Ramana Maharshi's Final Teaching | Can You Handle the Truth?

Ramana Maharshi's Final Teaching | Can You Handle the Truth?

Jason Gregory

2 года назад

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Nanu.Q - 21.09.2023 23:12


OT G - 20.09.2023 14:14

What are you whittling on about you are a kid. Junoir high level..please we don't need you vidoes, I would never in a million years make vidoes regards this topic even though I went overland to India no guide book etc in 1973 and was in India many times.. in Ramana's ashram etc etc etc no time for you kids on the block giving it the bigun...

Go Govindha
Go Govindha - 18.09.2023 19:28

All teachings have their place and their disciples. You may believe that your truth is the absolute truth. But like Christ said, there are many chambers in my father's house. Some people sit in the Nibbana-room, others in the Tao-room, again others in the room with the letters "Brahman Satyam Jagat Mithya", again others know that above your over-mental etude is one more truth. You want to claim the absolute truth for you? Poor boy. Empty your glass that it may be refilled again.

vikas malik
vikas malik - 18.09.2023 14:17

Jason , there is no final truth when it comes to Real Sages , they always speak truth .
Anything for views.

Zack Symes - Logic & Lunacy
Zack Symes - Logic & Lunacy - 17.09.2023 20:37

This is classic. Some more spiritual nonsense that no one will or should act out in the real world until they are ready themselves. Sharing insights to essentially children is dangerous — very dangerous. It yields an illusion of understanding. Maybe the video host gets it, but that doesn’t mean we as the viewer do — just because we heard it.

Now I’m almost positive that someone can read my comment and exclaim “He just isn’t ready yet, he just doesn’t get it…”

But that’s almost the point. We have to many fall backs into spiritual claims that no one has experienced themselves. Spiritual bypassing in a sense.

Even if this is true, and it very well might be. We still have to go on said journey to find it for ourselves. Reading spirituality is not a substitute for doing (or understanding) spirituality.

Gurinder jit Singh
Gurinder jit Singh - 17.09.2023 18:16

🙏 Thanks Sir.

Sureka Devi Studios
Sureka Devi Studios - 14.09.2023 20:51

This wisdom is for everyone and anyone. Everyone is qualified to hear this. When it is understood, is the business of each soul as each makes their personal endeavour to return back into the sacred cave of themselves. These conditions are man made with a special colonialist sentiment attached to it.

Bala Subrahmanyam Pandyaram
Bala Subrahmanyam Pandyaram - 08.09.2023 18:44

Well explained in simple and clear terms

Matthias Heartman
Matthias Heartman - 07.09.2023 10:04

Where can I find the mantra at the beginning of the video?

Pamela Astarte
Pamela Astarte - 04.09.2023 04:37

So then is the point of being put in a physical body- Jiva consciousness- to realize we are not that and that we are Consciousness itself without beginning or end?

Edward Banks
Edward Banks - 02.09.2023 01:45

This is like the Ancient Egyptian teaching of ka 48 confession. "I have not lied" "I have not stolen". Since the soul is pure the soul is not responsible for the ego actions. By reconnecting with Amun Ra (the hidden god) you achieve a nondual state or Brahman in Hinduism. In other words free yourself from the ego-mind complex and you have freedom.

Jake Daniel
Jake Daniel - 28.08.2023 22:58

In your attempt to profit off Vedanta you are misleading a lot of people. You should leave Vedanta to qualified teachers. But than you might not be able to sell your hoodies & t's.

shiv tv
shiv tv - 24.08.2023 17:48

Thank you ❤

Eric Matkowski
Eric Matkowski - 24.08.2023 15:38

It doesn’t make sense . Because here is said that Brahman is beyond dualism, concepts and the author of the movie claims that Brahman is Ultimate Reality etc. you cannot have both , Logical contradiction.

Dr. Soniya Sinha
Dr. Soniya Sinha - 11.08.2023 00:52

you see no matter what you do, you still have to tend to bodily functions.. so you cannot ignore your physical reality.. you really cannot attain spiritual freedom when you are alive. that is why you can only reach Shiva who is the Brahman via the cremation grounds. Just let someone cut off your arm while your eyes are open.

Chris D
Chris D - 05.08.2023 19:18

How does this reconcile with ideas Dharma and Svadharma? I agree that All is One. However, what is our responsibility in this incarnated life? Is it simply to Be? Is it simply Shanti? Or is this just another form of spiritual bypass. Don't we exist in a dual reality as well as an All-Pervading Reality. Isn't Maya also part of Brahman. How do we work with this paradox? How do we navigate our lives in a world of duality without neglecting our responsibilities? How do we live a spiritual truth such as Union in a world of dualism and multiplicity?

Steve Cooper
Steve Cooper - 01.08.2023 15:18

It's really interesting to listen to you .
But the question is
To whom are you talking too ?
For someone you are talking too who has not experienced the shedding or opening up to

If this has not happened then the ego or analytical mind will forever
Go in circles trying to answer the impossible through the analytical mind
Hope this helps anybody listening
As it's a deep hole that cannot be answered, it comes from another consciousness that the mind tunes into.

Hunnefer Makoronbo
Hunnefer Makoronbo - 01.08.2023 00:40

This is profound…nearly every mystery school has had this understanding in their esoteric teachings

Venkatesh Ks
Venkatesh Ks - 31.07.2023 13:27

This is what J Krishnamurthi was always telling in all of his lectures. Its right now right here.

varsha uikey
varsha uikey - 31.07.2023 11:38

He is talk universal truth...........

cyphrtrp - 30.07.2023 21:08

Keep it up my friend! 😉

paresh prajapati
paresh prajapati - 30.07.2023 12:46

Jai gurudev
Thank you 🙏

Tommy Vercitty
Tommy Vercitty - 30.07.2023 02:38

fraud man

Kiril Tzvetkov
Kiril Tzvetkov - 29.07.2023 21:07

Very good and correct understanding, well done, my friend!
Well explained too!

RingingTheBells - 29.07.2023 14:29

U have very clear cut clarity on the subject of advait vedanta and u explained it so clearly thats fantastic and very communicative. I appreciate ur content and its beautifully expressing.. I daily listen discourses on Vedanta and can appreciate how true and excellent ur contents r. Keep it up pl

Jesus2030 - 28.07.2023 22:11

So basically we are that nothingness and all the other things are part of the illusion , essentially thoughts forms in the illusion

Markus Omega
Markus Omega - 28.07.2023 15:48

Great summary! Thank you
Subscribed 💪

Evolve or Dissolve
Evolve or Dissolve - 28.07.2023 04:05

A guru is someone who also lives with an unconscious person who refuses mental health treatment 24/7…if someone can overcome this environment, a gurus typical meditation like environment is a breeze….

Rob Brown
Rob Brown - 28.07.2023 02:24

The teaching here is mistaken. Not the analysis. That is correct. But the teaching of Maharshi's final truth is incorrect.

What is correct is to accept that we are human beings who have been given ego for a purpose. That purpose is to create a system for human beings to know and survive in the world. To knowingly try and remove oneself from that system is foolish and ineffective.

To be alive and deny the work of being master of our ego rather than our ego be master of us is also foolish.

You would not knowingly sever your arm from your body. So why would you knowing sever yourself from your ego?

What is also true is that human beings live within the Tao and that all things are connected. We are all a part of the Whole. So, the path to embrace is the way of embracing all things. And that includes ego as well as the Tao.

You are as a grain of sand on the beach. Would you deny the existence of the beach because you are separate from the other grains of sand? Of course not.

But you are still at some level unique and different from any other grain of sand. To deny this is to deny the truth of who you are and to what it is you belong.

The path is to embrace both, your self as defined through your ego with you in control of your ego and the Tao in which you exist. That is the point of our practice. That is the point of our way...

Sara Mejia
Sara Mejia - 28.07.2023 00:12

I love the way you explain complicated teachings/truths in an easier, understandable manner. Thank you.

The Seagull Studios
The Seagull Studios - 27.07.2023 18:44

Very clear explanation. Thank you.

Shraddha Niche
Shraddha Niche - 27.07.2023 15:00

Thank you Jason I appreciate you

FalloutFarms - 27.07.2023 07:09

Very well said 🙏

mjtr1970 - 27.07.2023 04:31

"Truth is a pathless land"

Artur Beqiri
Artur Beqiri - 26.07.2023 21:23

what that song

The NoKnowing
The NoKnowing - 26.07.2023 14:28

Appreciate your effort in so much talking...but who is talking there?

Whatever you have spoken can be collected by anyone just googling or wiki or reading few books...whats your version of reality?

Zardoz - 26.07.2023 04:35

I've read Talks with Ramana Maharshi. Even though this is the ultimate truth, it is outside of our experience. You can have moments but then it's business as usual. In other words there will be old age, disease and suffering. You can't shift from a jiva perspective and mitigate the predicament of being bound by flesh. That's why many intelligent people commit suicide. They realize this truth, the elephant in the room and it overwhelms their reasoning. Animals are unaware of this. We on the other hand have the intellectual capacity to see the big picture of being thrown into life in a raw deal of sorts. A freak accident? A mistake? Rana would say that you should lament your birthday and not celebrate it.

Sam Rum
Sam Rum - 26.07.2023 03:10

Nothing makes sense to me.....why do we come from mother not father?

Polly - 25.07.2023 16:21

It’s almost humorous how we start on the path to enlightenment only to discover there is no path. Once you can laugh and feel comfortable with this you have become enlightened.

Daniel Lieberman
Daniel Lieberman - 25.07.2023 06:26

You got that Dawg in you bro 🔥

Ka Haert
Ka Haert - 25.07.2023 05:35

eye would give this a mighty right on.. cheers to the guruZ

David Samuel
David Samuel - 24.07.2023 17:23

This guy died of skin cancer he was supposed to be enlightened but not enlightened enough it seems to know you don't walk around naked.Too much sun causes skin cancer.That thig he wore looks like a baby's nappy.

Victoria Hangula
Victoria Hangula - 21.07.2023 22:53

Dr. Sangay.
The satsang you have established has managed to teach and guide me and millions around the universe to understand wisdom teachings in an ordinary and truthful manner. Your spiritual ship will reach the shores with awoken ones.Thank you and your team for keeping the candle burning which Saint Ramana Marshi has let for seekers of truth to find it through your work clearly and fearlessly. My 1Million gratitude for the talks classes and videos.

Child of the Corn
Child of the Corn - 21.07.2023 06:48

One day I realized that nothing exists outside of now. Then I realized that the now has been the same my whole life, always ‘on’ and never ‘off’. Studying advaita vedanta has deepened this knowledge.

J. Renee
J. Renee - 20.07.2023 07:34

I get this. One hundred percent. But now why would the one split into many? The idea is to be atman consciousness but still able to move through the matrix.

Looking at suffering. If you look at suffering as it’s not happening to me but for me, by this way you bring much soul energy to the soul in transmuting those patterns. Because they are systems of souls. Most souls if incarnated here on earth do have lessons that soul must learn.
Because what’s the purpose at all then.

Free will does not exist. All you have are choices. There is a Difference in the two.

I think finding the middle is the purpose, to beable to take the mind with. Another topic of self discovery in some ways.

Good day to all.

Supratik Nayak
Supratik Nayak - 19.07.2023 23:39

I was able to understand this final truth after following Sri Ramana Maharshi's teachings. Thank You for making such spiritual videos.

M B - 19.07.2023 21:29

Hello friends how are you..?
A lot of ppl always shocked to see the wisdom of westerners.
How can westerners r more awared than indians which is spriritual hub itself.

Actually western countries ppl live veryfreely...they doesn’t follow norms or rules or anything ...they play with their live very practical admventires
Free sexual life everthing,,
It means they have seen all kinds of suffering too...one who doesn’t come on field have no experience but one who play freely on field and take every chance of life are not only have pleasure but also pain of it..which result it quick wisdom experience clarity etc soul search etc.
Only india and few Muslim countries all other countries are free spirited that is why they have more spiritual clarity

Jose R
Jose R - 19.07.2023 19:28


Albert Siltal
Albert Siltal - 19.07.2023 18:39

Prepared or not:
Well... You are Consciousness 😇
