Why does The US Navy wants to sell six littoral combat ships?|Freedom-class|Independence-class|

Why does The US Navy wants to sell six littoral combat ships?|Freedom-class|Independence-class|

FP Defense News

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co co
co co - 27.09.2023 05:56

The Falkland Islands could use an Independence ! OK so it's not perfect and needs it's problems addressed (what new concept doesn't) but it would make an effective deterrent around the Islands esp. with the right drone package. It's minimal crew compliment is amazing considering the complex nature of the system!

Modern_War ERA@Future-Tech.
Modern_War ERA@Future-Tech. - 19.05.2023 16:02

That LCS Warships is a LEMON SHIP so called by US Congress! That failed project ship and subject to scrap! USA a lot of dollars tax to spend billions of dollars research and development but their concept Warships is failed like a zumwalt class destroyer is also failed project Warships that's why US Congress canceled Zumwalt class destroyer.

BMF6889 - 17.05.2023 20:47

Littoral combat ships have no combat value added to the traditional Navy fleet. Until recently they were basically defenseless and had no offensive weapons either. Duh????

The truth is that programs like the littoral combat ships are more designed to keep jobs in congressional districts than to defend the US strategic interests.

Anyone who thinks that littoral combat ships were a strategic benefit to the US Navy needs help. The Navy tried to give them to the US Coast Guard and they had no use for them.

So, the Navy was essentially forced to buy these worthless ships that no one else wants to buy for political reasons.

The US military and Congress has a history of focusing on the short term threat instead of the long term threats. After the Cold War, Congress dramatically cut the military budget because, well hey, the USSR is gone without looking to the future treats to the US like an increasingly belligerent China. Production of the F-22 was stopped because the Cold War was over, but the USSR was not the only threat or emerging threat, but we slashed the military budgets in order to transfer the so-called "Peace Dividend " to social programs that have never worked.

And so today, we face a China that is becoming more aggressive than the USSR and we have be caught with our military pants down trying to catch up. And you say that we have the F-22, F-35, B-2 bombers, and anti-ship missiles. But Chinese fighters have a much longer range than ours, we only have 19 B-2 bombers and some number of them are in non-operational maintenance and it takes days to get a B-2 ready for another mission. And China's Air Force is targeting our support aircraft such as airborne tankers and AWACS with their long range missiles.

While we have been spending tens of billions of dollars on climate change and eliminating parents out of kids to stupid to even read to have a say in teachers sponsoring puberty blockers, pornographic materials in the school libraries and classrooms, drag queen shows for children, and ensuring the LGBTQXYZ community becomes the dominant culture; China has been busy determining how to defeat the US in Asia and controlling the South China Sea where the majority of world trade flows. And now the US is faced with the threat of China invading Taiwan.

You may say so what. If China invades Taiwan, the distribution of the best and most sophisticated computer chips in the world will stop and a democratic nation will have been crushed--again.

Taiwan has a defense force and it is zero threat to China. But its military equipment is not as modern as what China has and western nations are afraid to give Taiwan the latest equipment for fear of China.

This tells you everything you need to know about western fears of China. We will not give Taiwan the modern weapons they need to defend themselves against a very aggressive China. Sounds exactly like the Russian threats to Ukraine and the western inaction to give Ukraine the means to defend themselves until AFTER Russia invaded.

It seems to me that the US and the western allies are always looking at the best possible outcome for them regardless of reality.

Thank God the Russian invasion of Ukraine and caused NATO to realize that the USSR never disappeared, but only reappeared as the Russian Federation with a facade of embracing western technologies to improve their military to become and ever increasing threat to the west. It was like, OK Russia, here is the technology you need to defeat us in the next war. Western technologies are in every major weapon Russia has. because they can't produce them their-selves. Now the sanctions have stopped most of their military production which should have happened decades ago.

Our military strategy and military are dictated by politicians that have no fu**ing idea what the military, and by a politicized military that no guts to stand up to Congress.

Until things change, the US military is totally f**ked by Congress and the US military is totally f**ked by telling Congress what it wants to hear. Ergo, we have 37 billion dollars of littoral combat ships that the Navy didn't want, the Coast Guard doesn't want, and foreign nations don't want.

Thank you a limp dick military unwilling to tell Congress that littoral combat ships suck and provide no useful benefit in war, and for Congress thinking about jobs in their districts rather than the security of the US.

Judy Leitner
Judy Leitner - 16.05.2023 18:21

Biggest reason neighbors getting rid of them because they’re useless they have aluminum holes they’re cracking they can’t take the missions that they were built to do they’re useless just like the Zumwalt class useless money wasted

Craig - 16.05.2023 15:32

COAST GUARD wouldn't even want them! Junk! China and Russia are building spectacular ships! 🇨🇳🇷🇺

Michael Preece
Michael Preece - 16.05.2023 10:55

The only chance of getting rid of these overpriced and underperforming ships would be to give them away and even then the cost of running and repairs are so high, its hard to imagining any country committing. Solution, remove them from service and write off the cost, hopefully learning from this costly mistake..

Kristoffer Mangila
Kristoffer Mangila - 15.05.2023 16:26

We in the Philippines could use these LCS vessels, especially the 2 Independence-class, since Austal, the builder of the Independence-class LCS, has a shipyard in the Philippines.

Tse Hong Ling
Tse Hong Ling - 15.05.2023 13:30

Sell them to Taiwan, they always buy 2nd hand American items anyway, like their old Kidd class Destroyers, which retired are the "flagships" of the Taiwan Navy.

Carlos Hawkins
Carlos Hawkins - 14.05.2023 17:23

two of shit is still shit.
