Someone is blind and deaf.
ОтветитьMuslims are one Ummah we should all accept that
ОтветитьIts a one sided explanation of the events..."according to e sunni sources"...."Ali being coerced"....come on...
ОтветитьIt's very important to understand what people have turned some of these characters into... Mini shia has believed that thebimam is the talking book.... The book is referring to God's words so if you are the talking book what does that mean? It means you're God... Now why would God send a message to humans that need a translation why wouldn't you just send it the way so you would not need translations... So he gave a words to humans that they couldn't understand so he chose humans to translate those words😂😂😂 and then those words will be translated interpreted differently during the times the only person who can translate the words in different times would be God because it's God's word... So that means the imam is God.... Which is idolism... The Muslims reject Jesus as being God but imam can be God😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьWarning a lot of people are fake profile pictures never getinvolved with any investments in these types of groups
ОтветитьAsc my brothers and sitars. Who ever is in this comment section arguing about what side was right or wrong . Who is responsible , who mislead who . This is all wrong . As Muslims we beleive all the sahaba are in jannah. None of us were there. And Allah is the one who will judge . The prophet predicted this event . And the ppl in this battle are all in jannah together. Let’s just leave it at that plz. We have non believers commenting and enjoying and making fun of our beloved sahaba . From Shia to Sunni we are all Muslim. We believe in Allah and we beleive Muhammad is his final prophet and messenger. Anytning more we leave it to Allah to judge . We see what’s going on in this world right now the last thing we need is a division in Islam. Our Shia brothers are helping our Sunni brothers in Palestine. Because we are Muslim. Leave it to Allah love for all my Muslim brothers and sisters.If I said anything wrong, or anything to offend any Muslim forgive me . All our family members and close loved ones who didn’t live to see this Ramadan . May Allah forgive their sins and grant them paradsise. May Allah accept our fasts and dua this month. Ramadan Mubarak my brothers and sisters in Islam.
ОтветитьMy heart has become capable of every form: It is a pasture for gazelles, And a monastery for Christian monks, A Temple for Idols, And the pilgrim's Ka'ba, And the tablets of the Torah, And the book of the Qur'an. I follow the religion of Love: Whatever way love's camel takes, that is my religion, my faith. - Ibn Arabi -
To a Sufi (and all mystics), love is the Lover (the soul) to be reunited with the beloved (the unnamable God).
Misconception about "Sunni"
⚠️ Misconception 1: Connected to the assassination of Ali (RA) until today.
✅️The act was actually carried out by Abd al-Rahman ibn Muljam al-Muradi, a member of the Khawarij. The Khawarij were a group that seceded from the Muslim community during the caliphate of Ali ibn Abi Talib. The Khawarij group held different views than the original teachings and practices and nothing to do with "Sunni" term.
⚠️ Misconception 2: New branch of Islam.
✅️"Sunni" was never another branch of Islam, but rather a descriptive term used as noun/adjective. This term used by Theologians, researchers and Historians to identify those who remained faithful to the original teachings and practices of the Quran, the Sunnah of Allah, the Sunnah of Prophet (peace be upon him) not follow innovations or sectarian divisions.
The term "Sunni" (Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah) emerged after divisions occurred, but not because Islam itself was divided. Rather, it was to distinguish the true teachings of Islam from deviated beliefs.
📌Why Does the Term "Sunni" Exist?
🔹 Originally, all Muslims were simply known as Muslims and united under a single belief system.
🔹 However, after the passing of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as political differences arose, certain groups began to distort Islamic teachings, which introduced new beliefs,Innovations (bid‘ah), permit what Allah & the Prophet (SAW) prohibited, and rejected some of the Prophet’s companions.
🔹During the First Fitna (656-661 CE) period, led to the emergence of various factions.
🔹Several other political, and sectarian groups emerged throughout Islamic history (Such as Shia, Khawarij, Murji'ah, Mu‘tazilah,
Mystical and Esoteric Movements).
🔹Early theological studies, (1st-2nd century Hijri) most discussions & books refer to Practitioners of original Islam as "The People of the Tradition and the Community" (Arabic: Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah). In Western contexts, the terms 'Orthodox Islam' and 'Orthodox Muslim' are often used.
🔹The central tenet of Practitioners of original Islam is adherence to the Sunnah of Allah, as revealed in the Quran, and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This includes his teachings (Qauli), his actions (Fi'li), and his silent approvals (Taqrir). Believed that both the Sunnah of Allah and the Prophet's Sunnah are indispensable sources of guidance for Muslims.
🔹 "Ahlus Sunnah" → strictly follow the Sunnah and do not deviate from it.
🔹 "Wal Jamaah" → remain united on the correct creed and do not follow innovations or sectarian divisions
📖 Quran:
"And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided."
(Surah Ali Imran: 103)
"And if he [Muhammad] had made up about Us some [false] statements, We would have seized him by the right hand; then We would have cut from him the aorta, and there is no one among you who could prevent it."
(Surah Al-Haqqah 69:44-47)
"Nor does he speak from [his own] desire. It is nothing but a revelation revealed."
(Surah An-Najm 53:3-4)
📖 Hadith:
"My Ummah will split into 73 sects. Only one will be saved, and that is the one that follows my Sunnah and the Sunnah of my Companions."
(Hadith Sahih - Abu Dawud & Tirmidhi)
📖 "I have left among you two things, if you hold onto them, you will never go astray: the Book of Allah and my Sunnah."
(Hadith - Muwatta’ Malik)
🔹Later, the word of The People of the Tradition and the Community / Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah/ Orthodox Islam/Orthodox Muslim shortened for convenient descriptive term as "Sunni" (the root of the word is the Arabic word "Sunna") which states the first known use of the word as noun/adjective in 1595 in Merriam-Webster dictionary by Abraham Hartwell,member of the Society of Antiquaries.
📌Islam is One, Not Sunni vs. Shia
✅ Yes, Islam is only one – the Islam that follows the Quran and the authentic Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).There is no other version of it.
Why Shia is NOT a branch of Islam, because their beliefs contradict the Quran, introduce innovations, and permit what the Prophet (SAW) prohibited:
Shia Belief:
Shia Imamiyyah (Twelvers) believe that their 12 Imams are infallible, meaning they do not commit sins or mistakes, like the prophets.
Some even claim that these Imams have knowledge of the unseen and hold a status higher than prophets.
Refutations from the Quran & Hadith:
📖 Quran (Al-Ahzab: 40)
"Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the last of the prophets."
→ Only Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the final prophet. No Imam is infallible or receives revelation after him.
📖 Quran (An-Najm: 3-4)
"And he (Muhammad) does not speak from his own desire. It is nothing but revelation that is revealed to him."
→ Revelation is exclusive to prophets, not to the Shia Imams.
📖 Hadith (Sahih Bukhari & Muslim)
"Every son of Adam commits sins, and the best of those who sin are those who repent."
→ Only prophets are infallible. No ordinary person, including the so-called Shia Imams, is sinless.
Shia Belief:
Shia openly curse and insult Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Aisha (RA).
They claim that only Ali (RA) and his descendants had the right to rule Islam.
Refutations from the Quran & Hadith:
📖 Quran (At-Taubah: 100)
"And the first to embrace Islam among the Muhajirun and the Ansar and those who followed them with righteousness, Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him."
→ Allah has already declared His approval of the Companions. Insulting them contradicts this divine statement.
📖 Hadith (Sahih Bukhari)
"Do not curse my companions! If one of you were to spend gold equal to Mount Uhud, it would not equal even a handful or half a handful of what they (the Companions) did."
→ The Prophet (SAW) forbade cursing his Companions.
Shia Belief:
Shia practice Taqiyyah, which allows them to hide their beliefs or lie about their religion, especially in Sunni-majority areas.
Refutations from the Quran & Hadith:
📖 Quran (Al-Baqarah: 42)
"And do not mix the truth with falsehood or conceal the truth while you know it."
→ Allah forbids lying or deception in religious matters.
📖 Hadith (Sahih Muslim)
"Indeed, lying leads to wickedness, and wickedness leads to Hellfire."
→ Lying is prohibited in Islam, except in extreme cases like saving a life.
Shia Belief:
Shia add “Ali Waliullah” (Ali is the Wali of Allah) in the Azan after “Ashhadu anna Muhammadan Rasulullah.”
They claim that Ali (RA) is the rightful successor of the Prophet (SAW).
Refutations from the Quran & Hadith:
📖 Quran (Al-Ma'idah: 3)
"This day, I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion."
→ Islam was perfected in the Prophet’s time. Any addition to religious acts is an innovation (bid‘ah).
📖 Hadith (Sahih Bukhari & Muslim)
"Whoever introduces something new into our religion that is not from it, it will be rejected."
→ Adding to the Azan is an unauthorized innovation.
Shia Belief:
Every 10th of Muharram (Ashura), Shia mourn the death of Husain (RA) by beating themselves, cutting their bodies, and shedding their own blood.
Refutations from the Quran & Hadith:
📖 Quran (Al-Baqarah: 286)
"Allah does not burden a soul beyond its capacity."
→ Islam does not allow self-harm.
📖 Hadith (Sahih Bukhari & Muslim)
"He is not from us who slaps his cheeks, tears his clothes, and cries with the cry of ignorance."
→ The Prophet (SAW) forbade mourning in extreme ways or self-inflicted injuries.
Shia Belief:
Shia permit Mut‘ah marriage, a temporary marriage contract, which is practically legalized prostitution.
Refutations from the Quran & Hadith:
📖 Quran (Al-Mu’minun: 5-6)
"And they who guard their private parts, except from their wives or those their right hands possess, for indeed, they will not be blamed."
→ Islam only allows permanent, legitimate marriage.
📖 Hadith (Sahih Muslim)
"I had permitted you to practice Mut‘ah, but now Allah has forbidden it until the Day of Judgment."
→ The Prophet (SAW) himself prohibited Mut‘ah marriage permanently.
📌 Conclusion:
Islam remains Islam – there is no such thing as Sunni vs. Shia in the sense of separate religions.
"Sunni" is just a term used to distinguish the original Islam teachings & practices from deviant beliefs. It became a term used by Theologians, researchers and Historians to identify those who remained the original teachings and practices (faithful to the Al-Quran, Sunnah Allah & Sunnah of the Prophet s.a.w).
Shia beliefs clearly contradict authentic Islam, a deviant belief system that strays far from the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), against the fundamental teachings of the Quran and Sunnah.
✔ Islam is ONE, based on the Quran & Sunnah, and does not allow additions, innovations, or distortions.
Therefore, as Muslims, we should hold firmly to the Quran and Sunnah.
annoying background music
Ответитьannoying background music
ОтветитьIn bed, neither group is important to these men!
ОтветитьMistakes happened but that is no reason to divide muslims in 21st century.
ОтветитьWoke transgender lies didn’t work to derail society.
Muslim faith is a fake believe. Muslims haven’t got a clue the worship Baäl (satan). The Koran is written 500 years after Jesus Christ walked this earth. They have not a schred of evidence towards Christianity who have the Grave of Christ and his deathshroud who has been researched and found legit. Step away from the muslimfaith like many smart Iranian women do…👍👍
get it now? you know who's right now...
ОтветитьThis video is produced by a sectarian point of view.
ОтветитьSalam my bros and sis in Islam. I hope everyone is enjoying their Ramadan. Let’s try and keep our bros and sis around the world suffering under oppression in our prayers.
As far as the topic in the video, correct me if I’m wrong but Muslims have separated and secluded each other into opposite factions over a succession? Who was to be the next Khaliph, yeah? Our beloved prophet Muhammad peace and blessing be upon him, his family, and his companions, preached unity, forgiveness, compassion etc. I can go on and on but I think we get the gist of it. It’s Ramadan, the most holy days of the year. Forgive one another, help a stranger, give some charity, make your mother smile. Do good, and good will come to you.
My deepest and heart filled salams to everyone reading this, I hope to meet you in Jannah one day.
do not be of those who associate others with Allāh [Or] of those who have divided their religion and become sects, every faction rejoicing in what it has.
ОтветитьI read an article many years ago which has a different story. This story matches Shia people's version. So I think, you should also bring out the other side of the coin where Sunni's side of story is hiding.
Ответитьthis is all about power
ОтветитьProphet Mohammed AS said I am the city of knowledge and Ali AS is the door to the knowledge. How can anyone who was 40+ when they became Muslims understand Islam as the personality born in the house ALLAH SW KAABA.
ОтветитьAnd the belief to slay the unbelievers and subjugate the non muslims. Satan is proud of this religion
ОтветитьTo all brothers and sisters who are under the islamic anitichrist religion give YOUR HEART TO JESUS CHRIST AND SEE THE TRUTH ABOUT THE TRUE GOD BEFORE ITS TOO LATE
ОтветитьMohamad was made a false prophet by SATAN!!
To fight ISRAEL the chosen of JEHOVAH!! Thats why all the muslims hates THE JEWS!
Islam same hindu worshiping black stone which prohibited according to the law given to Moses!!
BLESS ARE THOSE WHO ACCEPT CHRIST AS GOD AND SAVIOR NOT a simple prophet as muslims believes!! And denieing they DIVINITY OF CHRIST!!!
Where is God in all of these, if not man' s insatiable quest for power and influence?
ОтветитьEverything is based on interpretations how the people of the time interpreted so you could be just following a group of people interpretation and not God's direction... Remembe you can only believe in something you don't know both can't exist simultaneously
ОтветитьVery confused
Ответитьmarrying a cousins' daughter???? YUCK!
ОтветитьPodah sunni…😂😂😂
ОтветитьWhy mention the prophets name and not say PBUH?
ОтветитьThay all Redy cut # ke
Ответитьlow quality content.
Ответитьthis is just shia narrative video in english i thought it was gona be based on some historical facts
ОтветитьPoor Hussein😢and his family may Allah grant them paradise
ОтветитьRemember all good folks will suffer in Hell but the Forgiven will reign next to Jesus and God in Heaven John 3:16😂🎉
ОтветитьSo it’s cuz of political reasons
ОтветитьViolence always begot violence.. love begot love..
ОтветитьThis are all in the past. I'm not a shia, i'm not sunni. I'm only a muslim.
ОтветитьDo you own religion history
ОтветитьDo you own religion history.
Ответитьthe true Muslims believe in the blueprints teachings of Islam the ahly Sunnah wal jemeah consensus moderate muslims believe in the madzhab Imams the people of knowledge and the teachings of tauheed Oneness Asyaeri wal matturidi and tasawuf teachings of akhlak karimah and they reject the teachings of blackprints ideologies and blackprints books of shiea start by Abdullah bin Sabae a yahudi and also reject the takfiri wahabism wahabi yaeni mega Communists follow redprints ideologies and redprints books start by Muhammad ibn abdul wahab together with his teacher Mr hempher also a yahudi
ОтветитьSounds like a load of old flim flam to me.
ОтветитьThen why beloved Prophet allowed Abubeker as Imam during prayer!!! Our Prophet didn't say anything about his successor!!! This is the job of some imposters diversion from the main course of Islam !!!! If you fear and believe in final judgement day , there is no blood inheritance which sadly we see currently in some countries!!!! As Prophet said creating dichotomy among companions is going to be cursed !!! Allah best knows !!!
ОтветитьIf he couldn't read or write my would he have a pen and paper