What Modern Woke Trend Do You Hate The Most?

What Modern Woke Trend Do You Hate The Most?

Lack Of Entertainment

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@dwightmanne - 28.07.2024 05:27


@Toliman. - 28.07.2024 05:32

Androgynous Momen models that can share a wardrobe for Body Type 1 or 2.
Women that have a man's face, man's arms, man's shoulder, legs, etc. but the hair is what makes them appear female.

@Adromelk - 28.07.2024 05:33

D. All of the above.

@lookiss8502 - 28.07.2024 05:37

Their gaslighting and double standards.

@Jfreek5050 - 28.07.2024 05:40

The moral high horsing of it all. You don't like any of their crap decisions, its because you're an istaphobic alt right yahtzee. Without it, they'd legit have no excuse to be telling fans off they way they are doing and they'd have gotten almost no economic backing to begin with.

@AKATenn - 28.07.2024 05:41

No more arnold Schwarzenegger or sylvester stalone type characters in movies books or games anymore... all male characters have to be stupid, or subservient, or weak... that's the worst part.

@DiabolicCrusher - 28.07.2024 05:42

Sanitization of everything, the forced political correctness pretty much everywhere.

@dragonforks93 - 28.07.2024 05:44

The evangelical zeal on which they lie.

@FreedomIsEssential - 28.07.2024 05:59

I hate that we allow chinese communist spyware masquerading as games as apps. That's just as poisonous as woke.

@enovos3138 - 28.07.2024 06:02

My favorite thing about progressive characters is that they never have fanart. When they do, its almost always hold overs from when before the character was subverted. (Unless its porn)

@goatranchgaming2922 - 28.07.2024 06:05

Do I have to chose 1 there are alot that I hate and I am not sure if I hate 1 over the others .

@austin9568AuraMasterDX - 28.07.2024 06:07

Face scanned "Realism" for female characters, they got too much money for it to STILL look bad

@mustdie27 - 28.07.2024 06:32

It's the butt ugly women that I can't stand. I can roll my eyes to the lecturing since that only happens in dialogues, but the ugly women are constantly on your screen, and you can't just look away or ignore it. I uninstalled Horizon Forbidden West after 2 hours because everyone was cancer to look at.

@somerandofilipino6957 - 28.07.2024 06:41

"Safe horny" and "punching up"

@kemiya1750 - 28.07.2024 06:42

Real life, the double standards. Fiction, erasion of attractive characters, even girls like good looking girls

@alexanderwsm6296 - 28.07.2024 06:43

To me, the most annoying trend of the woke is complete disregard for facts and logic in favor of emotional rhetoric. When they make an argument they always think in terms "whom will this benefit", "whose side is using it", "who will find this appealing", instead of actually caring if a said argument is true or not.

And that is the case for both real-life conversations, where woke activists make BS arguments and when BS is exposed rationalize it with even more BS, and fiction, where the story always follows "the message" the author wants to tell, even when that leads to in-universe contradictions.

@ggamemaster1689 - 28.07.2024 06:43

I do not like them taking pre-existing characters, basically women, and try to uglify and androgenize them into abominations that are unrecognizable. Also, I hate them changing the skin color of individuals too because if that character is suppose to look like that; why are you changing their color to a different skin color, even though they say it does not matter. Finally, I do not like male lead characters getting emasculated, so women be the dominant figure in the situation. Every game that has these abominations are put in by feminists and SJW's with no lives.

@welton9748 - 28.07.2024 06:50

I'd go with race swapping first and women covered as muslims second.

@SimioCaos101Monkey - 28.07.2024 06:51

"Woke" and "Hate the most" don't go without "All" in the middle.

@OniGanon - 28.07.2024 06:51

For me it's the XX Body Type Bs being made ugly, not just one or two but the entire gender, while the men are all built like greek gods and walk around shirtless.

@imnotfromfrancewheeler2678 - 28.07.2024 07:08

The one I hate the most? The "MuH oPpReSsIoN" Olympics. Nothing more repulsive than a 'proffessional and liscened' victim for me.

@ivayloivanov7231 - 28.07.2024 07:13

I hate all of the Woke!

@TheIntratec9 - 28.07.2024 07:23

@TheTrollVtuber Still got the Seer video where his lack of masculinity disrespects Africa?

@LuciaFinstra - 28.07.2024 07:27

All of them. Cancel wokeness.

@kayobee604 - 28.07.2024 07:31

The ironic part is that they draw Bodytype B as close as possible as Bodytype A, so there really is no diference between bodytypes.

@Protocurity - 28.07.2024 07:38

There's no more heroines. I mean in the Jungian Archetype sense. Sure, there are protagonists who happen to be female, but they're not heroines. They're either the phallic woman archetype, which is just a woman who acts exactly like a man, or they're the feminist ideal, which is a villain who gets away with it.

It is one of the bigger disappointments with the Star Wars universe IMO. We never get a true woman Jedi. All we get are women who act like men, or women who hate men and are right to do so. A true woman Jedi is unexplored in all of the modern stuff.

@SOLIAM - 28.07.2024 07:38

Since Oct 7 whenever someone tells me they can't be racist to white people I just call them an anti-semite.

@DeadFishFactory - 28.07.2024 07:44

Ugly characters is definitely high up there. If they just replaced male characters with female characters but they made the female characters cute or sexy, then it wouldn't be so bad. But we're getting genderswaps and then they make the character extremely ugly anyway, so we get no benefits at all.

@benpaterson2237 - 28.07.2024 07:44

Blatant prejudice towards straight white men and pushing ugly mannish women with frumpy haircuts as beautiful.

@DenmarkRadar - 28.07.2024 07:49

For me it's the leftsrds normalisation of depravity.
Just see the recent opening ceremony of the olympic games.

@drakologarnus7248 - 28.07.2024 07:55

body types 1 and 2, ugly characters, millenial humor, agenda forcing,side swipe hair cuts, pride events/in real life politics being forced, mary sue.

@MaverickhunterXZero - 28.07.2024 07:56

all of them since they make the game worse if not the sequel.

@umath6392 - 28.07.2024 08:03

ผมเองก็ไม่รู้ล่ะนะว่านิยามของคำว่า"โว๊ค"นี่มันมีความหมายยังไงมั่งน่ะ(เหมือนกับพวกวาทะกรรมทางเมืองที่ผมเองก็ไม่ค่อยชอบอยุ่แล้วล่ะนะ ก็เลยไม่รู้ว่าควรจะรู้สึกยังไงกับมันดีเหมือนกันน่ะ จะเกลียดรึก็กังวลว่าจะใช้ทักษะทางความคิดได้ไม่เต็มที่เพราะมีองค์ประกอบของอารมณ์ความรู้สึกเป็นตัวแปรร่วมเสมือนการอุปโลคขอบเขต จะชอบรึก็ไม่ได้ตามแฟชั่นอะไรขนาดนั้นแถมถึงจะมั่นใจในความหน้าตาดีระดับโลกขนาดไหนแต่ดีเอ็นเอมันไม่ให้ก็เลยตัดใจเรื่องทำตัวให้เด่นดังอวดสาวโชว์สาวไปแล้วน่ะ ผมก็เลยจะพยายามไม่สนใจอะไรโว๊คๆที่ว่าเท่าไหร่ล่ะนะ) , ส่วนตัวแล้วเลยคิดว่าเรื่องโว๊คอะไรนี่คงเป็นแค่เรื่องสันทนาการทางการเมืองล่ะมังนะ เหมือนพวกข่าวสีสันทางการเมืองอะไรพวกนั้นน่ะ ที่ลามมาถึงในเกมคอมพิวเตอร์ ก็คงเป็นแค่เรื่องการทำเพื่อผลประโยชน์ของพวกที่ไม่คิดจะรับผิดชอบอะไรในการกระทำของตัวเองที่ส่งผลด้านลบให้ผู้อื่นฝ่ายเดียวแบบเด็กๆหรือนักการเมืองที่พูดโกหกกันจนเป็นเรื่องปรกติไปแล้วอะไรแบบนั้นน่ะ ผมเลยให้ความสนใจเรื่องโว๊คนี่น้อยกว่าปัญหากับความเป็นไปล่ะนะ แล้วถึงโว๊คจะยกระดับตัวเองให้กลายเป็น"ปัญหา" ก็ต้องแก้ปัญหาที่ทำให้โว๊คนั้นกลายเป็นปัญหากันก่อนอยู่ดีน่ะ(การคอรัปชั่นน่ะล่ะนะ) เลยคิดว่าการโว๊คนี่อาจจะเป็นอาการแขนงนึงของ"จูนิเบียว"ก็ได้ล่ะนะ , ส่วนโมเดิลโว๊คนี่ของใหม่ใช่ไหมเนี่ย? แล้ว มันมีเวิลวอร์1-2 เวียดนาม กับมีเดียวัลโว๊คด้วยไหม๊ล่ะนั่น? ถ้ามีนี่ คงมีแม้กระทัง ฟิวเจอร์ โพสอโพคาลิป ดาร์คแฟนตาซี ไทม์ทราเวล ไดเมนชั่นคอนจังชั่น เอเลี่ยนอินเวชั่นโว๊คด้วยใช่ไหมเนี่ย? .

@olchum7605 - 28.07.2024 08:04

Uglyfication of everything.
You can't even put the models in blender and make porn out of it, it's all just revolting to look at

@jravage77 - 28.07.2024 08:18

The over favoring of "marginalized people" to the point they give them jobs they didn't earn, let them destroy whatever they work on, and humiliate the people they represent.

@WesYes - 28.07.2024 08:22


@truthhurts6343 - 28.07.2024 08:46

All of it. Aesthetics in games are the least of our problems with these reeeetards

@DrKrapulax - 28.07.2024 08:49

"What Modern Woke Trend Do You Hate The Most?"
The spreading hatred against the white race in preparation for our genocide.

@user-bf1nu1gm4u - 28.07.2024 08:54

Modern entertainment enjoy lose fans and money 💵. They can't help them self.

@juuchanIRL - 28.07.2024 09:08

they want to go against the norm and make ugly things to stand out, but dont undersand that when everything is ugly, nobody is interested.

@haraldbredsdorff2699 - 28.07.2024 09:23

To me, it is how they ignore the story. Woke, you run from political point to political point. but the trip make no sense.
Villian do stupid things, just so the hero can act like a progressive, and win, even if no progressive have won in reality when trying what the hero did.

@cornpoop - 28.07.2024 09:29

I hate all of them but if i must choose, I think "stronk and independent girlboss" with buttchin is the most annoying one

@XxXuzurpatorXxX - 28.07.2024 09:37

I also call women 'bodytypebee'. They love it. Try it.

@SierraSierraFoxtrot - 28.07.2024 09:38

Would it be selfish if I said the antisemitism is the one I dislike?

Actually, it's their general ass kissing of Islam in general.

@gulltw9098 - 28.07.2024 09:40


@casualspawnpeeking3680 - 28.07.2024 09:43

the one i hate most is making every character gay or some form of lgbt

@defectiveindustries - 28.07.2024 09:59

The Message

@TheAutistWhisperer - 28.07.2024 10:09

Ugly character designs
