The Best Way to Treat OCD [Without Medication]

The Best Way to Treat OCD [Without Medication]

Psych Hub

1 год назад

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@riseoftheswags4143 - 31.01.2024 10:12

ever since i realized i had ocd all this time, my mind was filled with suicide, i wanted to get rid of this, but after i seen all these other comments, i realize im not the only one, hopefully i can over come ocd.

@leiaspillane3786 - 29.01.2024 23:57

They always refer to phobia of germs and never intrusive thoughts, dreams, anxiety about those fears

@silvokorpic9312 - 16.01.2024 21:32

it is all depend on severity of Ocd...Medicine saved my brain*

@x.0.x. - 05.01.2024 18:11

Yeah but whenever I try going against my OCD bad stuff ends up happening in real life and it freaks me out and I get scared back into it there is clearly some type of power it has that's beyond therapy and I don't know how escape it without risk of harming the people I love

@CulersTV_ - 24.12.2023 15:14

I never had ocd in my whole life but these past years since 2020 was my downfall it get worse and worse im just tired 😢

@rajibenodedara339 - 16.12.2023 22:13

Mujhe kisi apno k bare mein mounth cancer cancer jaisevichar aate hai

@messpilo - 14.12.2023 00:05

I cannot move out from house because ocd thoughts and anxiety. Unless I have urgent reason to go out.

@amandasexton3484 - 10.12.2023 23:28

OCD is so much more than a fear of contamination. 🙄 So much misinformation. It’s awful intrusive thoughts that are scary and go against your values. And cause you to do physical or mental compulsions to find relief. Only to get stuck in the cycle.

@harinandhr7521 - 03.12.2023 18:13

I too have OCD😭😭😭😭. I realised it recently. I didn't agree I have OCD

@joemoon1943 - 27.11.2023 17:20

I used this doc herbs for my son and now my son is completely free, his speaking and behavior is ok. His herbs is 100% working on speech delay and ASD. I met Dr Oyalo on channel and I’m happy to share my experience about it

@E-Vin979 - 19.11.2023 22:29

If I could give you ocd, you would delete this crap video in 2days, this old shit "method" doesn't work for reasons you won't understand

@chrismilbank - 05.11.2023 11:31

lithium oronate the natural version and insinotol helpful if not on psych drugs

@theunicorn6813 - 12.10.2023 17:36

I am exhausted....I just cannot resist those meaningless rituals. I scared if it makes me apart for my dreams

@sirijanthakur - 09.10.2023 08:15

lol, Im natrually doing these things since the very begining. I don't think i got OCD, It's probably just me following the guidelines 😂

@Blazor424 - 03.10.2023 18:32

I am suffering from ocd from past 2 years i scored less in my exams due to OCD i want to fix this 😭😭😭

@syedzabiullahlangari4547 - 29.09.2023 08:00

OCD 😢 Devastated my life 😢😢😢. Took my energy and diverted me from my dreams. 😢😢😢

@aboutthisproduct7674 - 26.09.2023 12:46


@refreshingtwist - 21.09.2023 16:55

Has anyone tried hypnosis for OCD????

@Sunnydayz5656 - 12.09.2023 16:12

Fucking ocd pure o is fucking torture. Please help me

@alighasemi1945 - 13.08.2023 21:49

Even therapists can't completely treat OCD. It will come back again. Ok ok. You should try Combined treatment (drug therapy-behavioral therapy) base on level of your OCD, but oops after a while, it will back again. The worst thing is that OCD badly takes away your creativity.

@ibrahimZyd - 09.08.2023 02:56

I remember washing for 6 hours straight..

@Jambiswag - 01.08.2023 11:42

The thing that’s killing me is that corny background u guys have behind u

@ohmannotnow272 - 21.07.2023 11:55

Ocd feels like a spirit or energy sometimes.

@AshwinShende-ok3sg - 19.07.2023 17:36

I am a ocd patient i wash my hands everytime and if i could see dirt or dirty thing then i can't forgot it it remember me everytime i can't drink water when I'll try to drink my mind thought me this dirty thing that saw me back😔

@U2observe - 18.07.2023 07:23

❌ Don't skip this comment it can be your best OCD treatment (afterall you may loose 1-2min reading this)
Keep all this aside,
I have overcome my 10years ocd following this 3:

1- understand ocd & your triggering thought of ocd

2- Dont try to escape the that thought which triggers ocd.

3-Dont try to create opposite thought like "I should not think like this", "I should end this ocd", "it is sin" bla bla....

Now i explain following this 3:

How ocd works on your mind?
Ans:- Conflicting thought and fear is the reason. And if you see it is all Psychological and the more strong the opposite thought like -->" i should not do this"," it harms " or " it is a sin" more intensely you have ocd.

Example:- You have some intrusive thought and you try to oppose it saying i should not have this thought and its creates conflict which comes in cyclicle patterns (or) You try to escape thought by doing activity or other it is also conflict same continues.

And also if you have any strong beliefs such as religious etc., Dont have beliefs just question the belief understand the root of that belief why it is so.

Suppose i have a ocd thought to beat the person opposite to me some stranger(😂). Wait dont beat him we wait to face it psychologically
The moment this thought comes, we oppose this thought with (oppoing thoughts)"I should not have this thought", "it harms him", "its unethical", "Its creul". Or try to escape that thought by vacating the place(escape).

So what to do is let the thought run in your mind completely and understand and question the thought like "I will beat him" and dont ❌judge your thought whether its good or bad
✅Just silence your mind and just observe the thought
❌dont add any other thought like peacfull thought or any other opposing thought
✅just be quiet and observe the thought after sometime and After some incident of ocd thoughts you will go beyond your thought

!!!!!That's it my friend your out of OCD!!!!!


@ryanhasagirl11 - 04.07.2023 01:33

I swear if it’s erp I’m gonna smash my keyababwhdgdj

@shahirhaiqal1300 - 25.06.2023 17:46

its hard. im still fighting after 12 years. im exhausted

@zohatarique2594 - 22.06.2023 21:07

As soon as u get ocd thought start back ward counting .new path way will develop overtime.

@zohatarique2594 - 22.06.2023 21:06

As soon as u get ocd thought start back ward counting .new path way will develop overtime.

@sampledegree216 - 21.06.2023 09:06

I talk to myself when these thoughts come and then they listen me and they finishes
I want to know is it a good way to treat them

@imnotokay1742 - 07.06.2023 15:53

Ocd makes me feel trapped and tired, I feel horrible.

@nataliemeenakshithegreat7780 - 07.06.2023 09:03

This is what I call this video short counterproductive insufficient no help at all

@nataliemeenakshithegreat7780 - 07.06.2023 09:02

Unfortunately psychiatrists therapists are not trained for that in paris France

@tittiesandpasta - 06.04.2023 23:51

Can I just cut out the issue? Like surgery?

@AtticTapes14 - 10.03.2023 04:26

Pure ocd

@sweetbeep - 05.03.2023 18:13

What about inflammation in the brain? You gonna avoid that?

@genericfirstnamegenericlas6490 - 14.02.2023 05:06

Fuck this basic-ass shit. Resist compulsions? Is that all you got?! You can't just straight-up resist a compulsion or ritual. You’ll end up straining yourself and it will have the opposite effect. Please, don’t do that.

From experience as a person with OCD - I'll tell you what you’ll have to do;

You have to do something else besides the compulsion, something healthy that releases endorphins.

The endorphins will reduce the anxiety and with the new healthy habit/coping skill it will create new neural pathways, the neural pathways for the compulsion will dry up and you'll be less likely to do it.

But it has to be something that works, something that works better, something that you’re willing to do and are capable of given your current mental state.

If it takes too much energy (dopamine), you probably won’t do it for long. Work within your limits.

OCD is an anxiety disorder, it’s how our brains tell us something is wrong. It needs control to relieve the anxiety, that’s why you do the compulsions.

Why do you think caffeine, weed, alcohol, and other drugs relieve anxiety? Endorphins.

I’m sure there are other ways, but when the circumstances are against you and you’re on your own like I am, being an endorphin junkie is the way to go. Just as long as it’s in the form of a healthy coping skill and it works well for you.

They couldn't even go over THIS in the video. These fucking clowns have no idea, no inside perspective of what it's like. They all just say the same old shit that doesn't work/work well because they don't have it!

@Jessicascleaningtips - 05.02.2023 06:47

My doctor is a picker. He face😞 how do I help her please?

@evelynbecker4916 - 28.01.2023 09:13

Psychedelics are just an amazing discovery, it's quite fascinating how effective they're for depression and stress disorders. Saved my life

@yemkonhongha8148 - 17.01.2023 16:51

OCD is the strong painful impulse 😭

@LOVELYINGLY - 17.01.2023 00:52

ERP always did good to me but not lately, it made me worst than ever, I even got depressed because I can't handle my OCD at all rn, I feel helpless, I hate myself, I hate my mind, I hate OCD, I can't work, can't eat, drink, sit with my own kids, live, I can't be anymore

I am trapped in my own stupid mind because of this shit

@branbucsmodelcars - 28.12.2022 13:11


@GloriaJWimberley - 06.12.2022 16:44

A helpful companion video to this is to explain precisely✨HOW✨ to resist rituals, etc.This detailed explanation is much needed.

@theforgottentales3043 - 26.10.2022 23:08

Thank you sir! Ayurveda is definitely the best option for treating OCD and herbal remedies of Planet Ayurveda are really helpful in such cases.

@sskorean - 18.10.2022 10:00

I don't want the second mind please help
