My Testimony: How I Graduated with a First Class In a Pandemic, And How You Can Too (Part 1)

My Testimony: How I Graduated with a First Class In a Pandemic, And How You Can Too (Part 1)

Aghogho Okpara

55 лет назад

707 Просмотров

happy september aka start of the new academic year ladies and gentlemen !! the purpose of me sharing this testimony is to encourage you that there is nothing beyond your reach when God is with you. whether your goal is to just enter uni, finish uni, get a 2:2, get a 2:1, get a 1st, or get A+ in everything, i hope after watching this you too know that it is within your grasp. For what is impossible with man is possible with God (Luke 1:37).

make sure to tune in for part 2 !! if you guys have any questions or want any advice, please don't be shy to comment them below because i'm happy to answer. while you're here, i would love if you would say a quick thank you to God on my behalf for his faithfulness in my life! i wouldn't have been able to do anyyyything without him, so big ups to my friend in the throne room 💙💙💙

make sure to subscribe if you enjoy watching and check out previous uploads. please like and comment too, it helps me out! lots of love !!

00:00 intro
02:50 testimony
19:59 outro

business email: [email protected]

my camera:
(ps: this is an affiliate link, you can support me by using it! ❤️)
what i edit on: final cut pro x

Kabwasa - So Brand New (feat. Clarence The Kid) -
marshmallow - lukrembo


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