Tiffany's Epiphanies: Your Dreams Can’t Take Flight If You Weigh Them Down

Tiffany's Epiphanies: Your Dreams Can’t Take Flight If You Weigh Them Down

Tiffany Dufu

1 год назад

107 Просмотров

I’ve had two recent experiences that have inspired me to reflect on dreams - their power and purpose in our lives. First, our family saw “A Raisin In The Sun,” a play by Lorraine Hansberry. It made history when it first debuted in 1959 as it was the first play written by a Black woman to be produced on Broadway. The title was inspired by Langston Hughes’ poem, “Harlem”: What happens to a dream deferred?/Does it dry up/like a raisin in the sun? Second, my daughter’s hair braider manifested a dream that made my mouth drop open. Check out the full story in this latest episode of Tiffany’s Epiphanies and remember: Our dreams will never take flight if we weigh them down with doubt or limitation.

We often spend so much time chasing our dreams that we don’t stop to celebrate the ones that have come true. What visions for your life have you already realized?

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