They FIXED THE ENTIRE GAME! - PoE 3.25 Summary

They FIXED THE ENTIRE GAME! - PoE 3.25 Summary


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@allyoucouldate9510 - 20.07.2024 11:40

they fixed the entrie game... after 15 years?!!?

@GrumpyPapaJim - 20.07.2024 11:49

Every time I thought I was out, they pull me back in!

@deveyous6614 - 20.07.2024 12:07

I imagine a game like Runescape but an ARPG. If POE keeps going in this direction we could very well get it... 🤞

@rannomihkelsoo5573 - 20.07.2024 12:31

is there any hope for cyclone again ?

@pyrotechnic6135 - 20.07.2024 12:33

You can also click all stackables from you inventory into your stash with the same mechanic. This will save thousands of clicks during this league for me.

@jkw6259 - 20.07.2024 12:35

You should make a 20s short screaming like a mad man scrolling through patch notes - that would be pogers

@foxdavion6865 - 20.07.2024 12:36

A lot of builds which were considered suboptimal are going to be viable again. Bleed and Impale is back baby!

@vitexo - 20.07.2024 12:55

Ok, now I will come back to poe

@Mayhemzz - 20.07.2024 13:17

I expect the league mechanic to be annoying to do but the previews made it look so overpowered that we'll be forced to micromanage every aspect to get the most out of it. I'm far more excited for the melee buffs and base game changes than the league itself.

@ainumahtar - 20.07.2024 13:19

Doesn't the anti-DD spectre nerf also mean other minion builds using spectres are basically boned now? If whenever a spectre dies I need to go back to where you can get those that's going to be a massive hassle.

@themindflayerst_ - 20.07.2024 13:31

the city builder really peaked my interest and made my jaw drop that they added this. Ive only been playing POE for a short time but I'm so excited for this league

@Gopstop222 - 20.07.2024 13:59

are you gonna make affliction guide since its added back

@madcow5833 - 20.07.2024 14:05


@gregoryday9791 - 20.07.2024 14:11

I'm still pretty new to POE. Has anyone figured out if range builds are still META? I want a strong league starter that's enjoyable throughout the game

@Lincy7734 - 20.07.2024 14:16

I don't trust GGG, tbf i don't trust anyone or anything, so i will not believe that this is a melee league until its here and we get to see if this is a melee league. The massive melee rebalance... sure, will believe when it happens

@serenist - 20.07.2024 14:26

You can't really compare D4 reveal rollout to PoE. D4 follows the MMO route where they reveal each feature on a separate livestream or video and they also talk about the lore and art, things that GGG has never even cared about because PoE is completely different than what Blizzard's vision of D4 is. Also, Blizzard never said that they are going to reveal the expansion. It was just a class reveal so apart from gameplay what else would they show if it isn't for art and lore? Don't get me wrong, obviously GGG reveal was incredible and the content we get for free is huge but at this point it just feels like you just hate on D4 for no reason because the reveals aren't even comparable. They are 2 completely different things.

@noahman3843 - 20.07.2024 14:47

I am hoping this league goes core

@weertangel7231 - 20.07.2024 14:57

This totally blew me away, especially how dissapointing Necropolis was.
I can't wait to see how it all plays through i would have liked it if they did something with the campaign, like just give us a alternate path to level couse i'm SO sick of it.

@Palmosun - 20.07.2024 15:10

I guess I will try meele this league

@julianmorales5985 - 20.07.2024 15:20

Im really sad that they didnt shorten the story after character creation...or at leas for the second character onwards in the league.

@Seraphimisdead - 20.07.2024 15:51

I uninstalled PoE during last league and wanted to wait until PoE2 to get back into it. But this looks INSANE!
It wasn't even the league mechanics that bothered me. The game just felt a lot more like work rather than play, especially if you only have limited time to play it, but you've already played long enough (3k+ hours in my case) that only the endgame content feels rewarding to you anymore. That was my experience at least. First T17 map I entered tore me apart so bad I just uninstalled the game at that point to save myself the time. But they addressed that, apparently, and they gave us all this new stuff to play with... basically all that's missing is the ability to hire soldiers in your town and invade the towns of other people with them, and they'll basically have added Age of Empires into PoE, absolutely nuts.

@dezysun9323 - 20.07.2024 16:01

I'm the most excited about the settlement feature, I really want it in the base game

@taiwanisacountry - 20.07.2024 17:25

Ward, tincure, endurance charges. That is what I am here for.

@GrayBeardFPS - 20.07.2024 18:01

Defence is my biggest concern. Its ghonna be alot of deaths

@julianolotero6600 - 20.07.2024 19:59

My biggest concern with having a game in my game so I can game while I game is that I will become clinically addicted and give up on all my life goals.

@LasciviousPsyche - 20.07.2024 20:33

This game was the best years ago, they just keep adding and deleting crap in this game where it's tooooo much, way tooooo much. I mean unless you are you zizaran, new people or even people that's played in the past just have too much crap to keep up with. Stop adding the same mechs into each league where there are 100000 leagues in 1. Simplify this game would be nice, but you need a college semester to learn this game. Thats why I decide not to really care for poe no more.

@Sirstappen - 20.07.2024 23:21

Have they improved the drop rate for tier 17 maps? for me tier last season was kinda ruined that it was so hard to get T17 maps, i dont want to buy maps as much as possible

@richdaigle1031 - 21.07.2024 01:14

I don’t think this is a “look what they can do in a short period of time” I think a lot of this has been worked on for a WHILE.

@AnonymousB460 - 21.07.2024 06:42

Its so good to be an Arpg fan/player right now. Last Epoch and POE pushing out amazing content. I love it! D4 meh

@edisonchen9144 - 21.07.2024 07:08

"They fixed the entire game". You said it on the last league and the league before. So they will fix the game again on next league?😂

@StarPhoenix960 - 21.07.2024 08:12

They haven't fixed the game yet, crafting is in shambles
Also item availability will suck ass in the first week due to quantity removal.

@vini_siq - 21.07.2024 08:44

After two years away from PoE I'm definitely coming back this league. Now I just have to look for a viable, fun build. I hope they didn't kill my old cold dot occultist

@Frostschuss - 21.07.2024 11:34

fixed the entire game? what a big lying title

@dervakommtvonhinten517 - 21.07.2024 12:31

question regarding the endurance charges.

the most of elemental reduction you can get is 90% so if you have at least 4 endurance charges, there is no point in even investing into 90% all res since you will have 90% damage mitigation anyway right?
while that would make res capping easier, it would also mean that the jugg will be far less tanky overall then right? cause adding armour into the elemental damage mitigation got you over 90% elemental damage reduction. so why do people claim jugg didnt get nerfed?

@KasSo89 - 21.07.2024 14:33

Surely fixed Clueless

@Alan157 - 21.07.2024 15:38

It's insane to see what GGG is adding for FREE and Blizzard is charging money for...

@tomasnovotny2740 - 21.07.2024 17:07

no more battlemage cry = melee nefr

@morganbartfield5457 - 21.07.2024 18:01

I think for a free game, POE is one of the best, but I wish new players didn't have to wander around for hours not knowing what the hell they're doing. that is something that diablo addresses straight away. and the POE inventory size is ludicrous.

@Projectt808 - 22.07.2024 00:37

Is it just me or some of the stuff gives last epoch vibes ?

@Maxxramus24 - 22.07.2024 01:38

I don't know how anyone can take Blizzard and Diablo 4 seriously anymore. They have been so far behind the curve and continue to fall further behind. This new PoE patch alone looks better than the entire Diablo 4 expansion and Season 5 patch combined.

@TheDAZ1001 - 22.07.2024 07:43

I wonder how many people are not going to buy D4 dlc now 🤣

@Peter-uh2fc - 22.07.2024 10:56

D4 Bad

@LambLiesDownOnBroadway - 22.07.2024 13:09

This is gonna be the best PoE 1 has ever been! 😍

@andreasstahl8207 - 22.07.2024 13:09

Where can I watch the Blizzard expansion video he's talking about? I want to see the difference 😂

@hurafloyd - 22.07.2024 16:45

If only you could hire someone in that town so they can loot for you and leave it in a town stash 👀.

@EvilMaxWar - 22.07.2024 17:15

I had planned a raider build and was excited to try it on next league, I feel cheated lol

@Shaun.Stephens - 23.07.2024 04:05

Thanks Ziz. So funny, I said the same thing as you when I saw the announcement: Now you can game while you game so you won't need to two-screen all your life (not that I do).

@mahonii - 24.07.2024 01:58

Is it auction house ir just currency trade? Useless to me if currency only

@eddoesnt - 24.07.2024 07:48

Jesus fecking Christ I just quick crack, this patch is gonna feed my addiction
