How long is EVERY Warframe farm in 2023? | Warframe

How long is EVERY Warframe farm in 2023? | Warframe


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I Gede Yogadita Widiana Darma
I Gede Yogadita Widiana Darma - 24.09.2023 15:40

Limbo is the most powerful Warframe, but the most anoying in multiplayer.
Sometimes I forgot I can foce my slf out from rift

Joshua Block
Joshua Block - 21.09.2023 17:25

i thought equinox was gonna be an 8 star ngl.. i hated that grind. that was awful.

Treska - 20.09.2023 20:17

slightly disagree with yareli considering you have to grind vent kids standing and I also think it's a little unfair to assume everyone has access to a fully expanded dojo

Darren - 18.09.2023 20:47

i still have an extra 9 rhino chassis and 3 systems. having to do the same mission over and over for 15 times before getting one neuroptics damn near killed my enthusiasm for the game. if I hadn't had my friends convincing me to stay i probably would've quit right there and then. they really need to make some kind of rng protection

Quanithan - 18.09.2023 03:37

amazon prime jus gave away octavia

Axostix - 16.09.2023 15:39

In my opinion Rhino should receive maximum stars after my friend and I farmed the Jackal for bout 6 hours at 4 minutes per run ._. frick rhino systems man ;w;

SethTheNightGamer - 16.09.2023 11:38

Um doesn't vauban require a crap load of nitain extract which you can only get from nightwave I'm sure getting all of that warrants at least 1 full star imo

Safetyman99 - 14.09.2023 15:39

The hardest frame for me to obtain was Nidus. Not only do you have to grind through a mission that no one wants to do (even Clan friends), but the RNG is horrible and the systems just wouldn't drop for me. Khora was similar -- 8 rounds of Sanctuary Onslaught, then disappointment that the part didn't drop.

chichoskruch21 - 14.09.2023 13:29

I farmed literally half a year for regular equinox LOL ;(

Stu And Other Brawlers
Stu And Other Brawlers - 13.09.2023 04:47

My frames in order: Volt, vauban, limbo, banshee, Ivara, umbra, ember, harrow prime, next goal is sevagoth 💀

D Mann
D Mann - 09.09.2023 22:09

It took me almost fifty attempts to get a Trinity Systems. I was about to send in a bug report to DE, asking if they had removed it from the game by accident, when I finally got them. I never want to fight Ambulas ever again.

danphilips - 07.09.2023 19:41

Waiting for grendel prime (alteady subsume the normal)

Cchorro - 06.09.2023 05:18

I honestly, have never hated a farm so much as vorunas and citrines farm, but especiallu vorunas

AceGrip_22 - 06.09.2023 03:25

the fact that some prime frames are easier to get than their basic counterparts :D

clorb - 03.09.2023 07:04

Love the fact you play as the frame you are talking about in the background gameplay

The Quote Compass
The Quote Compass - 01.09.2023 13:59

And thats why i dont farm recent warframes, getting plat for them is much faster xD

JuanmaRailgun - 01.09.2023 00:27

Excuse me, did you say that Gyre resources are obtainable along the way? What is Thrax plasm?

I'm currently farming my second Gyre for Helminth and it took a solid 2 hours of Void Cascade to get enough for EACH piece.
I've come to the realization I must never farm thrax plasm without a resource booster.

Also I remember getting all parts of Gyre the first time after a huge hour investment l, only to find I had like 70-ish Plasm (of almost 1000 required)

Liam-E C-M
Liam-E C-M - 31.08.2023 20:41

This puts into context how good the circuit is

Nero - 31.08.2023 13:20

for those Extreme Farming frame id just suggest to spend time Opening relics and selling stuff for plat to buy the frame.

Another Ayush Raj
Another Ayush Raj - 30.08.2023 07:42

Some of these Warframes are easier to get as a Prime lol

jeremiah lemke
jeremiah lemke - 27.08.2023 17:18

well... most the early frames are capable, some of them are quite bad

Ex Zwei
Ex Zwei - 27.08.2023 16:51

with the duviri update this video is outdated already, with Circuit mode you can choose which frame you own or not within week rotation, but yea getting the parts manually especially Equinox would be a hassle if you have a bad luck

Flap Flap
Flap Flap - 26.08.2023 19:42

I had 34 runs until I finally stopped getting duplicate parts and could finally acquire the regular version of footless booty. So many hours on a semi-eidolon boss fight…

PromethiaSHADOW - 24.08.2023 03:43

My first two frames have been Excalibur and Volt. I have blue print parts for others
Edit: I have now added mag to my list of acquired warframes

Egg Of Wah
Egg Of Wah - 23.08.2023 06:11

why does grendel need so many fish to craft... he's a warframe...

ZIGNIMUS - 21.08.2023 20:10

I've set myself the goal of obtaining every frame in the game (regular not primed)

Darkfiregod 1
Darkfiregod 1 - 18.08.2023 18:45

Moral of Story: "Just get Prime"

Bernardo Pérez
Bernardo Pérez - 15.08.2023 00:50

I remember the time when Equinox was the hardest warframe to obtain, oh the good old days.

Eleiyas B
Eleiyas B - 13.08.2023 07:09

So, would you put Citrine at the same tier as Voruna? her farm is just as tedious, if not more, due to being defense instead of survival, but it's available much earlier. would also like to hear your thoughts on Kullervo

Drecalen - 12.08.2023 20:44

I would love a list that excludes the softlock time it takes to farm all warframes. I want a list showing the raw actual time you have to devote to getting each one.

Christopher Anderson
Christopher Anderson - 11.08.2023 19:26

Oh.. well I am glad I got Styanax for free. I don't remember how, but I did lol.

jago juice
jago juice - 10.08.2023 21:32

my god y is styanax, a frame i got for free the hardest to farm? so dumb lol

Daniel Gonzalez
Daniel Gonzalez - 07.08.2023 21:36

I cant stand with caliban farm, i just bought him with platinum because i am not waiting like 12 hours to have the CHANCE to farm him

Mehless Midori
Mehless Midori - 07.08.2023 07:16

The fact that you ranked EQUINOX at a mere 3⭐ leaves me schmeckledorfed.

VenomBio - 04.08.2023 17:29

Its also funny to me like some of the clans are taking this game way too seriously , they literaly called me on discord and asked many questions , why did you come here , are you casual , do you have iron road , do you come here daily , even tho they had ,,casuals are welcome here" they did not allowed me to join without paying them for using any shop.
I just dont understand those clans

DokkanBR - 03.08.2023 22:40

I needed a whole week for equinox fucking hate that warframe

Reymi Ricard
Reymi Ricard - 02.08.2023 20:55

The only one that I disagree with, equinox should be twelve stars. Her RNG is ridiculous, I have been playing on, and off for 7 years, and have yet to complete the farm for her frame. I gave up, and bought her a few years back. Tried again to finish her farm after the helminth dropped, and ended up buying her a second time! Lol

I Climb Everything
I Climb Everything - 01.08.2023 20:14

I got all of garas parts in 4 runs. The first part I farmed took 2 runs. First frame for me. Warframe is awesome

Nox - 01.08.2023 19:50

I got protea by doing 29 runs i got lucky

Sulfius Embergray
Sulfius Embergray - 31.07.2023 15:28

As someone who's played Warframe since Operation Fusion MOA it feels a bit surreal to see how some warframes went from piss easy to acquire relatively early (e.g. Oberon, Ash, Trinity etc.) to being relatively grindy compared to when you can start farming them

Pugg Wubble
Pugg Wubble - 30.07.2023 03:50

And that boys is why you buy Mesa prime

PrimeMrCosmic - 28.07.2023 11:48

1thing to note when it comes to resources is Nitain, one of the hardest to get resources and a lot of frames require it.

Utolsó ゴジラ Kecske Lovag
Utolsó ゴジラ Kecske Lovag - 27.07.2023 11:03

So I'm in still very early game. But at least I have Styanax

Albertalo - 26.07.2023 18:37

What about Nekros?

archfiendzekrom - 26.07.2023 14:01

I feel yarle or how ever it’s spelt is way to low since it requires you to get specific resources from that open world space

Chris Anderson
Chris Anderson - 24.07.2023 20:02

I got so incredibly unlucky with khora at ~150 runs to c rotation to get all of her blueprints.

Max Stachura
Max Stachura - 24.07.2023 08:44

Kullervo is here and has shot up to the upper section of the list

hpoonis2010 - 18.07.2023 08:48

Vauban is NOT 100% free. You get the systems print but not the frame blueprint. The blueprint for the warframe is 300 platinum. See, now I am wondering what game you are playing. Limbo is also NOT credits in the market. In fact, looking there, I see NO warframes available for credits.

D3ADLYF3AR - 18.07.2023 05:21

I’m a 1 in a thousand runner for rhino took me a solid hour of speed farming with a group
