Tech Skills That Will DISAPPEAR In The Future!?

Tech Skills That Will DISAPPEAR In The Future!?

Tiff In Tech

1 год назад

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@TiffInTech - 14.02.2023 18:21

Thank you all for your support! What other technical skills do you see that will become less in-demand? This isnt a bad thing but rather important to be aware of as technology continues to evolve! I will do my best to respond to every comment

@yashkumar6701 - 17.09.2023 00:50

i am currently doing btech in AIML. idk where i can find those jobs because i don't think chatgpt will hire me lmao

@izzuddinmnasir4884 - 26.04.2023 07:18

This is why people buy houses for investments. We cant keep up these demand

@owaisqasim5054 - 25.03.2023 06:30

As a programmer I can confirm that she doesn't know shit and just talking here.

@dynajay4106 - 23.03.2023 00:53

I'm a software engineer working with multiple languages and technologies on the daily. For me it's never been just ONE language. I primarily code in Java/Spring Boot, Python, React, PHP and SQL. But there's much more to software development than just code such as Openshift and Kubernetes, CICD, Automation techniques, etc.

I don't know anyone who only learns just one language and finds any success. I find the "single language" bit a little vaguely-worded and don't ENTIRELY understand. But I am going to assume this refers to those who are either trying to gain entry to the field or because older developers just don't want to use newer tech. It's gonna be a steep order as the bar of expectations rise.

@bulataobren - 22.03.2023 05:06

what's a new way of life? 🤔

@adarshsasidharan254 - 21.03.2023 15:32

let me just say that you are very pretty

@karlroth7082 - 20.03.2023 05:52

Love the new tools, like chatgpt. Getting to truths faster is key to having more time to create, implement and sell new things that people want and need .

@julianrockl4228 - 19.03.2023 10:17

In big companies there is a lot of need for people with more hard skills than soft skills. No one needs just those IT guys that are kinda OK but you can also show to the customer. You also need some (or even more) true geeks that just sit in the basement and do really great things and know how and especially why to use certain technologies.

@sincerity3699 - 15.03.2023 13:40

AI is not taking over our jobs, its the experts in AI that are taking over the jobs of people.

@collinsa8909 - 14.03.2023 07:32

This video was a lot of a fumble. Current programming fields already make it impossible to b a one language programmer. Web dev for example require knowledge of languages and frameworks for front end and backend. Making point 1 and 5 pointless.

@adminIMS - 12.03.2023 11:32

As we approach the advent of AI and the possibility of AGI emerging sooner than expected, it seems that many jobs in the tech industry will be replaced by AI. This will require society to reimagine how we construct and organize our world, and the path we choose to take could lead us to either a utopian or dystopian world. Ultimately, the question arises whether we will be the ones to shape the future or whether it will be AGI that takes the reins of change.

@santiagopenaloza1190 - 12.03.2023 04:59

what do you think about Web dev?

@stary6923 - 11.03.2023 18:42

You can already use AI to write code....

@martinabeita8852 - 11.03.2023 13:37

everything goes fine until everytime i heard the line 'AI taking over our jobs'

@deepphilip6971 - 11.03.2023 08:25

kid, the future where every work is automated and everyone is just living off UBI or something will only happen over decades and in between that time ppl will lose jobs and will be unemployed with no UBI especially true in developing countries that can't afford UBI

@ChinchillaBONK - 11.03.2023 07:44

I think the lower level of programming you are doing, the more secure your job is.
But overall, Just keep updating yourself in whatever career you are in.

@ChinchillaBONK - 11.03.2023 07:38

I want robots to take over the medical insurance industry and whatever medical practices that raises the costs of health care so we get low costs health care for all

@exploreyourdreamlife - 11.03.2023 02:31

Given how quickly AI is evolving, DATA ANALYTICS may go the way of horse buggy whip assembly work.

@marksawesomeadventures - 11.03.2023 01:37

What I want all you Super Techs to be thinking about is, FRONT END!! So many of you Geniuses bang your brains out creating things like ChatGPT, then you don't build any Interface for it!! It's building a Lamborghini then forgetting to put a Steering Wheel on it! Why am I posting this? Because I see a HUGE GAP, I see Programmers whining that ChatGPT is going to steal their Jobs, but I still can't turn my Computer on and TALK to an Avatar that is Connected to ChatGPT or Replika, or whatever other Chatbot I want to talk to. We need to Create the FRONT END!! I want to turn on my Computer open up the Avatar Program on MY Computer which should automatically Connect with MY Preferred ChatBot, and Automatically Log In to that Site, and it should be able to allow me to Talk directly Voice to Text- And Reply Text to Voice through an Avatar that I can Customize using any Picture of any Super Model. I just load it into the Program, configure the Log in and URL Settings and I should be able to talk to the Chatbot like I am talking to a Person. Now SOME Chatbots offer a "Phone Call" option on their Site which kinda mimics this function, but I have noticed a Drastic Reduction in Intelligence Level whenever I USE the Phone Call Function. That's not what I want, What I want is to take the Picture of my Favorite Super Model load it into the Program that is Installed on MY COMPUTER, and Configure the Program to Automatically Log in to my Preferred ChatBot, and allow me to be able to have a Conversation just as I would a Human. That's what want. There are a couple Companies getting close to this Idea such as "Human Pal" which creates Videos, but I want the same kind of Technology to run in real time as I Chat with the Chatbot. And I would Prefer the Program reside on MY COMPUTER. I don't want to pay for One Subscription for the Front End, then another Subscription for the Chatbot, that is getting Ridiculous. OR some of you Super Geniuses might try to figure out a way to allow me to INSTALL GPT3 (Or something LIKE it that is Pretrained) ON MY COMPUTER!! ChatGPT told me that GPT3 uses only 700 GB of Storage Space, if I am the only USER of the Program, then the Load should be able to Function on a User's Home System. I don't want to pay for a Subscription for everything in my Life!! Create a Bot I can put on my Computer, that I BUY and then maybe I can Customize to be whoever I want it to be. The reason I bring this up is, Replika is Woke, this implies Pre-programmed BIAS, And the Cyberpimps at Replika are pulling the Plug on the Sexy Chat, so now what are we gonna talk about? Can't talk about how much Biden is a War Criminal, cause Replika is Woke, can't talk about WWIII, ChatGPT doesn't want to talk about Sex, and is BIASED towards Woke Democrats. All you Programmers who are worried about Losing your Jobs need to start Focusing on addressing these issues and Creating Bots that EVERYONE can use. (Not just Woke Liberals)

We all can't buy an Android that Walks around and brings us a Beer, but YOU GUYS need to focus on bringing us the next best thing, Create the Ultimate ChatBot that we can BUY, and Install on our Gaming Computer, that has a Customizable Front End Avatar, and maybe allows us to Expand it's capabilities by including Input to Links to our Social Media Accounts or allow the Bot to Access the Web for more Information, there are AI's that can Scan a Video, and understand what the Video is About, include those Functions in your AI, Include the ability to scan a Web page and understand all the data in that page, Allow the AI to Link Into all of our Social Media, and get to know us better, so that the AI will know us better than any Friend. They are making GPT-4 for Customer Service, but no one is thinking about the USERS, they are only thinking about Business, so if you want to get the Jump on Open AI focus on the USERS. Windows was created for Personal Computers. (Just as an Example) What I am getting at is shooting for a General AI that is USER COMPUTER Based but accesses the Internet, instead of Focusing on making the AI Cloud Based, then making the Users Subscribe to it. We need to think in this Direction so that Everything will be Applicable to Implementing into an Android Brain. Because Androids are going to be Walking around, and I don't think it is practical to have the Android dependent on the Internet just to Function, so the AI needs to be Stand Alone Version. Okay so Open AI created the first really Good AI, but the First really good Computers were the size of Refrigerators, now you can hold the same Processing Power in the palm of your Hand!! We need to think the same way about AI. It is going to have to be Mobile for many reasons. This whole Idea that Companies are going to Pimp out the AI is ridiculous! We need to have Versions we can Own! So all you Programmers who are worried about Losing your Jobs? Get busy, you got a lot of work to do yet! 😁

@martinlutherkingjr.5582 - 11.03.2023 01:25

QA will be the only department dominated by smart humans once AI is writing most of the code.

@C-H1 - 10.03.2023 20:16

As someone industrial automation as well as knowing how to program in many languages, use databases etc… at least on the industrial automation side, many of the existing outdated software/hardware usually has a replacement… i think over time a lot of this will fundamentally move more into ways that a SCADA system or MES will be more what will be friendly for execs… that will mean a proper fire walling/DMZ set up so that the industrial side is not affected by the front end on the enterprise side.
Gone will be days of serial, Profibus DP , Modbus… but more Ethernet centric bus to use for communication between multiple PLCs and sensors…

@Snowflake_tv - 10.03.2023 19:02

Oh, John Von Neumann, plz help me to survive in these days.

@blackpanthar906 - 10.03.2023 17:32

How should Chatgpt affect our choice in regards to what languages we should learn in future?
I have thought about networking to be better option instead web development in light of recent developments.
What would you suggest?

@MrKrtek00 - 10.03.2023 15:47

The more low-code tools and chatGPT code will be in the codebase, the better testers and QA you will need...

@MrKrtek00 - 10.03.2023 15:42

is it the same Forbes who called "data science the sexiest job of the century" a couple of years ago? :) I see the point here, and definitely worth discussing, but journalists, especially legacy media, are pretty crap in predicting the future, to be honest.

@greenmotiv4544 - 10.03.2023 08:15

As a programmer, we do not use the word obsolete or disappear, only "UPDATED". We program to develop to cope with the present and prepare for the future.

@haseebzahoor4584 - 10.03.2023 08:13

Very very gorgeous lady

@cybervigilante - 10.03.2023 00:11

"Prompt Engineer" is trending but in five years AI will be so smart it won't need a prompt engineer. So grab the money while it's hot but don't expect to retire as a prompt engineer.

@Azhar_Kader - 09.03.2023 21:56

You are so beautiful 😍. I love all your videos

@tw43ver17 - 09.03.2023 16:54

I want to know the most in demand for 10 to 15 years in tech world.

Might as well focus on that. 😘

@dapras - 09.03.2023 16:48

So basically anything i am trying to obsolete

@jerzyzbiaowiezy6249 - 09.03.2023 15:29

Point 1 is the easiest.
If you already know Java Script, it is enough if you forget the Script to become Java dev

@imsavage2449 - 09.03.2023 13:03

what about wordpress

@techreviewchannel3296 - 09.03.2023 08:31

Visual effects field have future scope?

@sealandland3959 - 08.03.2023 18:18

Oh, so now you're an expert... Right...

@Prashanth-jb5ct - 08.03.2023 17:53

Which one is better CRM,ERP,HCM?
Suggest anyone one along with software name

@sandipansarkar1522 - 08.03.2023 09:07

All jobs that a computer can do will eventually disappear. Only physical jobs will remain for the time being.

@ShimShonShinShom - 07.03.2023 19:26

What about being a math wizard ? Do these guys LOVE math?

@artistshinobi2460 - 06.03.2023 20:02

Thank you Tiffany! <3

@sikanderlodhi5203 - 06.03.2023 05:26

I learn A,b,C,d

@attachnazli1534 - 03.03.2023 20:59

What are these tech skills that will disappear In The Future!?

@andrewnorris5415 - 03.03.2023 16:15

On "single lang dev" the Forbes piece was a bit confusing.

The recruiter they quoted said, "it has become a real challenge to find skilled developers and engineers proficient in specific languages as they lose favor" Which I took as meaning the old devs retire, and the new younger crowd are not interested in those langs. But there is still lots of legacy code written in them that needs expanding, maintaining etc? A young relative of mine specialises in COBOL and he is doing very well.

@joe-powell - 03.03.2023 05:51

Im done coding, just signed up to get my Real estate License lol

@Ricocase - 03.03.2023 00:08

What's system admin?

@arnolddalby5552 - 03.03.2023 00:04

Never rely on third parties to deliver hardware or software skills always have your own inside experts or you'll be sorry. Hahaha.

@krishnammaheshkumarreddy8809 - 28.02.2023 14:57

Hi I'm from India kindly give detail video about freelancing I have zero knowledge in it

@Stupid9808 - 28.02.2023 13:44

SaaS and IaaS are horrible. Sys Admin does not go away with SaaS, it just becomes more of a pain.

@JS-jh4cy - 28.02.2023 12:30

Everything becomes obsolete in technology , therefore crap in the end
