Why Siberians Want to Secede from Russia

Why Siberians Want to Secede from Russia

The Icarus Project

8 месяцев назад

1,331,611 Просмотров

Siberia has a truly dark history. And its present isn't much better.

As Russia's war with Ukraine continues, it is now coming to light that Russia has disproportionately targeted Siberians for conscription in the Russian Army under Vladimir Putin's leadership. But this is just the latest in a long line of troubling episodes of Russia's dark history with Siberia.

In this documentary on the history of the Russian Empire and the Russian Federation, we'll explore how - and why - Russia conquered the vast wilderness of Siberia, how it made their leaders unfathomably rich, and how it forever changed the lives of the Siberian people.

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*Selected Sources:*
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For unbiased coverage of the Ukraine War, be sure to visit: https://ground.news/interest/ukraine-crisis?utm_source=icarusproject&utm_medium=pap-link#a_aid=icarusproject

Russia is disproportionately conscripting ethnic Siberians: https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/09/23/russia-partial-military-mobilization-ethnic-minorities/

History of Soviet abuse of indigenous peoples: https://mises.org/wire/soviet-abuse-indigenous-peoples

Russian false flag attacks and creating division in Eastern Ukraine prior to the invasion:

*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which The Icarus Project will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. The Icarus Project is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date.


#russia #russia_vs_ukraine_war #life_in_russia #russia_history #siberia #siberia_history #siberian #siberia_history_documentary #russia_history_docoumentary #russian_history_documentary #russia_ukraine #russia_ukraine_war #russian_empire #putin #vladimir_putin #ukraine_war #ukraine_invasion #czar #tsar #tsar_russia #the_russian_empire #history_of_russian_empire #soviet_union #ussr #russia_geopolitics #geopolitics
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@VadimBelous111 - 07.01.2024 05:05

Нужно выйти из состава России, но отделятся не нужно - нужно вместе с Россией, Белоруссией и ещё рядом крупных республик (с областным делением) образовать Русскую Федерацию. Республики Русской Федерации: Российская, Северотихоокеанская, Сибирская, Казацкая, Белорусская, Русинская (Киевская), Молдавская, Целиноградская, Литовская, Ливонская. Столица Русской Федерации - Смоленск. В переходный период - три столицы: Смоленск, Москва и Санкт-Петербург. В составе республик (унитарных государств) сохронятся территориально-этнические автономии. Всем республикам будут соответствовать поднации, которые вместе будут образовывать русскую полиэтническую меганацию. Понятие русская меганация в этническом смысле близко к понятию советский народ. Русскую меганацию можно сравнить с индийской полиэтнической меганацией. Объединённая Русь будет самодостаточным геополитическим и экономическим пространством и может стать самым успешным европейским государством. Деление Евразии на части Света всегда было условным и много раз менялось. В настоящее время материк следует делить на две примерно равные по территории части. На юге - Азия, на севере Европа.

@marcusmayer1055 - 06.01.2024 19:28

☝️Правильно називати не русские, а Московити

@sunrise3179 - 06.01.2024 19:25

Russa need to move the capitalcity further north to the middle of the country because it will unite the people more and the capital will be save from their adversaries.

@dansmith4077 - 06.01.2024 16:45

Excellent video

@tulubyev - 06.01.2024 15:45

Я напишу по-русски. Если вы правдиво снимете подобный фильм, заменив название Россия на название Соединенные Штаты Америки, то очень многое совпадет и даже покажется более трагическим для коренных народов - многочисленных племен индейцев, населяющих территорию Северной Америки. Кстати - где их поселения, республики, или подобные национальные образования ?

@jaibusby673 - 06.01.2024 12:45

this is only propaganda for the canada to occupy Siberia

@onefootinhell7931 - 06.01.2024 11:49

Ок then... Next topic:
1. Why scotland wants to leave UK.
2. Why nothern Ireland wants to join Ireland
3. Why basks want to leave Spain
4. Why Catalonia wants to leave Spain
5.Why Texas wants to leave USA.
6. Why Iraq wants to become independent from USA
7.why Syria wants to free their territory from USA
8. Why Palestine wants to become independent country
9. Why Kurds want to have their own country...

@LB-mo1dp - 06.01.2024 11:44


@picturehouse2947 - 06.01.2024 10:55

A Propaganda publication on behalf of those powers, the same architects of the situation in Ukraine and other countries, who's intention has been for this to happen in order to consolidate their own power. . .

@larrylorimer3065 - 06.01.2024 05:50

Did the Tsar's get rich from selling Alaska to the States!

@im11yearsold63 - 06.01.2024 04:38

I thought this is North Asia?

@kshenriques - 06.01.2024 01:51

What's amazing about these videos is that they don't hesitate to try and influence your opinion, rather than giving you an opinion that is impartial.

@willibaldfrank8127 - 06.01.2024 01:46

der russische machtkomplex war und ist menschenfeindlich und diktatorisch.
aber der amerikanische transatlantische kabalen-finanzkomplex ist das größte übel und leid der menschheit.
die metastasen dieses krebses wuchern auf dem ganzen erdball.
auch wir in europa leiden unter fremdlenkung und ruinöser idoktrination.
wann beginnen wir mit der sanierung der gesellschaftsstrukturen und beseitigung von macht und feindschaft?

@krilariaspace2249 - 05.01.2024 21:24

Вы хоть одного сибиряка спросили что они хотят?

@vidong1704 - 05.01.2024 16:26

If Siberia secedes from Russia again ( it had in the past), it will not be because native Asian tribes will organize. It will be because all Siberians will organize- both the Slavic and the Natives- into one separate Siberian nationality. Just like when Canada became independent from the UK or Brazil from Portugal. It was not the native tribes that demanded independence, but a new identity as Canadian and Brazilian were formed.

And it will not be independence based on belonging to a small Asian ethnicity, but based on not wanting to share resources with Moscow. It is too far.

There is a Siberian Independence Party, and a Siberian flag. You can Google those.

I am surprised that you did not mention how Siberia was an independent country in the past- and it was not an all Asian country. Most of Siberians who declared independence were actually " white" people.

@vidong1704 - 05.01.2024 14:50

Those were not " Russian City States" but 'Kievan Rus' City states.
Russia is not " Rus" just like Romania is not Rome.
Russia as we know it only started existing as Moscovia later on, and then, renamed itself to Russia.
By showing the map of Kievan Rus as " Russia", you are actually helping Putin saying that it was in fact Russia, thus Ukraine is also Russia.
Kindly practice responsible journalism.

@Siberian_Bear72 - 05.01.2024 13:37

Even the title of the video is provocative and silly. These are the wet nocturnal fantasies of Americans. We Siberians do not want separation from Russia.

@odikaiopolis2832 - 05.01.2024 08:35

LANGLEY fairy tales .....

@domingosandoval6582 - 05.01.2024 03:48

El govierno de Putin ya deve de bajar las Armas en contra de Ukraine porque es un territory muy Rico en gold petroleum y gas y materiales muy valiosos es tierra Bendita buena para la Agriculture tierra Bendita bañada de luna y de Sol

@BrandonGallemore - 05.01.2024 03:35

Not our CIA in 2014? Completely missing the mark here bro. Not a band documentary, but terrible take on the current geo-politics.

@aytharn - 05.01.2024 00:29

How can people that have been at school believe to a bag of bollocks like the pants said in this video? (probably shot in ex-ukraine) ?/?

@martinvanschalk5973 - 04.01.2024 22:55

The Icarus project, stop spreading fake news. You are despicable liars.

@TulakVseobecny - 04.01.2024 22:30

To je blbost, Sibiř je ale Sibiřané jsou kočovný národ, Evenkové, žijí v souladu s přírodou a nikdo je neomrzuje natož aby je tahal do armády 😂😂

@jimdigriz6210 - 04.01.2024 21:55

Как Сибиряк, я очень удивлен, что мы хотим отделиться. Мы и есть Россия))

@cesarormeno5391 - 04.01.2024 21:17


@liberator-conservator - 04.01.2024 16:38

I live in Siberia and this video is absolute crap

@Renuntius_SPQS - 04.01.2024 12:51

US wet dreams & blablabla!

@drgreengood - 04.01.2024 01:42

Cola peninsula was Norwegian

@FutureAIDev2015 - 04.01.2024 01:01

After watching only the first half of this video, and noticing some of the linguistic connections, I am rapidly understanding the cultural references made in the game Eve Online about the civilization known as the Triglavian Collective. Now I think I know why the Collective thrives on internal struggle.

@FutureAIDev2015 - 04.01.2024 00:59

Using the target nation's internal conflicts against it is fiendishly clever. Basically diplomatic "stop hitting yourself".

@Big.Bad.Wolfie - 04.01.2024 00:31

Pentru ca sunt 80 de popoare inrobite si tratate de jegurile de rusi de parca ar fi sclavi.

@pascalgotlib1781 - 04.01.2024 00:09

Ah le vieux rêve des anglo-saxons de disloquer la Russie

@Masa-we2fu - 03.01.2024 16:49

You are just jelause because Russia has preserved all ethnic minorities... in every Russian Republic official languagues are both, native and russian... and in which state in Amwrica you have official language of some Indian tribe ? None!!! So stop lying and spreading fake propaganda, look at your own yard, the rest of the world sees very wrll your yard.... Hollywood movies cannot hide your ugly truth.

@richardstanley7661 - 03.01.2024 16:00

Still pushing the disproven Russian interference narrative? The irony of you speaking of false flags then 5 minutes later you push a false narrative is hilarious.

@LouveBleue48 - 03.01.2024 14:26

Ben voyons? Ils préfèreraient devenir colonisés par les USA ? Pôvres ... Les WASP ayant et sont tellement bienveillants avec les autochtones américains !🤔

@flaviosilvva9733 - 03.01.2024 13:55

The map is very wrong. There really is no separatist movement, no republic would have any advantage, and everyone knows that it is a wet dream for Westerners to take over parts of the largest country in the world.

@namor5567 - 03.01.2024 12:20

Uzalud vam trud svirači 😂😂😂😂

@boskorakita8326 - 03.01.2024 12:03

Where are the Apaches and other Indians?

@saulcherkesov978 - 03.01.2024 04:56

Lies lies and more lies about Russia 😂😂

Why you don't talk about genocide on Palestine?

@nphipps9406 - 03.01.2024 02:13

very sad truth.

@BoothTheGrey - 03.01.2024 01:31

This is not how history is done. You almost dont tell any concrete historical dates. You dont mention concrete politicians or rulers. You are too vague and then talk about "Russia" as if it was one entity.
This is not how history works. This is not how human society works.
Its sad cause you seem to have quite an intnse production and research for pictures and content. But then you present it so inedaqute and with clear tendencies that are not focused on reality.
I can only repeat: This is not how history works.

@immarchenwald5131 - 03.01.2024 01:00

Noch ein Versuch der Amerikaner, Russland zu spalten?
Haben die Ureinwohner Nordamerikas etwa mehr Souveränität?
Typisch Ami: immer mit den Fingern auf die anderen zeigen, aber die eigenen Fehler verschweigen!

@immarchenwald5131 - 03.01.2024 00:51

Nur gut, dass die Indianer und Eskimos Amerikas bis heute ihre vollkommene Freiheit und Unabhängigkeit genießen sowie selbst zu 100% über ihr eigenes angestammtes Land verfügen. Das konnte nur geschehen, weil sie alle völkerrechtswidrigen Eindringlinge rechtzeitig zurückschlagen konnten.

@Knightfire66 - 02.01.2024 17:56

today they live in "autonomous" "republics" which doesnt mean anything. its just a word play. those areas are nothing close to real "autonomous republics".

@AndriiBorysov-kk5ii - 02.01.2024 17:49

This video is full of inaccuracies and outright misinformation! Unfortunately, the author failed to research the subject properly. As was already pointed out, benefactors and beneficiaries are different. Kyiv was never a part of russian lands, russia appeared later on.
The whole topic had been in the news forever it seems and creators who only now decided to jump on the trend should do better.

@hqe1362 - 02.01.2024 17:26

Thank you

@Knightfire66 - 02.01.2024 15:58

Without russian emperialism siberian would still live in stone age. But its a fact that russian colonisation and massacres of siberian people damaged them a lot. Russia also exploits their land till the last drop. Russia also pays back but still an independent Siberian republic would be beneficial for them. Tatar, Yakutsk, bozkir, cagatay and altai turcs want be independent. They dont say it out loud because we have all seen the chechen genocide. But thats fact every one knows. for instance west siberia is originally Tataria. But the federation didnt give tatars their own autonomous rightful region, only a small city. The largest turc group in the federation. in total the number of ethnic native turcs in the federation is 10-15 million today. and imagine the potential number today without the ethnic cleansing and genocide of the sovjets. the real number is unknown but experts can only guess the extend of the genocide. maybe +-10 mio turcs have been murdered? the largest genocides in human history:
1. africans generally (by usa/britain)
2. central americans (by portugal/spain)
3. india (britain)
4. china (britain/japan)
5. turcs (russia/sovjet)
6. africa again (by belgium/netherlands)
7. jewisch europeans (by germany)

@mabttoy9027 - 02.01.2024 15:35

Le jeu constant de l'occident pour déstabiliser les pays qui ne trouvent sur leur ligne de résignation .la Russie a vite compris le jeu.

@I-Nex - 02.01.2024 15:01

I loooove when people from the west decide things for me
