Can You Make A Living Farming in Splinterlands? The Secrets Bot Farmers Don't Want You to Know

Can You Make A Living Farming in Splinterlands? The Secrets Bot Farmers Don't Want You to Know

Tales from the Crypt Mancer

1 год назад

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@danielwilliams6561 - 20.01.2023 09:52

Hey tales just my take from the soul-bound reward cards perspective , potentially giving they (the bot farms) stick with it they now have 40 less cards to worry about renting after they build them up , that also means the free summoners. So eventually they can run with no investment or very little in the game , nor potentially have to rent . With the free starter cards available also I wouldn’t be surprised if this move makes more lower lvl bots to be honest as they now can’t sell cards for profit they will have to create more accounts to farm sps eventually having a really strong army of high lvl soulbound cards.

@charlesfuchs - 20.01.2023 10:06

Yeah it sucks but it seems no one is going to do anything about bots for years.

@stokjockey2699 - 20.01.2023 11:34

The Game is Broken and I know my time battling is coming to an End. I have the Cards but how long do you go before you figure out you are getting Screwed every Season before you just give up as a Real Human Player ???

@scottthomson6221 - 20.01.2023 14:33

Nice breakdown Tales!

@domever7899 - 20.01.2023 14:45

Looks like I need to crack out the old bot accounts... 😅

Good research, love it when you show the numbers!

@MiniatureDJ - 20.01.2023 15:53

Very informative video yet again Tales. If this isn't a wake up call for the devs to finally admit there is a bot problem with the game then idk what to think anymore... :S

@hewitttt - 20.01.2023 16:46

I think the soulbound cards are going to blow up in the teams face. It kills the bronze and silver bots but these champ and diamond bot farms are going to become more powerful. Those higher lvl accounts will just be decreasing their rental costs because they will have these super powerful soulbound summoners and monsters. Im seriously looking at this and thinking about selling 6k worth of my collection to set up 80 bot accounts. I dont see why not if im thinking about selling and leaving anyway 🤷

@eldon167 - 20.01.2023 17:21

Great vid tales, thanks for the mention. You are actually very on point with this, didnt expect this numbers. Maybe now that you posted it more people will try to do it and the costs would go way up.

@marctruller9735 - 20.01.2023 17:55

id appreciate when they add some form of captcha to deal with that situation.
aggy said in the townhall that capcha wont help, cos bots would find ways arround, but i wonder, why all crypto exchanges are using captchas then.
a captcha could pop up randomly like every 10-15 battles and failing it could result in a 48h ban. i dont think that would ruin the gameplay for most players.
it could be like a minigame like the one binance is using and even be fun.
it could apply for gold league or above, tournaments and brawls, so farm operators would have left a little space in bronce and silver.
i think if this is not adressed, then bots will evolve over time and simply outcompete every human player.
i say that as an bot operator myself. my main account is mostly run by a bot because, frankly, the bot plays better then i do and loosing against other bots frustrates me.

@dexterpante - 20.01.2023 18:02

Thanks for this info. I will get a bot soon because it is more worth my time than playing.

@wihukeon - 20.01.2023 18:40

lux makes bots go brrrrrrrrrrr
too late tales i'm gonna get on the bandwagon and make 1000's of bots to be my sole income now.

@thechoonie3922 - 20.01.2023 18:59

Mancer brings the data as usual! Value added here. Will def put more sell pressure on SPS and the soulbound cards will make yield farming (AKA bot farming) less profitable on this platform. Next step could be locking up SPS earned so that SPS can only be spent on the site. If you want to monetize it into another coin convert it on HIVE and move that token off chain (eg swap.ETH). Move that token off the Hive chain and put sell pressure on ETH instead of these assets.

@unknown35514 - 20.01.2023 19:26

Bot will like these update in the long run, trust me, a lot of bot farms will go hard in these update so that they will benefit in the long run. with zero investment. what other means on earning in this game? sps? dec lb reward? without reward cards it is a huge cut in the rewards

@ikeee7483 - 20.01.2023 19:34

One of the problems you highlighted was how cheap renting is, can’t peakmonsters set a lowest amount based on each card and level?

@LevelUpLife1 - 20.01.2023 19:34

How will staked SPS effect this.

@krazykamikaze - 20.01.2023 22:37

If you can't beat them, join them. I'm botting now after realizing my last 30 games were vs bots... So I figure I'd jump in too and destroy whatever's left of that game. GG SL

@Elistios - 21.01.2023 06:06

Is it just me or having "soulbound" card only for the duration of the print = bots farming anyway for the entire season, then they will flood the market with them once the soulbound is liftable and all we did is do what we are doing now but with a 6-12 months cooldown between the moment bots will take profit?

I might be wrong since we'll still have to pay potentially DEC to unbound the cards but it feels to me like it was a good idea but that might be a bit to hyped and that will end up being a ticking bomb waiting to blow up but later instead of now?

@crisk9387 - 21.01.2023 17:21

This just shows how broken the game is. After 3k+ investment in SPL, I play Gold/Diamond. I have all CL summoners at Gold level, except Quix & Thaddius which are maxxed out. I also need to rent some meta cards, otherwise I am struggling in Diamond3. After deducting rentals, my season rewards average is 15-25$ depending on RNG. Here comes a "guy" who rents 20-25$/season mostly 2-3 splinters goes to champion without any investment in SPL, maybe 10$ Speelbook and get's 2-3x the rewards "money in the bank".

@SteveR82_Splinterlands - 22.01.2023 00:28

It will also lead to more buy pressure on DEC because now they can sell cards to get DEC to pay for rents at least in part soon that isn't an option.

@splinterlandsbeginnerguide2960 - 22.01.2023 20:06

Is that data on splexx the value at the time it was earned or the value now with today's prices after all the common reward cards skyrocketed?

@FreedomEveryWay - 22.01.2023 23:18

Strange, I don't even earn so much in champion league.

@chrisjay2336 - 24.01.2023 13:51

haha hello crypto Bots and Tools*
u mean

@educationalchannel2406 - 03.11.2023 13:12

after the ban people are still doing it?
