I've avoided calling out the name of the tv-show, but if you have kids between 2 and 8 years old you'll almost certainly recognize this cookie cutter design! The name is also clear in the design file linked below.
Last shot in the video: Photo with partially removed 'brim' support layer. Full removal took about 5 minutes. It removed easily but there were a lot of small spaces to clean out with my tweezers. I'll try printing without a brim next time.
[NOTE: 3D printed objects don't blend well with food; my son will make a single batch of cookies with this before I modify it to become an ink-stamp for him. Be careful to clean your printed plastics very well if you use them with food]
Design source:
What's new from my first print:
* Using Cura 15.04.6 (as per XMachines suggestion)
* Updated to Lorei printer profile v0.9
* Printing via OctoPi! (see below)
* Shell thickness updated to 0.8mm
* 80mm/s print speed
Other settings worth mentioning (but the same as my last print):
* 0.2mm layer height (fast but lower quality prints)
* still printing in my cold basement (ambient ~17C during print)
* retraction disabled (see below)
* This is fantastic stuff
* uses a cheap (~$35) Raspberry Pi and free software (see the RPi at 0:38 in the video)
* provides a fancy web interface to control and monitor your printer (visible at the start of the video)
* works most (all?) 3D printers
* development was commercially funded for a while, but is now a personal project for the primary developer; Support her if you can (I did!)
* see: for details
Retraction Disabled:
* My extruder keeps grinding through filament when I enable retraction.
* I've had a few ideas on the cause, but am now leaning towards my shabby filament holder (the spool rocks back and forth when filament is pulled out and may be exacerbated if retraction occurs at just the right moment)
* I had about a half dozen failed prints from this (halfway through filament stops extruding)
* I don't think this is an issue with the printer itself and expect that a better filament holder and better filament will make a huge difference
* I've ordered higher quality filament already and will improve my filament holder before my next print. Wish me luck!
#XMachines #Lorei #3DPrinter