Alzheimer's Disease: The EARLY WARNING SIGNS & How To Reverse It | Richard Johnson & Dale Bredesen

Alzheimer's Disease: The EARLY WARNING SIGNS & How To Reverse It | Richard Johnson & Dale Bredesen

Tom Bilyeu

1 год назад

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Tom Bilyeu
Tom Bilyeu - 04.05.2023 05:49

WARNING: I will never ask for your contact info in the comments section, that is someone impersonating me!

new life
new life - 16.09.2023 13:41

What the !!! Can you do a quick dot point?

Man2Man 💪
Man2Man 💪 - 16.09.2023 12:30

Does anyone on this panel look healthy to you. They look like rich guys fear mongeri g with endless data that no one could fact check..making correlations based on animal studies. Scam on scam laroing as charitable and caring. Its all money.

Man2Man 💪
Man2Man 💪 - 16.09.2023 12:27

Tom doesnt speak like a human anymore.

Man2Man 💪
Man2Man 💪 - 16.09.2023 12:24

Tom is a pathological nuerotic. I think we should do horrible experiments force feeding animals so Tom can have another week of life.

Taphrosa Nyamweya
Taphrosa Nyamweya - 16.09.2023 03:06

I believe in God and that He created us in his own image respectively. Tom and your leaned doctors, I have enjoyed this presentation and I want to be trained to train others from the medical standpoint. I am an RN.

Jack Johnsonsr
Jack Johnsonsr - 15.09.2023 03:03

Want to share with her

Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre - 14.09.2023 21:18

Women live longer, so wouldnt that explain most of the difference?

Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre - 14.09.2023 21:15

The covid shots are going to have a long impact on alzheimers like disease, because of the amyloid plaques they cause.

Brainstain - 14.09.2023 20:15

My dad died from alzheimer's and so did my his sister😢. It was devastating to go through!

louie patsis
louie patsis - 13.09.2023 19:52

STOP lying . watch clowns killers in a suit

Kathy Wilkins
Kathy Wilkins - 13.09.2023 16:19

Yes, and manufactured oils ~ canola, crisco, margerine ~ soy oil ~

Elizabeth Conroy
Elizabeth Conroy - 12.09.2023 20:38

Very interesting,Doctors
Thank you
Seeing my Sister in Law going through this terrible disease ,have hope that research is making great advances in finding a cure

Jay Kay
Jay Kay - 12.09.2023 14:24

Exceptional intellects! I studied longevity in the early/mid 90's and the research & wider field at that time was chronically inept & embryonic.
The level of knowledge these gents now have access to is exceptional and regrettably the need for that has risen exponentially also.
Kudos for sharing such an intriguing, engaging & informative conversation.

Mr. Bill
Mr. Bill - 11.09.2023 10:52

Being a good money maker is number 1 in America. Health and preventative medicine is down the list, or there would be a national mandate to do everything possible to reduce dementia and Alzheimer's, for example. But then there is no real money in prevention.
Sorry to be cynical.

Graham Hobbs
Graham Hobbs - 11.09.2023 09:43

5G / smart meters and chem trails. Where are all these comments?

Jennifer Odegard
Jennifer Odegard - 11.09.2023 03:58

"If you give sugar water to a lab rat, after about four weeks, they have trouble walking through a maze." They have fructose in the brain.

M N - 10.09.2023 03:29

My mom got dementia soon after the 💉. My brother in law now has dementia and Parkinson’s after taking all the 💉.

Chuchi Jajalla Sheffield
Chuchi Jajalla Sheffield - 08.09.2023 05:26


Ann Wilson
Ann Wilson - 03.09.2023 21:07

I have had no meat since 1992.
We do not need it at all.

MARK OSBORNE - 31.08.2023 12:50

20 minutes in conclusion eat homecooked meals with plenty of veg low amounts overall of processed carbs, intermittent fast, exercise, avoid alcohol and processed sugars, get plenty of sleep, manage stress, drink plenty of water to promote cleansing of toxins , and maintain good mouth hygiene because of the impact on gut and brain health.

Peggy Cearnach
Peggy Cearnach - 31.08.2023 08:01

Don’t need any fibre AT ALL.

Wayne Wallace
Wayne Wallace - 31.08.2023 02:14

Excellent info, thanks 4 sharing!!!!

Mj Hoop
Mj Hoop - 30.08.2023 04:11

I still want to knowwhy AD is considered a disease.. Is it contagious ? Not that I've heard. Is any company working on a medicinal cure? Don't think so. Do people beat each other over the head in drug dreams, as the Yanomamo in SA do? Does the medical community do any research on how people could have had a head wound that shook the brain in situ?
If sugar is the problem we do have a major problem in this country. Considering how so many football players get dementia, I'm voting for brain shake against the inside of the skull, as in when my skull was shaken hard when a dog jumped at me and pushed me to the blacktop pavement. Woke up from "sleep"4 hours later-- after hospital visit and brain scan --w/ husband walking me into the house. Brain was really knocked around. hard. and when I see brain pix re: alzheimers, I'm ever more sure that it's brain shake that brings it on. Military service makes it likely--check with their medical facilities. Families that rah rah for football w/ little kids--also brain banging activity.......make me wonder how much banging ppl can take on their heads before the body bites back......

T El
T El - 29.08.2023 17:33

I get acid reflux and bloating/gas when I eat vegetables which plagued me for 15 years til I tried eating more meat. I only eat less vegetables because doing so made me rid joint pain, stomach problems as well. The plus is my junk food craving dropped dramatically! Perhaps there's several ways to prevent alzheimer and eating veg mostly or eating meat mostly can do it. Process carbs and sugar is what I try to stay away from. My mom eats vegetables and very little meat..very little..and mostly fish if she does and has vascular dementia by early 80s ( and she walks alot )

Love to Learn
Love to Learn - 28.08.2023 05:42

My friend Alzheimer's with onset age 49. She is 60 now in hospice. None of the risks he outlined. No one in her family had dementia. All four grandparents lived into their nineties. Perfect bloodwork and health. She doesn't even have a gray hair. She lost her teenaged son and within weeks could not add two numbers.

My relative had dementia onset mid 70s. Also no history of dementia in family. Most members lived to between 70 and 90. Has none of the risk factors he outlined. Slim. Perfect bloodwork and the crp and insulin etc were all done yearly for the past 15 years. No diabetes and not even high cholesterol.

I'm glad he has some sort sucess stories but to say it's mostly avoidable I believe is a giant stretch.

gillian corkhill
gillian corkhill - 27.08.2023 18:51

Just watched today, as a 61 year old female with higher uric acid levels (and yes would take any gene therapy/liver thing if ever developed if it stopped dementia down the line!). And high fat levels which does not shift, managed by eliminating fructose/glucose (mostly!) rather (my choice) than taking the meds, as Perlmutter suggests, in Acid Drop. Another piece of the jig saw, especially on the post menopausal female angle. This illness frightens the living daylights, as someone who still works with this client group on a daily basis. Thank you, for me, this is important information.

charlene williams
charlene williams - 26.08.2023 18:32

I was thinking about brain freeze when drinking something cold. I have NEVER had brain freeze, it goes to my esophagus instead. My BP is naturally low. I am wondering if there is a link here? One of my friends gets brain freeze- she has high blood pressure. I am 66. She is 70.

Herma Raubenheimer
Herma Raubenheimer - 26.08.2023 18:04

Tom very interesting. The only stuff that doesn’t I don’t believe is the 15 million years ago- who was living then and where is the proof of the scientists that lived then and written “their “ findings? - this is evolution stuff and a worldview versus a God of the Bible view where evolutionists take God out of the equation. The reason where Lab rats ( animals) doesn’t react the same than humans because humans DOES NOT came from animals. Read Genesis 1-11 in the Bible and all the answers of today’s symptoms of the world are addressed in chapters 1–11. But all over a good information podcast

Christine Vee
Christine Vee - 26.08.2023 16:10

That was amazing to hear him. Talk about chronic body inflammation. Holistic healers in lesser degree medical people have known about it for years and so many doctors have just dismissed it up until now.

jan hensley
jan hensley - 26.08.2023 12:16

Excellent information. Thank you for discussing the importance of proper nutrition! We are what we consume. ❤

Anton Bende Ergonomist for BEAS Int.
Anton Bende Ergonomist for BEAS Int. - 26.08.2023 11:36

I dont hear anything about the Nitric oxide molecule.. you talk about healthy endothelial cells which produce NO but no word! ?? strange

vicha janviriya
vicha janviriya - 26.08.2023 05:40

Alzheimer’s disease is type three diabetes??

Debbie Deering
Debbie Deering - 25.08.2023 20:59

This would be better if he'd shut up and let them talk

Watchmen-Nehemiah 4:20
Watchmen-Nehemiah 4:20 - 25.08.2023 19:56

The greatest healing is found in Jesus Christ. Being found by Jesus is the beginning of life and life more abundant. Inquire of Him while it is yet day for tomorrow is promised to no one. Today is the day of salvation. Jesus died, was buried and rose again to pay in FULL the penalty for your sin and mine. This gift is available to whoever calls upon Him to save them. The Holy Spirit will then come guiding you into all truth. Peace and Joy await. Shalom. Bryan

Zee Best
Zee Best - 25.08.2023 08:13

One guy wearing a G monitor noticed that blueberries REDUCED sugar in the blood. Frozen bread and pasta doesn’t spike your glucose. It’s really about natural unprocessed foods…

Zee Best
Zee Best - 25.08.2023 08:11

VEGETABLES have sugar in them?? Other than carbs how could that be - unless you’re talking canned and restaurant vegetables?

Amanda Brunson
Amanda Brunson - 24.08.2023 10:59

Ya he said Covid like that makes me believe his numbers not

Enos Anderson
Enos Anderson - 23.08.2023 23:50

After reducing my inflamation and resorting to one meal per day I no longer have Gout problems.

Enos Anderson
Enos Anderson - 23.08.2023 23:25

I am 70 years old, is it too late for me to be tested?

g b
g b - 23.08.2023 02:42

Extremely informative postcast. One of the best 2023 Thank you

Bill Weir
Bill Weir - 22.08.2023 22:12

We were created 6000 years ago the word of God tells us all your other ideas about being healthy but sad to hear Mr. Darwin has turned such intelligent people aside from faith in Christ Jesus to believe a lie called evolution which seeks to overturn Creation facts

Linda Eck
Linda Eck - 22.08.2023 17:38

Very good information until you started talking about The Darwin theory!
I believe in creation and I am a descendent of Adam and Eve. Created in the image of God. I will take what you say about how to eat and what to eat but wish you wouldn’t turn people off with your theory’s about evolution.
Thank you for the good information you have shared today about what you have learned about our terrible eating habits and the effects on our brain!

Robyn Hood
Robyn Hood - 22.08.2023 16:04

@TomBilyeu you didn’t ask enough for clarification in this session.

George Marsilio
George Marsilio - 22.08.2023 11:48

everything is your diet you genious!!

Anita Haviland
Anita Haviland - 21.08.2023 18:11

Are Keto Diets good for the older person?

Sarah Milner
Sarah Milner - 21.08.2023 10:12

How are we not talking about the huge difference in the occurrence of Alzheimer in women compared to men. Its mind blowing. Women are so much more succeptable to this awful disease and it has a lot to do with menopause etc I'm no fancy doc but I've seen it on both sides of my own family and extended family

Gary Rabatin
Gary Rabatin - 21.08.2023 03:28

Copy and paste:

Developed by Dr. Bredesen, author of the book The End of Alzheimer's, the cognoscopy is a series of screening tests that aim to assess the risk of Alzheimer's development and identify the factors contributing to an individual's cognitive decline to correct those abnormalities.

CLaudia 🌸
CLaudia 🌸 - 21.08.2023 03:17

Thank you, Tom, for this video. It’s very interesting. My grand aunt has dementia. She is the only one in my family thus far to exhibit this condition. But she is 97 yo. None of her sisters lived as long as she has.

What I find interesting is that I do add salt to my drinks & food. I don’t drink a lot amount of water. I do add electrolytes to a glass of water almost daily. YET my sodium levels are 137. My urine is almost clear. All I could figure is that I add sodium, magnesium & potassium to my water. I stopped buying butter with added salt because of all this talk about sodium. Maybe I should be adding salt to my diet. Just not too much.

I’m a bit confused.

Jr cary thomas
Jr cary thomas - 20.08.2023 22:51

Tom makes it understandable for me.
