UK vs French military: Who'd win that war? (2021)

UK vs French military: Who'd win that war? (2021)

Binkov's Battlegrounds

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@hanshartfiel6394 - 11.08.2024 21:35

Of course the UK would as they would straight run to the Americans begging for help

@jean-loupdesbordes4833 - 08.08.2024 20:33

Loosing time?

@shrek2567 - 05.07.2024 20:24

French army holds a secret weapon of massive destruction. A balistic missile with several heads of stinky French cheeses. It's more the British people can bear and could surrender immediatly without conditions. During WWII, French army tried this method on their shells but German soldiers had not taste and French HQ was completely drunken.

@isaacmcdaniel6278 - 18.06.2024 12:53

Here to say how this would end. The USA would break up it before it got going with the threat of overwhelming force then arbitrate as it's not gonna let two major allies fight

@boas7742 - 08.06.2024 12:52

Also forget to mention that the Type 45 is by far the best anti aircraft naval platform in the world

@boas7742 - 08.06.2024 12:49

I think it’s worth mentioning that France doesn’t have any aircraft that can even come close to fighting the f-35

@user-dg8rx7kx4k - 02.06.2024 00:24

Which NATO counties would join sides?

@Astrofax2.0 - 25.05.2024 13:43

yeah but the non of the english aircraft carriers are not nuclear and need to be checked in dock alot so they could only have i at all times at best

@hervecormier9092 - 20.05.2024 21:02


@terryj50 - 24.04.2024 11:43

France would just throw up their arms in 2 mins.

@KaiserHabsburg - 19.03.2024 11:13

honestly as france proved that the Mica can kill an aircraft flying behined it if another aurcraft paints it. the fact that they have E-2 Hawkeye means that the F35 is irrelivent. plus surface radar from the ships. all of them guiding on link 16 capable means the f35 not only cannot hide. they might themselves not see the rafales. and even if they do they theymselves would probably not be able to get proper shots on. the 35 is dogwater in actual combat. everything was devoted to stealth. and everyone has proven stealth is irrelivent in actual war.

@lordlex6315 - 09.03.2024 12:08

russian propaganda

@Hehehehe142 - 03.03.2024 03:18

pov- france attacks uk for no reson America: France get yo. ass here 🇧🇲🇦🇮🇲🇸🇹🇻🇹🇨🇫🇯🇵🇳🇨🇰🇸🇭🇦🇺🇬🇸🇫🇰🇰🇾🇻🇬 France u mess with Uk you mess with us 🤬

@NoffisNoff - 04.02.2024 16:15

You are forgetting a detail of the capabilities of the arms/aeronautics/naval/automotive industries for each of them. If tomorrow France starts to increase its production significantly, you cannot imagine how powerful this country is. Dassault, Airbus Space & Def, Airbus Helicopter, Safran, MBDA, Nexter group, Naval Group is really huge. On the other hand, diplomatically and economically, England is stronger than France but France has a huge logistical advantage.

@user-zy5nd6qv7p - 02.02.2024 21:19

Uk easy win, frogs will surrender

@ybreton6593 - 25.01.2024 17:47

le R.K n'est pas un continent mais une îles . ensuite il faut arrêter les conneries avec ce genres de comparaisons

@ultracreador - 04.12.2023 05:16

Los e ternos rivales...

@steveharvey6421 - 20.11.2023 17:24

We may disagree who would win but we can all agree that French food is better.

@freddyb7188 - 06.11.2023 04:43

Y’a un gros problème dans l’histoire là quand même car le 21F-35B n’est pas une construction UK. Que chaque arme de guerre est fabriqué en France pour la France
La France pourrait elle multiplier ses armes pour défendre son territoire

Faire des construction de navire de guerre sur la Bretagne et Le Havre
Et si ont parle de UK alors ont recrute la Belgique lol

Voyons plutôt Angleterre France
A ce moment là ;)

Mais n’oublions pas une chose si aujourd’hui la France est le second exportateur d’armes au mondes ils faut s’imaginer si toutes ses armes rester construire pour une guerre en France ;)

@masstel547 - 26.09.2023 17:17

The victory will depend of the army that are the most real men and no lgbtq+++ in his ranks lol

@sibelius66 - 22.09.2023 13:25

La France bien sûr…🤫🤫

@gandigooglegandigoogle7202 - 03.09.2023 23:42

“England is a French colony gone wrong!” Clemenceau
more serioulsly, nowadays what's the point of invading England? they eat their awful cheddar and gelly....not to mention their dry peas without sauce, their steak as hard as the sole of a, really no point in invading England!:)

@AlexCottrell - 08.08.2023 21:51

UK wins when it matters. 🇬🇧

@ejmproductions8198 - 03.08.2023 19:01

I'm not French, but I won't worry about the British - they just stumble their way through history and are heavily dependent on outside help.
They could not win the Falkland's war on their own and this is by their own admission - they did not even have the fuel
Research ----washington post 1984 us aid to Britain in falklands war
Research ---- the guardian 2002 falklands sep
Research ------ap news Falklands 1988 U.S. Support

@bagdaderchur1351 - 05.07.2023 18:30

British people are more tolerant and generous than french.

@L_L_______ - 14.06.2023 18:00

100 hundred years war 🇬🇧🇫🇷

@celtspeaksgoth7251 - 12.06.2023 22:16

France could do a 1688, i.e. seize London and place a new leader on the throne / No10. Plenty of high placed turncoats here would do their bidding. We can name them.

@Clipperton-508 - 07.06.2023 22:01

I don't understand how anyone can dare to say that the eurofighter is better than the rafale, if we look at all the competitions and tests, the rafale is the best fighter in the world ahead of the f-35, and say that the mirages are crappy is also a big mistake.

@juliensanchez6340 - 26.05.2023 11:42

You can’t compare nuclear carrier as French and American against the other aircraft carrier. It’s way more efficient. Also even the American senate doesn’t want the f35 as main jet… because it’s a very bad plane that doesn’t work

@noncekilla8848 - 24.05.2023 12:54

We already beat the shit out of cowardly France in WW2 haha

@leroiarouf1142 - 22.05.2023 23:18

Vive la france

@timmyburch9126 - 21.05.2023 08:28

TRUMP 2024

@jean-marcostermann9349 - 07.04.2023 19:17

UK and France are friends !

@constantius4654 - 26.03.2023 12:08

The French have a much larger industrial capability than the UK. France uniquely builds most of what its military needs, including nuclear submarines, hi-tech warships, superb warplanes, tanks and artillery, whereas the UK buys a lot of hardware from the USA. Furthermore, the UK has wasted literally billions of pounds on badly conceived military purchases. France is a major player in the successful European Ariane space programme. What is the UK equivalent? Because the French are able decide what defence equipment they actually manufacture before its sale to their military, it is likely that they make better decisions as to the use of resources than the UK. France is the third largest exporter of military hardware in the world whereas the UK has fallen to tenth place - behind the Netherlands. France is likely very soon to overtake Russia into second place in weapons exports. Overall France is clearly the greater military power, though soon Germany's huge rise in defence spending will match and likely surpass that of the the French.

@julmar9153 - 09.03.2023 16:01

hello, didn't watch the video, i'm french, as a french it's sure fun and all to get on a fight with our best friend/rival of all time. But if another big time conflict happend, be sure that i wish that France fight allongside the brits.
Love from France to England, love the beans and eggs, have some Bread and cheese too, see you at the next war, love.

@walkcam2841 - 09.03.2023 03:35

France. UK is friends

@geromeblara - 07.03.2023 16:42

Mirage 2000 D awful why ?

@redjlecitoyen2222 - 04.03.2023 23:29

Après de milliers d année de conflit historique... on peut dire que nous sommes de bon ennemis.... donc de très bon amis...

@renaudfilippi2599 - 03.03.2023 21:03

rafale wins all competitions against f 35. by far.

@Skys00l0 - 02.03.2023 04:39

Sorry, but the Rafale is objectively the best fighter aircraft in the world and wins every competition on the market.

The F-35 is overpriced while it is still being planned. The project is screwed up. It's a money pit. The US is only selling it because of the presence of American bases at the customers'.

The eurofighter is a rafale from aliexpress according to the sales competitions.

The Mirage 2000 is an excellent aircraft that is almost equivalent to the Euro fighter despite its age.

@georgeszurbach444 - 01.03.2023 02:20

F 35 B better plane than the Rafale??? In vidéo games ? LOL

@billmielke7395 - 22.02.2023 06:12

I feel like the Virgin Islands and Diego Gracia would be off limits to the French to avoid drawing the Americans in.

@johnnotrealname8168 - 17.02.2023 18:28

Britain cannot gib planes but France can?

@littleenglander.5029 - 12.02.2023 06:13

It's not the French Navy, army or air force that would be a threat to Britain. The world's greatest fighting force are French farmers.

@petertwiss4215 - 02.02.2023 17:28

not very likely is it, unless the Brits want the bagels or the French want the fish and chips!

@asc.445 - 31.01.2023 04:27

I have to admit, the Frogs have us beaten in producing white flags. 🏳🏳🏳🏳🏳🏳🏳🏳

@williamdavis9562 - 30.01.2023 17:34

We all know Binkov's scenarios are pretty far from reality. As evidence with some of his hypothetical conflicts actually happening in real life.

As far as the UK and France? The UK would absolutely wipe the floor with the modern French army, who by the admission of their own generals have only 4 days of ammunition.
