Narcissism | What You MUST Know

Narcissism | What You MUST Know


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Nika Glazar Franic
Nika Glazar Franic - 24.09.2023 13:22

Thank you ❤️🌍

Yasss Gawwwd!
Yasss Gawwwd! - 24.09.2023 03:43

I knew there was something I’ve experienced before with others however this was the first time I was in love with one. He’s a narcissist. The constant asking me if things will be ok… the constant repeating of certain actions. If I had not identified him I would’ve gone nuts! I would have snapped trying to figure out what was wrong with myself rather than himself.

Stacey Strukel
Stacey Strukel - 24.09.2023 00:26

Wouldn’t it be peaceful if narcissists could only date/marry other narcissists?! Let them do their damage to one another.

randy abney
randy abney - 22.09.2023 00:30

My grandmother is being taken advantage of by my dad. Hes taking her money, he moved in to her house and takes her wifi box, took her laptop, kicked her out of her room and she won't let me help her. What do I do??

Lyn Smalec
Lyn Smalec - 21.09.2023 23:22

My first narcissist was my mother. She ran my father out of the house with her cruel, unaffectionate personality. My 2nd 2 of my 4 sisters. My 3rd was my husband of 25 years which ran me finally running from him. After divorcing I encountered my most recent. BF of 7 years. I just had to end it with him. He always said I was too kind & too patient with people. I just started watching these videos…. Now I realize the manipulation, lying, gaslighting & 0 empathy! I was such an idiot!

Dawn Gagnon
Dawn Gagnon - 21.09.2023 19:05

I’m not a narcissist but my spouse who is controlling me is a gaslighter telling me I’m a narcissist. It’s a word for controlling gaslighters to use.

Scott Rawlins
Scott Rawlins - 19.09.2023 23:55

Narcissism is a paracitical situation

Michelle Plaskoff
Michelle Plaskoff - 19.09.2023 19:55

Dr Ramani you are an earth angel 😇 thank you for sharing your knowledge and helping so many of us are such a blessing

Stop Wars 86
Stop Wars 86 - 19.09.2023 04:54

Anti jerk pill haaaa, the medication is to not get involved with one

Jeremy Metcalf
Jeremy Metcalf - 17.09.2023 06:28

I put my wife through 15 years of this. She passed August 28 from a stroke. I need help so I can be there for my son.

Kitty - 16.09.2023 09:36

So true the term is being over used and misplaced . I have met and experienced liars , thieves , cheaters , abusers , deadbeats etc , but only 1 true narcissist. You can have narcissistic traits we all do , but NPD is a different beast .

Kasturi Khadilkar
Kasturi Khadilkar - 09.09.2023 22:38

Having a good heart goes far beyond having a pretty face 🫡✅
Kindness is all that matters

Eliza Manciu
Eliza Manciu - 09.09.2023 12:59

I will add one thing to what Dr. Ramani said regarding teaching your kids empathy as the most important quality. I would say yes, that is the most important quality to teach them but pared with teaching them about narcissism, otherway they will get very badly played on their empathy by the narcissist and could get into really bad situations.

Melissa Young
Melissa Young - 06.09.2023 17:08

You've saved my life. Thank you

DMHQ - Administration
DMHQ - Administration - 06.09.2023 03:00

How the FUCK can you NOT KNOW that narcissists NOT a mental health issue? 🤔

Mikaela Helsing
Mikaela Helsing - 04.09.2023 22:07

One thing I can recognize with npd and bpd is that we see ourselves through how others treat us. But it has a lot to do with our difficulty in knowing who we are and low self-esteem. One thing that happened in my worst relationship with a partner with npd was when he broke up with me after a suicide attempt. Despite his cheating, (which I found out the last time we met, he didn't say it regretfully), and his neglect of our relationship, he said things like I'm not sure I'd visit you if you were in an accident and was in hospital, he threw things at me on purpose because he knew I'm afraid of balls, etc. But through my fear of being abandoned, I suffered a lot from the breakup, didn't eat, didn't drink, couldn't get out of bed. My heart was in a million pieces and my brain was burning with sorrow and desperation. Then when I was going to pick up my things from him I got anxiety, I didn't want to be seen. I wrote that I did not know his intentions. He replied that his intentions were for me to collect my things and satisfy him sexually "the usual," he wrote. I didn't go there, I got the stuff sent. But the most bizarre thing was probably when he wrote that he had had enough when I told him that I was in the hospital for an overdose of my medicines. He wrote that he didn't care if I died and therefore took the opportunity to break up. It hurt but paradoxically it helped me to let him go. Realize what a piece of shit he is. Have received a lot of support in this. It was awful to say the least to be with him. Feeling much better now. Never thought I would dare live in closeness with a partner again, had a wall around my heart to protect it from more terror. He was not the first. But it worked. Have a boyfriend who treats me with dignity and sometimes I am shocked by how much he cares and shows love. Sometimes I have a hard time accepting his goodness, but he knows and we work on it together. I'm kind of not used to it, but it feels wonderful. I give him the same. I gave that to my ex too, but he didn't deserve it. I can see it now.

Mikaela Helsing
Mikaela Helsing - 04.09.2023 21:12

The way you describe that it's easier to succeed in life and work is to kind of step over people (I'm explaining sloppily now), but as an extremely empathetic and giving too much of myself, I can say that this world is eating me up from the inside. I am often treated very badly by strangers and I also often see it happen to others. Now I understand why! I have lived, with several narcissists, including my mother, I have bpd, they are drawn to me, I lubricate their ego. As you know, I live in chronic emptiness and self loathing by having bpd. I have tried many times to take my life because of their emotional abuse.Psychiatry also treats me like this mostly. Now I have a partner who is like an angel. Im so happy. We live in a fucking sick society. No one is perfect, I make many mistakes, but I try to be as good as I can to people around me and strangers too. You are so damn good and intelligent. Your videos help me survive in this world!

Angellita - 04.09.2023 01:52

I know somebody who falls into all the types of narcissist, what do you call them?

Cameron Cameron
Cameron Cameron - 03.09.2023 14:52

'' is a true Masterclass on Narcissism! In this video, Dr. Ramani discusses everything you need to know''

My dog has more sense than this dr.

Cameron Cameron
Cameron Cameron - 03.09.2023 12:56

I've come to watch the Narcism Idiotclass talk about Narcism.

Graham Grant
Graham Grant - 02.09.2023 16:46

I was never a shitty teen i transition from child to adult hood smoothly thankyou very much.

I am God
I am God - 01.09.2023 22:35

I've had to build a very tough exterior, because it's very difficult in the environment that I grew up in to be my impathic self. Putting a word to what I think of myself to be along with a variety of videos expounding on the topic has been very helpful. I have lived nearly 40 years thinking "damn I'm soft "

Laura Tucker
Laura Tucker - 01.09.2023 21:43

When someone shows you who they really are, believe them.

Helena Fernandez-Medina
Helena Fernandez-Medina - 01.09.2023 19:45

You Dr. Ramani are the one I go to for help in understanding narcissism

Pete F
Pete F - 01.09.2023 04:04

Is it possible for 2 narcissists to coexist in a relationship for an extended period?

OG Patrice
OG Patrice - 28.08.2023 23:32

Ellen DeGeneres is probably a communal narc. (Allegedly) 😙

Tracy Heaslip
Tracy Heaslip - 27.08.2023 16:06

Something I would have added around don't tell your person that is being narcissisticly abused to get an apt. You must support the person that's being abused and allow them to make their own choices. Especially if the narcissist is physically abusive. If you make the choice for them to leave and they listen to you they're liable to go back and lose their life because it was not their choice. You must support the abused to make their own choices build their self-esteem so they make better choices to get out and stay out because it's their own choice they're ready for it. Good luck my heart goes out to all that are being abused

SnowRedSnow - 26.08.2023 22:25

I often saw his child side, i adored that side, i felt so sad and empathic for that side. I always wanted to give that side all the love it deserved.

kcirtap ecreip
kcirtap ecreip - 26.08.2023 10:32

So..... Why is she divorced???? I don't get it. Couldn't they work it out or what?

Som Dood
Som Dood - 25.08.2023 22:46

if im in a relationship and she always wants to fight and im trying to stay away from her by hiding on my computer and diving into the internet so i can try to avoid interacting with her trying to avoid fighting and shes coming into my room sometimes 4 or 5 times a day just to bicker and argue, and no amount of logic or reasoning diffuses the situation until im the one that blows a gasket and starts screaming after we argue our way back to the original thing she wanted to argue about and my anger builds and builds over time and my explosions get worse and worse over a period of 4 months and she doesnt leave me ample time to cool down in between until it finally boils over and until she causes so much drama one day that someone not even involved starts an actual fist fight thinking im the one doing this shit....then thats gaslighting from a narcissist right? becuase i walked away from that relationshit thinking i was the crazy one and to this day she calls me a monster when i refused to apologize to the person that assaulted me for defending myself when they became a threat to me and i ended up hitting them back.... becuase for 7years i loved her enough and was comfortable enough and content enough to want spend the rest of my life with her and then one day she flipped a switch and became a different person overnight and suddenly everything was a fight

Joaquin48 De Dios
Joaquin48 De Dios - 25.08.2023 16:41

I’m 65 with SSA and have fallen in love with my straight 37yr nephew and never in my wildest dreams did I expect I would fall for him. Really have never spent much time with him except at family gatherings the last 4 yrs and that, because I moved back into region. I’m truly ashamed of myself for having romantic feelings for him and especially because I’m a celibate evangelical Christian. You can’t Imagine the guilt and shame I’m experiencing because of this. My nephew has picked up on my feelings for him and did ask me if I was infatuated with him, and I did confess to him that I was. Big mistake because I truly believe my nephew may be a classic narcissists, long story short, my nephew is basically a drug and gambling addict but denies this. He calls me at all hours to ask for money either for drugs/ gambling and like a fool i give in to his pleas to the sum of 1500 dollars in a one week span. I have blocked him on cash app, phone and messaging however, he emailed me accusing me of being childish so he convinced me to unblock him. I’m allowing my nephew to manipulate my feelings I have for him. I’m crash coursing tons of you tube teachings on narcissistic behavior. As of tonight I have re-blocked him with the hope I keep him blocked.

Butterfly Girl
Butterfly Girl - 25.08.2023 10:55

Many aggressive, successful people have narcissistic traits but most of them do not have NPD. Look at their partners. Men with NPD emotionally eviscerate their partners. There is a “whipped puppy” look that these women have. Also, their children will fear and despise them. You will never hear them being championed by their kids.

Jessica Centeno
Jessica Centeno - 23.08.2023 06:30

I became a narcissist/psychopath. Not by choice. I’m 25. I wish I had better coping skills. I learn as I go. Very insightful………… thank you doctor.

Justine Kelly
Justine Kelly - 22.08.2023 23:33

Can a narcissist have a combination of the types of narcissism, also, can I change from say a benign narcissist to a malignant narcissist?

John Edmunds
John Edmunds - 22.08.2023 01:43

A narcissist is simply someone who can't stand not to be the centre of attention and uses people to achieve that. It's not that complicated.

John Edmunds
John Edmunds - 22.08.2023 01:42

A narcissist is simply someone who can't stand not to be the centre of attention and uses people to achieve that.

MDA - 21.08.2023 17:00

Some narcs can pretend to be the most enlightened beings and fake soft feely sentiments as needed. Chameleons of the worst order.

andrew simiyu
andrew simiyu - 21.08.2023 12:03

Do narcissists have friends? if so, how is their relationship with their friends? Can two narcists be besties or they only thrive around empaths?

Geoff Gallo
Geoff Gallo - 20.08.2023 22:34

Screw you, the amount of ads sucks.

Lizzy Munter
Lizzy Munter - 20.08.2023 20:28

100% what I've experienced for over 20 years. Finally accepting him for the sick person that he is. Working on making my way out the door.

mehreen docrat
mehreen docrat - 18.08.2023 08:51

Brilliant Interview

Ac Ca
Ac Ca - 18.08.2023 07:21

I am glad i am learning 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽

Dro Milligan
Dro Milligan - 18.08.2023 06:54

I believe my mom is a malignant narcissist! I’m curious can she also be a covert narcissist as well or is it one or the other? Also she is bipolar like jackel and Hyde or 2 face! My mom favorite thing to do is the silent treatment with dirty looks and as a child being told everyday I hate you, I’m sorry I didn’t mean it I love you more than anything, then tries to fake commit suicide and blame you for it multiple times to many to count, pathological liar

Helen Dan
Helen Dan - 18.08.2023 06:22

Excellent. Thanks to the mail above for successfully recovering deleted messages and spying on phone long distance without touching the phone. All thanks to cyber for the services to humanity he rendered for me which was affordable and real. Highly skilled, legit, Reliable and affordable...,

Helen Dan
Helen Dan - 18.08.2023 06:21

*Excellent. Thanks to the mail above for successfully recovering deleted messages and spying on phone long distance without touching the phone. All thanks to cyber for the services to humanity he rendered for me which was affordable and real. Highly skilled, legit, Reliable and affordable..,,

Helen Dan
Helen Dan - 18.08.2023 06:21

*Excellent. Thanks to the mail above for successfully recovering deleted messages and spying on phone long distance without touching the phone. All thanks to cyber for the services to humanity he rendered for me which was affordable and real. Highly skilled, legit, Reliable and affordable..,,

Tim Rhiney
Tim Rhiney - 18.08.2023 04:45

Thank you so much you and others for facilitating my recovery. One thing that deeply concerns me is something I found in the bible Do not point out his ways to a wicked man that his folly will be clear to everyone. I'm not religious anymore but I still cherish wisdom wherever it comes from. If you tell a thief I know you are a pick pocket because you do this and that they don't stop stealing. They just do this and that differently. It stands to reason with all this information on narcissists they will learn and evolve into super predators. They almost certainly will not see the errors of their ways and become loving compassionate human beings. I think they are just getting started. To the humans good luck God speed.

BennyBoo - 17.08.2023 13:24

It's really hard for me to tell what behavior a family member is exhibiting more close to, NPD or just plain narcissism. On one hand, she exhibits NPD and then later talks around her own feelings rather than say there's something wrong internally, give it a day and it's right back to square one of narcissistism

Luis Miguel Agostinho
Luis Miguel Agostinho - 17.08.2023 13:22

Narcissism could also be a Survival Mechanism Where people trample on others for their own survival. It is a possibility
