How to Get a Literary Agent in 2024 | What Do Agents Look for in Writers?

How to Get a Literary Agent in 2024 | What Do Agents Look for in Writers?

Alyssa Matesic

3 года назад

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@AlyssaMatesic - 03.01.2021 17:21

Are you in the process of querying agents? Let me know how it's been going.

@glindsay7732 - 29.01.2024 21:35

You mentioned copywrite, is that something we should do prior to seeking out an agent?

@verastar9159 - 23.01.2024 19:22

I wrote a book( originally in Ukrainian, it's about my experience in war), but I want to publish it in I'm looking for agent, but I don't know where to start...will appreciate any help! Thanks

@odaranetwork7780 - 22.01.2024 12:16

Are you a literary agent?

@amjan8803 - 05.01.2024 23:14

If someone has written a series, can they refuse to write a lengthy synopsis that gives away absolutely everything if that's what's asked of them? What bothers me about various Agents asking for every twist, turn and ending is, it doesn't leave anything to the imagination in terms of storytelling. If they know everything upfront, there's zero element of surprise, which is what storytelling is about, isn't it?? 🙏

@amjan8803 - 05.01.2024 19:18

How does a first time.writer approach a literary agent with a book series? What are the do's and don't's? Thanks in advance!!

@amjan8803 - 05.01.2024 15:45

Like your work a lot. 🙏 Had a few questions you may have answered on your vids that I may have missed, but I wanted to know: (1.) Once a manuscript has been finalised, how does one copyright protect it before it being sent off? (2.) Some agents ask for a full synopsis, with every twist, turn, and every ending in detail... why? For someone whose job is to read and get excited by a book, shouldn't they be reading work and not expecting the blueprint to be handed on a plate to them? The sound of this is complete distrust. Can these people be trusted if they're not willing to read the work of someone who has labored over their work of art? (3.) In the whole scheme of things, a publisher taking 90% of a writers efforts seems like an utter scam... how is this onesided business model even fair? (4.) What's expected at the first meeting with an agent if they like you... is there a contract set out, or is it based on faith? (5.) What if you need time to think...? Anyone can make promises and not deliver, from an agents point of view. (6.) You said in a vid, that most writers don't make money beyond the down payment... then if the publisher continues to sell the book, they'd still continue to make 90% off it. Is their a cut off point where the publisher cannot continue to rip off a writer?? Like, if it is successful, and the writer decides they've had enough, can they take the book to another publisher??? This is taking into consideration the contract time has elapsed. Thanks in advance. 🙏

@chrisrosty4491 - 02.01.2024 12:30

Alyssa, you rule! Thanks for the help!

@An_Escaped_Mind - 26.12.2023 16:45

Thank you for the video! How do contracts work? Lets say I have a genius book potential yet I am working a minimum wage job, could I get a contract to write the book in one year so that I don’t have to work a minimum wage job?

@Brayden448 - 16.12.2023 21:24

I loved your post here. How can I get in touch with you about editing? Advice?

@wyattonline - 06.12.2023 19:09

Hi, enjoy your focused video style. Are you prices posted somewhere or is a submission form nessary? Thanks, Wyatt

@kabamfatu6654 - 05.12.2023 07:04

This was really helpful. Do I need to have a complete book before reaching an agent? Or What its a draft?

@theoracleofhope - 27.11.2023 05:57

Thank you babe! The first video i’ve watched of yours, very helpful. I’ll be sure to watch more 🙏🏼

@Nora-et6et - 26.11.2023 01:54

Is there a a website that I should go to to find a database of all agents ?

@yardsalestanleyplayers24 - 15.11.2023 10:50

sounds to me everbody out there is all pent up looking for the next big thing to happen.
kurt vonnegut said his lunch needed to be fed . and his trash can caught on fire a number of times , and the cleaning lady quit ! he stopped his work gave the lady a raise , then went back to work , pall mall cigs caught his trash can on fire ! but he didnt stop writing , he didnt notice all those distractions , if we get easily distracted, then the work we do is likely no good anyway. penguin is "eh cool men cool" name for a bunch of people with pens in hand . the beatles ? the beat . i get it . Cool man . in french this means, casual dress code . or a bird in the bush is worth two ... wait a minute . did i call you or did you call me ?

@MiaCosco - 11.11.2023 21:36

Thank you for this!

@damiandemogines1843 - 11.11.2023 01:25

Thank you so much alyssa. I loved your video I definitely would like to connect. I do want to try to go the traditional publishing route and I definitely want to get a literary agent. Right now what I really need is a list of literary agents that would potentially be interested in my book. I definitely want to Target agents who are I definitely want to Target agents who are more familiar with what kind of book that I have written. I also would like to know how many pages I should send in the sample. Thanks so much for your time

@10percentDan - 10.11.2023 12:24

As a talent manager myself and having been an agent for years I must say this is GREAT.

Thank you! 🎉

@darylllawson2912 - 03.11.2023 04:09

I have written 47 pages of the first draft of my christian fiction novel.

@treasured.arrows - 02.11.2023 01:30

Thanks for the information! I did wonder, is having a following prior to querying important as well?

@mom-xj1fw - 31.10.2023 19:14

how would i go about finding an agent that likes my genre? or is it pure luck?

@BelleRose11000 - 26.10.2023 03:22

Best agent advice ever!

@fowziazia5850 - 13.10.2023 20:12

I am in the process of writing a book that’s almost finished.It’s about kidnapping,murder,romance and very big political personalities.It’s a memoir and my first book. I love your channel n wanted to know if I can work with you? Thx

@RoddThunderheart - 13.10.2023 19:25

Okay I was encouraged by this video (and Critical Drinkers "How to Get Published") However, I was slightly worried because I've self-published my first book but it's become the first book in a series. I'm on the downside/halfway point of the second book. I have books 3-7 plotted out it's just getting to the next once my current book. Being Indigenous I also have a Historical Romance on the backburner.

My concern isnt publishing my first, it's seeing if some might find the series worthwhile. However my concern is whether publishers would find it palatable.

My book See Through Love is a Romance, Martial Arts, Sci-Fi, Comedy, Drama, & Spy Thriller. The basic premise is a Spanish teacher who can become invisible when angry is shocked to discover the new Gym Teacher is blind but can see her when she's invisible. As the Gym Teacher secret past comes back to bring him into a final mission. What follows is whirlwind romance with secret powers, government conspiracies, and international intrigue.

I was happy I created a multi genre'd story but editor remained doubtful because she told me "Okay but where do book stores put it?"😂

@Exayevie - 04.10.2023 22:09

I'm so confused... how does this say "in 2023" and mention the S+S merger when it was posted 2 years ago and has year-old comments?

@Really377 - 30.09.2023 23:19

Can you recommend where I should go for a nonfiction agent? Great video!

@kossamkonyaknaga4279 - 28.09.2023 14:20

I have a script almost done. I hope this video will help. 🙏🙏

@ikaristim - 22.09.2023 00:24

i am writing Picture books, but I always add art this a bad thing?

@henrytjernlund - 16.09.2023 01:10

I'm told I'm too old.

@marikemcreatives - 15.09.2023 07:21

Do you have any reputable agencies i can query with in England?

@michaelkelleypoetry - 14.09.2023 23:57

If someone is really concerned about their work being stolen if they email it to a publisher or agent, they should just do a Poor Man's Copyright on it by mailing it to themselves so they will have to sign for it. Then keeping it unopened in a safe. There's absolutely no reason to get ugly with someone in an email whose services you're wanting to hire.

@ladyjatheist2763 - 05.09.2023 23:01

I literally have hundreds of rejection letters from submissions through the years, and am at a point where I have 11 completed books, 9 of which are fiction novels, a trilogy, two singles, and a series of 5. I'm preparing to pitch 5 of the projects to various studios, and have felt the old enthusiasm come back enough that it's possible I'm finally ready to start approaching agents again. It would be lovely to see if any of my projects can spark their interest. Thank you for putting these videos out, I just found them and have gratefully subscribed.

@videogamestylemusic - 03.09.2023 20:23

How can you speak so agonizingly roundabout and slow... Appreciate the video though

@benkeafer6869 - 29.08.2023 14:58

I self-published my first book of a series., but I have been thinking of going the traditional route, that is, if I can find the right agent for my genre.

@dissectingdiy - 24.08.2023 04:59

So true, I’ve been looking for months. The problem has been a lot of them are one sided. What do I mean? Every single one of them at one agency focuses on all the same topics. Any diversification of genre was essentially splitting hairs. I couldn’t even query yet because the literary agency’s I’ve decided are the most reliable, have good BBB reputation, and have many comps and content in my genre just aren’t looking in those areas anymore. It’s a bummer, I have two books written. Done 12th draft, beta read, 152,000 word between the two books. Books 1 and 2 done. 3 is on the drawing board. There’s another completely different book I have written in my head. It’s tough to network right because you’re kind of an outsider when you’re just starting out. They’re all over the country and like you said. Hundreds of submissions from likeminded authors like you.

I love Knight Agency, The Star Trek Books, Coda, Mass Effect etc. that they’ve published, many book I own and are comps to my own, great cover art. They’re top notch and I totally get it. They have to go with what’s selling and what’s working. But it would be a an honor to work with them.

@michaelbennett4146 - 16.08.2023 19:38

What if I've completed multiple projects in a specific genere? Would it be considered good or bad to say, submit 3 or 4 queries to one agent?

@josec6321 - 10.08.2023 20:21

why is everything based in New York? There's a lot of talent being ignored in L.A and Silver Lake (native Angelenos are full of talent) yet, the ignored because the east coast connections are lacking.

@tomgrant3893 - 08.08.2023 02:20

Dose publishing another story on Amazon count besides the other I've written, do I mention that in my query ?.

@ProMovieBlogger - 25.07.2023 03:27

Great tips. Insightful.

@aijiexi - 24.07.2023 09:29

Wher do we find literary agents?

@j.a.m6356 - 22.07.2023 20:15

Great! Great info!!! Thank you!!!

@pokeythescowlingcat6221 - 17.07.2023 19:33

Video called how to get literary agent in 2023. Was uploaded two years ago.

@jeanpascalmonzies8592 - 15.07.2023 18:27

Great, thanks for this video! Super helpful!

@amyowen6276 - 15.07.2023 00:04

Hi Alyssa! What a well-done video! I am trying to help my son pursue publication + finding a literary agent - which I realize is super important for the big publishing houses. Where can I find lists of agents to send a query to ? Thanks so much!

@missgrenada - 14.07.2023 02:33

You are a God sent. Thank you.

@alinegeryes516 - 06.07.2023 23:40

This is great, but WHERE do I find contact I for these literary agents? And query letters … physical or digital?? Thank you!! 💜

@kateamaiuli793 - 28.06.2023 01:15

Can you name drop some good literary agents? There are so many, and I have no idea how to find their sales records or how to tell if they can even sell my book.

@kristinmiller4264 - 24.06.2023 03:33

Hi!! Im a first time writer and halfway through my first book of a planned 4. Should I finish my first book before trying to get an agent? Thank you for sharing your knowledge

@Dawn-Kelly - 23.06.2023 20:25

Hi! Are you a literary agent? I need one and I like everything you have said!!

@arthurpressley5988 - 14.06.2023 03:57

Thanks. Very helpful.
