13 LOST - The Untold Story of the Thai Cave Rescue

13 LOST - The Untold Story of the Thai Cave Rescue

Thai Cave Rescue

4 года назад

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@sophiaschrenk1511 - 04.12.2023 23:10

So.proud of you

@sophiaschrenk1511 - 02.12.2023 12:17

Rip diver the kids will always remember you

@akshayjadhav5001 - 25.11.2023 11:32

Brits are opportunist 😁

@libertyforall5764 - 18.11.2023 22:03

Maksym Polejaka and Ben Reymenants built the bridge of life. The British simply crossed it.

@AsrulSani-rg2bu - 16.11.2023 18:11

These is my comment . . .

@stymiedagain - 10.11.2023 01:54

One of things I liked about Thirteen Lives, is that it did include the water diversion work done by the locals and volunteers up on the mountain, and the willingness of the farmers to sacrifice their rice crop. Most documentaries overlook that. I did appreciate seeing more of the role that Ben and Max played in this film though. However, there seem to be people who think that because Ben and Max did so much work, as did the Navy Seals in laying lines, they were entitled to be the ones to find the children, and how dare Rick and John come in and steal their thunder. The fact is Ben and Max had gone as far as they could with their air supply at that time, and Rick and John were able to continue laying line. No one knew where the kids were exactly. It turned out they weren’t at Pattaya Beach where everyone thought they were. It was the luck of the draw who was going to find them first, and given that the Navy Seals had given John a video camera, of course he was going to use it when they found them. As for Rick and John sidelining Ben, keep in mind they had the experience of diving out the four pump workers who all panicked during a 30 second dive, and here was Ben enthusiastically suggesting he get the full-face masks and they should immediately dive the boys out. That would not give Rick and John confidence in Ben’s judgment. The actually rescue involved sedation by Dr. Harris and a carefully worked out plan including rehearsals with children in a pool. The Governor had to approve the plan. There was no way they were going to be able to rush in like Ben wanted without permission or a carefully thought out plan to get the kids out.

@HobieOneCoyote - 18.10.2023 07:34

What in the world was this coach thinking taking those kids into that cave??? I'm sure he wasn't but he should've been charged. Especially, due to the fact that a diver lost his life in the rescue. I don't get it. Smh...wtf.

@rooneypdl2223 - 22.09.2023 06:20

This two diver are the real heroes
this is going to history nobody done before credits to all hero
you guy are super hero for all

@K3T1 - 15.09.2023 13:16

This story is so amazing until you listen Ben talking about when they’ve been kicked out. It’s very embarrassing. Some people don’t do good because they really want but just for the clouts. The most important thing for them is that they talk about them. But were you were when they risked their life to put a rope?

@xos3nce902 - 05.09.2023 08:52

Bruh I’m confused why didn’t the British want Ben and his partner going back in to dive again like we’re they just being petty or sum?did they want all the credit or sum

@08tini - 28.08.2023 22:38

I sing for you Ben, Maxim, Ivan and Poe. I respect all divers include our Finnish diwer. Also navy seals were impressive. I wonder why two British behave not so professional way, maybe there was "too big egos" but as the Maxim said, the result is most important. I send thanks to this untold story and huge respect Ben and Maxim and your group with navy seals🌻

@nissinwafer_bizkwit3056 - 17.08.2023 14:51

All of you are heroes, all of you must be credit to your sacrifices for that mission and all the volunteers on that area. ❤

@atimans309 - 14.08.2023 10:00

They should get more more credit. They are first in the dark and risking everything!

@innamaximenko7405 - 13.08.2023 10:26

Титанічна робота і неймовірна відвага, яку продемонстрували Максим, Бен, морські котики Таїланду і всі першопрохідці цієї небезпечної операції з порятунку, заслуговують окремого фільму! Особисті амбіції і "перетягування ковдри" як прояви низького людського єства, втім, не відміняють героїзму британців. Головне - життя, які було врятовано неймовірною жертовністю простих людей, котрі об'єдналися для створення цього дива! 💙

@user-eq9lp3mk6e - 28.07.2023 11:02

ขอบคุณทุกคนมากที่เข้ามาช่วยเหลือประเทศของพวกเรา ถ้าไม่มีทุกคนคงไม่สำเร็จ ขอบคุณจากหัวใจคนไทย

@cpchehaibar - 24.07.2023 05:51

It looks like those Brits aren't stupid. Or particularly honest.

@Christophe-Cochez - 21.07.2023 16:25

Very interesting.
I am curius to know what Anamorphique lens you use ti films. the pictures was very nice .

@mjojrjr6231 - 05.07.2023 02:06

I learned about the unsung heroes! Thanks to my curiosity about this event. Really proud of your hard work, Guys.

@like_leon9445 - 02.07.2023 20:51


@1111dolittle - 01.07.2023 01:54

Totally amazing. I heard the children were givin a sedation to get them out alive .no mention of this diver who was an anastesiaoligost. So they would not panic .he is one of the unsung heros .it worked and very risky . Either way God was with the children all the way .God bless everyone involved in this rescue your all 🙏🙏🙏 all elite talented heros . Thank you for your service,.love you all . Your all the best of the best 👍🙏🙏🙏🇺🇸

@shevawnmacdonald4282 - 28.06.2023 18:39

Everyone who was there are true hero’s, giving up time at work that feeds their family’s, the people who feed all the volunteers, the farmers who gave up their crops, we in America call actors hero’s, we give lifetime achievement awards, honor them and are crushed when they turn out to be zeros, like Crosby, it gives us all hope when everyone pulls together to save a life, no one can forget baby Jessica in the well, or the real hero’s who saved her, or the wonderful people who saved Jewish children during the holocaust, just think how many generations these divers saved, it will be thousands in time, thank you gentlemen you are loved!

@CorettaJG - 25.06.2023 18:49

Their work to find these lost souls was brave and heroic. Thankful for every single person who put their lives on the line and supported the miraculous rescue.

@xgamerjiovonni8196 - 23.06.2023 10:19

Thank you so much, God bless you. Such brave souls.

@kminpersonal7999 - 22.06.2023 10:37

Great job guys
You are all heroes!

@DanielleStarry - 22.06.2023 03:35

What an incredible group of men. Bless them all for their courage and dedication - in addition to integrity, intellect,and wit. 🌻

@evelyna2617 - 22.06.2023 01:55

Wow what an incredible story 😢

@ellenbarnette2080 - 22.06.2023 00:41

That is not right at all your the ones that found the kids ❤ You Both are Heroes 🙏

@rickdeckard9810 - 20.06.2023 21:37

Curious why the British blocked Ben from joining the team.

@andreiturcan9721 - 02.06.2023 01:54

Very British way, to wait until someone else is doing all the hard work and then come at the last moment and steal the success and receive all the credit and the awards.

@KitOngCo - 31.05.2023 16:56

Whatever it is ALL of the people there help the kids and coach out. All of the divers joined or backout who hope or stop hoping doesnt matter at all! they all contribute their efforts to find the boys. All of the team should be recognized because its a dangerous and high risk rescue.Salute to all the divers, thai government or private and civilian people who volunteered, all farmer’s sacrifice their crops affected by the draining of cave water, navy seal, rescue team, and every single divers and part of the medical team. All of divers deserve recognize consider as hero

@ConorMaguire-wl6vk - 21.05.2023 20:00

Perfidious Albion.

@vlchhakchhuak607 - 07.05.2023 20:02

Ben and max becoz of your bravery and not given up,these day many people life have saved and continued on...

@Thairandhari - 06.05.2023 20:25


@mmsabre7931 - 23.04.2023 23:56

Has there ever been a movie made where they actually tell the TRUE story? I don't know why they can't do this. The truth is always stranger and more interesting than fiction.

@thedolphin5428 - 18.04.2023 14:54

These guys are all big-bodied. Little bodies would have an easier time through tight spots.

@george5590 - 07.04.2023 08:58

i do remember members of the team on tv talking about the rescue.... and Iam Shure there was a French or Belgum guy with him. I was in Australia the Ausie's put the doctor guy diver on a pedestal. saying he was with the kids last to leave the cave? not Shure what he did really i no he picked the, drug , but think the team administrated it , the cave is the best movie i think

@stee229 - 26.03.2023 19:53

Great storytelling, thank you for making this. I'd like to ask that you guys include some type of disclaimer for your re-enacted footage. It's not necessarily easy for the average viewer to distinguish between real footage and re-enacted footage. I understand the need for taking creative liberties to create a dramatic storytelling experience, but you should at least inform the viewer that what they are watching is "re-enacted footage" in those scenes.

@TheKetsa - 16.03.2023 23:03

Thanks you for telling this important part of the story.

@worldnewsandcurrentevents - 10.03.2023 07:02

Funny that I am more inspired with these 3divers I mean 4 divers or 5 including the dead one than who those credited the fame 😂😂✌️

@worldnewsandcurrentevents - 10.03.2023 06:59

I remember the British divers face sad and not having a pure joy after their first interview until the world tour interview and maybe because they know that they also just made a hero while the other fellow divers who sacrifice first was left behind 💗😌 Human nature of deceiving others and liers 😅

@worldnewsandcurrentevents - 10.03.2023 06:55

Thy set aside the true heroes and took the credit by throwing them into the bush just because they just found the kids 💗 Yes they have effort buty my true heroes here is these divers who pave the way first. Iloveyou guys and Thank you. You are the unsong heroes but now that the truth come out. You are my bravest heroes in that rescue

@worldnewsandcurrentevents - 10.03.2023 06:45

The movie title should be a heroes who pave the ways to rescue football team stock in a cave ❣️ These 3divers do the radwork and the others took the recognition 😂😂

@worldnewsandcurrentevents - 10.03.2023 06:32

The hard work is frm them but the true hero here is the person who sacrifice first . But yes it's a collective effort but for me the first attempt is difficult rather than the British who found kids.

@worldnewsandcurrentevents - 10.03.2023 06:26

They clear the line for the British divers to get through the kids. These divers did the extra ordinary also ... Thebravest heroes

@christopherthomas8722 - 08.03.2023 07:31

These guys were on the spot cave explorers in an emergency situation. Cave exploration usually takes a hell of a lot more planning and research before executing the dive.

They were the pathfinders, the very tip of the spear.

ZERO rescue efforts could be done before those lines were laid.

@RexApplegate - 04.03.2023 00:20

I tend to observe that the people least concerned about personal recognition and credit are the most effective at getting results. In many instances big egos, often those of legit NPD cases, will come in to take credit and glory after the hard work is done. This story seems to at least somewhat keep with that trend.
