of their fortune".

Raymond Don
Raymond Don - 23.11.2023 23:27

today china is just too rich & powerful... much love for china from mexico!

Seed 谢狄
Seed 谢狄 - 23.11.2023 21:21

Only get strong when they humbling and respect to all business partners, not today gone strong and ego

Li Lin
Li Lin - 23.11.2023 14:36

Mr Deng is the most important leader after Chairman mao. He is a communists who seek truth from facts.

Ong Wee Yang
Ong Wee Yang - 23.11.2023 13:02

Mao is the Chinese equivalent of Stalin. Famine caused by collectivization, which began earlier in parts of China when the CCP took over, was amplified by The Great Leap Forward, was the Chinese equivalent of Holodomor. Amplified by the huge population of China itself.

John Thomas
John Thomas - 23.11.2023 11:29

Quite an interesting video except for a skewed perspective on the Tien Ann Men incident. It is quite widely accepted now that there was no such incident at Tien Ann Men Square. The Tankman wasn't preventing the tanks from crushing the demonstrators ... he was preventing them from exiting the square and going back to their bases. The Spanish ambassador then witnessed the incident.

g davis
g davis - 23.11.2023 11:00

eggcellent! my dad,a very sensible&undereducated
man,told me,in the '80's,China was about to open
the world's largest foundries,soon. about 1995,I
bought a brake rotor,from Canada,for 27$. needed
two,they only had one. the following week, I bought
another one,from China,for 12$. that's all.
Garrick("G.I.")Davis,crabby old veteran23Nov2023

Johnal W
Johnal W - 23.11.2023 09:18

Foreign experts' understanding of China is superficial. If China's development is so simple? Whether in the past or now, there should be a lot of countries rising on the earth after World War II. China is so lonely!

Kidze - 23.11.2023 08:13

of course only a Capitalist would enhance the economy.

TIPPING Duely - 23.11.2023 08:09

for those un-intelligent, un-informed and un-educated:
It's the "Coming back of China" NOT the "Return of China"

7 H
7 H - 23.11.2023 07:35

Tragic as it was, its truly fortunate for China to dodge the bullet of extreme liberalism in 1989 and the potential Shock therapy.

ADAM ISKANDAR - 23.11.2023 07:00

This is a very much a Western perspective of China's history. You can only have a balance view if you care to listen to Chinese thinkers, historians and academics on this narrative.
