Radio Chatter From Spaceship Bridge & Alien Planet Rain. Sci-Fi Ambiance for Sleep, Study, Relaxing

Radio Chatter From Spaceship Bridge & Alien Planet Rain. Sci-Fi Ambiance for Sleep, Study, Relaxing

Selcuk Celebi Ambient & Music

1 год назад

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@grimdesaye6534 - 09.12.2023 14:52

Great Chatter for SCI Fi games! Thanks 😊

@leroyfisher9768 - 09.12.2023 10:04

Nice and cozy until a reptilian creature crashes through the window 😊

@Sketchingoblin - 09.12.2023 07:40

POV: You're the idiot that cheated on your flight exams now your whole crew is dead and your too afraid to get into the pilot seat while the company that owns the ship needs you to get the illegally mined diamonds back to base before the opposing company finds out and discharges your useless body into the vacuum of space.

@darkfsp1 - 08.12.2023 23:23

Been looking for something like this for a while now! Awesome!

@alienc - 08.12.2023 22:25

Bravo team report status.. Bravo team please report your current status.. Bravo team report

@BalcoraMcFly - 08.12.2023 16:25

I question how air tight that ship is with the sound of that rain

@user-pm8je4fo7e - 08.12.2023 14:06

Why can't we have a cozy space sim like this? Is it really too much to ask?

@emperorconstantine1.361 - 08.12.2023 10:46

I’m just waiting for Ash to show up to take his seat again while waiting for John Hurt to be dragged with a face hugger.

@Luke-ih1oc - 08.12.2023 09:45

Can you upload this without the radio chatter? Is that possible?

@Slurreydude - 07.12.2023 22:24

its taken 130 hours but my space missions have ended for now.

@marklechman2225 - 07.12.2023 17:45

I dig this. Would also dig one with just the rain sounds minus the chatter.

@Garbinable - 07.12.2023 17:44

Espetacularmente bom para foco. Muito obrigado.

@dagsterblaster4973 - 07.12.2023 16:47

It's indeed comforting to know that even in the future, tech is overhyped and unreliable with static and unintelligable communications wreaking havoc on humanity. Conclusive proof that A/I will not take over.

@caesarflickerman9880 - 07.12.2023 13:04

I spent many years listening and participating in this chatter…can’t wait to let my kids see what I used to do, thank you!

@julianlujan9466 - 07.12.2023 11:21

Ahh to just sit back and relax to the sound of the coms while watching the rain

@samuelclayborne - 07.12.2023 06:07

This is really cool. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't half expecting a jump scare - especially when the radio chatter said something about tracking something they found. You should totally do an Aliens-themed one, outside of Hadley's Hope on LV426. Maybe some colonial marine chatter and pulse rifle-gunfire randomly. That'd be oddly soothing to me, no clue why lol

@alessioserini6834 - 07.12.2023 01:40


@savageaxis7721 - 07.12.2023 00:51

a cozy and safe place in the land of predators...terrible scenery around

@bartek5207 - 06.12.2023 18:39

I listened to this while fixing some electronic devices and it gave me vibes that I am on a space ship fixing that things, great!

@T3koner - 06.12.2023 13:23

Seventeen *days*? Hey man, I don't wanna rain on your parade, but we're not gonna last seventeen hours! Those things are gonna come in here just like they did before. And they're gonna come in here...

@LoneWolfOU8121 - 06.12.2023 03:42

working in my shop ,the chatter is awesome. watching the doors for face huggers

@EvilNecroid - 06.12.2023 01:06

i wish this was real

@BV-co7hy - 06.12.2023 00:14

Sounds like the Panjshir valley in autumn 2005 .
Eeerry 😮

@KO-lq1yo - 05.12.2023 06:51

A mushroom cloud appears

@845SiM - 05.12.2023 04:14

Is this free to use or copyright?

@leon-ks9yn - 04.12.2023 08:51

dude, this is FIRE

@olivier.gauthier - 04.12.2023 05:40

Pirates of Pestulon.

@rodrigo9408 - 04.12.2023 04:43

Can i found that wallpaper in Wallpaper Engine?

@ryantan4081 - 03.12.2023 19:44

Truly soothing chatter without the distracting and tiring background drone of cyber music for a change. I got so much done in the quiet night hours while leaving this ambiance on. Thank you so much!

@cnz4073 - 03.12.2023 12:01

Have this in the background when you are playing some sort of sci-fi/techy/futurish/industrialy game e.g. Factorio, Dyson Sphere, KSP, Stellaris, Rimworld,ONI etc.

This stuff is the chefs kiss ambient sounds for those sort of games slow burn sci-fi games, love it.

@SashaW- - 02.12.2023 23:39

Playing this in the background while working on my Sci-Fi animation projects, I also like to add some sci-fi music with it, but it really gets me in the feel/mood/immersion. Thanks

@isdaone - 02.12.2023 22:00

This is so good! Thank you.

@kellyscout-vw4mz - 02.12.2023 18:10

1🇺🇸🌈🎄🖕🥷🏽🏈🏴‍☠️💥🛰️ NO YOUVE LANDED ON LV 426 ., WERE STILL ON LV 0

@jlwilliams - 02.12.2023 07:09

As a teenager I enjoyed a lighthearted sci-fi adventure by James Schmitz called "The Witches of Karres," and one of my favorite scenes was one in which the protagonists had landed their ship on an undeveloped planet and were simply sitting in the control room listening to the sound of rain falling on the hull. I always enjoyed imagining my way into that relaxing scene, and now I have the perfect soundtrack! Time to pull out that old book again, perhaps...

@sovietamerica5561 - 02.12.2023 07:07

Wish the rain was just a bit quieter in the chatter/rain mix, but otherwise solid

@BanilyaGorilya - 01.12.2023 14:54

As a synopsis for a short story, I had this inspired idea of something sinister that always happens in these science fiction movies. But the colonists in this mining company start digging in this vein of rock and discover this densite-mineral that’s in abundance in the site they’re mining in.
The “Company” much like the one in Alien/Aliens has this mentality of “how can we exploit this not caring for the livelihoods of hard working individuals” and tells the miners to keep mining this mineral. The colonists have a few rebellions and insurrections in retaliation for reduced wages and long hours. The Company of course sends PMCs and mercenaries to quell rebellion and war breaks loose briefly and a brittle peace is brokered as long as the colonists hold a land claim to the site to build shelter on after the bloody incursion. Work remains and this mineral is mined and shipped off world to the Labs owned by the Company.
The minor twist is that this mineral which the colonists were told holds vast energy potential (like Uranium) while also having anti-microbial properties (like copper) and having structural properties alike to lead and mild steel is actually chemically inert. It’s like coal but you can’t burn it for fuel and the actual twist is that the Company has so much power and money behind it that watching the colonists struggle to claim it and fight back is the new “Football”. Messing with the colonists way of life is entertaining to the Company.
The message has already been addressed in movies like Avatar, Dune, and Alien. Our investment and demonization in certain characters drives the plot forward making the audience root for character’s that they relate to. While also adding in this mild subplot that this mining planet is kind of like Alaska in that it’s cold and the people that work there don’t live anywhere else so they think they’re being left alone and take certain liberties because they can. But telling them that this mineral is inert or that the Company has so much “F*** you” money to do this to them would change their life’s purpose or viewpoint on it all. Almost to a point as how Albert Camus puts it, imagining Sisyphus happy in his given purpose/task.

@user-jl9ly2xo3n - 01.12.2023 14:49

good genial

@agauerm - 01.12.2023 03:41

Is that image from a game?

@draganromcevic6337 - 30.11.2023 23:35

This is depressing almost like Scotland or Wales.

@irfanimp - 30.11.2023 22:07

Nice and fantastic.

@NeuronNV - 30.11.2023 21:24

what is it........?........

@brandonsoo480 - 30.11.2023 11:59

As a paramedic, the radio chatter is really soothing. Thank you for good night sleeps, it means a lot.

@luismanuelgallovillegas1706 - 30.11.2023 11:08

Striker-1 this is Striker-2, we lost contact with teams alpha and bravo, team Charlie is reporting casualties and requested an urgent extraction before stopping transmitting. I request permission to evacuate the surface and regroup with the main ship.

@DimonF - 30.11.2023 09:48


@713devereux - 30.11.2023 08:07

Kind of reminds me being on radio watch when I was in the army in the late 80's. Sitting in the back of M-113 late at night listening to radio chatter while searching in bottom of MRE for something sweet to eat.

@chrisg5170 - 30.11.2023 06:41

I like this. 👍

@bappo2693 - 30.11.2023 01:36

I get the same feeling when I play Star Citizen

@MrKmoconne - 29.11.2023 12:40

I like this. Expanse!

@handlerone5172 - 29.11.2023 06:18

Just landed on an unknown planet. No idea if the rain would melt your skin or not. Nothing but the sleek futuristic metal integrity of your hull keeping you from dying on this random planet. Man I wish I could explore the stars.
