Gen Z Men Will Be Destroyed by The Red Pill.

Gen Z Men Will Be Destroyed by The Red Pill.

Art Chad

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@JamesAugustine-ol4uu - 09.02.2024 06:06

Take the Christ Pill

@369ZIR - 08.02.2024 18:37

Yeah if you have no real experience with women? Take some of this redpill stuff with a grain of salt.
Men are starting to sound like a bunch of cry babies 😂

@xilef_ow - 08.02.2024 14:56

W0m€n as a whole have made themselves such a negative ROI activity that 90% of the 6&7 fig earners who like me are in their 20s don't even try to get with them anymore since professionals take money but leave you alone afterwards instead of taking half your stuff for the next 18-29years [depending on country]

@CyphersBasement - 08.02.2024 00:22

The Red Pill, taken to the extreme, can produce negativity in a person by making them fully cognizant of what they do not have in storage to call their own, what they do not have on their plate to eat, and what they are missing in their adult life in various areas/aspects, dating/romance being one of note, emboldening people to look at what they are missing in life and making it a point to say that bitterness can be weaponized, and SHOULD, if in fact you feel bad about such scarcities. It creates paranoia in people who are, at the VERY least, misguided.

The Blue Pill is trash, the Black Pill is for LOSERS, the Purple Pill is for those confused creatures who seek balance, arguably with refusal to pursue a lead in life, and the White Pill is for those who live life optimistically, regardless the setback.

Pursue the White Pill while also becoming aware of pitfalls that tend to neighbor the path of your happy future. Don't allow for your doubts to overtake your ambition, but measure your options and possibilities accordingly while remaining vigilant. Though I am a weak person in a few ways, I don't let my known weaknesses keep me down, and neither should you allow for your weaknesses to hurt you in such a way.

Keep your head up, always!

@rhysmaketa4187 - 06.02.2024 19:15

The red pill, to a certain degree helps a lot. But the moment they start quoting statistics i just tune out. Also, how are women at fault when the red pill is about taking accountability for your own actions and focusing on yourself? Most red pill talking heads are NPCs parroting the same 3 things between themselves for the last 5 years😂

@chadvagbuster6580 - 06.02.2024 17:33

we don't care 🗿🗿🗿🗿

@Sapwolf - 06.02.2024 04:36

NO. That is not what the Red Pill is from the Matrix. In the Matrix, the blue pill is mildly comfortable slavery vs challenging freedom. It is blue like blues today vs reds today who are for the republic, virtue and responsibility.

@pakoti96 - 05.02.2024 13:13

The big issue with the Red Pill is that they are correct in their observations but don't offer real solutions. You are right in that the RP accepts a jaded dog-eat-dog worldview.

The thing is that we must understand the Red Pill in order to transcend it. We can't return to naiveté and the blue pill.

@Mr_Pionret - 05.02.2024 10:33

Welp its good thing that i don't care anything anymore

@50eurocent90 - 05.02.2024 02:18

You have to choose between red pill shit and actually being attractive. Faster you understand, better for you.

@RenegadeManta799 - 05.02.2024 01:44

Only meet one woman worth it, and she's lesbian, so... 😂😂😂 FML. Also the world has always been Gynocentric so your argument falls flat.

@shanpatrickbaker988 - 05.02.2024 01:42

I am happy with Gen Z, they are finally waking up. If we ever get to fight for true freedom, it will be Gen Z that leads the way. The previous generations hit Gen-Z so hard that they are (rightfully) angry. All of the Boomers and the Millennials are a weak cancer in society. And believe me, I am not Gen Z, I am 36 years old. Still, I know the rest of the 36 year old people around me, and they are WEAK.
The blue pill is weakness, the red pill and the black pill are truth.

@aladjicrimisi6343 - 05.02.2024 00:25

that mostly in the west

@user-bv1hg8vo5h - 04.02.2024 12:53

His whole argument is based on men and women are the same, and Government is your friend. Both delusional. He never addresses any one point, just sugar-coating and deflecting, monkey branching from one topic to another. Kinda like the woman mind. Women are hived minded, need others to come to a conclusion, same can be said about certain men who have been propagandized from young age. This is just a fake hit piece on something he is afraid to deal with head on. Let me avoid straight conversion, and deflect, and monkey branch from topic to topic without having an honest conversion with those I disagree with. I understand the female side, and the male. I understand the black pill, blue pill, red pill sides. Until you stop thinking with feelings and emotions, understand there are things more important than yourself, your wants, your feelings, your emotions, you are lost, you will end up in a bad place later on in life at some point. Enjoy your deletion while you can, it doesn't last for long. You will live most of your years sad, lonely, depressed, wishing you were open-minded.

@E.Pierro.Artist - 04.02.2024 10:11

It's the natural consequence of individualism. None of this is new, rather it happens every generation; it just seems more apparent to us as we age and see the younger generation doing what we did when we were their age. The weird thing is that people think they deserve anything, at all, whether they worked for it or not.

@dimastashyi1793 - 04.02.2024 06:06

Most stupid video i've seen. Barley comprehensible.

@IGNACY-fp8zo - 03.02.2024 04:17

I got cheated on, most of my friends have been cheated on, but I guess that's insignificant because a few women somewhere are trustworthy

@cbjamboii - 02.02.2024 23:49

Bro Is like old Sneako without the crazy edits

@PeterLitchfield-ic7kf - 02.02.2024 18:06

It's all the TradCath that's the real redpill lol

@Fm25duytorsch - 02.02.2024 16:34

I don´t quite get why the example of suggesting a place or time for a date is repeated so often. I mean, this is obviously a minor detail without consequence. If you´ve gotten so far that she agreed to meeting you, it won´t likely fail just because of the way you´re first aksing her for the details, or is that soemthing that really happens with any regularity? Assuming, of course, that at least one of you is capable of suggesting a date and time eventually, which is just common sense, or plain logic, if you will. And once you´re meeting up, I strongly doubt that some vague memeory of you somehow not appearing confident in that one text message is going to be even remotely as important as what happens on the acutal date. Perhaps it´s just meant as an example for the "confidence is key"-theory, but then it´s just a really bad one

@fucker304 - 02.02.2024 11:15

Simp alert!

@jaheloha2173 - 01.02.2024 10:39

This fool wouldn't know The Red Pill if he tripped over it! Feminism i.e. Marxism bangs on endlessly about oppression i.e. The Blue Pill...The Red Pill critiques this and proposes a renewed social contract based on mutual love and respect outlining an agreed upon labour division...It also notes the unavoidable biological differences between the sexes and the inevitable influence this will have upon competencies in different areas...especially that men can and do go out into the world and run it, thus keeping everyone alive...but that only women can reproduce the future of the species...both roles are seen as essential to our species survival...It is about playing to our inherent strengths to maximise everyone's survival...not pandering to ideologies which don't actually work ..nor is it about putting the sensitivities/delusions of a few over the free speech of all...TAKE THE RED PILL! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO! YOU KNOW THAT, IN REALITY, YOU ALREADY HAVE! THERE NEVER REALLY WAS A CHOICE...MERELY THE ILLUSION OF ONE! Hence, deja vu...we dream our reality and then act it out in the waking world...

@marthas9255 - 31.01.2024 20:05

Scholarly attitude to discern how things actually work. Abandon ideology indeed. My humble little village of Hong Kong had a good few generations of that, makes you feel like you're in good hands and never lacking despite not living in a palace. Remnant of two millenium worth of Christianity perhaps, the way the western mind organizes its perception and so its division of the world - a need for clear but simple rules and follow them strictly hoping for the best. Problems? must be heathens and heretics, definitely not a problem in our thinking. Funny how many of those thinkers lived miserable lives and died relatively lonely while ours were given court positions and remembered in history (not because they were discovered after their deaths.)

@marthas9255 - 31.01.2024 19:55

they don't even realize they rediscovered the same shit. hell, I thought was a genius for 13 minutes once then I found all the things people have put out on a similar line of thought. Never made that mistake again. The problem is getting people to know these things. For some damn reason abstract knowledge is not made noticeable in the US, sometimes one has to over explain what is normal human intuition and other senses in most other places to get a simple fucking feeling across.

@marthas9255 - 31.01.2024 17:46

We misunderstood something along the way when they were teaching us about human rights. What they meant under their context in previous times didn't translate so well when they didn't meaningfully compare and contrast it with our contemporary senses. And yet there are better managed cities that focus on other goals that create environment where attaining these things are much more humanly possible.

@adambailes8241 - 31.01.2024 07:42

Strong start, Then you just went full rtard.

@MaskTalk223 - 31.01.2024 04:51

First thing I noticed was your shirt 👌🏻 also this is the first video I’ve seen from you, I love it keep it up

@RushSho - 30.01.2024 23:11

I wanted to be loved just for the person I was. Women told me, how nice and great I was. But I was not good enough for them. I was weak, broken, mentally not stable at all. But nobody told me that. My father and my brother told me nothing about the world and women, I had to find out all by myself. Red Pill healed my naive world view. I see women differently now. I improved myself. I do not expect much anymore from anybody. If my girl friend leaves me, thats ok, I would not feel much, I would just go on. Deep inside I know, she is not mine, it is just my turn. Red Pill is deeply engraved in my subconscious. I just take care of myself and the people around me. I work hard on myself almost every day. Thank god, I found Red Pill! I watch Red Pill content very often, because I don't want to fall for the blue pill reality.

@warriorovlight373 - 30.01.2024 01:47

The choice is simple if you're a man. Be a Cuck, The Red Pill or The Pink Pill. Take your pick -- I chose the Pink One.

@Serennissimo - 29.01.2024 16:36

The fucking end is coming?

@karenhaggard7094 - 29.01.2024 05:46

I LOVE your stuff but BRO Im just annoyed that you are wearing a metal t- shirt TUCKED IN WITH A BELT

@nowaytoisop8776 - 29.01.2024 02:19

We're experiencing this problem because a majority of Gen Z lack Jesus

@muleavenger9772 - 29.01.2024 01:33

I think that nihilism you speak of is the Black pill my man.

@bretthart1352 - 28.01.2024 04:35

Redpill is all lies and fake, thats why all young men out there that arent tall and good looking are finding gfs and looks matching.

W0m3n give ALL MEN A CHANC based on personality. Thats why all tinder data and dating site data proves they only find 20% of men attractive at all and swipe yes on 5% or less.

Bluepill feminist dating advice never lies to you and so mwny men are so happy in marriages. Thats why NO ONE IS GETTING MARRIED ANYMORE and men are giving up on dating entirely...

@ian5220 - 27.01.2024 22:33

If all the dictators in history took peoples guns away before mass killings,then the government that is trying to take away our guns is planning on killing us. It’s the truth the government is always filled with psychopathic mass murdering assholes

@dreadassembly4087 - 27.01.2024 17:06

Blue pilled men are afraid of the collapse of the societal structure that has spoiled and domesticated them. They like the idea of having resources easily available so they can devote their free time to video games and social media. Life off the leash is a terrible thought for them because they know there place on the food chain is an illusion which is why no one is flocking to 3rd world countries.

@TheTeeWorldsfreak - 27.01.2024 12:33

Also, from what I noticed, you didn't really cover the "red pill". You more likely covered the tips fedora version of the "red pill".

@TheTeeWorldsfreak - 27.01.2024 12:31

The biggest problem I see is that people can't have a normal discussion anymore.
It's either A, or B. Or red / blue in this case.
We don't need to be one extreme.
The truth usually lies in the middle.

@jonoo81oont84 - 27.01.2024 06:55

men are highly more likely to be single, homeless, die from an overdose and or just flat out commit suicide. That’s hella sad but even worse is how these guys think it’s because of how women treat them.. it’s crazy, us guys statistically do more risky things, and deep depression comes with the territory.. which unchecked can lead to suicidal behaviors. They need to take responsibility and self regulate, can’t make a victim when you’re crazy life leads to an insane situation!

@VanEuclid - 27.01.2024 03:35

red pill is step 1 then step 2 is trad cath hyper capitalism

@matthewgallant3622 - 27.01.2024 01:51

Modern men are missing something. Women too. My grandfather doesn’t lament the fact that girls aren’t into him. His generation didn’t go through DECADES of dating. Which is not healthy at all I don’t think. He’s been married to my grandmother for 65 years now and he’s a ton happier than men who’ve spent half their lives dating casually. Marriage IS a good thing.

@toxotorana - 26.01.2024 18:28

The red pill/blue pill choice offered to Neo was a Studio decision , it wasn't in the Matrix script. In the original script Neo was offered an obscure Hallucinagen. Take the Yellow Tab.

@Shiro642 - 26.01.2024 08:29

66% of young men are inc*ls
Im sure its their fault and you just happen to be wiser and better than 2/3 of men aged 18-34
