Which School Should You Choose in 2024? (Wizard101 Class Guide)

Which School Should You Choose in 2024? (Wizard101 Class Guide)


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@heyitsmax_ - 01.01.2024 01:05

One gripe I had watching this back: I belittled Ice's tankiness too much. Big health/resistance is useful, and often times can let teammates port back to you and save the team a reset

@nathanjacobs1468 - 20.01.2024 21:12

My first time ever playing wiz I got storm. It was fun, I enjoyed it but I didn't go that far with it. When I came back to the game I played the one that looked the coolest to me, Balance. I'm now coming back to the game and have been motivated to learn more and be a better player and hearing that balance is the worst solo class definitely hurts 😅

@liamsteers7378 - 20.01.2024 06:39

Is there a way to play wizard101 without paying for the whole storyline?

@_stealth_313 - 15.01.2024 16:50

I feel a way to fix ice would be to give them a spell that protects the team from AoE and allow them to ignore stun immune bosses

@bapboy-tc2ne - 15.01.2024 04:30

As someone who is around lv80 solowing balance it does SUCK

@Madoys - 15.01.2024 01:52


@16alexavier - 14.01.2024 16:09

I’ve played wiz since 2011 and have tried literally every school except death and now I have to make a whole new character bc apparently I’ve been sleep

@TrainerUmbreon - 14.01.2024 03:32

Life does get 4 pip aoe but it’s gem that you gotta socket

@maxwatermellon359 - 13.01.2024 12:56

I played death entirely with a death with a deckathalon deck, I’d say I have a different perspective of it. I completely destroyed the early game with Deer knight, feint, and death sereph tho I definitely suck in Azteca now lol. I’m at lvl 89 atm

@paulvarus859 - 13.01.2024 12:18

How to fix ice:
-Buff their ability to solo tank 4 mobs.
-a utility spell where they take some of the damage from their allies.
-add more shield utility spells and stuns to make them stall and slow combat (ice).
-buff some of their hits.
How to fix fire:
-make DOT mechanic faster (making detonate easier to use like sun enchantment that detontes the hit next turn)
-add a mana-burn mechanic for them. Since fire doesn't have their proper identity.
How to fix myth:
-include minions more since it's their identity rather than stun spam by adding a summon three minion spell at once and add utility by sacrificing minions. This makes myth fun to play and they solo better.
How to fix balance:
-one hit hybrid damage rather than seperate hits+flat blance damage.
-make them best archmastery and training point users and invest more in other schools.
How to "nerf" death:
-make them swap 30% of health to self or make incoming healing from life after a swap spell converted to damage (self blade)
-nerf their damage a bit and make them actual necromancers by using some minions.
Give them an undying mechanic.
How to fix storm:
Nerf their AOEs and their hit utilities, they're supposed to be a burst school with good solo hits.
-invest more in pierce and shatter shields to get through defenses rather than blades which doesn't make sense.
-more stuns since storm is thunder which buys them time to not die very quickly.
How to fix life:
-make their hits scale with opponents "life" which is their health to make them hit well at times rather than spamming heals for them while they already have a bunch of great heals. (This could be a blade or an enchantment)
-give them an early AOE (death too)
-make them use multiple pets at once.

Overall, the schools need to play more like their elements.
-Fire burns well and best AOE user
-ice tanks well and slows the combat.
-storm deatroys whatever in its way and is the best single hit user.
-life is nature and nature can be harmful not just healing.
-death is necromancy.
-myth are sommners not stun and shatter spammers.
-balance needs to be balanced and versatile and be an all rounder. It could tank like ice and life or hit like fire and storm or summon like myth and death.

Some of my ideas might sound busted but making each school promotes to one of three sub schools would make them simpler and balanced. (Ex: death could go for the swap healer sub school or the summoner sub school)

@caneshuga - 12.01.2024 16:19

just got my fire to lvl 170 and as much as I like the new Phantasmania spell, I still see myself using fire dragon as I lowkey really like the DOT and the feeling that I know with the dot the mobs are going to be dead next around anyways and i don't have to worry about casting another spell. However i will admit at first getting used to the dot was painful

@campbellmackinnon3848 - 12.01.2024 13:24

Storm school attracts weak narcissists that demand to be the hero but also demand everyone support them because they're actually incredibly weak. Ice tanks and can also hit. Ice is by far the best class because it attracts the right people, not the stats.

@bluskies3554 - 11.01.2024 18:29

Do you have a guide for secondary schools/what you should invest training points into?

@truthseekers1620 - 10.01.2024 22:30

how did you not mention empower

@ethanparker4309 - 09.01.2024 11:01

Really nice in depth video. Thanks!

@QuorsArchive - 09.01.2024 09:09

Myth>>Death and I will argue that I’m ngl good health and good amazing damage colossal shadow pip aoe takes away 1 shield (Clutch) without taking the damage away from the casted spell with max damage with all your blades orthrus beats every 7 pip AoE in game and yes I’m going against scarecrow as well

@jorickthekek2660 - 09.01.2024 03:36

Give ice feint instead of death and call it “shatter”

@PrincessAshley-Kawaii - 08.01.2024 11:07

The fire dot does get the bonus when a trap goes off from the first hit it does raise the dots damage that would happen. Same with damage %

@itzantionne3125 - 07.01.2024 15:06

Me a fire wizard who uses meteor and ffa religiously, idt most fire wizards use dots that often tbh

@jelu-ol6tw - 07.01.2024 13:35

i haven't played this game seriously in years, why don't you include PvP as a factor? is PvP like completely dead now or something? bc back when i played ice was insufferable for questing but at least u get rewarded with having the most overpowered pvp school

@draykos - 07.01.2024 08:05

people say balance isn't fun to solo because its challenging, but thats what makes it a really fun school to solo lmao

@hashbrwn - 07.01.2024 04:14

Awesome video :3

@jeffmiser1912 - 07.01.2024 01:09

In case anyone forgot the name of that one monsterology boss it's: Atlach-Leng

@TwitchyGains - 06.01.2024 21:26

another thing death can do that other wizards can't is launch their 7 pip aoes round 2 before level 95. using empower gives you 3 pips for 1 pip and if you get a power pip at the start of the next round you can scarecrow. so starting at level 38 you can spam scarecrow and blitz through the early to mid game

@ThatBeePerson - 05.01.2024 12:50

I still remember my old original wizard 101 thing, I got ice, and I've always been a fan of the "vibe" of ice magic in any kind of media, seeing how far it's fallen hurts

@jamesunknown6016 - 05.01.2024 08:59

2,500 hours of experience is nothing, I’ve been playing since 2010 you’re nothing ice is best because of health and resistance legion shield and tower shields mean nothing when you’ve got 55% pierce for ice

@VampTwinkie - 05.01.2024 03:19

Life is the best class :P

@KingsisleEntertainment - 05.01.2024 00:03

Hey there! Great video!! :D

@UberGamer-FP6 - 04.01.2024 16:12

Great Video!

There is actually a way to obtain Dalias Hat (Incindiate) for free - Fire Deckathalon Stage 10 drops it.
Thats how i got it too, its not that rare.

@apache_penguin3944 - 04.01.2024 09:29

Was thinking about getting back into this game. Is there still a good population of people playing after all these years?

@emilybowler701 - 04.01.2024 08:51


@gafadin_578 - 04.01.2024 04:41

I think something that could help ice standout again is adding some spell (that only they can learn) that in some way or form prevents AOEs for x amount of rounds or like an intercept which could make the AOE hit do more damage but it turns it into a single hit on the ice

@mattyice0007 - 04.01.2024 02:23

Myth gang on top 💪🏻

@XxUchihamistressxX - 03.01.2024 11:14

Proud Ice Main here, I love the whole ice theme for the spells and the massive health pool gives me a gamer boner. I'm specing Death as mu secondary school

@anonymoushealer1475 - 02.01.2024 23:22

Fire under ice for soloing? I feel like the spell sun serpent should be mentioned when it comes to fires ability to hit bosses hard using feint and you can get it on a pet as soon as you have the gold for the kiosk

@128chris - 02.01.2024 21:20

I like this video straight from the start on breaking down how ice is towards a team when other tanks can do but much better. One thing i can say they can do is legion shield which is good in certain instances

@Zay-us4mg - 02.01.2024 19:34

Is this game still super paywalled or can i play everything now without having to drop a house mortgage

@Haunter_1616 - 02.01.2024 19:25

Happy new year max. Love your content and hope to see your channel grow 🙏🏻

@Adoroth - 02.01.2024 15:55

Reindeer knight hits pretty hard too

@Adoroth - 02.01.2024 15:53

Just do what I do and choose them all 😂

@DinoDBrando - 02.01.2024 15:50

Wow, this is some perfect timing. I just started watching Wizard101 videos since I was interested where the game went after I stopped playing (I played like 8 years ago when I was 11 or smth) and I wanted to give the game a try but I wasnt sure which school to pick. I was literally watching one of your videos when I wanted to check out which school would suit me and this video popped up in my recommended feed. Thats some timing right there

@benign_canine3423 - 02.01.2024 11:59

I've been soloing on Balance as my first wizard and lord does it start to test your patience sometimes, ESPECIALLY on irritating balance bosses. Spectral Blast has come in clutch, especially stacking elemental blade and balance blade for it. It also doesn't consume all your blades like Hydra does in one go, so you have a decent chance of making use of the extra blades. That said it is heavily RNG dependent and I've had more than a couple times where I got unlucky with an Ice roll that would've killed with Storm or Fire. Hydra's non-damage spellment is also surprisingly useful on Balance bosses, especially ones that like to use Elemental/Spirit shield as it gives you 3 -35% shields which have saved me more than once, very strong for soloing. Would I recommend Balance for soloing? God no, but it has its moments where it's legitimately fun to work through an encounter (though some fights may be, very slow and a double reshuffle in your deck may be necessary)

@GearMasters988 - 02.01.2024 06:16

May be a hot take but I actually think balance is an incredibly powerful school late game. However, I will admit arc 1 balance is hot TRASH, worse than ice imo. Arc 2 balance is decent, but arc 3 balance I flew through the game. Using 4 piece shadow pip gear and spamming frenzy + shadow pip aoe just ruins bosses and mobs alike. Additionally, balance removes its biggest issue when it gets frenzy and access to high pierce which is lack of damage and struggling against balance bosses/minions, because you basically pierce right through it and frenzy acts as an ever so slightly weaker blade that lasts 4 rounds. Unlike most schools however, the resist of balance naturally allows it to effectively use frenzy. I’d also argue too that fire dragon is a little slept on for fire. Blade fire dragon does a lot of damage if you’re first because the second tick of the dot will always do more damage that a storm lord so you literally pass after hitting and that’s wrap.

@garrett1282 - 02.01.2024 02:19

I’ve always been a diehard Fire and storm player since beta days and just recently myth and balance have been super fun for pvp

@bandyjb1 - 02.01.2024 01:01

I first played wizard101 when I was 9 years old back in 2009, got addicted and played until 2nd age pvp ended, I think it was around 2015-16ish (could be wrong). I remember when darkmoor first came out and malistare gear with Morgan amulet was the best, max level was 100 at the time…. Now I’m 24 and searched wiz and found this video, a lot has changed. When I played death wasn’t the best school in the game and in pvp the best way to play them was to jade gear and spam bad juju. All the memories. Damn time really flies.

@isaacpearson5676 - 01.01.2024 22:39

As a fire main, Fire Dragon gets slept on a bit too much here since the DOT damage isn't the main reason to cast it. It helps immensly with taking out bosses/enemies that might barely survive the initial hit, while a storm would just be out of luck a fire just has to survive for 1 more turn. Additionally while traps are usually pointless the setup for FD is for the first hit, and the DOT still gets buffed by all the blades plus damage percent. Sorry this is long just felt like sharing!

@celessilverfrond8944 - 01.01.2024 22:23

I always appreciate seeing Life get some love. Nothing was ever going to top Death on the ranking so it's super great to see Life as the runner up!

@liahmisavibe - 01.01.2024 22:12

Good video!

@MrDragonitify - 01.01.2024 20:37

I'm glad you brought up a PSA for storms to be nicer. I would have chosen storm when I was a kid, right after my very first fire wizard, but all the storm players were so mean!!! Ruined it for me at the time, haha!

@stellara4380 - 01.01.2024 20:23

As a Myth main I can confirm, were weird.
