Eng subtitles available, english description below as well!
Eelmine kord jäi video seal maal pooleli, kus oli vaja Kirsika pidurid ära õhutada. Selles videos jätkame kohe peale pidurite õhutamist, vaatame kuidas Ulljaan veel paar väikest juppi Roim80 pealt maha krutib, ning käib Kirsikat testimas, kas sissepandud pingutustest on ka kasu olnud ja kuidas auto sõidab. Seda muidugi lootuses ülevaatusele varsti jõuda. Kuid ega sellega ka lõhub Ulljaan oma auto ära. Et saaks lõbusam. Et saaks põnevam.
Nb! Kõik trikid on tehtud proffessionaalide poolt suletud teedel. Kodus mitte järgi proovida!
Last time we left Ulljaan right before the brakes needed bleeding on Krisika. In this video we continue right after the brakes have been bled, we see how Ulljaan takes off a few bits and bobs from the Hooptie80 and goes for a test drive in Kirsika to see if the efforts have made a difference and how the car drives. All that in the hopes to make it to the MOT soon. But with that Ulljaan breaks his car a bit. So it could be more fun. So it could be more exciting!
Nb! All stunts performed by professionals on closed roads. Do not attempt at home.
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Intro music: Open Wide by Silent Partner
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