[GUIDE] Diablo 2 Resurrected - AVENGER PALADIN (Vengeance)

[GUIDE] Diablo 2 Resurrected - AVENGER PALADIN (Vengeance)


2 года назад

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Malcolm Camaione-Lind
Malcolm Camaione-Lind - 25.09.2023 04:37

Does this char work with doom, dual dreams and dragon?

Andrew Seaton
Andrew Seaton - 12.09.2023 21:50

For anyone interested in using runes for some basic gear for this character, a piece of advice: SAVE ALL KO RUNES. I usually only keep 4 or 5 on hand but between Sanctuary and some of the others like Lawbringer, you'll burn through these like an Australian wildfire.

Prang Z
Prang Z - 17.05.2023 08:10


CH3353N1NJ45 - 09.04.2023 19:39

Forget about fancy runewords, teleportation, riding the metatrain into boredom.

You want full Immortal Kings ,Crown of Ages, Anni, Torch. Rings & Ammi fills whatever you feel you need.

20 hard points into Vengeance & Conviction. One point each to get there. For everything else prioritise synergies & Utilities.

Stats is enough to use your gear, everything else into vitality and maybe a little bit of mana as a treat.

You're not a speed clearer, you're a sure clearer. Merc gear is at your discretion.

Have fun

Brak Pseudonimu
Brak Pseudonimu - 12.03.2023 01:08

Ancient's pledge is a way to spend the quest runes, but unless you really want that damage to mana, perf diamonds have more res.

Adam McAllister
Adam McAllister - 01.01.2023 22:18

DOOM lol

Momchil Andonov
Momchil Andonov - 11.09.2022 19:20

Misleading title? This is the original D2 lol!

TheDiegomula - 01.09.2022 05:03

I think trachery is a better option for vengeance, because of the IAS

Sky C
Sky C - 18.08.2022 03:05

Why not doom, Dragon, dream?

Monk Bunk
Monk Bunk - 29.05.2022 05:49

I am playing this build with a friend of mine who is running a sorceress👍

FrankyboyFloyd - 22.05.2022 23:38

Tried this.... and it was an awful experience! Without at least a minimum of AOE damage, this game is a nightmare. This build would be great if the skill had a part of AOE damage.

Ondrej Hronec
Ondrej Hronec - 08.04.2022 22:57

I'm running this paladin exactly for the reasons mentioned in this video, it's non-cliche pala that deals shit ton of elemental damage and shatters his opponents into shards of ice 🤩

Scott Clark
Scott Clark - 13.02.2022 00:48

I am building this right now, offline. Playing through normal on players 5 without any trouble at all. Haven't quite gotten to level 30, but defiinitely looking forward to Conviction. Sticking with the Act 1 Merc, and was thinking Faith for that, eventually. Just trying it out, and it is fun. When the ladder comes up, if I go that way, it is a possibility for me. Love the Sorc, but this build has been very fun to mess around with. Pretty much owns whatever he runs into. Mana has been an issue....this build is mana hungry at first. But not too horribly bad. Some rejuvs and he's solid. Eventually I don't think it will be an issue, with better gear.

qaerkyr - 05.02.2022 10:11

is gimmershread ethereal good? it has tones of elemental damage on ir

wanisz wanisz
wanisz wanisz - 02.02.2022 06:21

What do you think about this build in playthrough on SP HC? :D Started today and it really seems fine!

Aaron Priestley
Aaron Priestley - 29.01.2022 15:22

d2 vanilla is looking better than before

Rafał Krupa
Rafał Krupa - 22.12.2021 16:28

ok, please let me describe my build:
i use infinity merc
i put 1 point up to fanaticism (being the main aura) or not - more about it later V
20 vengeance
20 for all the resists + salvation
main weapon is either ebotdz or phoenix (you bet) caduceus with +3 fanaticism (this helps me avoid putting points into prereqs)
also i think 20/20 resist light + salvation is a must when you are using double dream...

pls comment.

Johann du Toit
Johann du Toit - 18.12.2021 10:42

Good gear for an Avenger Paladin (in my experience, completed all Hell Difficulty multiple times):

Kira's Guardian/Harlequin Crest/Guillaume's Face
Guardian Angel Templar Coat (god tier COH or Enigma if you have the runes).
Crescent Moon Amulet for dual Leech
Raven Frost for Cannot Be Frozen, plus either a Stone of Jordan or Bul Kathos's Wedding Band
Dracul's Grasp Gloves for the life leech
Thundergod's Vigor or String of Ears for Belt
War Traveller Battle Boots for damage which helps boost Vengeance
Herald of Zakarum Shield (or Alma Negra for damage)
Weapon should have both speed and damage. Oath in an ethereal Ettin Axe or Conquest Sword works well (I suppose god tier like Last Wish or BOTD would work even better though I haven't tried it

For a Merc, Act 2 Nightmare Defensive Merc with Holy Freeze Aura with an Insight Polearm so you can slow enemies and never run out of mana.

Arif Sentana
Arif Sentana - 16.12.2021 22:46

Does the skill Holy Shock, Fire, and Freeze from rw Dream(helm), Doom(axe), Dragon(armor) stack on vengeance skill and the flat elemental damage from each aura added to vengeance skill?

ダビスダグラス - 14.12.2021 08:56

horrid..... I went from a tesladin trying the veng build and it was too painful. damage went to almost nothing.

Andrew Haxby
Andrew Haxby - 25.11.2021 03:46

I'd suggest Doom axe, dragon chest, and phoenix shield for those slots. That'd give you Holy Freeze, Shock, and Fire, along with redemption auras. The main draw is that the hard points put into the resist auras also boost the damage from those granted auras and Conviction works very poorly with leech and redemption eases that burden. Doom and phoenix also lower cold and fire resistance respectively to help compensate for the fact that Conviction works at 20% effectiveness when breaking immunities. Dragon also gives a chance for venom when struck, which you will be since you're melee, so yiu can truly cover all elemental damages. Also as previously mentioned in another comment Conviction can only ever lower by -150% at level 25, so you can redistribute some skill points to other things once your +skill items push you beyond that threshold. Edit, also something you didn't mention but is super important is that Conviction doesn't just break immunities, it lowers defense by 93% at lv 25 which means that with all the dex we have for max block and the ar boost from vengeance we don't need +ar from items.

Khoa Truong
Khoa Truong - 22.11.2021 12:42

Would Grief PB work with this build?

bubu mic
bubu mic - 11.11.2021 19:23

This build should be called UNOBTANIUM ! I have 5 friends with which i farm daily for about 3-4 hours each of us and i think we found a BER rune In a month ...

Ryno Schutte
Ryno Schutte - 08.11.2021 13:06

For some reason I dont receive the passive resistance when adding points into res cold, fire and light... playing on Xbox tho, any reason for this?

Ghost Dog
Ghost Dog - 25.10.2021 19:41

Does the character sheet show the passive resists increasing when you put points in resist fire, etc? I have been doing that and I have not seen then them increase.

Kun va Tun
Kun va Tun - 20.10.2021 18:56

Who knows he's streming by what ? Twich or ......

KubanaHAFANANA - 18.10.2021 23:25

Smiter pls

dredd 669
dredd 669 - 18.10.2021 16:06

Another armor that is viable is guardian angel Templar coat or in my case hellforge plate giving + skills max 90 res all and after you pump up the auras u can get 95 max res on fire cold and lightning add venom grips for95 res all raven frost for cold absorb dwarf star for fire absorb and t-gods for lightning absorb.
Did this build to overtake uber mephs conviction and be the master of elements a long time ago

Solomon Red
Solomon Red - 17.10.2021 22:57

Cool guide thx

Leonardo Sewald
Leonardo Sewald - 14.10.2021 00:07

Nice guide. What about famine as a weapon? I remember using it on the good old days on a legendary mallet and is was pretty good

Night Owl
Night Owl - 05.10.2021 05:28

Can u do a Charger build? Ive always heard about it, never seen a legit guide or anything though

Nathaniel Wolfson
Nathaniel Wolfson - 05.10.2021 04:09

what about beast

Ghost Dog
Ghost Dog - 02.10.2021 18:49

So the auras resist fire and such add passive resists as well? I did not see that in the description of the skill.

Kid Ranger
Kid Ranger - 28.09.2021 08:20

Does your party benefit from holy shock?

Hozz 101
Hozz 101 - 28.09.2021 00:43

I had a Vengeance pally. It was not great

Rodrigo Godoi
Rodrigo Godoi - 27.09.2021 23:54

This build seemed interesting to me but Im having a hard time doing normal cows with it because no real aoe attack. And vengeance uses a lot of mana I have to drink mana pots constantly :(

Zach K.
Zach K. - 27.09.2021 05:37

How do I know how many points in Dexterity I need for max block?

V eight
V eight - 25.09.2021 22:59

Why no Grief BA or PB?

Sean Hurley
Sean Hurley - 25.09.2021 08:46

Is the +%ED not working a bug? The wiki specifically says it does work with %ED if the %ED is on-weapon. It's off-weapon %ED (such as from Might aura, Duress runeword, etc) that is called out as not working. How does one check for this?

The Eternal Hermit
The Eternal Hermit - 25.09.2021 00:26

So it's only physical damage that gets converted. So the elemental damage on say a Baranar's Star would not benefit from vengeance?

Moonface00z - 24.09.2021 21:11

saw a avenger in d2r today and he obliterates everything in the front line

He was tanking for 7 of us in hell chaos

Moonface00z - 24.09.2021 21:06

This build is so imba . With good gear is even more op in a group play

Iggybart05 - 23.09.2021 16:41

i actually like this build and have used it before, one thing to note is the conviction aura does not need the full 20! you can get by with about 12-15 depending on what +skill you're running with (i realize that's end game, but still). this frees up points to frost resist as well as a couple of other points into holy shield if you like!

Andrej Krippel
Andrej Krippel - 23.09.2021 11:51

🙏🏼 two-handed builds ?

Vince Yutuc
Vince Yutuc - 23.09.2021 11:12

I still don't understand vengeance. The damages are %. Fire damage: 252%. 252% of what?

Shahamut - 23.09.2021 08:34

For a REALLY min/max end game build, you only need a rank 25 conviction aura to max out the resistance reduction (150%) which with some of these builds Ive seen means you only need to put like, 9 hard points in conviction, allowing you to max your cold resistance and put spare points into Salvation for the extra elemental damage.

Tom Cavanagh
Tom Cavanagh - 23.09.2021 02:21

Hit me with those weird builds llama

Bob Guy
Bob Guy - 23.09.2021 01:39

I'm playing avenger at launch, and on every ladder reset. Everyone is running sorc's as their first character, and everybody has to "walk" the game. Nobody has infinity. I become a walking lvl 25 infinity, and help my sorc friends blast through everything with ease. A couple days after the ladder reset (or launch), I'm ready to make MY sorc, since rushes from friends are available, and start MFing gear to reclass the avenger to zeal or hdin.

But even if its a week into ladder, not every hell baal run is going to have an infinity merc in it. You can be the #1 MVP to the team, literally by just standing there with lvl 25 conviction on, and speed up the baal runs by a great margin.

SFK-Fjordan - 23.09.2021 00:28

Nice work again.
