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NIA Mac - 13.07.2023 16:32

I want to meet you , Doc. I love this video above all others. You are the type of person I would meet over seas. Your type is hard to find, our type is hard to find.
I travel for the love of travel. I travel with a set of morals. I am not perfect but I am no asshole either to anyone unless they try to scam me.
I won't let myself be a target of that. I try not to , at least.

Clint Weston
Clint Weston - 06.10.2023 17:28

Another great video. So accurate. Only met a few sex pests in 8 years as never drink in Patong plus I’m a day time drinker.

Mark Bennett
Mark Bennett - 06.10.2023 01:44


Michibz57 - 04.10.2023 22:33

You seem to be in an environment where these guys go to find a victim. I don't know any people like that, not a single one. As far as sex-crazy expats go, there's one guy I'm not sure about. Better you change your environment.

Retire14 Pattaya
Retire14 Pattaya - 03.10.2023 12:45

What you speak of has not been my experience. I almost never get approached by expats or even tourists. It's like I don't exist.

beef quiche
beef quiche - 02.10.2023 12:28

Man. Stop... Who are these guys you're talking about? Big guys hurting girls.... I haven't heard about this happening even indirectly. Not once. You must be going to some really nasty places to meet these fellas...

beef quiche
beef quiche - 02.10.2023 12:26

I've lived here for 5 years, and never once has a new acquaintance sent me an explicit pic over Line, Whatsapp, or otherwise...

howard leonard
howard leonard - 01.10.2023 13:53

thanks mark , great vid , very sobering , many ppl have aluded to the ppl that you are talking about , l thought they were exaggerating

less than zero
less than zero - 26.09.2023 02:16

Dude you’re a digital nomad with the work you’re doing.

Mike B
Mike B - 24.09.2023 06:52

In 25 years going to Thailand, I’ve had many of the same interactions you’ve described. Unfortunately. Stay safe, stay sane.

Ju Ju
Ju Ju - 23.09.2023 04:31

no matter where you go, there you are...

TheHammer - 19.09.2023 04:24

The one fool who hurt the Thai lady and sent her to the hospital, I hope he was reported and arrested..what a total POS!

Yui Yimyam
Yui Yimyam - 13.09.2023 17:49

What kind of social group of people you are yourself hanging out with at the first place!?!? I see lots of your videos content mostly all about these kind of expats? Bar girls and wrong kind of relationship.

I apologize if I am wrong about your video content.

Take care.

Tina Mexico
Tina Mexico - 13.09.2023 06:32

I'm a 68 year old lady..thankfully not coming to Thailand to improve my love life. But can't wait to travel around southeast asia. After living in Belize and Mexico, I've kept my expat circle very small. I know so many that are miserable. Why? Don't know don't care I stay away from energy vampire. Enjoy your videos. Heading to Hua Hin in January.

Haggis Man
Haggis Man - 26.08.2023 02:09

You’re a legend mark

Joe Dirt
Joe Dirt - 23.08.2023 15:17

I like the fact that you can easily meet people and strike up conversations with foreigners in places like coffee shops- something you can't really do back home. I think it depends where you go. If you live in Sukhumwit or Pattaya, the expats are probably there for the bar girls. If you live in rural Isaan, the expats are probably there with a local wife, and may be more introverted to survive there.

Shaun Cooke
Shaun Cooke - 20.08.2023 19:17

The Europeans living in Thailand. Will have you over quicker than a Bargirl. because they’ve lost their money to a bar girl.

Eric Taylor
Eric Taylor - 09.08.2023 10:48

The truth hurts, and the more painful it is, the more likely someone is to remember it. Why go to another country just to hang around the same people and do the same thing you did in your own country, you could have just stayed there and did it. I was called a hypocrite (Although I think they meant I was being prejudiced) because I said I would want to be in a place with as few foreigners as possible.

Peggy Cross
Peggy Cross - 06.08.2023 22:34

You're so spot on!

John Smith
John Smith - 05.08.2023 08:05

I live here also Mark, you can meet nice expats through Thai friends and places like fitness centers and gyms.

Louis L
Louis L - 24.07.2023 02:43

Is there any on line group for people that are interested in moving to Thailand fore retirement so they can communicate and ask questions such as visa cost, housing, health insurance, public transportation, learning Thai, foods, etc. ?

Louis L
Louis L - 24.07.2023 02:07

No one could scam me. Sorry to hear about guys that kill themselves. Money is just money that you could make again.

Louis L
Louis L - 24.07.2023 02:06

Are these bad expats in their 70s or 80s?

Louis L
Louis L - 24.07.2023 02:05

I don't drink or am not into girls so i don't think i will meet those people. 😆

ideaphile - 12.07.2023 13:21

Great stuff!

Dominic Gerodano
Dominic Gerodano - 09.07.2023 18:15

His real question is "do you like lady boy's?" If they say no, he has nothing to do with them. Seriously though, I've Never heard an expat in Thailand or anywhere brag about hurting a girl. If they did I would smack them, but never happened. They're respectful of women just as I am. Maybe it's the places you go to.

Dominic Gerodano
Dominic Gerodano - 09.07.2023 18:13

Expats are a great way to learn about the country, the specifics of the city and the people there. I always converse with other's in expat communities. These guys talking trash would dislike everyone they meet.

Home Chef
Home Chef - 30.06.2023 01:50

Good video - agree with your sentiments. Rock on!

Chuck Holland
Chuck Holland - 29.06.2023 22:10

I find that if people are miserable in their home country, they will be miserable anywhere.

Robert Neil Palmer
Robert Neil Palmer - 27.06.2023 17:09

I agree with you 100 percent, the majority of expats here are whoremongers.

Tom - 14.06.2023 10:33

Arent there some expat community with NORMAL people, working in phuket, being good people etc?

Jon Connell
Jon Connell - 01.06.2023 11:53

Really interesting and informative video. The story about the man taking pride in hurting a girl though made me feel physically sick. What a creep.

BlocBoi-O - 29.05.2023 23:04

I believe, its the western entitlement and narcissistic behavior.

Jay Thay
Jay Thay - 25.05.2023 05:48

Males sending private videos/photos to females that I can understand, but sending to other male friends.... that's so messed up.... Mark sorry to hear all the excruciating stories. LOL

Brian Campbell
Brian Campbell - 12.05.2023 12:42

I share your thoughts Mark, 120%

Niko Potts
Niko Potts - 08.05.2023 23:10

So right here in Colombia they are all the same distugusting people , the stories here are the same as in Thailand as regards to the girls ...
Cant wait to leave

Chadwick Melder
Chadwick Melder - 30.04.2023 02:34

Wow. this was just a 16 minute bitch session.

Doom’d - 25.04.2023 17:28

That is not true
I came here for THAT
But i don’t go sending pics/videos like that
I go temples
I have a family
I pay attention to politics and history
I do many things are above and beyond what a person who didn’t come here for THAT

Robert Giessler
Robert Giessler - 25.04.2023 08:24

Spoke with an expat that lived in Sukothai one night in a bar in Pattaya. He spoke about the place and asked me if I had FB so I could watch pictures. I said I only have instagram. And since my phone was in my hotel I asked if he could ad me on instagram instead. He said he had instagram but was not a frequent user. After helping him adding me he got PARANOID and said I was trying to trick him and he said he was going to hit me. I ran off the bar. 60 year old alcoholic expat that left his country. Very very scary. I’m staying away from expats in the future. Great video man!

Auntie Semite
Auntie Semite - 18.04.2023 17:39

I tried living in another country as an expat and found almost all the expats worked at jobs taking money from other expats because the locals wouldn't deal with them. So they did mostly "immigration/visa consulting" and real estate to foreigners. And others just came right out and asked for money. I had one guy ask for $3500 US because he had a debt back home! Like every foreigner is so wealthy, they can just give away that kind of money. In that country, that amount would have paid for one year rent in my 3 bedroom/2 bathroom apartment! NEVER give them a penny. I would give some money but mostly food to the poor, most of whom were refugees. Does Thailand have a lot of refugees and people begging?

Auntie Semite
Auntie Semite - 18.04.2023 17:31

Thanks for another great video Doc. I'm from your neck of the woods and reverted to Islam a few years ago so want to take my son to an environment that doesn't constantly push their lgbqrstuv/trans agenda on him in school, ads, tv, movies... If I meet a pious Hijabi Thai Sister to marry, great but if not, I just want to enjoy my (early) retirement and watch my son grow up properly. And thank you for exposing those people that hate on us merely for following a different religion or for our Sisters not exposing themselves to them in public for their pleasure. I plan to live in Chiang Mai but if I ever run into you, it'd be great to talk, but not over alcohol as we don't drink the stuff. Keep up the good work Doc.

Bangin ZaZa
Bangin ZaZa - 16.04.2023 20:22

I like dogs but wouldn't care if someone else doesn't. Wow. Smh

James Smith
James Smith - 13.04.2023 22:48

Some of the older ex-pats are very condescending to new visitors, especially the younger ones. I'm pretty sure it's because they see them as a threat, I'm sorry your young wife doesn't love you!

Old Druid
Old Druid - 08.04.2023 03:24

Like I've said before, I spend a month a year in Thailand, 99% of the bad experiences I've had in Thailand has been with expats

Kobus van Staden
Kobus van Staden - 01.04.2023 20:06

Pretty much a description of most American expats everywhere... Yeah, hate on me, it's true!

Kelly Eggers
Kelly Eggers - 31.03.2023 07:54

Great video Mark! 100% agree with you on this topic and yes I'm an expat, yet I'm on a farm with a family and love Thai food.....though some Isaan food is a lil hard to swallow😂
Keep up your content it's truly appreciated!

Mopar Man
Mopar Man - 28.03.2023 03:53

Sounds like the stereotypical "Ugly American". Disrespectful of indigenous people, local customs & culture...looking for "something for nothing". Definitely not the sort of people I would want to spend time with at all. Oh, and I agree with your take on those don't like dogs...👍.

Kelly Hartnett
Kelly Hartnett - 25.03.2023 20:48

good show, thanks buddy

Keith Barlow
Keith Barlow - 24.03.2023 17:00

Hi Mark. I’ve met the kind of people you talk about and I share your opinion 100%. I do my best to avoid them, yet even so I managed to get ripped off by one of them for quite a large sum of money. However, I have to say that after living in northern Thailand for 11 years I find these people to be a definite minority. I meet and am friends with some thoughtful, kindly and concerned (dog loving 😊) expats. On the other side I’ve met some digital nomads who are arrogant know alls, won’t stop talking about themselves and boast about their score on the bar scene. Surely it’s unwise ( and unfair) to generalise. We should take or leave people as we find them. Generalising appeals to certain self-righteous, judgemental individuals because they feel it confirms them in their own superiority.

Simple Living
Simple Living - 23.03.2023 23:24

Thinking your videos are a kinda therapy for the stories and interactions you engage in regularely. If it affects you to such a degree, why do it at all? Focus on topics and talk with those who you do like and can relate to. 😉
