Population Collapse Is Coming: Crisis Of Empty Planet – Darrell Bricker | Wisdom Rebellion #010

Population Collapse Is Coming: Crisis Of Empty Planet – Darrell Bricker | Wisdom Rebellion #010

Kat Kuczynska | Wisdom Rebellion

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@user-hk5lk8gv3w - 07.06.2024 13:47

That sonic picture is so cool, also great conversation this topic interest me as I can see the reduction in children as a 90 kids who having children now a good amount my friend don't have kids and won't

@blafonovision4342 - 07.06.2024 15:48

Israel is bankrolled by the USA. No other country has that.

@winterskiU - 07.06.2024 15:52

The more wealth you have, the more things you can do, the greater the opportunity cost of having children. If you have a society that values individualism (which is encouraged by capitalism) naturally people won't prioritise children. People leave it too late and then their chance is gone.

One thing to note is that they found that when men came into some money they tend to look to form a family. When women came into money they tended to break up their family.

@lhurst9550 - 07.06.2024 16:45

We are talking population reduction, not "empty" planet. The only forcast I have seen is by 2100 to be 3-4 billion, that is what it was when I was born. Just more room to breath, the problem is economics as our system is based on growth.

@patcartier8171 - 07.06.2024 19:52

You can say what you like, but you are not going to convince the childfree that having a family is great. You want to start families? By all means — that is, if you are not so desperately ordinary that you will find no partner. But don't count us in. You keep playing, we are out of the game.

@castirondude - 07.06.2024 22:43

We need smaller more local communities, solving problems locally. Not just population but also trade , regulation, needs to be done more locally

@castirondude - 07.06.2024 22:57

There is a lot of positive in all this. Loving caring giving people are the ones who will have children, and who will raise their children as such. Selfish people will not have children (or less). So there should be a Darwinian shift happening over the next century orso.

@castirondude - 07.06.2024 23:03

So Darrell's solution to make Africa successful is for them to do all the same things that got us to where we are now? I say if you want a different outcome you need to take a different approach. The fertility rate dropped right around the time that all this socialist bureaucratic cobweb welfare state stuff was introduced. We need to get back to a society of freedom and opportunity, optimism, faith, morale.

@blackcatdungeonmastersfami5311 - 08.06.2024 00:43

Bricker seems to ignore that human behaviour is genetically determined to a large degree and if it comes down to personal preference, there's going to be extremely strong selection for the preference to have children. In the West, that tends to be more conservative types, often religious. It won't take many generations to breed out the tendency to not bother having children.

@khurramhasan7036 - 08.06.2024 08:34

Darrell Bricker is largely correct except that his current numbers and future projections are more conservative than what's actually happening. Plus he (like all other demographers) cannot tell you the BILLION dollar question, "WHY". Without knowing "WHY" the population is falling, you can only tell that the population is currently falling; that's what you're seeing all over the world. Beyond that, any projection is just an educated guess.

@Alex_Plante - 08.06.2024 13:13

OECD countries, who have an average per capita income 4 times the world average but make up only 15% of the world's population, will be able to maintain their population through immigration. The real crisis will come when fertility falls in the poorest countries, and these countries suffer a massive depopulation from the combined effects of emigration and low birth rates. We already see some of the effects of that in parts of the Balkans, such as Bulgaria and Moldova.

Also, in the wealthy countries, it's going to be interesting to see what the inter-generational tensions will be when there are far more old people than young people, and when those two groups are of different ethnicities. I already see that in my neighborhood, where most old people are white, and most children are brown.

@castirondude - 08.06.2024 16:10

My neighbor remodeled her house and bought a new washing machine. She put the old one by the street with a "FREE" sign on it. It sat there for many weeks. Then she put a $50 sign on it. After a few days someone stole it. People don't value things that are free. The same goes for kids. If you pay peope all sorts of money to have kids it reinforces the thought that kids are a burden and not otherwise desirable. Besides, I do think it is unfair to the people who do not have kids. Maybe one person likes to have a big car and the other likes to have a big family. Why would the person with the big car have to pay for the other person's big family?

@user-po3km8in2h - 08.06.2024 22:20

What I can't get my head around is how to work enough to afford enough daycare so I can work more lol. Where is there time to actually spend with me kid if I have one, and forget about me ever affording it with prices these days anyway!

@michaelrexrode3759 - 16.06.2024 17:53

If there ARE aliens out there they may be pointing and shaking their heads at what we did to ourselves. All across the planet, microplastics have polluted the biosphere such that human sperm motility across the globe has declined. Therefore fewer offspring.

@avalonnite9179 - 17.06.2024 22:37

What he is saying is 100 percent true. I’m 29 and I have 13 male friends that are my age and none of them have kids or want to get married in California. We live in a small town and must people leaving are young people because the median home is 550,000 for a used old home and for a new home it’s $650-$750,000. The average wage is 25k to 40k depending on what area you are working in. So the small towns are pushing away its young people and the town is slowly starting to die. Abandoned, houses, offices, commercial buildings, schools and churches. Slowly turning into Detroit.

@harmonizedigital. - 19.06.2024 15:39

Great interview. I did not know about the longevity issue in Africa. Lots of school are closing here in London where I live so low birth rate is already starting to have an effect.

@harmonizedigital. - 19.06.2024 15:57

Israel only has about 3 children per woman. So not super high.

@GarudAtma - 23.06.2024 23:08

An interesting video is recommended to me. As a person born and living in a crowded country. Damn humans are everywhere.
I need Thanos snap, the only difference is that I will select 3/4th population.
One more thing, in my country everything is cheap. Except for flat rates. Rates of 26m flat= 35 lakh inr = 41884 usd.
Average income pr month= 20 thou inr = 240 usd.
If these prices didn't stop people from reproducing then what can, nothing can

@coffeehouse44 - 26.06.2024 17:53

Fascinating interview, maybe society is heading down the route of this experiment from back in the 1960.
Universe 25: The Mouse "Utopia" Experiment That Turned Into An Apocalypse.

@TickleMeChelmno - 27.06.2024 02:12

The problem is entirely caused by vvomen. Anytime they are given the choice they choose not to be married or half a family. I’ve dated girls on 4 continents the 1.5 years and none of them actually want kids or monogamy. The stats back all of this up.

@shereysarah - 29.06.2024 01:11


@shereysarah - 29.06.2024 01:18


@vbachani - 02.07.2024 01:55

Thanks for the conversation.

@malhenning1608 - 11.07.2024 01:02

if 20% have no children. 60% average 2 children and 20% average 5 children the numbers work.

@MENSA.lady2 - 11.07.2024 21:33

A world with a population about half the present number would be wonderful. Not just for the population but for the Flora and Forna as well.

@shamster7182 - 12.07.2024 08:48

So many unintelligent and unimaginative people out there (that don't grasp this).

@shamster7182 - 12.07.2024 10:35

A culture is wrong if the inhabitants cease to exist , big rethink required

@WisdomRebellion - 06.07.2024 23:17

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