Top 10 Highest Paying Entry Level Jobs in Tech | Coding & More

Top 10 Highest Paying Entry Level Jobs in Tech | Coding & More

Tiff In Tech

1 год назад

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@reniefibra7601 - 09.10.2024 23:15

I want become janitor first mam

@reniefibra7601 - 09.10.2024 23:14

Maybe I'm not fa

@reniefibra7601 - 01.10.2024 06:37


@joeguistolise5939 - 04.09.2024 22:16

Really annoying way to present info

@zach.intech - 04.09.2024 12:31

Is full stack entry level? I thought it requires previous experience.

@EduardMititiuc - 23.08.2024 13:37

Entry level jobs in tech? Do you have any idea what are you talking about? There is no such a thing, there are no jobs even for seniors with 10+ years of experience. It is evident, you are doing this video only for views.

@przemyslawwawrzynczak2348 - 26.06.2024 07:49

Can I ask gpt to anwser most questions when they come up in meetings?

@zach.intech - 30.05.2024 10:47

Cybersecurity might be very boring for certain people. You have to be very alert and fully focused on protecting data and networks. I believe it’s hard to get into if you don’t have experience. But once you do get into the field. The competition starts to get less competitive

@PAMELAWEAVER-w1x - 05.05.2024 23:16

Good to know. 👍🏼

@jaimev6062 - 19.04.2024 06:45

Great presentation skills! Enjoyed the video

@Civernet00 - 23.01.2024 16:42

I am a software engineer, I have a lot of money and I would like to marry you, you are the woman of my dreams. of course, my skin is tanned and I am very handsome

@SergeyFominVL - 23.01.2024 01:47

Thanks, Tiffany! What do you think about Quality Assurance Engineers? Any demand estimates?

@roldanduarteholguin7102 - 20.01.2024 00:08

Export the Quantum, Chat GPT, Revit, Plant 3D, Civil 3D, Inventor, ENGI file of the Building or Refinery to Excel, prepare Budget 1 and export it to COBRA. Prepare Budget 2 and export it to Microsoft Project. Solve the problems of Overallocated Resources, Planning Problems, prepare the Budget 3 with which the construction of the Building or the Refinery is going to be quoted.

@Natulysses - 17.01.2024 17:23

Code academy sponsoring you are they? There are plenty of resources online some for free or cheaper: RADwomen for Salesforce related development.

@kamaldurant2908 - 04.01.2024 14:58

yow this video may of just given me the courage and encouragement to start my life in tech.

@szymonadamczuk5367 - 03.01.2024 15:48

Why you don't talk about how hard is actually to get a entry job in software engineering??? Doing it just for views and algorithms

@arturoaramburu570 - 29.12.2023 22:18

Great video, im actually learning Data Science specifically Data Analyst, but i enter in this world of Data because of Machine Learning and AI, Happy Hollidays to all !!!

@cookymonstr7918 - 23.12.2023 16:19

The sound!

@MusiComputerScience - 20.12.2023 21:50

Great analysis Thanks

@ericajordan59 - 12.12.2023 17:07

Thank you for this video❤️❤️

@sch2217 - 03.12.2023 22:53

Anyone super distracted by the hair loop on her head? No? Just me? ok...

@Beautyful_amm - 25.11.2023 14:07

These really don’t seem like entry level.

@d7om1bigdeal - 24.11.2023 10:13

That was awasome review 👍🏽💯 and kind of funny 2😅 but I have a concern, since I'm a health professional (Dietitian) but I wanna make some twist to my path, I wanna know what do you think about Medical Coding? Is it highly demanded? I guess it's salary might not be among highest (especially in our ME region) but I think that's okay though.. If it's really demanded highly

@HOLLYKelley-u3h - 14.11.2023 18:59

I will take the Job.

@alexsyzoniuk8335 - 11.11.2023 17:08

What you are actually describing Data Analyst role, and not data scientist. Data scientists focus is to develop ML models

@jasonmurray8777 - 11.11.2023 10:51

Funny all this push for data scientists when what most places want is data analysts. Add to that a lot of places will hire someone in a data science or data analytics role who quits quickly because the employer has no data governance standards (or fails to resource or enforce them) which relegates most of the data employee's efforts to fights over data management before they can even start doing their job effectively.

@nickbeaver5944 - 11.11.2023 08:25

Stop stopping and reanalyzing what you just said. "mythical unicorn" "large manager" etc just keep talking or cut your videos differently.

@moisesespiritosanto2195 - 10.11.2023 17:36

Hi, I'm from São Paulo! ABRAÇO FORTE DE URSO!

@mar.go_dev - 08.11.2023 00:40

Thank you! ❤ Do you have any promo code for CodeAcademy, please? 👀

@MUSTANSERHUSSAIN-u4n - 06.11.2023 18:00

Please. Make video for data science. To cover all the path way of data science. From Pakistan.

@r_c_h_d7409 - 06.11.2023 09:15

Yeah ok ok. I have certs, full stack dev projects, and like 12 coursera classes around math and computer science but am getting passed for help desk roles. I'm confuuuuuuused.

@cynthiabrewer266 - 06.11.2023 06:45

Hi, where does instructional design Fall on the list of tech jobs?

@dennisreynolds9202 - 06.11.2023 06:05

I got a cybersecurity associate degree, and I still can't even find a job. Lol

@finurra3905 - 05.11.2023 16:50

So glad I found your channel! Thank you for all of this info!

@TheAniki94 - 05.11.2023 06:49

Very nice video :) can't wait for a part 2 with other jobs in tech, there are soooo much possibilities it's overwhelming 😂

@janstarak4877 - 04.11.2023 12:25

Hi, what do you think about blockchain development? Does it also belong on the list or is it not that popular yet? and educative videos,.thumbs up 👍

@calebo3621 - 04.11.2023 11:20

None of these jobs sound like entry level titles and if they are how can we start training for these

@kazuhide7737 - 04.11.2023 06:48

Thanks for the nice and informative video! I would like to ask if Software Quality Assurance - Automation is a good career path? Thanks!

@jermainemyrn19 - 04.11.2023 01:37

You forgot RPA development

@johnpatrickoldfield534 - 04.11.2023 00:40

The potential employers don’t bite, they keep reiterating around my job requirements. 🙂😉🙂🙃🧐😟😞😒😏

@Tahir-eo9mu - 03.11.2023 23:27

@Black_Myth679 - 03.11.2023 23:20

I’m a EE looking to possibly make a switch. Please make a video on how to become an AI engineer please 🥳

@jl_117 - 03.11.2023 00:38

I think things like React Native may have decreased the hype for iOS developers

@anakojic634 - 02.11.2023 18:44

Your skin is perfect! 😊

@PTulini - 02.11.2023 16:40

Hi Tiff, don't know if you'll see this? I was wondering what your recommendations would be for me if I was looking to get into cloud computing? I was looking at a 6 month program through Great Learning that's associated with University of Texas Austin. I'm not sure if it's a good option? Any feedback would be appreciated.
