Patty Jenkins and Ruin Johnson's WanderVisan

Patty Jenkins and Ruin Johnson's WanderVisan


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Aaron Baron
Aaron Baron - 27.09.2023 14:24

So basically if there is a female writer or director you're going to have chicks that weigh 95 lbs be able to tank cars and throw large men around because it's an empowerment fantasy. Just like every other Mary Sue. I miss real female heroes that weren't evil and had to work to gain victory. I'd say I miss good writing but there are still good things out there. Just not from Disney.

Yasser Masalkhi
Yasser Masalkhi - 24.09.2023 15:28

A day has only 86 400 seconds. 9 days have only 777 600 seconds. So the must be speedsters to assemble him more than million times.

Latinum2Go - 24.09.2023 12:38

Monica is critical drinker. I knew it all along

Danique Maxwell
Danique Maxwell - 18.09.2023 16:27

@mistermr.7830 this video will better explain what I'm saying

Nerusonjr - 06.09.2023 02:06

Love the god forgive me meme

dacaba2001 - 05.09.2023 23:54

CUM MAN 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Derek Hansen
Derek Hansen - 01.09.2023 08:07

I think it would have been infinitely superior if this was Agatha who bewitched Wanda, using it as a cover to try and make sure that Wanda got the blame for it. You could have it change one does outlook, that everyone really believed she was behind it, making her less trusting of people, more conflicted and worried about future team-ups, wondering what people want from her and hidden motives

OnyxTay - 29.08.2023 08:29

I think that reference you make to Wonder Woman 1984 is really interesting. These are supposed to be powerful female leads, and the actresses can do a fantastic job at playing a character. The first Wonder Woman movie is amazing. But writers in both circumstances defined them by how they relate to a specific man, giving them no capacity to move on and accept his loss.

Not only does it fuck over other innocent people in-universe, but it also means that these characters end up defined by the men in their lives.

Prince._.Moustachio - 28.08.2023 15:34

They should have asked Hawkeye to talk to Wanda.

Flashy Green x
Flashy Green x - 26.08.2023 00:55

Even if this show wasn’t a marvel show. And it was original with it’s own characters and lore. It would still have a lot of writing problems. Making it at best a mid show at best. But that’s being generous

TheEpicSpire - 21.08.2023 22:27

she suffers from Savant Syndrome, with Magical Aspect. she learns magic on an intuitive level. (see - it is easy to explain. too bad Marvel/Disney can't do their fucking jobs)

alan bray
alan bray - 10.08.2023 11:07

Well Wanda is dead now so who cares?!

Stubbly Tuna
Stubbly Tuna - 30.07.2023 23:43

yo critical drinker cameo, the multiverse is real.

StackOwOFlow - 28.07.2023 08:34

a clip is not a magazine

Jackson Serkies
Jackson Serkies - 19.07.2023 08:22

The Iron Man 3 thing with Mandarin is one of something most comic fans hate. Now don't get me wrong, movies tell their own stories and they absolutely don't need to mirror comics.

But the Mandarin being a fake out villain who was actually just an actor is deliberately getting comic fans hopes up. This isnt something to emulate it's a slap in the face

Commissar Hillman
Commissar Hillman - 17.07.2023 01:15

Watching this after MoM came out is great lol Vision never showed up and Wanda never found out that he was still alive the whole time. So she didn't have to kill America to steal her powers, and she killed a ton of people, the illuminati, other Dr. Strange, random people who got in the way. 😂😂😂

Ao Tako
Ao Tako - 16.07.2023 16:31

Idk why madvocate was mad that Daredevil was cancelled. The show couldn't be ruin like this abomination. So it's not existing is a favor to daredevil fan lmao

Samcats123 - 13.07.2023 14:43

I love this video. But why’d you have to drag my boy Rian into this

Eric - 09.07.2023 22:39

"The town was boring and dusty" "She did them a favor" im so fckn dead💀

ShinySephiroth - 07.07.2023 19:50

What!? Madvocate's a fan of Critical Drinker!? I'm shocked! /s

Fukenzan Fukashada
Fukenzan Fukashada - 07.07.2023 07:34

If I had a nickel for everytime a character named Monika was inexplicably sentient within a simulated reality, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't alot but its strange that it's happened twice!

LordSnurdle - 04.07.2023 19:15

Why couldn’t Wanda just make the hex around her house and when she’s at home, then she could still have her children and Vision and won’t have to go kill the Illuminati from another universe and try to murder America Chavez and Doctor Strange… she could just homeschool the kids or something. Am I wrong in thinking this?

Jett Sett
Jett Sett - 03.07.2023 19:06

I love Cum Man

GHreyLas - 01.07.2023 07:49

Wanda doesn't ever follow rules, even in the comics. She pulls convenient plot devices out of her ass that would make the CW writers shit bricks. I like the character for how much the writers seem to hate her, piling on trauma like it's scoops of ice cream. I also don't think writers understand how fast bullets are, or Billy's powers, cause he could've just made a shield on pure instinct instead of catching a bullet like he's Magneto. I liked the first few episodes of the show, the finale definitely stomped on any rewatch ability, tho.

burnum - 30.06.2023 12:57

Not only that, but even with Far From Home they atleast realized they didn't own where they lived since both of them were considered dead.

Jeremy kyle Fernandes
Jeremy kyle Fernandes - 27.06.2023 15:49

That last line cut deep... "This is what daredevil was cancelled for"

Christopher Gibbons
Christopher Gibbons - 27.06.2023 07:54

It is easy to call these problems bad writing. The truth is it is excellent writing being applied to an impossible task. The stories that the MCU phases are based on are in a completely different order. This has huge consequences. There are parts of certain stores that only make sense if Tony Stark is the head of Shield, which never happens in the movies. He is also supposed to be the outright villain of Civil War. Age of Ultron should have been the last movie. Infinity war should have been phase 1.

This may seem like complaining about not being faithful to the comics, but really it's not. The problem is the producers insistence on keeping one foot in the comics and one foot out.

In movie continuity this is all happening post civil war. The Avengers are part of SHIELD, SWORD is also part of SHIELD, so if it makes sense for the avengers to have Vision's body then it makes sense for SWORD to have it because they are different parts of the same thing.

At the same time the story Wandavision is telling us from long before any of that. It is also a terrible story to try to adapt because almost none of it is appropriate for the MCU. It's literally a story of Wanda having kids with the devil, those kids dying Wanda having her memory erased and then losing her damn mind.

There was simply no hope for an adaptation of this story to have any kind of consistency. There is just too much background story to cover before it could work.

The right move would have been to shelve the Avengers for a while to bring the X-Men into the MCU, and bring Wanda in for the House of M and decimation storylines. Then use those as cover to retcon any continuity errors and bring back the Avengers for secret war and all that. Instead they did the equivalent of giving a carpenter half a ton of toothpicks and asking them to make a sailboat.

BeatBlocksgaming - 27.06.2023 04:28

It had good groundwork with a mystery and unique stylistic choices then as soon as it needed to do the superhero part it all just fell apart

LonelyLama - 27.06.2023 00:03

My main problem with Wanda is that her powers are so inconsistent. I once asked my sister what her powers was and all she could say was "Red Stuff" XD

Retro Boomer
Retro Boomer - 26.06.2023 06:55

There is a direct correlation between Disney buying Marvel and the beginning of terrible writing and storytelling.

Opinion Paladin
Opinion Paladin - 25.06.2023 12:35

So they have tools that can cut corpse vision?

ende - 20.06.2023 04:22

maybe because tony's dead, spider give away the right to own stark property (and somehow pepper also give away the right at somepoint in the future) so SWORD can seperate the vision body for research purpose :v

Pzulio Maccavellion
Pzulio Maccavellion - 14.06.2023 16:51

Right now Billy is probably transgender.... and somehow everyone is cool with that! Bwahahahahaaaaa

Ben Metzger
Ben Metzger - 13.06.2023 20:20

The “insane amount of energy” needed to create vision only sped up the creation. Thors lightning wasn’t needed for vision to be made.

Fullsound - 30.05.2023 14:19

i love how entire phase four can be described by the scene from wandavision where army comes in and says "let these people go you're the danger" and feminist, girl power, overly competent miss woman tells the man "i'm not the one with guns general" *curtain
everything after far from home is the same pathetic and agonizing to watch shit

Abyssal Seal
Abyssal Seal - 28.05.2023 07:46

Lmao, watching the end of this video about two years later of no cum man & the plot for Multiverse of Madness 🤣🤣🤣

Bloodyidit - 19.04.2023 10:54

This show was written by rich people who honestly have no issue with slavery.

Chrome - 08.04.2023 19:19

My wife could not stop laughing at the kazoo avenger's theme.

noobmaster69 - 07.04.2023 13:48

Agents of shield was best show ever from the mcu related to avengers

noobmaster69 - 07.04.2023 13:47

If fitz and simmons were working for sword it would make sesne since i love both of them and they are geniuses who have been known to play with vibranium ai and all that

noobmaster69 - 07.04.2023 13:33

I love you buddy if u find someone who can edit ur video i hope u do or hell tell me which courses to take i will work for u but ur work needs to be done

David Aguilar
David Aguilar - 31.03.2023 21:17

Petition to make every single wanda fan in the world to see this, because they need to be fucking humbled.
